Snowed In by Freddy MacKay


Snowed In by Freddy MacKay
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (167 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Bittersweet

When their families celebrate Christmas, George receives one request from his boyfriend’s little sister–break up with her brother. Matters are only complicated when she finds an impulsively purchased gift he picked up for Max.

When their families celebrate Christmas at his parents’ cabin, George receives one request from his boyfriend’s little sister, Courtney–break up with her brother. George is devastated that the cute as a button high school freshman has gone from loving to hating him with no explanation as to why, and insecurities about his relationship with Max rear their ugly head.

Max tries to distract and comfort George, but Courtney becomes more hostile and less festive by the minute, upsetting everyone in the house. George leaves to do some last minute shopping and to give Courtney some space only to run into his ex-boyfriend, which further complicates everything.

Sometimes mixing Christmas with family is a toxic combination.

Snowed In started out strong. A 14-year-old girl, Courtney, questioning her brother’s boyfriend about safe sex- it was easy to imagine and laugh about the awkwardness. However, as it turns out, the story became a bit predictable for me. Especially when it came to Courtney, her modus operandi and why she had an aversion to George and Max dating.

Regardless, I did enjoy the novel. The relationship between George and Max, which seems to have started in an earlier book, is strong and the author aptly conveys just how well Max understands his partner. The sex between them ranges between incredibly hot and sweet and was a pleasure to read. Furthermore, Freddy Mackay makes Snowed In more than a Christmas read as she also touches upon real life issues such as gay discrimination, safe sex, consequences and hiding from ourselves and our feelings. Though the general plot is expected, the author has a knack for describing the tense moments as well as the happy ones.

Finally, the end of Snowed In surprised me. Though it is not sad, it left a bittersweet taste in my mouth. Overall, Snowed In was a nice read with a few life lessons included.

Lessons for Lewis by Amber Kell


Lessons for Lewis by Amber Kell
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (120 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Lewis Larson thinks he’ll settle down with a woman and have a bunch of children… eventually. Vampire John Lesley and a trio of babies change Lewis’s plan.

Lewis Larson thinks he’ll have a female mate. His goal to eventually settle down with a woman and have a bunch of children hits a snag when a sexy vampire crosses his path.

John Lesley knows he wants the adorable werekin as soon as he sees him. Unfortunately, convincing a commitment shy wolf to bond with a vampire proves difficult when family, enemies, and a trio of babies gets involved.

Sometimes you can’t run from your destiny. Lewis’ vision of his future is pretty simple – find a woman, settle down, and have children. That’s thrown into doubt when a sexy, incredible smelling vampire sets his sights on Lewis. John isn’t anything Lewis thought he wanted in a mate but he can’t deny their explosive chemistry. The road to true love is never easy though.

Lessons for Lewis is the second book in the Larson Legacy series. The first book is about Lewis’ brother Tam and his vampire mate. However you don’t have to have read the first book to understand and follow along in the series. The basic plot is simplistic with Lewis and John circling each other. Both want to be together but some outside influences and misunderstandings have to be worked through first before they can finally be together. The quick novella relies heavily on misunderstandings and character inconsistency rather than a well developed concept and plot.

The characters are very one-dimensional and extremely inconsistent. They act in whatever way the story needs in order to create tension or misunderstanding. For example Lewis starts out not wanting anything to do with John because he’s a guy and a vampire. But out of the blue, Lewis decides they’ll have sex and see where the relationship goes. Then when John isn’t ready to commit the instant they share bodily fluids, Lewis is angry and upset. These kinds of back and forth irrational behaviors extend to almost all the characters. Overall this creates an atmosphere where none of the characters act in an authentic, genuine way. Instead they’re manipulated to suit what the book and author wants. It’s not a fleshed out, well-written romance.

On the other hand what does work well is the hot chemistry, quick pace, and strong sense of family dynamics. The instant mate/sex/love idea is a hallmark of Ms. Kell’s and used in all of her stories, so fans of the author will not only like this but likely be looking for the concept. I don’t think this is one of Ms. Kell’s better books but if readers are looking for Lewis’ happy ending they’ll likely want to read this one if only for the hot sex alone.

