Riever’s Heart by Renee Wildes

Riever’s Heart by Renee Wildes
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (203 pages)
Other: M/F, Voyeurism, masturbation
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Spiderwort

The warrior in her was ready for anything. But she never saw him coming…

Guardians of Light, Book 5

Verdeen is on the brink of becoming an elite warrior ranger until the ultimate humiliation—no war mare chooses her for advanced training. King Loren’s consolation prize isn’t much better. Journey to the Isle of Ice as bodyguard to a human riever. Daq Aryk. Barbarian. Prince of thieves.

Aryk dreams the impossible: unite six fractious clans into a peaceful nation. Failure means they are all doomed to kill each other off—and the nightmares of his son’s death by sword will come true. The new elven ambassador rouses his ire, not because she’s female, but because she’s inexperienced. Her possibly needless death weighs on his already overburdened soul. Her beauty is a distraction he can’t afford.

In a fragrant, moonlit garden, Verdeen dares yield to an irresistible compulsion to kiss the mortal riever. The heat shakes her to the core, and frees a desire that should occur but once in her life. With a mate.

As their quest twists down ever more dangerous paths, though, their bond is the asset that could assure peace…or the liability that could send a dream down in flames.

Destiny Awaits. How like a woman to use a man’s words against him.

As a novel in the fantasy genre, Renee Wildes’ Riever’s Heart follows the expected formula almost to the last element. There are rampaging barbarians, noble elves, and even a half-dragon ruler within the pages of this romantic quest, and the journey is a noble one: to unite the warring hordes under a single rule to bring peace to the sundered lands.

However, at times, the execution of the plot feels a little too much like a forced march into the awaiting destiny that faces the story’s heroes. Verdeen, the elven warrior maid, is petulant and often comes across as spoiled, which is not at all the same as the strong, independent woman she could have been. Aryk’s noble and generous nature – especially in his awakening of Verdeen’s sexuality – at times becomes overshadowed by his lust, and this somehow seems to confound the development of his character. While I realise this is a product of the manner of their relationship, the lack of subtlety in the use of this character’s inner conflict risks endangering the reader/hero relationship. The single, biggest interruption to my enjoyment and engagement with the story, though, was that much of the narrative voice is written in a very self-conscious, ‘old worldly’ language. The use of such words as ‘Twas, afeared and betwixt is fine in dialogue, but it feels jarring and out of place when it appears as part of the general narrative as it does here. It feels like a vehicle by which we, as readers are being forced to identify with characters whose own actions should make us care about them enough to feel with them.

While that sounds all rather negative, the pace of the novel keeps those considerations from becoming overwhelming. The faithful adherence to all the well loved elements of both the fantasy, and the romance genres mitigates the d20 fumbles, (and fantasy role play gamers are probably the only ones who’ll truly ‘get’ that reference), and the attention to detail in the battle scenes, which fit perfectly within the telling of the tale, are more than strong enough to help carry the story forward. Lastly, and by absolutely no means least, the sexual tension underlying the whole of the novel remains high throughout, and the intimate scenes between Verdeen and Aryk are scorching hot, often unresolved (until the end), and tease unmercifully to leave both the characters and the readers desperately wanting more.

If fantasy set within a burning romance is what you like, or smouldering sensuality and strong, fiery sex in a brutal fantasy world is what you’re looking for, then Riever’s Heart will probably strike you just as true as one of Verdeen’s arrows.

Bump ‘N Grind by Sam Cheever

Bump ‘N Grind by Sam Cheever
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (130 pgs)
Other: M/F, exhibitionism, light BDSM
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Dianthus

Felicia Jeffries is turning forty-five and her friends have dragged her to a male strip club to celebrate. She’d prefer to be hiding in a dark corner. Instead, she finds herself on stage, dirty dancing with a sexy hottie whose smoldering glances tell Felicia that he couldn’t care less about the difference in their ages.

Garrett Holcomb has always liked older women. He enjoys convincing them that their bodies’ natural changes are sexy. When Felicia slides her attractive body against his in the dance club, he knows they’re meant to be together.

