Blame It on the Baby by Jennifer Archer

Blame It on the Baby by Jennifer Archer
Publisher: Samhain
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (95 pgs)
Heat Level: sensual
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

When an act of fate results in the world’s first pregnant man, swollen feet are the least of his problems!

Tory Beecham-Todd is fed up with being taken for granted. When will she have time to accomplish her goals and live her dreams? Her husband Dillon has it easy. He has only one job, while she’s a college student, part-time law clerk, and full-time mother to their daughter with another child on the way.

Now Dillon’s ambition to buy into the restaurant business consumes all of his time and threatens her plans to enter law school. Doesn’t he realize she needs his help? Tory wishes Dillon could experience her life firsthand. Maybe then he’d understand…

When her offhand wish is granted, Tory and Dillon struggle to regain their lives. Only a mutual understanding will change them back, but will they reach it before it’s too late?

If you remember the movie, Freaky Friday, about the mother and daughter switching bodies and its remake, then you’ll have an idea of the premise of this story. That is the only similarity because in this clever and unique book, the author took the idea and created a hysterically funny yet insightful plot that makes the movie look tame and shallow. Blame It on the Baby has a lot to offer a reader who looks for depth of character and an entertaining storyline.

The first thing the author did was set up the atmosphere. Once Ms. Archer was done, I was fully aware that, although the heroine and hero truly loved each other, life’s pressures from their professional lives were about to submarine what otherwise was a very strong marriage. The author’s insight into how a man’s thinking process differs from a female’s was crucial and it’s that clarity of understanding that made this novella shine.

Tory and Dillon were wonderful characters. I was impressed by the author’s ability to get into their heads and help a reader understand their inner insecurities, dreams, wants, fears and aspirations. The thing of it is, both the hero and heroine had valid points. There wasn’t a truly conscious selfish intention from either of them. That being said, a man can only understand his point of view and a woman hers. No matter how well they communicate, there will always be things left unsaid because they either don’t know how to say it, are mistakenly trying to protect the other and left things unsaid, or totally clueless that something should be mentioned. Throw in life’s little stresses and demands and it’s like throwing gasoline on a fire.

The paranormal element comes in through a very innocuous source. It’s never explained, it’s never explored; it just is. The crux of the plot is, will this freaky occurrence bring them closer or further apart?

In the beginning, I was a little stressed reading the book. I cringed a lot because I could feel their marriage strain and saw the possibility of it unraveling. I could also see how much of a tragedy that would be because Tory and Dillon were right for each other. Ms. Archer painstakingly set up the elements that would drive each character towards a greater understanding of what is was to be Dillon, the man, worker and husband, and to be Tory, mom, student and wife. Once that was done, then the humor kicked in.

Enter Joe. Once he came on scene, the tender gloves were off and hard hitting belly busting laughter ensued. I can’t even explain how hard I laughed but for a bit, I couldn’t catch my breath. The hilarity stems from Tory, in Dillon’s body, interacting with Joe, who is clueless of the switch. However, a woman is a woman no matter what body’s she’s in because it’s the brain and personality that makes a person do what they do. This is where understanding the differences between men and women came into the picture and Ms. Archer totally got it. The dialogue alone was enough to send me into a fit of giggles. The descriptions of Joe’s reactions to his assumptions and interpretations were comic genius. When Tory, as Dillon, had to deal with another woman coming on to her/him ended up being another great moment of the book.

Honestly, there are so many things that are worthy to share but every one would lead to spoilers and there’s no way I want to diminish the effect of this story for a reader. There’s power in the not knowing and a reader deserves the full enchilada of fun. I will say the happy ever after was completely satisfying and delightful.

Blame It on the Baby is a must read. There is no doubt in my mind that this book is going to appeal to any reader who is a diehard romantic at heart. A friend recommended that I read this and now I’m passing it on. This is a story not to be missed especially if a reader is having that kind of a day where a smile and a giggle are sorely needed. Reading Blame It on the Baby is the cure.

Taken In by Jane Toombs

Taken In by Jane Toombs
The Dagon House Series, Book 1
Publisher: Champagne Books
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Short Story (60 pgs)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Poinsettia

Gail Sarandon runs for her life after witnessing a murder. Found by Special Agent Jason Tregarth, the two are spotted by the murderer and pursued. After a car crash, Gail and Jason are taken in by the inhabitants of Dagon House who all have secrets of their own.