The Angel’s Fall by Rebecca Leigh


The Angel’s Fall by Rebecca Leigh
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (34 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Archangel Michael has spent centuries watching a single soul. This Christmas season, everything changes when Michael encounters Darcy, the soul’s current host. Together, the two explore the passions that have waited lifetimes to be realized.

Sometimes a leap of faith is the only way to your destiny. Archangel Michael has been watching the same soul for a long time – months, years, decades, centuries. He’s watched it travel between men and women, all the while loving the soul more every day. Finally he can’t take the distance anymore, needing and wanting to be with the soul so very much. He’s even willing to give up his life as an angel to be with the soul. Taking the plunge though, yields unexpected results.

The Angel’s Fall is a very short story about an angel in love with a mortal. It’s well written and intriguing but definitely suffers from the length. It’s simply too short to really develop any nuanced emotion, complex characterization, or even a happy ending. Instead the short story is a good idea with some interest created but ultimately left wanting. Michael is the narrator and thus we see the story from his perspective. He is in love with this mortal soul, though we’re never told why or what leads Michael to feel so strongly. The soul, currently in a man named Darcy, is woefully under developed. He only seems to exist as a concept of love for Michael than a real person.

They seem to fall in love instantly with a bit of a vague ending. It’s more of a happy for now than a happy ever after. Having said all that, the character of Michael is affective and draws you into the story. The writing has an ethereal quality that fits the subject matter and the concepts made me want to read more. If the short story had been longer I probably would have been more satisfied. As a short, it’s quick, easy to read, and intriguing. It happens all too fast but it’s interesting and definitely kept my attention.

Short stories are tough due to the abbreviated length. This one hits the mark with a genuine longing and need, less so as a romance or erotica. It more so straddles the lines between genres and will likely appeal to those fans of angel stories. Michael is a well-known and popular figure so his struggles are also universal in some ways. Unrequited love and need is something that fits more than just angels. I enjoyed The Angel’s Fall and would recommend it for those short story readers that don’t mind a more ambiguous happy ending.


Book of Secrets by RJ Scott


Book of Secrets by RJ Scott
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (184 pgs)
Other: M/M
Rating: 3 stars
Review by: Cactus

Alex is trying to make things right when his past catches up with him. A Serbian ex-art thief blackmails him into stealing an ancient folio from Windsor Castle… Luke is kidnapped… and that’s just the beginning.

Alex is making good on his promise to put things right. Along with Griff and Chris, he retrieves items he had stolen with Edward and replaces them. It’s dangerous work, especially since he lost his most useful Oracle-given powers. When a replacement goes wrong and Alex ‘disappears’ he realizes that something has left a mark he can never rid himself of.

Meanwhile Luke is kidnapped to work on a manuscript that could hold the key to the secrets of alchemy and offer the reader eternal life. The Voynich manuscript is missing its cypher and it’s up to Alex to steal it for the Serbian ex-art thief. Only–it’s held in the private library at Windsor Castle.

Sometimes it takes a thief to help a thief. Alex is slowly returning the objects he once stole when he runs into an old adversary. Dragan is an ex-serbian mafia type that helped save Alex’s life and now he wants payment on that favor. It’ll take Luke, Alex’s lover, as well as their friends Chris and Griff and enormous amounts of luck, with a little magic, to make this heist work.

Book of Secrets is book two in the Oracle series by RJ Scott. For those readers new to this series, definitely start with book one before attempting this one. The action picks up after it left off in book one and we’re immediately thrown into Alex’s life. Right away he’s trying to replace a tricky item he stole from a museum, but this time without his magical Oracle-given powers. He’s determined to make the return anyway – and in the same manner he lifted it – but he runs into trouble. Here is the first big twist of the plot comes in with Alex’s ex-friend or rival, Dragan. Dragan manipulates Alex and puts Alex’s lover, Luke, in danger. From here the plot gets very complicated with magical deeds, ancient stories, mystical texts, and a long dead genius.

