Walking In Fire by Cathryn Cade

Walking In Fire by Cathryn Cade
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (249 pages)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

Born to defend his people, he will sacrifice everything—for her.

Hawaiian Heroes, Book 1

Nawea Bay, a remote Hawaiian paradise, is just the haven Melia Carson needs to escape the chill of heartache. Instead, she finds herself swept up in a tropical heat wave, fueled by her unexpected attraction to a handsome native she meets on a snorkel tour.

He’s big, powerful, hot enough to melt her defenses—and he’s not all he seems. How else could he survive an injury that should have killed him…and why does she dream of him garbed in ancient native dress and wreathed in flames?

David “Malu” Ho’omalu is on the Big Island to find and destroy a cache of dangerous designer drugs before they can be sold to his people. Fending off amorous female tourists is part of the job, but one look in Melia’s blue eyes, and his instincts scream that she is his.

As Melia surrenders to the desire burning between them, she discovers more than a fiery heritage that defies modern logic. She discovers a man who would descend into the molten heart of the volcano to protect his island. And her…if she can find the strength to trust her heart to him.

If you’ve never been to Hawaii before, you will be able to envision it in your mind just by reading Walking in Fire. Set on the beautiful islands, this book is an attention grabber with its blend of description, sexy and fun dialogue, and characters who come to life. It’s an adventure waiting!

Melia is visiting and what a wild ride she’s in for. She’s a successful chef and blogger in need of a little downtime. What she gets, however, will change her life. Melia’s character is a great one, she’s witty, smart, and not afraid to stand up to anyone.

The hero is to die for! David, better known as Malu, has that sexy, mysterious feel to him. His appeal is hot and I fell for his charms quickly, although when he’s introduced, I didn’t get that feeling right away. As Melia spends more time with him, staying under his protective power, that’s when I learned more about this intriguing man. The way he treats Melia like a queen, and showing his true persona to her was wonderful. Readers, I have a suspicion that you’d like him, and some of you may want a Malu for your very own.

The great pacing kept me entertained and I loved some of the dialogue Malu uses. It gave a total feel of being on the island and how some of the people there spoke. I’ve always wanted to visit this enchanted place, and the way that Ms. Cade creates the atmosphere and the vivid imagery in my mind gave me a bigger sense of longing to one day go there. The other characters had a great appeal in the story, too. This story held me captive from first to last.

If you like a clever contemporary story with a little bit of paranormal entwined, Walking in Fire is a fine place to start. Won’t you take a chance and get yourself a copy? You may come away from this novel in a dreamy daze, searching for a little magic and adventure of your own.

Kane and Mabel by Sharon deVita

Kane and Mabel by Sharon deVita
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (128 pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 2.5 stars
Reviewed by Fennel

When a new business partner appears in Kati’s diner, it’s not just the broccoli that’s steamed.

Kati Rose Ryan lives in the small town of Libertyville, Missouri, taking care of the diner her irresponsible brother left her to run. When a “friend” of her brother shows up at the diner, Kati is immediately suspicious. Her brother Patrick’s friends are nothing but thieves and freeloaders and she’s had her fill of them.

She fully intends to throw no-good Lucas Kane out on his ear. Until Lucas tells her that her brother lost his half of the diner to him in a poker game, and Lucas is her new partner.

Furious that her brother could be so reckless and irresponsible to gamble his half of the diner away, Kati does everything in her power to get rid of Lucas. But, Lucas isn’t budging. In fact, he intends to stay in Libertyville until he can prove to Kati that he doesn’t just want to be her partner in the diner, but in life, as well.

Kane and Mabel – the play on words in the title snagged my attention at once and I was eager to discover how the author would work the twist.

The plot is not a new one, still I was convinced Ms. deVita would come up with something as catchy and original as the treatment she gave the title.

While the writing is smooth and the descriptions vivid, the characterization was a little disappointing. To begin with as the plot unfolded I could empathize with Mable’s stubbornness to accept help. After all once bitten twice shy and her wastrel of a brother’s friends had done nothing so far to endear Mable to them. But from the get-go Kane showed his worth and his commitment so that in time Mabel’s constant bickering and sniping stubbornness became an irritation.