But someone else doesn’t think their love is healthy. And he’ll do anything to make sure they miss out on the future they want together. Including nearly murdering a man and pinning the attack on Garrett.

Does age ever really matter? Or is personality and character enough to make up for a few years either way? This has been a question that has plagued many over the years and is an important part to this story. Our two main characters couldn’t be more different, but that is also part of the attraction that sparks the pages of this book aflame.

Felicia, our heroine, is a newly divorced woman turning a pivotal age and is ready to let loose (in a controlled way of course) with a night out on the town with her best friends. But Felicia doesn’t expect to meet a man who can make her want to beg for his attention and set her skin on fire with his touch. This is all new territory for her, and not something she is completely comfortable with in the beginning. But someone is trying to make decisions for her, trying to convince her that this life change is bad and that just makes Felicia want it even more. Can being in the arms of this man free her or will it make an outsider in their relationship enraged enough to kill?

Garrett has always had a thing for older women, their curves, their minds, everything about them revs his engine. The calm controlled beauty of Felicia is exactly what he has been looking for. But will his secret past and her apprehension to their relationship fizzle the fire or make it burn hotter? And once Felicia is threatened, to what extent is Garrett willing to go to get the woman of his dreams?

This book was something different for me, but in the end I found it quite enjoyable. The characters were well rounded and the plot had just enough suspense to keep me page turning until the end. I only wish the story would have had more meat to it about the developing relationship between Garrett and Felicia. Sam Cheever is a talented author, however, and is someone I will definitely look for when it comes time to shop for more books. Anyone looking for a good read will enjoy this story.

Stowaway by Becky Black

Stowaway by Becky Black
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (160 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Cactus

The capture of stowaway Kit Miller brings some rare excitement to the life of Raine, security chief on a deep space cargo freighter. Kit’s a fugitive, a shameless flirt and the sexiest man Raine’s ever seen, but Raine’s determined to resist him. Getting involved with Kit would be inappropriate and Raine prides himself on his rigid principles.

To Kit, Raine is just another authority figure like the ones who’ve screwed him over before, so he can’t work out why Raine makes him feel so safe. Why the muscle-bound hunk makes him so hot is easier to understand.

Eventually, desire overcomes their wariness and they begin a passionate and mostly secret affair. When Kit proves his loyalty to the crew and the ship and Raine shows Kit he’s not the kind of man Kit assumed he was, their feelings grow deeper. But the end of the voyage is looming and they face losing each other forever unless Raine is ready to give up all he’s worked for to love a lawbreaking stowaway.

Good things can come from the worst plans. Accused thief Kit is on the run and just happens to stowaway on a cargo ship. His plan isn’t very good, they never are, and soon enough Kit is caught by sexy security chief Raine. Although Raine should remember that Kit is a thief, he’s overwhelmed by their chemistry, Kit’s good looks, and his own lust. The two men give into their passion but Raine can’t help wondering if he’s jeopardizing his career and duty and Kit knows he’ll have to say goodbye to Raine before his next escape attempt.

Stowaway is a fun book to read but it’s a very classic style romance. The plot is predictable and often reminiscent of older Harlequin type books. The characters frequently act against common sense or their own training. I spent a lot of the book saying “no one would do that.” Or “they wouldn’t say that.” Additionally, although the story is technically a futuristic, outer space story it lacks any real world building. The various details are sparse and often generic, such as repeated litany of kitchen chores, without any indication this is another world or another time. It feels very normal and everyday.

There are plenty of good parts, too, though. The book is very easy to read and the pages really fly by. The author has a knack for sucking me into the story, regardless of the fact that it’s nothing unique or different. The writing is easy and the tone light. The story doesn’t take itself too seriously, which is nice and helped keep my attention.

I wouldn’t suggest picking up Stowaway if you’re looking for a complicated or intricate space opera. The real strengths of the story come in the inherent charm and easy writing. The secondary characters are interesting and not just page fillers while the main couple never quite seemed realistic but are fun to read nonetheless. Stowaway is a story I’d recommend if you’re in the mood for an easy, light, classical romance.

