Top Ten Tuesday: Ten Things I Loved About Waiting for Spring

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I wrote a glowing five-star review for Sonya Rhen‘s Waiting For Spring from the Jelly Beans and Spring Things Series a while  ago.  Shayla is the protagonist, and the setting is an annual spring parade where she happens catches the attention of a handsome stranger this time around.

Here are ten things I loved about that short story:

1. Shayla’s kindness extended to everyone, including herself.

2. The romance was an unexpected but welcomed surprise in her life.

3. There can never be enough stories about parades in my opinion.

4. A plot twist that I will not go into detail about here was a delightful surprise.

5. Plenty of room was left for a sequel if one is ever written.

6. The belly dancing. I know almost nothing about that style of dance, so it was fun to learn more.

7. Procrastination as a plot device. Let’s just say that Shayla struggles with this flaw and it does play into how the parade works out for her.

8. Resourcefulness as a plot device. She is also a resourceful person, though, and I enjoyed seeing how she solved a problem of her own doing while under a time crunch!

9. The important of great body language. Parades aren’t exactly the best place for a conversation, but smiles and winks can go a long way in communicating one’s intentions.

10. The crowd’s energy. Half of the fun of parades is seeing how people react to them!

If you like contemporary romance – or even if you’re like me and only occasionally dip into that genre –  I highly recommend checking out this tale. It was delightful.