When Kane goes hunting for the man who swindled him he finds the sister instead. Against all reason, instead of demanding retribution, Kane goes out of his way to rescue Mabel, and believe me, I fell big-time for Kane. He is one amazing hero.

Ms. deVita’s secondary characters had their own private war going on. The author goes to town with them. They are cantankerous feuding ‘wrinklies’ who are either ripping each other up or ganging up on anyone else who criticizes the other.

I enjoyed their feuding as it made for a light relief between them and the parallel angst going on between Kane and Mabel. I’m glad I read this story.

Headstrong by Meg Maguire

Headstrong by Meg Maguire
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (370 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Iris

Some hearts only want what they can’t have…

Libby Prentiss is ready to simply be herself. After half a lifetime rebelling against her privileged family’s expectations, she hopes her biological research trip to New Zealand will cut the cord for good.

It doesn’t take long to spot the hopelessly amateurish spy her overprotective father has hired to keep an eye on her. Fortunately, Reece Nolan’s desperation to save his family’s pub makes it all too easy to convince him to turn double-agent. Yet there’s something different about him. His icy reserve sets her on fire…and ignites a secret yearning to let him see the mass of insecurities she hides behind her provocative persona.

Where Reece is a glacier of cool self-control, his brother Colin is a hot-blooded, unpredictable volcano. Libby’s instant friendship with Colin is more satisfying than anything she’s ever known—and traps her in completely foreign territory. She’s caught between one man determined to hold her at arm’s length, and another who offers her the intense connection she’s worked so hard to avoid.

Something’s got to give or the fallout could tear them all apart…and put the Nolan family’s future in serious jeopardy.

A handsome, tattooed, bicycle courier vs. an uptight, stick in the mud former Olympian about to become police officer. Who would you choose? This touching story winds its way through secrets and history letting each character make their mistakes and detailing the way they all find their way to the future they want.

The best part of this story is also the worst. Libby, our heroine, seems to have her life in order – but really, it’s a mess. While on the surface, the story deals with her time doing research in New Zealand – making friends and having a good time, what she’s really doing is straightening out her past and laying the groundwork for the future. In the mean time, her decisions are not always the safest or the most “sensical”.

Reece, Colin, Libby – They each hold a secret that’s keeping them from moving forward, and the plot deals with each and entwines the answers around each of them and the three of them as a whole. No one can heal without the other two.

It’s a nice, in-depth book, and the heros are likeable as well as “hero” material. Libby is a little whiny and damaged, but the plot makes it work. It’s a good book to read when you need an engaging story. Put it on your to-be-read pile today!

Random Acts by Alison Stone

Random Acts by Alison Stone
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Inspirational, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (200 pages)
Heat Level: sweet
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

Second chances can have a terrible sense of timing.

As a child, watching her mother always pick the wrong man left Danielle Carson wary of opening her heart to anyone—except Patrick Kingsley. But circumstances came between them and left Danielle with a broken heart. Now she buries the pain of what might have been by channeling all her energy into her career. When a family crisis brings her back to her hometown, she is forced to face the past—and the disturbing fact that her sister’s car accident was staged to mask a brutal beating.

A police officer and widower, Patrick guards his heart as fiercely as he guards his beloved daughter. Seeing Danielle again unexpectedly reignites their old flame, but no way will he introduce a woman into his daughter’s life. Certainly not one whose values on faith and family are so different from his own.

Despite their best intentions, they are drawn together—until Danielle learns Patrick had a hand in putting her sister in harm’s way. Her fragile trust is crushed, but Patrick is the only man who can help her stop the villain before everything they both love is destroyed. Faith, family…and their second chance at forever.

Tragedy can lead you back home, love can keep you there. What leads Danielle home is her sister. What could possibly get her to stay? A little bit of love with an old crush and his ever so adoring daughter. Random Acts pulls two people together with a past and dares them not to go with the urge to just give in.

Danielle’s job in a big city keeps her busy. Enough not to come home and visit more with her sister and grandmother. Isn’t that the way in many small town stories? There’s always something that makes someone run, and it’s one thing that brings them back and plays with their emotions about whether or not to stay. Danielle won’t abandon her sister, though, who needs some support and protection after an accident.