Dagon House itself hides its own terrible secrets. When the murderer finds Gail and Jason, it wakes the vengeful ghosts who are bent on revenge.

When Gail finds a note under her door from her ex-boyfriend, she doesn’t think things could get worse. She was very wrong.

Gail’s life quickly spirals out of control after finding the note. One minute she’s irritated that her ex is still trying to contact her, the next she’s witnessing his murder. Certain the killer saw her, Gail runs. It isn’t long before she’s intercepted by a federal agent determined to protect her. When an accident drives them to take shelter in a creepy old house with some very odd strangers, Jason and Gail are in more danger than ever. The killer is closing in on them, and it will only be a matter of time before he makes his move.

Gail and Jason made a cute couple. They didn’t exactly have a “love at first sight” connection, but there was still something sizzling beneath the surface when they connected. I think the relationship between Gail and Jason progressed a little too quickly and their “happily ever after” felt a bit forced considering they’d only known each other for a few days and hadn’t really had time to get to know each other on a personal level. A “happy for now” type of ending might have suited their situation better. Despite this issue, I sincerely like both characters and hope they have a great future.

The most intriguing part of Taken In is certainly the history of Dagon House and its ghosts. I think some of the past of the house was revealed a bit too directly. The story would have been even more thought provoking and chilling if the details concerning the ghosts and their deaths would have been revealed a bit more subtly. Despite this fact, I think there is still a lot more to be learned about Dagon House, and my interest is definitely piqued. When I finished reading the story, questions immediately began popping into my mind. Why had the former inhabitants of the house been murdered? Why do they still haunt the house? Do they remain in at the house because they want revenge or are they there for some other purpose? Also, Jason kept saying that the name of the house implied something evil, yet all the ghosts that showed themselves in this story were essentially good. Is there something more malevolent waiting to be revealed in future installments? I look forward to finding out.

In addition to wanting to know more about the ghosts, I would also like to find out more about the women currently living in the house, Anita and Krystal. Both women are running from violent pasts and their situations were far from resolved when the story ended. I couldn’t help but wonder if it was pure coincidence that two women with similar problems ended up renting the same house, or if something else was going on.

I’m glad I had the opportunity to read Taken In. It is a fast paced mystery with sinister undertones that can be enjoyed in one sitting. While the ending is certainly satisfying, Ms. Toombs has raised many tantalizing questions sure to have readers looking for the next book in the series.

The Virgin’s Revenge by Dee Tenorio

The Virgin’s Revenge by Dee Tenorio
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (253 pages)
Heat Level: hot
Rating: 4 Stars
Reviewed by Sunflower

If you can’t beat ’em…seduce ’em.

A Rancho del Cielo Romance

Amanda Jackman’s love life is the stuff dreams are made of…which is fitting, because it’s all in her head. Thanks to six oversized, overbearing brothers who treat her like the family jewel, she’s lived in a padded little box.

Determined to get a life before she needs a padded little cell, she sets out to throw off the yoke and live on her own terms. Except she seriously underestimates the lengths to which her brothers will go to keep her safe and sound.

Cole Engstrom’s life might just be at an end. Cornered by all six of the massive Jackmans—men he normally considers his friends—he learns he’s their choice to marry their sister…or else. Make that first choice, but not the last.

Rather than watch Amanda’s brothers club their way through potential mates, Cole figures it’s best to just play along for a while and buy her some time to find a man of her own. It’s a good plan. Until Amanda figures it out—and decides he’s the one to relieve her of her “sheltered little virgin” status. One seduction at a time…

What do you do when an older brother and friend meddle in your life? Revenge, of course! What a perfect set up for this light-hearted, wonderful romance.

It’s not easy being the only girl in the family. Amanda has SIX brothers! That might be cause for a bit of a buzz kill for any guy that dares get close to Amanda. Hence the reason she’s lived far too sheltered a life. It takes Amanda the duration of this book, but step by step, she begins to branch out on her own and do things her brothers would go crazy over…and do! I felt for her. I have an understanding of being too protected. Amanda comes off as a doormat sometimes, but she does grow during the story. She gains the ability to stand up to others that push her around. I admired her for that.

Cole, a family friend, is the hero of the book. He finds himself in a bit of a predicament…what else could he do? Cole and Amanda have known each other for a long time, little does either know what’s in store for the both of them.