Book of Daniel by Z.A. Maxfield

Book of Daniel by Z.A. Maxfield
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (200 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Cactus

Daniel Livingston is finally free. He’s come clean about his passionless marriage and moved to St. Nacho’s where he can spend time with his brother. Now he’s ready explore the endless sexual buffet being hot and rich and single has to offer.

The problem is a firefighter named Cameron Rooney who haunts his every waking thought and half his dreams. No doubt about it. Cam is going to require a level of honesty Dan has never before considered, and in order to achieve that, he will have to turn his life inside out. Coming clean to his ex-wife will cost him money, doing right by St. Nacho’s will anger his business partner, and exploring a painful family secret will hurt the one person Dan has sworn to protect.

Cam’s faith in Dan is tested and Dan’s belief in himself is nearly non-existent. In the end, forging a new path could cost him everything or net him the most important score of his life in The Book Of Daniel.

Sometimes you get what you need and not what you want. At least that seems to be what is happening for Daniel. Stuck in St. Nacho’s while he rehabs his crushed arm, Daniel can’t seem to catch a break. He unintentionally disappoints his newly engaged brother Jake, and Daniel’s on-again, off-again animosity with sexy firefighter Cam is a bumpy road. Add in a long lost dying father, more accidents than anyone should handle, and a ton of misunderstandings and the result lands Daniel frequently in the hot seat. He keeps trying to get out of trouble but each attempt only lands him deeper in the mud.

Book of Daniel is the fourth book in the St. Nacho’s series by ZA Maxfield. Long time fans of the series will definitely want to read this one and any newcomers shouldn’t worry because each book in the series can be read as a stand-alone. In fact it almost reads better as such as frequently the characters seem to change from book to book and so reading without those preconceived ideas may actually help. Book four picks up with the story about Daniel and Cam and it’s a rocky romance. The romance between the two men runs hot and cold with numerous misunderstandings even as Daniel spends the majority of the book on his knees begging for forgiveness again and again.

Unfortunately this doesn’t always work as Daniel is painted as a selfish cad, but his actions never quite seem that way. We’re told more than shown Daniel’s supposed horrible character but I never quite bought into that. Additionally, the story throws in a lot of different plot points. There are simply too many and some don’t really make sense with the context of the story. They seem too easy and manufactured. The timeline at the end jumps around wildly without much explanation and includes pretty big leaps in logic that are difficult to follow and furthermore relate to the point of the story.

On the positive side, the descriptive quality is pretty high and pure Maxfield. The great St. Nacho’s setting that stars so well in each story is on display here and the various secondary characters easily charm once again. The writing is good and very engaging, even if the characters and their romance wasn’t as much. I wish the plot had been tighter with a much more linear and cohesive storyline and characterization. This is a good book in the series but not the best. Fans of the series won’t want to miss it but newcomers may be better off starting with the real gem of the series, the first book. Still, I’m glad I read this book.

Bound by Law by S.E. Jakes

Bound by Law by S.E. Jakes
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (146 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/M, M/M/M, Ménage, Anal Play
Rating: 3 Cherries
Reviewed by Apple Blossom

The one man he can’t forget is the one whose memories could destroy them all.

Men of Honor, Book 2

After the one man he trusted disappeared, it took Law Connor ten years to take a chance on another relationship. Trouble is, right about the time he’s finally ready to let go of the past, the past stages a hostile takeover.

Back when they were teens, Styx was the boy with no memory. He and Law had each other’s backs until he was forced to leave to keep Law safe. Now a CIA agent, he’s finally discovered who he is, and why he’s a hunted man.

Detective Paulo McMannus has almost succeeded in helping Law forget his lost love when Styx comes plowing back into their lives. No way is Paulo giving up his lover without a fight.

Suddenly Law finds himself on the run with Styx, the man who can still bring him to his knees…and with Paulo, the man who brought him back to life. The worst part? He can’t choose between them. And it’s getting harder to remember why he should.

Coming home never felt so good.

The author created exceptional characters in this book and took lots of time explaining in detail the developing relationships while still being able to explain the past relationships. As a result, the story and the plot was difficult to get into but once I made it past the first two chapters, the characters were more defined and the plot was easier to follow.