Patrick is a great hero, and I fell in love with his daughter, Ava, immediately. The two have been through so much loss and heartache, and Ava takes a shine to Danielle from the get go. Patrick can’t stay away from her either, and it has nothing to do with investigating her sister’s situation.

Built with elements of suspense, emotion, a little bit of inspiration, and characters that are well worth reading about, Ms. Stone creates a heartwarming and intriguing tale in Random Acts. The pacing flows great, there’s not a moment that’s dull, and I was left guessing until the very end. With a great cast of characters from the leading couple to the secondary, I enjoyed the feeling of being part of a family that though they’d suffered a loss, had a chance to find love again despite the odds. And through a little faith and love, Danielle and Patrick begin to see a new light at the end of the tunnel.

Overall, I enjoyed this book very much. It’s touching, engaging and well written. Readers can come away at the end of this story feeling satisfied. If you enjoy a romantic suspense story with some inspirational elements, come visit these wonderful characters in Random Acts.

Killer Moves by Mary Eason

Killer Moves by Mary Eason
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Suspense/Mystery, paranormal
Length: Full Length (256 pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

They’re a match made in the hallowed halls of Quantico. Until Death comes knocking…

Six years ago, Kara Bryant tapped into the mind of a serial killer—and nearly became his last victim. Her FBI colleague and lover, Davis Martin, put the murderer behind bars, then devastated her with his abrupt rejection. Worse, the vivid nightmares that followed her to her desert retreat have recently taken a fresh, frightening turn.

She should have foreseen that Davis would turn up. She’s just not sure her still-broken heart can take the strain.

Davis thought he’d made the right decision for everyone involved in a case that almost ended in disaster, thanks to his mistakes. But with a new string of killings that one by one is taking out the women of his past, suddenly he wonders if he let the real Death Angel get away. Kara is the only one who can help him nail the bastard for good this time—if she can forgive him.

He wasn’t expecting the woman he never stopped loving to love him back. Nor is he prepared to come face-to-face with Kara’s secret. One that raises the stakes impossibly high.

Some people think what Kara Bryant does is a gift. Kara thinks it’s a curse. Just when she thought she’d put the past behind her, things have an uncanny way of coming back to haunt this ex-FBI agent. Killer Moves features a couple that get a second chance, but only if they survive.

There’s a lot of angst in Kara, especially when the past comes knocking in the form of someone she once worked with. Then came startling news along with a man she prayed she’d never see again. Kara is weary and a little unsettled, and though I don’t agree with one of the decisions she’s made, she’s a likable and strong female lead. It can’t be easy for her to have a mind connection with a killer. Some would think she’s crazy, show her disbelief, but it is what it is. And now a new life is at stake.

Davis Martin loved Kara. But he loved his job more. Or did he? What went down all those years ago? Everyone has a different side to that story. It could hardly have been easy to choose between the person he loved and the call of duty. Is it for protection or selfish reasons? Those are just a few things that the reader learns about Davis, and the past he shared with Kara, in Killer Moves.

The suspense is high, the pacing fast. There’s a new killer in town that has everyone on edge, fearing for their lives and their loved ones. Mary Eason skillfully crafts a tale that sends the characters on a wild goose chase to find a serial killer. Everyone’s a suspect. No one can really be trusted. This is the type of book you’ll want to read during the day, or you might jump at every little sound otherwise. Do I speak from experience? Yes! I read this at night, and was so involved that, even though my stomach was in knots, I needed more. This is a read in one sitting kind of book because the tension gets thicker. Every chapter brings a new lead and new twist. Putting the book away even for a few moments was like torture.

Killer Moves is top notch suspense. It’s gritty, emotional, and a wild ride. Get on board and get a copy of this book fast!

Brightwater Blood by Shona Husk

Brightwater Blood by Shona Husk
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (77 pgs)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Iris

To survive, they’ll have to think outside the circle.

Were-lion Lachlan Garvey is closing in on the Brightwater women, the last of a Shamanic line that the Council wants eradicated for their murderous use of magic. One minute he’s in his animal form, examining a dead body in a patch of charred grass. The next, he wakes up human—naked, shot and lying in a circle of his own blood.

Dayna Brightwater is sure the man she’s bound with a blood spell is the one who just murdered her twin sister. Yet even if she did have the stomach for revenge killing, she doesn’t have the power. But what to do with him now? If she lets him go, he’ll kill her, too.