The Virgin’s Revenge is a feel good, romantic comedy story that also has plenty of character growth. With reading this story, it’s my first time being introduced to the author’s work, and I very much enjoyed this. There’s plenty of situations that made me laugh and smile, and I wanted a victorious, happy ending for Amanda and Cole!

The secondary characters play a strong role throughout the story. Amanda’s oldest brother, Locke, for instance. He’s a bit of a pushy, stuffy man even though I knew he had honest intentions. He’s a character that intrigued me and I have hopes for a story of his own. I’d love to know what drives him to do some of the things he does.

Overall, The Virgin’s Revenge captured my heart. I was left with a smile on my face after I finished it. This is the type of story I can turn to again and again in times of needing a comforting laugh. If you like a contemporary fun story, hurry and grab The Virgin’s Revenge for your own.

The World is a Stage by Tamara Morgan

The World is a Stage by Tamara Morgan
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full length (274 pages)
Heat Level Spicy
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Iris

Danger comes packaged in bulging muscles…and a codpiece.

Games of Love, Book 2

Highland Games athlete Michael O’Leary is famous for his ability to charm a woman right out of her pants. Maybe a little too famous. When he’s sidelined with a knee injury, his wingman pounces on the chance to take full advantage of Michael’s idle time.

Trying out for the local adult-themed Shakespearean production seems simple, but there’s a catch. Michael must woo the notoriously demanding lead actress, Rachel Hewitt, thereby freeing his friend to pursue a courtship of Rachel’s sister.

Rachel hates the thought of handing over the lead role in her admittedly scandalous troupe to someone so wholly uneducated in the ways of the Great Bard. But she’s in a bind, and the only one who can step up is a man who looks way too good in a codpiece—and knows it.

To add insult to injury, he refuses to take the role until she agrees to take his place in some barbaric warrior race. She’ll do it, but not with a smile. Unfortunately, the hardest part isn’t antagonizing her Scottish foes. It’s resisting the one man who seems determined to line and cue her heart—forever.

What could be better than a hero in a codpiece?

My first observation is that I was disappointed that this was not the naughty, saucy Shakespearean romp the back of the book promised me. My second is this story is so much more.

Ms. Morgan did not write careful, thoughtful characters. These folks are crude, loving, angry, talented, caring, vulgar . . . I could go on, but you get my point. Because these characters tend to read as “real”, this story can be difficult to read at times. When Rachel, our heroine, does something stupid, one just wants to yell at her. (I might recommend reading this away from other people if you tend to talk to your books while reading them!) The flip side includes crying, longing, and cheering for and with her.

Speaking of characters, our hero, Michael is definitely one who grabbed my attention. Hard headed, deeply loyal, with an amusing propensity for limericks, he tends to be on the vulgar side at times. Those who can be easily offended should beware. However, despite his vocabulary, and his occasional stubborn hard-headedness, he’s a wonderful hero in so many different ways.

The secondary characters are no less well-crafted. From Rachel’s sister Molly, to Michael’s best friend Eric, to the girls’ mother and Michael’s uncle, they all leave a piece of themselves with you.

The addition of the Highland Games is a unique touch, and allows for some lovely descriptions of eye candy (as well as their hard work). It also gives Michael the opportunity to wear a kilt (and who amongst us doesn’t love a man in a kilt?!)

Yes, there is more than one happily ever after, but the way they get there is definitely a roller coaster ride. If this roller coaster is one you want to hop on, you may want to purchase this book rather than borrow it – I think you’ll want to visit these folks again!

Once A Mistress by Debra Mullins

Once A Mistress by Debra Mullins
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Historical
Length: Full length (247 pgs)
Heat level: Hot
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Meadowsweet

Her love will capture the ultimate treasure—his heart.
Diana Covington is a dutiful daughter with a boring future all mapped out for her. A shipping fortune and lush Jamaican estate that will someday be hers, a husband of her father’s choice. Romance and Caribbean adventure exist only in her dreams, in which the Black Spaniard, El Moreno, plays a starring role.

Until she is kidnapped by the evil pirate Marcus, and her girlish fantasies quickly turn to nightmares.

Alex Rawnsley’s dark Spanish looks makes him the perfect choice to take on the identity of El Moreno. His mission is to bring Marcus to justice, but his heart thirsts for blood. Vengeance for his brother’s murder is within his grasp when Diana’s kidnapping throws a hitch in his strategy.

