Talking Etiquette with Sally Orr – Guest Blog and Giveaway

2_11 sally orr To Catch a Rake coverThis post is part of a virtual tour organized by the publisher. Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a copy of When the Rake Falls, along with a special note from the author, Sally Orr.

Talking Etiquette with Sally Orr
If you open a nineteenth century etiquette book like, The ladies’ hand-book of etiquette and manual of politeness, you will find rules for everything. Rules on how to properly address a letter, how to meet someone in a demure fashion, what to do if a gentleman is vulgar, or how to stand or walk the proper distance from your betters.


Many of these rules are common sense and still apply today. Some however, to repeat a cliché, have gone with the wind. For example, anyone familiar with social media must realize that nineteenth century rules of modesty have been forgotten.

One of the charms of historical romance is to spend a few moments in the graceful past. While I’ve never come across someone standing a few paces behind a Duke in romance novels, there are many other aspects of etiquette that do grace their pages. Who does not like a gentleman who would place his cape over a mud puddle so a lady may not get muddy?


One other form of etiquette I admire is the habit of taking a bow of respect. Forget the etiquette of gentlemen standing upon a lady’s entrance (that might resemble whack-a-mole and give me an outbreak of the giggles), but who wouldn’t enjoy a brief bow of respect every once and awhile? I wonder if my husband would do this? He’ll give me a wink and probably say, “I’ll give you an occasional bow if you walk two paces behind me.”

Here’s an excerpt from TO CATCH A RAKE when the hero behaves like a gentleman, even though he might not be feeling that way:

Halfway to his destination, he observed three lovely ladies approaching him on the pathway. The first lady caught sight of him at a hundred paces and stopped in her tracks. The other women then stopped too. The group conversed for a minute before giggles erupted.

George hated giggles. Women were not high on his list of favorite things at the moment. They ranked right up there with over-flowing privies. None of them could be trusted, because they were all inveterate tittle-tattlers, bags of maudlin sentiment, and silly book writers.

“Oh look, that’s the very man himself,” the first lady said, immediately pulling back her hand when caught pointing at him.

He lengthened his stride, hoping to pass them in seconds.

“Are you certain?” the second lady said.

The first lady furtively nodded.

Ten feet before their paths crossed, he caught a white flash out of the corner of his eye. Upon further examination, it appeared the first lady had dropped her handkerchief on the pavement in front of him. He ground his teeth. Then swore he had no intention of picking it up. Very likely his chivalry toward the fairer sex may have escaped him permanently. He quickened his step.

A foot away, the second lady dropped her handkerchief right in his path. If he stepped on it, the handkerchief would be ruined, so he had to stop. Glaring downward at the offending cloth, he mumbled a strong swear word under his breath. He inhaled, tipped his hat, and bowed. “Ladies.” He then addressed the third one. “Would you care to drop your handkerchief too? It’s more efficient if I pick all three up at the same time. Besides, I would hate to leave a member of your party out of my gallantries.”

All of the ladies beamed.

The third one shook her head. “I forgot to bring my handkerchief,” she said in a disappointed tone.

He feigned a smile. “My loss.”

They all continued to smile and repeatedly nodded at each other.

He bent over to pick up the two white linen squares. At the very moment his hand grabbed the first one, a flash of silver and a heavy thump sounded as a silver reticule dropped on the pavement in front of his nose.

Seemingly without a handkerchief, the third lady had thrown in her reticule.

A moment of uneasy silence followed. Finally, he straightened and burst out in laughter.

The three women joined him, and they all laughed together.

After regaining his composure, he shook his head and bent over to pick up the small collection of items on the pavement. He then gracefully handed each piece to the correct owner, followed with a deep bow.

“Thank you, sir.”

“Thank you, Miss . . .”

“Goddess,” she said, looking entirely pleased with herself.

“And I’m Miss Widow,” her companion added.

Her friend nudged her arm. “Miss Widow Maker, dear.”

“Yes, I make widows.”

He chuckled and doffed his hat. “Ladies.” Once on his way again, he heaved a sigh of relief. Thankfully, he acknowledged his anger did not apply to all women—just one.

What is your favorite form of etiquette practiced by romantic heroes?

