Sea Dogs by Karly Maddison
Publisher: Silver Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (32 pages)
Other: M/M, Very Light BDSM Play, Anal Sex
Rating: 2.5 stars
Reviewed by NymphaeaSeal shifter, Flash Jackfin, enjoys a night of revelry at the festive solstice party at Codfish Cove with his cousin and friends. He hopes to hook a date during the party but is constantly distracted by sand wolf, Crave More.
Seal Shifter, Flash Jackfin, enjoys a night of revelry at the festive solstice party at Codfish Cove with family and friends. He hopes to snag a date but is constantly distracted by the irritating sand wolf, Crave More, who taunts him about his name. Flash runs off, only to find Crave More struggling in a riptide some time later. He rushes to the rescue and is coaxed by the cheeky sand wolf into giving a little resuscitation. When a misunderstanding erupts, Flash is left wandering about until the next time he stumbles across Crave More rolling about in the sand with a gull shifter. His temper ignites and he’s forced to face his true feelings regarding the sand wolf.
Mix one sea dog and one land dog and you’ve got some white hot fun.
I like a good paranormal story. This one had lots of elements to draw a reader in. I was drawn in by the concept—a seal shifter and a wolf shifter. There are even gull shifters. Very cool and very new to me. The idea of the story was interesting. I won’t go into a ton of detail, but it’s a nice twist.
There were a couple of things that tripped me up in this story. The writing is good, but I have to admit, it took me most of the book to figure out if the characters fooled around. I read and reread to make sure I got everything. That might not bug some readers, but it did me. Another thing was the very light—and I mean light—addition of BDSM play. I didn’t see where it was needed in the story (and I do appreciate BDSM). The concept was good and this seemed to be a bit of an add-on where it wasn’t necessary. A bit more tightening of the story and this book would rock.
Still, this was a good, interesting read. If you want something short for the beach or while at waiting for someone, then this might be the book for you.