At times the plot seems to create more twists and turns than a maze. I’m not sure this is really needed but it’s not difficult to follow at least. There’s plenty of action and some nice moments between Luke and Alex – though no on page sex. I would have liked to seen more of Griff and Chris and their relationship but the pace is incredibly quick and action seems to happen constantly. Someone seems to be in danger constantly just as Alex and Luke are always getting headaches from their connection. The magical element is a bit too mysterious. It seems to drift in and out, which may be what the story was trying to show, I’m not sure.

The characters feel very undeveloped and one dimensional. There’s not a lot of depth beyond their actions. The alternating third person perspective between Luke and Alex tries to give insight into their thoughts and feelings but I found this distracting and confusing. Since Alex and Luke share their thoughts and emotions it was easy to forget whose perspective/head you were in and get confused.

Still, it’s a pretty fun story overall with a lot of quick action and a happy ending.

Wildly Inappropriate by Eden Connor

Wildly Inappropriate by Eden Connor
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Interracial
Length: Full Length (390 Pages)
Other: M/F, BDSM, Anal play, Toys, Spanking
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed By Fuchsia

The farmer Cynda Avery must seduce in order to save her grandmother’s home isn’t what she expects. Daniel De Marco teaches Cynda about clingstone peaches and kinky sex. Can Cynda teach Daniel to see beyond the color of her skin?

Desperate to save her grandmother from an unscrupulous loan shark, Cynda Avery agrees to Daniel De Marco’s wildly inappropriate offer–control of her body for two weeks in exchange for time to talk him into selling his untended peach orchards.

Handsome Daniel isn’t the redneck farmer Cynda expected. From the feminine clothes he wants her to wear to the confident way he handles every problem to the kinky way he likes to tie her up to have sex, he makes her want to please him. When she finds the key to his mother’s disappearance and spends a weekend in jail, will Daniel decide Cynda’s an itch he’s already scratched or could he cling to dark flesh like hers?

Cynda Avery stood in Daniel De Marco’s yard with a chain around her neck tethered to the back of his truck. Half dressed and wishing she was any place but here, Cynda knew that she had to go through with this plan in order to save her grandmothers ‘ home. What she didn’t expect to see was the gorgeous completely naked Daniel De Marco step out on his porch stroking himself.

Daniel De Marco didn’t like the fact that someone else was sent to him to try to convince him to sell off some of his land. He did however find the woman chained to his truck intriguing and she also had a nice ass. Instead of unchaining her and sending her on her way, Daniel decided to play along but by his rules.

Wildly Inappropriate is a excellent book with lots of hot sex, and interesting toys. Daniel expressed his Dom tendencies and Cynda submitted to each and every one of them. The two of them sizzled and heated up the pages, I could almost see the smoke billowing up from them. The story wasn’t just about sizzling sex, there was also the mystery of what happened to Daniel’s mom, and also why Cynda was chained to Daniel’s truck. The supporting characters like Daniel’s brothers Colton and Eric, along with Colton’s girlfriend Lila and his nephew Jonah added depth to the story. Even the villain Kingsley Dazza who was trying to take Cynda’s grandmothers home was very well developed.

I loved how the story was about Cynda and Daniel but had back stories going as well. The lives of his brothers and nephew and the things they faced did not detract from Cynda and Daniel. Everything blended so well together and this reader enjoyed Wildly Inappropriate because of all the different elements to the story. I whole heartedly recommend Wildly Inappropriate, it’s BDSM content is light but tasteful and it’s just a really good read. See for yourself, pick up a of copy of Wildly Inappropriate, settle back in your favorite chair and enjoy.

Marked by Grief by Caitlin Ricci

Marked by Grief by Caitlin Ricci
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (130 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play, BDSM
Rating: 2.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Kit is struggling after his brother’s tragic death and the man he loves hasn’t spoken to him since the funeral. When a broken Kit comes back into Jason’s life, will love be enough to heal them both?