Trapped in the path of a deadly magical fire, Lachlan has to think fast—and talk faster—to convince the beautiful Shaman he’s innocent. As the roaring flames creep closer, Dayna must choose. Trust Lachlan and use magic to save them both…or flee. And live with the knowledge she caused his death, proving that no Brightwater is capable of love.

Witches, shifters, and imminent disaster . . . oh my! This short story is lacking nothing. Despite the length, the reader is treated to suspense, danger, backstory and a little “sizzle” (having the hero naked for most of the story doesn’t hurt, either!).

While trying to make decisions that affect both herself and Lachlan (our hero), Dayna finds herself reading her mother’s and recently deceased sister’s journals and performing magic she does not think herself capable of. All the while, the reader is able to feel the impending doom and increasing urgency of the fire about to descend upon them.

The plot is well-crafted, the characters human, yet magical. The paranormal aspects of their beings do not overtake the plot. The suspense and drama are not over-done. The romance between Dayna and Lachlan is almost an afterthought as the fire and their actions with regards to that are most important. But you don’t miss the physical romance.

Even if you are not familiar with paranormal romances, this is a book you will want to read. Grab an hour or so, and enjoy yourself!

Once Upon a Winter’s Eve by Tessa Dare

Once Upon a Winter’s Eve by Tessa Dare
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Short Story (112 pgs)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Lotus

Some wallflowers bloom at night…

A Spindle Cove Novella

Violet Winterbottom is a quiet girl. She speaks six languages, but seldom raises her voice. She endured bitter heartbreak in perfect silence. The gentlemen aren’t beating down her door.

Until the night of the Spindle Cove Christmas ball, when a mysterious stranger crashes into the ballroom and collapses at Violet’s feet. His coarse attire and near-criminal good looks would put any sensible young lady on her guard. He’s wet, chilled, bleeding, and speaking in an unfamiliar tongue.

Only Violet understands him. And she knows he’s not what he seems.

She has one night to draw forth the secrets of this dangerously handsome rogue. Is he a smuggler? A fugitive? An enemy spy? She needs answers by sunrise, but her captive would rather seduce than confess. To learn his secrets, Violet must reveal hers—and open herself to adventure, passion, and the unthinkable… Love.

He speaks a language only she understands. She can be his greatest ally or his worst nightmare. They don’t have much time but they plan to make the most of it.

Violet Winterbottom is a quiet young woman who is recovering from a broken heart when she meets a mysterious man from a foreign country who distracts her from her memories of the man who left her abruptly after a passionate night together. The man who broke her heart was a refined aristocrat while the man she just met is a rough foreigner. So why in the world would they resemble each other? Violet is short on time and knows she must help the foreigner. If only he wasn’t so distractingly sexy and charming.

Corentin Morvan is the foreigner who desperately needs Violet’s help, but he’s also quite taken by her. In the short amount of time that he has to accomplish his goal, he intends to leave no doubt in her mind that he means business.

Ms. Dare paints pictures for us with her words and spins a story that is exciting and romantic. Her descriptions are not overly done, but just enough to make the reader feel close to the action. The heroine starts out as a passive, quiet lady and becomes an assertive, quick thinking, brave woman as she helps the man who she is falling for. The hero’s situation gave the story a twist that was interesting.

The struggle that these two go through, culminating in the heroine making her choice for her future, makes for a satisfying read. Even though it is a novella, it is thoroughly entertaining, with spicy love scenes. I also love the cover which really goes well with the story. This is a book that will be going on my “keeper shelf”. If a clever Historical with a bit of intrigue strikes your fancy, pick up a copy of Once Upon a Winter’s Eve today.

The Scarred Heir by Denise Patrick

The Scarred Heir by Denise Patrick
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (265 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Camellia

Double trouble—with a twist.

Two months. Just two more months and Sarah Standish will be twenty-one and free to come out of hiding. Not long ago she was on the brink of marrying the man of her dreams—until she discovered his complicity with her uncle’s plan to gain control of her missing father’s substantial fortune.

A wounded man appears at the inn where she lives under an assumed name, and she’s shocked to discover it’s her would-be groom. He seems to have no memory of her, yet her traitorous heart remembers.