Snatching her from Marcus’s clutches is easy enough, but what to do with her now? He cannot return her home lest she be taken again. He has no choice but to keep the distracting, innocent beauty aboard his ship. In his cabin. In his bed. The temptation to make her his own grows stronger by the hour…but opening his heart to love may forever close the door on his quest for revenge.

Pirates, damsels in distress, massive ships and tropical islands make the perfect setting for an amazing romance. This story is bursting with action, a beautiful well-to-do woman chased by a less than reputable guy refuses his advances, is kidnapped by one pirate and rescued by another. The sparks fly and romance ensues. Add in an outraged father, pirates with and without honor, a bit of intrigue, a Spanish barmaid, and a hunt for revenge and you have the perfect mix of excitement, romance, and a just plain good story.

The character development in Once a Mistress is good. The plot line is well done, flows nicely and with solid transitions. The settings are descriptive, vivid and accurate and the historical details are well done without any obvious inaccuracies. The book was originally published in 1999 by Avon books and it is a delight to see the book return with a new publisher.

Some stories are classic, they stick with you and sweep you off your feet. The storyline in this book moves smoothly without any wild details or crazy situations. The situations are close to reality and that makes the story all the more believable. You can see yourself on the ships, feel the salty wind and enjoy the romance that goes with being on the high seas and dealing with pirates, and tropical locations. There’s also something special about a girl growing up from the protected child/woman to a strong independent woman willing to fight for love and stand for what she believes in with a tall, dark, handsome man who gives up revenge for love.  Once a Mistress was a book I thoroughly enjoyed.

Natural Evil by Thea Harrison

Natural Evil by Thea Harrison
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (108 Pages)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Foxglove

Attempted Murder. Passion. Betrayal. It’s a dog-eat-dog world.

Claudia Hunter is on a road trip through the Nevada desert when she sees the body of a dog on the side of the highway. Pulling over to investigate, she quickly determines that the enormous animal is clinging to life. While working to save him with the help of the local vet, Claudia realizes there’s something about the creature that seems more. Other. Wyr. Which makes this case of animal cruelty attempted murder.

Too injured to shape shift, Luis Alvaraz is reluctant to tell Claudia what he knows about his attack, afraid it will only make her a target. But the sheriff is corrupt, and his attackers know Luis is alive and vulnerable. To make matters worse, a sandstorm is sweeping into town, and if they’re going to survive the night, Luis will have to place all his trust in Claudia.

Claudia Hunter is on an extended road trip, after ‘retiring’ from the military. On the way down a deserted highway in the desert, she finds a massive dog, bigger than anything she has ever seen, and at first believes it is dead. But as she gets close, she realizes it is alive, though looks like it had been tortured and dragged behind a car, and she is determined to save it. She has a feeling that it may be more than just a dog. When the area sheriff just happens along, offering to put the animal out of its misery, she is more determined than ever to save it. Claudia suspects the dog is Wyr, and if he is, someone tried to murder him.

When he recovers and can shift, she learns his name is Luis, and he is indeed one of the elder races, and was caught investigating suspicious activity in the area: activity that involves the sheriff as well as the wealthy owner of the only successful local business. As Luis heals, he and Claudia grow closer, and the two of them decide to take care of the trouble in the area. Trapped together by a sandstorm, passions run high, and Claudia and Luis share the sleeping bag in the trailer the vet has loaned her. Can these two special people stop the illegal activity, and keep each other alive? Can they find a way to be together, or will the evil out there come between them?

The world of the Elder Races is a most intriguing creation from Thea Harrison. I love this world where things are more than they appear to be, and people are never simple. The characters are unconventional and interesting, and danger and violence are always simmering just under the surface.

Claudia Hunter is a smart, strong and independent woman. She’s former military, retired but not by choice. She’s always alert, and she’s just a bit more than human herself. She’s honest, with a sense of fair play and loyal to those who earn it. I like that she isn’t some young woman, but is a more mature forty something, average female. She has a history, and that has shaped her actions and her life. I also liked that she’s open about what she wants, from life and those around her.

Luis is more than just a man. He is Wyr, and strong, handsome and honorable. He’s intrigued by Claudia, because she’s also strong and honest. As he heals, he learns more about the woman who rescued him, and everything he learns makes him want to know more. As they grow closer, during the sandstorm, he wants more than friendship with her, but isn’t sure if she’s interested. I like how these two don’t play games with each other, but are honest and open about their desires.