Six months after Kit lost his big brother to a drunk driver, he’s alone and feeling like everyone has left him behind. He struggles to get out of bed, to feed himself, to talk to his parents. Worst of all the man that he loves, his brother’s best friend, hasn’t spoken to him since the funeral.

Jason always assumed he’d have time to tell Kit his feelings someday, after the younger man had more experience and maturity. Bear’s death changed all of that. He isolated himself, thinking he was giving Kit space to heal. He couldn’t have imagined how wrong he was.

When a broken Kit comes back into Jason’s life, will love be enough to heal them both?

Sometimes getting what you need comes with a price. Kit is still reeling from his brother’s death six months ago. Losing not only his best friend but his brother’s best friend, Jason, as well has left Kit feeling alone and unwanted. When Kit finally forces himself to see Jason, Jason realizes how much pain Kit is in. Although the attraction is clear, Jason has a few rules and tests Kit must pass for them to finally be together. It’s not the relationship Kit ever thought they’d have but the rewards are worth the price.

Marked by Grief is a decent enough book. The plot relies heavily on the already established relationship between Kit and Jason to make sense of their lightning fast relationship. They basically get together in the span of hours and after sleeping together the first night, they’re in love and committed for all time. Unfortunately the reader doesn’t get to see any of their friendship or the foundation that this new relationship is undoubtedly based on. Instead all we see is Jason bossing Kit around all day and later on in bed, much to Kit’s initial confusion then acceptance. This isn’t necessarily bad but it keeps the relationship shallow without any of the depth of watching a couple get to know each other and fall in love.

Part of this is that the book introduces a BDSM element somewhat offhanded. Jason is supposedly very into bondage and BDSM, thus requiring Kit to be as well. The story goes from nothing to a lot pretty quickly and doesn’t give a lot of context or background. In some places, it’s almost a how-to manual with formal dialogue and instructions. That said, the sex scenes gradually build heat and action in a nice way and there is obvious chemistry between the men.  Nothing wrong with the physical in this story.

Marked by Grief is a nice read but I didn’t think it was great. It has some emotion with Kit and his brother’s death but leaves a lot of issues unresolved. Jason and Kit make a well-matched couple but I would have liked to seen more. The story seems too rushed to really explore everything – a new relationship, lingering emotion over Bear’s death, the BDSM angle. It’s a decent story for something quick and easy but not necessarily a memorable one.

Judging Jager by Amber Kell

Judging Jager by Amber Kell
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (125 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Jager yearns to belong somewhere. Unfortunately fate takes a nasty turn and he’s abandoned by his pack. Lost and alone, Jager looks for a place to call home and runs into an angry tiger instead.

Jager’s heartbroken when his pack kicks him out. Despondent, he goes to visit his friends in the Moon Pack, hoping for some sympathy and maybe companionship for the night.

Ryder wants to find out what happened to his brother, Dare, but the pound puppies his cat shifter brother has fallen in with guard him with the ferocity of a bear protecting its cub. Determined to wait them out until he discovers the truth, Ryder doesn’t expect to be enchanted by a sexy wolf in man’s clothes.

A whirlwind seduction turns into a quest for answers and despite Ryder’s protests, Jager dives headfirst into Fae intrigue. Ryder worries he’ll lose Jager before they can even work out their issues.

The Moon Pack is back with a bang. The latest book in the Moon Pack series brings model Jager to the forefront. After being thrown out of his pack for handing over all his money, Jager attempts to lick his emotional wounds with a one night stand. Little did he know he happened to pick growly tiger-shifter Ryder. Ryder may have preferred tiger-shifters in the past but one look at Jager and he knows the man is his mate. There’s just a little problem of a kidnapped Alpha pair and his blind brother to deal with first.

It’s been a while since I’ve read any books in the Moon Pack series by Amber Kell and it shows. Book 10, Judging Jager, jumps right into the thick of the action without a lot of backstory or explanation. There are plot lines half finished and others beginning and ending so if you haven’t been keeping up with the series and remember most of it, jumping into book ten may be confusing at times. The ease of the writing and lack of any real intricate plot helps since the story is extremely basic without much characterization or plot. I let go of any confusion I felt, which was substantial, and just went along for the ride, as I like the flow and the character outlines.