The author zeroed in on one of the main heroes in greater depth which allowed me to connect with him and his feelings on an entirely different level.

By the middle of the book I was rooting for the heroes and got so involved, I wished I could have helped them as they dealt with suspense, adventure and love.

Bound by Law was slow at the start but built up to an amazing finish. Everyone should take the time to read it. This author has developed, supported and created heroes that you will root for, love and crave for more.

Wounded Cowboy by Jan Irving

Wounded Cowboy by Jan Irving
Publisher: Total-E-Bound Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (99 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Coreopsis

When Charlie Danvers finds Luka, a beautiful scarred man with silken black hair and feral green eyes, naked and freezing in an April snowstorm, he takes him home to his lonely cabin, unaware the man who can’t sleep in a bed or use cutlery is far more than he seems.

Wolf-shifter Luka is dying. He survived captivity and abuse from the brutal pack that killed his family, holding out because of dreams of a man with big, gentle hands. When Charlie Danvers finds a beautiful scarred man with long silken black hair and feral green eyes, naked and freezing in an April snowstorm, he takes him home to his lonely cabin and will do anything to heal him.

At first, Luka is afraid, even of Charlie. He has nightmares and can’t sleep in a bed like a normal person and he can’t even figure out how to use a knife and fork at Charlie’s table. But Charlie’s patience is rewarded as Luka slowly comes out of his shattered pain, helping Charlie take care of the other wounded creatures on his nature reserve.

Love can blossom even when all hopes seems lost and for Charlie and Luka it’s their hope and strength that lead them to a love worth fighting for. This is the fourth installment of Jan Irving’s Uncommon Cowboys series and she takes the readers on a journey through the darkest actions suffered upon a person and the struggles they go through to overcome their fears.

Luka is a werewolf on the run from an abusive pack. My heart wept for this character. The things this young shifter had suffered through would have broken most people but it’s his faith in his dreams of a man, a man he calls the healer, that keep him going. Through the pages of Wounded Cowboy I get to see Luka grow, become stronger, and start to believe in himself all from the love of a gentle man.

Charlie, like Luka, is standoffish but for different reasons. Charlie is a man who is a loner; he likes to be around people but prefers the sanctuary of his animal preserve on his quiet mountain. When Charlie is first introduced he’s the strong one, taking care of Luka and helping the man he found in the snow. But further in the story their roles change and Luka becomes the assertive, aggressive one and Charlie the submissive. The author did a good job describing Charlie’s attraction to Luka and his need to loved and dominated by Luka. The sexual encounters between Luka and Charlie are definitely a toe curler.

In all great love stories trouble doesn’t linger far behind. The pack that held Luka captive comes looking for him and when push comes to shove, Luka shines and dominates. The love of a mate is a powerful thing and in this story the reader is taken step by step of Luka’s transition from being the scared abused wolf to a powerful man, willing to do all it takes to keep his mate and pack safe.

The one thing in this story that bothered me was the way Luka was a constant contradiction to himself. He was abused and assaulted for over half his life and one minute he would be against anything sexual. He proclaimed it was ugly but then in the next instant he was all over Charlie and wanting him sexually. This was an occurrence that happened more than once in the book. I felt it hard to believe that this character who had suffered so much could so easily change his mind so quickly in regards to something he felt so strongly about.

This book is fourth in the series and could be read as a standalone but I would recommend reading the first three beforehand. References are made to previous characters and it helps explains some things stated in this book becaues it gives the reader a better clarification for some of the tension between characters.

Overall I found Wounded Cowboy an entertaining fast paced read. I’m a fan of Mrs. Irving’s work and would recommend her to all readers.

Stealing Hearts by Susan Ashworthy

Stealing Hearts by Susan Ashworthy
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Short Story (89 pgs)
Other: M/F, M/F/F, F/F, Bondage, Toys, Spanking, Anal, menage, multiple partners
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Dianthus

Jason doesn’t know what possessed him to give Jennifer his great-grandmother’s locket. She dumped him the second he mentioned marriage, and refuses to return the family heirloom. Desperate, he tests his amateur thieving skills when Jennifer goes out of town—and finds himself at the business end of a gun wielded by a gorgeous stranger. Jennifer’s new roommate reluctantly helps Jason cover up his bungled burglary. New plan—seduce the roommate into helping him steal the locket.

