Walking In Fire by Cathryn Cade
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (249 pages)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by SunflowerBorn to defend his people, he will sacrifice everything—for her.
Hawaiian Heroes, Book 1
Nawea Bay, a remote Hawaiian paradise, is just the haven Melia Carson needs to escape the chill of heartache. Instead, she finds herself swept up in a tropical heat wave, fueled by her unexpected attraction to a handsome native she meets on a snorkel tour.
He’s big, powerful, hot enough to melt her defenses—and he’s not all he seems. How else could he survive an injury that should have killed him…and why does she dream of him garbed in ancient native dress and wreathed in flames?
David “Malu” Ho’omalu is on the Big Island to find and destroy a cache of dangerous designer drugs before they can be sold to his people. Fending off amorous female tourists is part of the job, but one look in Melia’s blue eyes, and his instincts scream that she is his.
As Melia surrenders to the desire burning between them, she discovers more than a fiery heritage that defies modern logic. She discovers a man who would descend into the molten heart of the volcano to protect his island. And her…if she can find the strength to trust her heart to him.
If you’ve never been to Hawaii before, you will be able to envision it in your mind just by reading Walking in Fire. Set on the beautiful islands, this book is an attention grabber with its blend of description, sexy and fun dialogue, and characters who come to life. It’s an adventure waiting!
Melia is visiting and what a wild ride she’s in for. She’s a successful chef and blogger in need of a little downtime. What she gets, however, will change her life.
Melia’s character is a great one, she’s witty, smart, and not afraid to stand up to anyone.The hero is to die for! David, better known as Malu, has that sexy, mysterious feel to him. His appeal is hot and I fell for his charms quickly, although when he’s introduced, I didn’t get that feeling right away. As Melia spends more time with him, staying under his protective power, that’s when I learned more about this intriguing man. The way he treats Melia like a queen, and showing his true persona to her was wonderful. Readers, I have a suspicion that you’d like him, and some of you may want a Malu for your very own.
The great pacing kept me entertained and I loved some of the dialogue Malu uses. It gave a total feel of being on the island and how some of the people there spoke. I’ve always wanted to visit this enchanted place, and the way that Ms. Cade creates the atmosphere and the vivid imagery in my mind gave me a bigger sense of longing to one day go there. The other characters had a great appeal in the story, too. This story held me captive from first to last.
If you like a clever contemporary story with a little bit of paranormal entwined, Walking in Fire is a fine place to start. Won’t you take a chance and get yourself a copy? You may come away from this novel in a dreamy daze, searching for a little magic and adventure of your own.