Jager and Ryder are nominally the main couple here, but really there relationship has no substantial depth or interest. They meet, have sex, and are instantly in love and mated. They don’t need to talk or explore their feelings or wants. They’re mates so it’s an immediate and permanent connection. Once Ryder has decided they are mates, the story shifts into a pseudo rescue of previous characters that are being held hostage in another dimension. This leads to other half finished plotlines, clearly from other books, but really is unimpressive. Basically the couple could have escaped any time they wanted to but just…didn’t for some reason. So everyone walks in and walks out pretty easily without any problems. Perhaps having read the previous books in order would help with this issue since it seems important to clear up the kidnapping detail but it happens in the most mundane and almost boring way.

That’s not to say the book itself is boring as fans of the series no doubt will greatly enjoy revisiting a number of characters that slide in and out of the scenes and of course the rough, hot sex between Jager and Ryder. It’s an easy, almost guilty pleasure read. There are a lot of typos and head hopping between the third person narrators but I suspect no one that reads the series will mind. It’s a fun, super short read with some hot sex and continues the series. I wouldn’t recommend this to anyone who is new to the series (they should start at the beginning) but those following this author are likely to be happy.

Mihael’s Trial by Serena Yates

Mihael’s Trial by Serena Yates
Celestial Justice Series, book 6
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary Paranormal
Length: Short Story (112 pgs)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Clover

What if you’re the angel of loyalty and have to choose between doing your job supporting the greater good and making a life with your newfound soul mate?

Mihael is the angel of loyalty and knows right from wrong better than most. He is shocked when he is put on trial for upholding loyalty over compassion. A mysterious assignment on Earth is supposed to help him understand…

Francis Portillo is a teacher struggling to support himself and his sister’s twin toddlers. Helping others is what he does, be it a bullied student or the somewhat confused stranger who signs up for his Spanish class.

Can Francis help Mihael learn the meaning of affection and compassion before it is too late?

When someone perfect drops down from Heaven, you have to say a seriously huge thank you to the Big Guy!

Mihael is an angel responsible for loyalty and is completely shocked when he is put on trial for upholding loyalty over compassion. A mysterious assignment on Earth is supposed to help him understand and this starts with seeing Arthur, a mortal, being bullied and asked to doctor numbers in the accounts he is working on.

This is the first book I have read in the Celestial Justice series which is about different angels falling in love. The first chapter took me a while to get into, I wasn’t completely sure what was going on or who was who, but that probably wouldn’t have been the case if I’d read others in the series.

Mihael’s love interest is language teacher Francis Portillo. Their meeting is sudden, with Miheal just appearing in front of him. They strike up a conversation and Francis discovers that Mihael has no idea where his is or why. He presumes he has some kind of amnesia and offers to help him. There are a few oddities about Mihael – his lack of ID, wads of cash – that Francis accepts maybe a little too readily, but perhaps that is just my suspicious mind.

Mihael’s Trial has good characters and an element of celestial paranormal. It took a while to get going but once the characters connected it flowed much better. The writing is elegant, the romance sweet and the sex scenes steamy. If you are a fan of this series then I am quite sure it will hit the spot.

As Fate Would Have It by Cheyenne Meadows

As Fate Would Have It by Cheyenne Meadows
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (226 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Dahlia

Brie expects a relaxing and ordinary vacation from her job as nurse at a local hospital until she gets into mayhem with Rye, local police detective and longtime friend of her family.

Brie welcomes her badly needed vacation, but one phone call tosses those plans out the window. Bad plumbing leaves Rye, a family friend, homeless. He moves in with Brie temporarily, turning her contented life upside down–challenging her into buying sexy lingerie, watching porn, and delving into his police investigations. The flare of excitement, not to mention the instant attraction between the two, turns into something more complicated.

The old ladies gossip group target Rye, a neighborhood couple isn’t what they appear, and his repressed roommate watches porn and dyes his underwear pink.

What’s a man to do but solve the case, catch the bad guys, and get his woman?