Alison suspects Jason is just using her, but that’s fine. She has her own agenda, which involves using her roommate’s studly ex for a little fun between the sheets. Casual sex turns into dating, and the more Alison falls for Jason, the more she wants to rip that locket off her undeserving roommate’s scrawny neck!

Soon a risky plan emerges, one that could gain them the locket…but cause them to lose something far more precious.

If you enjoy reading a story that’s light, funny, but still has great chemistry, tension and enough twists to keep you engaged than this is the story for you. For the reader that wants a little bit of everything from a book, thievery, sexual tension, blackmail, emotions, and buck shot than Susan Ashworthy’s works are something to keep in mind when looking for a new book to read.

The three main characters, Jason, Alison and Jennifer are all after something different from each other and as the story progresses hearts are broken and united in the search of love, happiness, and a family heirloom. This book felt almost like a story that someone would say about a friend of a friend who once had something funny happen to them, and the novelty of the idea was good and certainly made the reading of it enjoyable but it wasn’t something that I could see happening in real life without real consequences.

Jason Douglas, the male lead, only wants what is his back from his ex-girlfriend, Jennifer, and in exchange ends up falling for her new roommate Alison. Though their relationship was initially forged as a way of helping one another to reach an ultimate goal, hearts get involved and even with gun shots and NASCAR faux pas love blooms between him and Alison.

This is a cute story that kept me enthralled the entire time and I had a very hard time putting it down until I saw how it ended, even though HEAs are common in the romance field this one kept you guessing until the end if it was going to happen or not. Susan Ashworthy is an author to watch out for, her wit and way with words will take her far and gather a following quickly.

Go Deep by Juniper Bell

Go Deep by Juniper Bell
Publisher: Elllora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (104 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Ménage, Toys, Spanking, Voyeurism
Rating: 3.5 cherries
Reviewed by Mistletoe

Beth is the shy, dreamy type. No one guesses at the wild sexual thoughts she hides behind that quiet façade. She doesn’t even share her secret longings with her husband.

Gavin loves his wife, but he’s tired of living in a marriage in which neither he nor Beth reveal their true desires. When Gavin sees Beth’s response to an erotic bondage photo in her framing shop, he jumps at the opportunity to break through her barriers.

He accepts an invitation to a showcase match for the amateur hockey team he coaches during Wild Nights, an infamous winter festival during which “anything goes, nothing counts”. But he’s opened a sensual Pandora’s box—Beth has some surprises of her own. When she meets Eagle, a free-spirited Wild resident, she knows he’s the perfect man to help enact her erotic fantasies. And once they go deep, there’s no going back.

I really liked the idea of this book. A woman sees a photograph and becomes enamored with it to the point of distraction. Her husband finds her response as something to investigate. Gavin and Beth are a happily married couple. Yet she has always been taught by her mother to hold everything inside but now years after her mothers passing Gavin is done waiting. He is tired of holding back and he wants to see the real woman behind Beth’s façade. When Gavin sees Beth’s reaction to the photo he comes up with a plan to bring her out. Has Gavin pushed too hard or will he unleash the real Beth?

The love that Gavin and Beth have is a deep one and it only gets stronger as the story progresses. It was nice to see two people who have been together for sometime find themselves and discover who their partners really are. I enjoyed watching Beth come out of her cocoon. Once she embraces her sexuality there is no stopping her. My only complaint was how naïve Beth seems to be. She takes things to the extreme when it comes to sex and her sexuality. Her mother has drummed the idea of how bad it is into her head so much that Beth has lost her own self. It made some of Beth’s actions come off as childish and annoying at times. I understand that this is the point to the story but some of it was a bit too much for me.

Although I may not have connected with Beth, I did enjoy this story. Gavin is a great alpha male who wears his heart on his sleeve when it concerns Beth, and Eagle is a wonderful addition that I hope to see again in another book. This author is a great storyteller and brought me into Gavin and Beth’s world right from the first page. This book is a nice read about a young woman finding herself and taking the courage to embrace her sexuality.