Max Dayton awakens from a fevered dream to find a vengeful angel hovering over him. When he realizes she’s mistaken him for his twin brother, his protective instincts kick in. There must be some reason his brother assumed Max’s identity…and some connection to this dazzling beauty and the father she insists is not dead.

In a quest to untangle the twisted trail of lies that threw them together, Sarah and Max journey to London, where the mystery grows darker and deeper. And the fragile beginnings of love are threatened by a secret someone would kill to keep.

Escape from a despicable uncle, evading an unwanted marriage, mistaken identity, kidnapping, and lies galore are all part and parcel of The Scarred Heir.

In hiding after running from the church, Sarah Jane Jessie Matilda Elizabeth Standish has only about two months to stay hidden until she can claim her inheritance and manage it as she pleases. She wants her independence. With the help of Betsy, her maid, Sarah had found a safe haven at the Old Road Inn, an out-of-the-way place where she works as a maid and has a tiny room. No one looks for a lady in this situation. Then a wounded lord arrives that she recognizes. How could the man she ran from at the church have found this inn? Although a nervous wreck, Sarah has come too far to give up. A cat and mouse game begins that escalates to exciting, sensual encounters that intrigue.

Max Dayton, though a highly decorated war hero, still carries a burden of guilt about the death of a young girl and about not having stayed in communication with his father after running from what he thought he had done and going to war on the continent. Only at the insistence of a friend had Max return to England to unravel the mess he thought he’d made of his life. Laid up for a week in the Old Road Inn, Max begins to realize that what his twin brother had told him all these years was not in sync with reality. In London and at his family estate, he uncovers even more discrepancies.

As the antagonists wreak havoc in Max and Sarah’s lives, she wavers on her long-held desire for independence and he rethinks his decision to never marry. At his ancestral home, long buried facts come to light. They shed a whole new light on his life.

Denis Patrick takes many familiar elements of early nineteenth century English plots and weaves them together with twists that pull the reader into the story. Once in a while the pacing and side stories detract a little, but Max and Sarah’s remarkable love story and some shocking truths makes The Scarred Heir great entertainment.

Ghosts Of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews

Ghosts Of Boyfriends Past by Vivi Andrews
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: contemporary, paranormal
Length: Full Length (180 pages)
Heat Level: sensual
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

Letting him in could mean losing him forever.

Elizabeth “Biz” Marks has the magic touch when it comes to matters of the heart—except her own. In a slightly tipsy fit of loneliness, she once tried to harness a little love mojo to work in her favor. Instead the spell mutated into a nightmarish curse that kills off her boyfriends on her favorite holiday: Valentine’s Day.

With three permanently ex-boyfriends on her conscience and another hearts-and-flowers holiday approaching, the last thing she needs is a too-gorgeous-to-be-true reporter snooping around.

Biz just has extraordinarily bad luck, or she’s a bona-fide Black Widow who bumps off her boyfriends for a chunk of the inheritance money. Either way, Mark Ellison is sure there’s a story here. Especially when his attempts to charm her send her into a panic.

The harder Biz tries to keep Mark and his beguiling dimples as far away as possible, the harder he digs to get at the truth. Now she’s beginning to wonder if his is the love that will finally break the curse…or if she’ll be burying her heart along with him.

Biz Marks has a secret. She’s cursed. No, really she is. If you don’t believe me, just look at her past. Three deaths in three years, all on the same day each year! Suspicious yet? Mark Ellison thinks so, and he’s gone to seek the truth behind these mysterious deaths that have one thing in common- Biz.

Biz is a funny character. I absolutely loved her. She once tried to use a spell in her favor, and let’s just say the results were not at all what she expected. So her once favorite holiday is now a day of doom. No one can know who she is and what she’s done, and more importantly, she doesn’t care for this particular holiday anymore, nor will she let a man near her around the time. She’s got enough ghosts — and I do literally mean ghosts — to deal with now.

This reporter isn’t about to give up though. Mark is determined to find out everything he can about this woman and if she’s responsible somehow for these deaths of her exes. What he doesn’t expect is an attraction to this odd and mysterious woman. Hmm. This could lead to trouble, perhaps.