There’s a secret agenda here, with the sheriff covering up many of the crimes in the area. The danger and the intrigue are subtle at first, but as Claudia and Luis investigate, they uncover a veritable nest of iniquity and evil. This one grabbed me from the first page and refused to let me put it down. I recommend Ms. Harrison’s Natural Evil, and all of her Tales of the Elder Races to those who can be satisfied with a very passionate happy for now.

Worth the Risk by Karen Erickson

Worth the Risk by Karen Erickson
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (252 Pages)
Heat Level: Hot
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Moonflower

How to make a strong man fall hard? Refuse him.

Worth It, Book 2

Hunter Worth lives life to the absolute fullest. As vice president and head of brand marketing for Worth Luxury Goods, he’s brought his family’s business firmly into the twenty-first century. Ruthless yet charming, he’s now set his sights on the sexiest member of the marketing team. First thing on his agenda? Seduction.

Gracie Hayes needs her job at Worth—and she’s not about to let the gorgeous owner and her direct boss distract her—again. Orphaned, and with a rough childhood behind her, she’s worked too hard to compromise everything for a fling, no matter how tempting. Independent, strong and resourceful, she will fight off Hunter. She has to.

Flirting, stolen kisses, a few nights of scorching hot sex…Hunter has all that in mind and more with the delicious Gracie. He never figures he’d fall in love or that she’d deny him. How will Hunter convince Gracie he’s the one for her?

The Worth brothers are well worth the read…pun intended. Book two in the Worth It series is just as steamy and hot as the first, Worth the Scandal. The chemistry between these two stubborn people was burning up my reader and I couldn’t wait for their amazing moments of weakness. I wasn’t kept waiting for long.

Hunter is simply an arrogant womanizing jerk. As the middle man in the trio of brothers, he plays the part well. He’s jealous of the baby of the family because of his carelessness and freedom. He’s also always trying to prove himself to the elder, never feeling good enough and doesn’t want to be thought of as a burden. Feeling loved, but never quite fitting in, he’s just witnessed his big brother fall helplessly in love, and what a fall it was. Hunter’s determined to never be a victim of that feeling. The problem is he has an unexpected pull to his co-worker Gracie, which he just can’t deny or satisfy. He didn’t see the warning signs of danger ahead. Hunter’s an accident waiting to happen.

Gracie’s been alone forever. She was abandoned by her mother at a very young age and grew up in the system. She fought long and hard to get where she is and she will not make the mistake of falling into the bed of her over-sexed boss. But the one kiss they shared continues to haunt her. Could this warm fuzzy feeling be something worth looking into?

Hunter jumps in with a full frontal attack and Gracie never saw it coming. She may have her moments of weakness when it comes to this handsome man, but she stands strong and makes him work for it. It was apparent throughout the book that these two belonged together, but I could still completely understand the barriers they were facing. From the beginning to the end these two have to fight against love and fight for their freedom. It takes almost losing it all, to open their eyes.

My heart went out to these two people. It was almost painful to watch what Hunter had to go through. He was so strung out over his newly discovered feelings, it was poignant. Gracie was an amazingly strong willed woman who had so many inner demons to conquer, I wondered if she would ever make it.

Worth the Risk has amazing pacing, with no lulls and the style of writing was smooth. I was never bored and I didn’t feel rushed at all. The flow from scene to scene was flawless. It’s rare to find a novel that’s so perfectly balanced.

Ms. Erickson knows how to write a compelling story that doesn’t allow any room for distractions. This book was hard to put down and kept my attention from beginning to end. So be prepared to spend the whole day with Hunter and Gracie. Worth the Risk made losing my day so Worth It!

Bewitched, Blooded and Bewildered by Robyn Bachar

Bewitched, Blooded and Bewildered by Robyn Bachar
Publisher: Samhain Publishing LTD
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full length (267 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Water Lily

It’s better to be a bad witch than a dead one.

A Bad Witch story

One thing stands between Catherine Duquesne and happily-ever-after with her soul mate Lex—her unwanted bond with billionaire vampire Zachary Harrison. Married life is hard enough without adding an uninvited vampire to the mix, and being tied to Zach endangers more than just her relationship. If Zach dies, she dies, and with his new seat on the necromancer council being challenged by older, more powerful masters, his life expectancy is dwindling fast.