What’s a woman to do but show him how it’s done?

Gardening and home improvement was how Brie had planned to spend her well earned vacation, but with Rye around anything from getting caught with a vibrator to going undercover as a hooker is possible.

Practically family, Brie and Rye grew up stubborn and competitive to the core with each other. Although they haven’t seen each other for the last few years, neither was prepared for the insta-lust that took over when Brie opened the door to her new temporary houseguest. Not an ideal situation for Brie, but she makes the best of it by letting Rye help her with her gardening and it doesn’t hurt that he’s not hard on the eyes. It’s when Rye decides that Brie is in serious need of a sleepwear makeover, she’s not so sure this was a good idea after all.

Rye’s cocky confidence has served him well with the ladies, but Brie’s a bit of a tough sell. If it wasn’t for the desirous looks and covert glances at his butt, Rye wouldn’t be sure she was interested at all and yet he can’t help catching her in embarrassing moments just to see her inner feistiness. However, as much as he’s having fun watching her turn red from either anger or embarrassment, there is something about her neighbors that his cop instincts won’t let him ignore. To protect her, he’ll do what it takes, but he wasn’t counting on her unbelievable courage to do what an entire department of cops couldn’t.

Unexpected and fun is how I would describe this laugh-out-loud, friends-to-lovers romance. Of course there is some sexy good times as well, but the build-up throughout the story is fantastic with well-timed events that never fail to entertain. The dialogue is clever and the chemistry between the leads is off the charts when they give in to it and sexually tension-filled when they fight against it. I was pleasantly surprised at Brie and Rye’s emotional and physical journey as neither was easily won over. I was a tad disappointed that not everything was wrapped up at the end, but I would absolutely recommend this story to any contemporary romance reader in need of a good laugh with a heartwarming undertone.

Finding Eden by Scarlet Blackwell

Finding Eden by Scarlet Blackwell
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (115 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Play, Anal Sex, Rape (in backstory), Light BDSM
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Amaryllis

Eden and Sean are together, but the situation is volatile. Eden is working through his trauma, and Sean is trying to be supportive, but he feels guilty and is walking on eggshells. The slightest thing could tear them apart permanently…

Eden Gray is traumatised from his rape eighteen years earlier and the part Sean Keller played in it isn’t easy to forget. Eden goes from happy to desperate within minutes, never sure how long a good mood will last. But he knows that he loves Sean with all his heart and wants to lay his ghosts to rest permanently.

Sean feels the same way. He treads on eggshells around Eden, afraid for his mental health and mindful of his suicide attempts. He has a hard time dealing with his guilt, and hates that it overshadows his love for Eden more often than not.

Something needs to happen to let them connect and bond permanently and bring them into the light…

Finding Eden is dark, edgy romance. It is another strong brave story about real men sharing real love from Ms. Blackwell. This is a risky topic and I do think Ms. Blackwell pulled it off beautifully. Two men with a painful past, a shared secret drenched in shame and the only way out is through learning how to properly love and respect each other.

Eden is a complex character, neurotically focused on oral hygiene, tormented by a past he can not forget or come to terms with. He craves Sean’s affection and sexual attention but at the same time, he feels anger towards his lover.

Sean is tormented by the memory of his part in the traumatic experience that broke Eden. He longs to heal Eden with his love, to help put the pieces back together. Yet Sean worries that the scars are too deep. But love has its own way and Eden and Sean begin to come together. However just at that moment, the past intrudes upon them with a vengeance and threatens to tear them apart forever.

The main villain in this story is well crafted. There are a few secondary villains as well and they are chillingly true to life. The moments of danger in this story had me on the edge of my seat.

The sex between Sean and Eden was explosive and powerful, somewhat brutal at times. I loved it. Ms. Blackwell always writes men as they are. They are not always admirable or a pretty sight when they are going through their changes and conflicts but they are always real. That’s a good part of what I love about her writing. I highly recommend Finding Eden to all who enjoy angst and difficult love stories. Finding Eden gives one hope that love will heal if courage can prevail.