Ghosts of Boyfriends Pasts is a light paranormal romance, and very enjoyable. The cast of characters were a delight. I love how the more Biz pushes Mark away, the more he comes back for more. Oh yes, these two can’t keep away from one another, no matter how much Biz tries. She does everything within her power to keep Mark out of death’s grasp. She just might even tell him something that she’d rather keep quiet.

Once you read this cute story, you’ll never think of Valentine’s Day the same again. And if you’ve ever stated that you were cursed, that may be nothing compared to Biz Marks. Want a little ghostly humor in your romance? Readers will find all that and more in Vivi Andrews’ book Ghosts of Boyfriends Past. Read at your own discretion. I hope you’re not afraid of a few lingering spirits….

Day Shift by Missy Jane

Day Shift by Missy Jane
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (209 Pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 4.5 Books
Reviewed by Foxglove

The sun’s not the only thing that’s too hot to handle.

President Vardin isn’t the first vampire politician to make empty promises. Humans can work at night, he says. Humans will be safe on the streets, he says. It’s all bull. I’m still stuck on day shift at Langley’s Round The Clock Emporium, trying to earn enough to live from night to night.

If I thought the sun’s harsh rays had turned society upside down, watch what happens when I witness a murder in the alley. The police keep bombarding me with questions until a detective with a bad attitude walks in and takes over. He’s unbelievably hot, way out of my league, and way, way out of my comfort zone. Because he’s the one thing I fear most. A vampire.

Then I learn why the police seem so interested in me. My ex-husband is drawing a series of murders in his new comics. I’m in every one of them, and it looks like I’m supposed to be the last victim. The detective’s interest in my past—and his protective instincts—are bordering on unprofessional, but I can’t seem to bring myself to care.

Because the last place I should want to be is the safest place on earth…a vampire’s embrace.

Missy Jane has written a fast paced thrill ride, filled with murder, betrayal and hidden plots galore.

The President is a vampire who assures humans they are safe to work at night and be out after dark. With humans the minority, he swears they will be protected. Zaria Stonewell isn’t so sure, and so she works the day shift, keeping herself away from the horrors of vampire that terrify her. At least, until she witnesses a ‘biting incident’ from the window at work, one that becomes a murder.

Zaria knows this will boost her nightmares up even more than before. The detective assigned to the case, Gregory Parsons is a vampire, hot and sexy, but Zaria wants nothing to do with him. When she finds out her ex-husband has been drawing comics of sadistic vampire murders, each involving her in some way, Zaria is worried and afraid. When Detective Parsons offers to protect her, she is apprehensive, but agrees in spite of her feelings.

But he has a hidden agenda, and soon Zaria finds she is in more danger than ever, as events from her past resurface to dog her steps. When things go horribly wrong, Zaria has no idea who she can trust, but knows she has to get out of sight and lay low. Can Zaria find a way to get through her nightmarish past and trust a vampire? Once Greg betrays that trust, can she still depend on him to keep her alive? Can they uncover who is behind the whole plot, and come out of the mess unscathed?

I like books that keep me guessing, and this one kept me on edge right to the end. I like her alternate world where humans are in the minority and vampires are the authority figures. The characters are well defined and multifaceted, and the story is original and intriguing.

Zaria Stonewell has been on her own since she was a teen. She is strong and determined to take care of herself. When her nightmares of the past become all too real, she has to face her fears and trust someone with her past. I like Zaria for her courage and her smart mouthed attitude, and her ability to adapt when necessary. I also like that she doesn’t immediately condemn Greg, but waits to find out his reason for the betrayal.

Gregory Parsons is handsome, hot and a vampire, everything Zaria fears and despises. But he is also her best chance at surviving the coming events. He is strong and willing to protect Zaria from being harmed. Once he discovers he’s been tricked into betraying her, he does everything he can to help her and keep her safe. I liked that he was able to admit he was wrong, and that he would do what he could to make it up to her. And he gets the injuries to prove it.

The secondary characters in this are all well defined. There were a couple of big surprises in this, like Zaria’s vampire landlord who isn’t what he seems to be, and the truth behind her philandering ex-husband. This story kept me on the edge of my seat the whole way through, and I was surprised several times at what was going on. This is a great thrill ride of a story, and I recommend this to everyone who likes a good murder mystery with a special twist.