Vampire politics is only the beginning of Cat’s problems. Hunters are stalking magicians, abducting entire families and killing anyone who resists. As the current Titania and Oberon, Cat and Lex must protect their people, but Cat’s dark past keeps the victims from seeking their help. Worse, the former Titania’s granddaughter wants to oust Cat from the job, believing her vampire ties make her unfit.

To break the bond Cat must broker deals with devils on a journey that will take her to hell and back—literally. Freedom comes at a high price, but Cat will risk anything to save her people and her marriage.

Having loved the first book in the series, this installment shouted “Read me!” I’m so glad I did.

I loved Cat and Lex in Blood, Smoke and Mirrors and was thrilled to get to review Bewitched, Blooded and Bewildered.

As you’d expect in a sequel, there’s less world building in this story and therefore who is who and what the rules are may be less clear for the first time reader, but if you’ve read the first one that shouldn’t be a problem. And if you haven’t read Blood, Smoke and Mirrors, you might want to.

Cat has developed and continues to develop skills in both fighting and magic department—skills she definitely needs both as an unwilling member of Zach’s “Team Evil” and Titania. As a relative newbie in both positions, there are more experienced/better qualified beings who think they have a right to both spots. Cat would happily give away her blood-bond with Zach, but it isn’t quite that simple. All this makes Cat’s marriage to her soul mate, the studly, ex-guardian Lex… complicated. Which sends them on a trip to Hell—literally. While the solution to some of the problems did come a bit easy, it worked for me.

I love how Ms. Bachar blurs the lines of good and evil in her characters. Like real people, no one is just one thing. Everyone has motives and, happily, in this story, the motives make sense. I particularly appreciated how “good” people in Bewitched, Blooded and Bewildered occasionally make bad decisions, and how sometimes the best intentions have bad results. Best of all, “bad” creatures can actually be good, or at least better than those labeled good. It makes for a complicated, yet realistic world. Very fun to read.

Ms. Bachar does a fabulous job creating three-dimensional, quirky, secondary characters with unexpected loyalties which I especially enjoyed.

Keep ‘em coming, Ms. Bachar, I’ll have my eye out for future installments.

Love is a Battlefield by Tamara Morgan

Love is a Battlefield by Tamara Morgan
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (305 pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Lotus

It takes a real man to wear a kilt. And a real woman to charm him out of it.

Games of Love, Book 1

It might be modern times, but Kate Simmons isn’t willing to live a life without at least the illusion of the perfect English romance. A proud member of the Jane Austen Regency Re-Enactment Society, Kate fulfills her passion for courtliness and high-waisted gowns in the company of a few women who share her love of all things heaving.

Then she encounters Julian Wallace, a professional Highland Games athlete who could have stepped right off the covers of her favorite novels. He’s everything brooding, masculine, and, well, heaving. The perfect example of a man who knows just how to wear his high sense of honor—and his kilt.

Confronted with a beautiful woman with a tongue as sharp as his sgian dubh, Julian and his band of merry men aren’t about to simply step aside and let Kate and her gaggle of tea-sippers use his land for their annual convention. Never mind that “his land” is a state park—Julian was here first, and he never backs down from a challenge.

Unless that challenge is a woman unafraid to fight for what she wants…and whose wants are suddenly the only thing he can think about.

What happens when a man in a kilt crosses a woman in a Regency era dress? Lots of sparks leading up to lots of sexy fun, of course!

Kate Simmons is a member of the Jane Austen Regency Re-Enactment Society, and in charge of finding the appropriate venue for their upcoming gathering which has a tiny budget. The job was given to her after her friend Jada caused some embarrassment to some JARRS members at another gathering. Kate is also a manager at a bookstore. Julian Wallace is a member of the Highland Games athletes who compete at an annual event. He also has two younger half sisters and a widowed mother all of whom he dotes on every chance he gets. The main reason he participates in the Highland Games is in memory of deceased stepfather, Harold Wallace, whom he greatly admired and respected. To honor his memory, he is doing all that he can to make him proud by continuing his participation in the Highland Games. His dream is to win in the Highland Games and also land a valuable sponsorship so that he could afford to pay for things that his mother and sisters need. He has to work at construction jobs to make money so that he could afford to compete since competing only brings in money when he wins.