No Good Rake Goes Unpunished

When George Drexel used his vast experience with women to write and publish The Rake’s Handbook: Including Field Guide, little did he realize the havoc it would cause. Now years later, the rumor of a second edition has London’s naughtiest widows pounding on his door, begging to be included. But George has given up his roguish ways and wants nothing more than to be left alone with his architectural pursuits…until beautiful Meta Russell tempts him from his work and leaves him contemplating an altogether different sort of plan.

The handbook may be years out of print, but it still has the power to ruin lives. Desperate to save her sister—whose inclusion has left her jilted—Meta tracks down the rake responsible, only to find a man who steals her breath and leaves her reeling. Banding together to put things to rights, George and Meta find themselves drawn inexorably together…but can Meta truly trust her heart to a man who wrote the book on being a rake?

About the Author:2_11 Sally Orr photoSally Orr worked for 30 years in academic research, when one day a friend challenged her to write a novel. Since she is a hopeless Anglophile, her books are by default Regency romances. She lives with her husband surrounded by books, modernist mid-century dishes, and English cars in San Diego, California.

Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads
Buy the book at Amazon, Barnes and Noble, Apple, Kobo, BAM, Indigo, or IndieBound.

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The Rake’s Handbook by Sally Orr – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by the publisher. Enter the Rafflecopter for a chance to win a copy of the book.

What would I tell a new author?
When I decided to write a book, I had no idea how to start. Believe me, I was clueless. First, I stared at the blank page like a deer in headlights–frozen. However, I was also a research scientist, so I did research into books that sell. My results, and a natural proclivity for all things English, led me to choose a Regency-era romance for my first book. So here I go!

Right, how do you write a book?

Easy peasy, I bought a “how to write a novel” type of book. The chapter headings were concepts like: characterization, plotting, dialog, emotion, grammar, narration, and hooks. Eeeck! There’s a ton to learn about this whole writing business.

“Dammit, Jim, I’m a scientist not a novel writer.”

Obviously I needed professional help. So one February, I found myself sitting at my local Romance Writers of America (RWA) chapter meeting. I was scared silly (well, I’m always silly, so ignore that comment). Back-story was the subject of the talk that day. I had a sneaking suspicion that back-story was not the story in the back of the book, but I was not totally sure. Instead, I learned even more about what writers call “craft.” And boy, is craft a complicated subject.

How do I learn?

First, I decided plotting was the hardest concept for me to grasp. First books usually do not sell, so I’ll use the first one to learn craft. Therefore, I picked the Pride and Prejudice plot to hang my story on and started typing away. Next, I needed a professional tutor to help me learn. Now there are many ways to get your fledgling manuscript reviewed. Many use critique partner or groups. Some writers take general classes or specific classes on craft. The method I used was RWA chapter contests. For a fee, at least three people would give detailed comments on my writing and how to improve it. It worked like a charm. Yes, there were some snarky, incorrect comments, but overall it was a wonderful experience. Almost all of the ladies were generous with their time and knowledge. I’d try something on paper like “I know, I’ll use the horse’s POV.” Whatever crazy idea I had, I received many good tips on what to do and not to do. So the first thing I would tell a new author is to take advantage of well-known contests. Not all of them will work out, but if you stick too it, you can become a better writer. And in my opinion, other than hiring a personal tutor, a better writer faster than any of the other methods. Happy typing.

Are there any great tips you can share to help beginning writers?

11_19 sally orr book coverThe definitive guide to seduction…

The Rake’s Handbook was written on a dare, and soon took the ton by storm. Now its author, Ross Thornbury, is publicly reviled by the ladies—who are, of course, forbidden to read the handbook—but privately revered by the gentlemen. Unfortunately, Ross’s notoriety is working against him and he flees London painfully aware of the shortcomings of his own jaded heart.

Spirited young widow Elinor Colton lives next to Ross’s country estate. She’s appalled not only by his rakish reputation, but also by his progressive industrial plans. Elinor is sure she is immune to Ross’s seductive ways. But he keeps coming around…impressing her with his vision for England’s future and stunning her with his smiles.

How does one resist the man who wrote the manual on love?


Author Bio

11_19 Sally Orr Author PhotoSally Orr worked for thirty years in medical research, specializing in the discovery of gene function. After joining an English history message board, she posted many, many examples of absolute tomfoolery. As a result, a cyber-friend challenged her to write a novel. Since she is a hopeless Anglophile, it’s not surprising that her first book is a Regency romance. Sally lives with her husband in San Diego, surrounded by too many nerdy books and not enough old English cars.





Website                      Twitter @OrrSally





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