Fire Wolf by Anh Leod

Fire Wolf by Anh Leod
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Publishing
Genre: Action/Adventure, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery, Contemporary
Length: Short Story (76 pgs)
Other: M/F, Voyeurism
Rating: 3 Cherries
Reviewed by Apple Blossom

Divorcee Olivia has had her eye on much younger firefighter Smokie Monahan. She propositions him, never realizing he’s had it bad for her since he first saw her luscious bod in a bikini a decade before. She plans a brief, hot, sexy encounter at the firehouse—in, out, done. But that quickly turns into a series of lusty hook-ups that neither can resist.

Smokie is a wolf shapeshifter, so he knows the scorching sex with a human isn’t going to lead to anything more. Besides, Olivia insists it’s just a fling—no more relationships for her. Then a mystical seer declares they are true mates.

Smokie thinks he’s too young to settle down and Olivia thinks hot sex does not equal love. These two are about to discover just how pleasurable being stuck with each other for life can be.

Where there’s smoke there’s fire, right? How about a smoking hot fireman and a sexy older lady? This story isn’t just about a handsome hunk of a man but a wolf in disguise. The author jumps right into a steamy, sexy, panty-wetting sex scene and continues that heat as it goes on throughout the book. As I got to know the characters in the story, I also figured out the plot as the storyline is slightly hidden within the sex scenes.

The author has some time sequence issues that will lose the non attentive or easily distracted reader but the book overall was an easy read. As it progresses, the plot and the characters become clearer and I really enjoyed the second half of the book more so than the first.

The author hooked me initially with the sex scenes then lost me in the time jumping sequences. The writing pulled me back into the book to end on a strong point.

Fire Wolf was hot and sexy from the first sentence to the very last one. Just a suggestion: if you are reading this make sure you have a way to cool off, because you’re going to need it.

Night of the Dragon by Alexandra O’Hurley

Night of the Dragon by Alexandra O’Hurley
Publisher: Evernight Publisher
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal
Length: Short Story (72 pages)
Other: BDSM, M/F/M, M/F, menage, anal sex
Rating: 3 cherries
Reviewed by Bittersweet

A Berserker Mate’s Story, 1

Ryden and Rayne are Berserkers, immortal warriors wrought of Odin’s lightning. They are cursed to walk the Earth for one thousand years without finding love. And then they smell her…

Karli is a manager for an amusement park, and during her daily tour, she runs across the most incredible men she has ever laid eyes on. The erotic visions swirling in her head push her to the edge, and she cannot ignore the two virile men.

But can anything develop between the Berserkers and their mate with a hunter sworn to keep them apart on their trail?

Night of the Dragon by Alexandra O’Hurley is an intense short story. The novel kept me captivated from the beginning until the final chapters. The ending may not have been as exciting as the beginning in regards to the main characters, but Ms. O’Hurley made it interesting by setting the mood for what’s to come in future berserkers novels. She did an excellent job at it because I can hardly wait to read about the rest of the Berserkers. There is also some mystery in the novel because I can’t help wondering who “B” is and if she will play any further role in any of the upcoming stories.

The first thing I loved about Night of the Dragon was the name Ryden. It’s very original and it has a sexy tone to it. The second thing that urged me to read on was the heart-wrenching first chapter. I felt like I was out there with the berserkers, fighting against that evil woman.

The third great thing about this novel is its descriptions. I particularly adored how the author described the first glimpse that Karli had of the men. I was almost as nervous as the character, perhaps even more! It was some fantastic bit of descriptive writing.

The banter that Karli had with the men throughout the story had a natural flow that provided the story with an anchor to reality, a nice touch, considering all the supernatural elements it had. Speaking of which, I think a little more insight on Odin, Freyja, the Valkiria or the Valhalla, would perhaps serve those readers that know nothing about Norse mythology and who might be confused about the importance of these characters.

Finally, Ms. O’Hurley writes some great sex scenes. One noteworthy scene is the one where the men take Karli for the first time: a cave, bondage, furs…yummy!

All in all, Night of the Dragon is a good, fast, hot read that doesn’t disappoint.