The big problem that causes major friction between Kate and Julian is the fact that both of them want the same venue on the same day, making their situation an impasse. At first they try to outlast each others’ group by camping out on the grounds to stake their claim. Hijinks ensue when one of the JARRS members brings along a hot tub to make camping out more enjoyable. I will leave the rest to your imagination…

I was drawn in by the interesting blurb for this book and was not disappointed at all. Ms. Morgan writes witty dialogue and informative, yet not overly done, narrative. I was thoroughly entertained by the entire story, chuckling at many thoughts of the heroine along with her misadventures, some of which were, not surprisingly, very sexy. I loved both the characters of the heroine and the hero in addition to some of the supporting characters. Even though Kate and Julian grew up in different circumstances with Kate being an only child in a well-to-do household and Julian being the older half brother in a family with very little money once his stepfather passed away when Julian was still young, they find common ground. Both are loyal to their friends and family. They are both also very passionate about their interests: Kate with JARRS and Julian with the Highland Games. The situations of the JARRS and the Highland Games groups were novel and interesting to me.

I enjoyed this book so much that I intend to look for more books from Ms. Morgan. This is another book for my keeper shelf which is always looking for more additions. For a wonderful story full of interesting and fun characters who have some sensational times, be sure to look for Love is a Battlefield!

Grimm Tidings by Shiloh Walker

Grimm Tidings by Shiloh Walker
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (164 Pages)
Heat level: Hot
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by Foxglove

Never fear the pain. Fear what lies behind it…

Grimm’s Circle, Book 6

In his mortal life, the only thing Jacob liked better than money was a good brawl—until he stuck his fist into the wrong fight, and a demon sent him spinning into a new life as a Grimm.

Now, a hundred years later, he’s been called to protect someone too much like himself. A woman who could let the chains of her past drag her down unless she learns to let go. A woman who fights like there’s no tomorrow, because she clearly doesn’t want a tomorrow.

Celeste thought her second chance at life would be an opportunity to fix some of her worst mistakes, to set things straight. She couldn’t have been more wrong. She’s trapped by the past and her regrets, and nothing—not even her darkly sexy new trainer, Jacob—has a blade sharp enough to cut her loose.

Chains are Jacob’s specialty, but his help comes with a price. To her, the cost is her heart. To Jacob…something much more.

Sometimes, you just have to let the past go, and not worry about what might have been. Celine’s biggest problem is that she hasn’t been able to let go of what was, so she fights demons as a Grimm for all the wrong reasons. She’s worked with almost every available trainer, and Will hasn’t found one able to reach her to help her move on. When she’s paired with Jacob, will he be the one who can, finally, help her make the break with the past and move on in her new life as a Grimm? Can she finally put the past behind her, and find a new reason to fight and enjoy life once again? Can she find in Jacob what she is so desperately seeking with each new battle-a reason to go on?

I have been a fan of Shiloh Walker’s Grimm’s Circle series since the very first book, and look forward to each new release. Ms. Walker’s world is one that is dark, brooding and filled with danger at every turn. The characters are all too human, with flaws and weaknesses just like the rest of us, with one difference: they are all given second chances to become guardians of the human race as Grimms, guardian angels who fight the demons who would possess humanity and destroy life.

Celine is strong, fast and willing to fight any demon she sees; the more the better. But until she can let go of her old life and the feelings of guilt and failure, she won’t be more than a fighting machine, and may even be dangerous to herself and others. She has regrets, and wishes she could settle the problems she had with her husband before her ‘death’ and rebirth as a Grimm. I liked watching as Celine grew and realized she wanted something that would never have been. I enjoyed watching as she waged her battle of will against Jacob, and I liked her ability to accept her new role in life.

Jacob is a man haunted by his past, and the life he had before he became a Grimm. Strong, loyal and determined, he knows where Celine is at because he has been in the same kind of situation she’s experiencing. He learned long ago to accept what couldn’t be changed and has finally moved on as best as he could. I liked Jacob, with his silent supporting ways, and his smoldering desire for Celine that slowly becomes a deep passion and desire to see the woman whole and content with life.

As with every Grimm’s Circle book, I enjoyed the guessing game of who the literary character might be in this one, and I was delighted to discover I was right in this case. No, I will not spoil the surprise of who Ms. Walker brought to this tale, and the deliciously intriguing twist she puts on the history behind this character’s life. There are some intense fight scenes here, and some touching and emotional scenes, especially the one between Celine and her husband that helps begin the healing for both. And it just wouldn’t be Shiloh Walker without the super hot passion between Celine and Jacob. There is something for everyone here, and I highly recommend making your escape to Grimm’s Circle soon.