Balls For Breakfast by Louise Collins
Publisher: Evernight Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short story (52 pages)
Other: M/M, BDSM, Fetish (Daddy/boy role-playing), Rimming, Anal Play
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by FernThe man next door is hot, mysterious, a little bit terrifying, and unbeknownst to him, Travis’s Daddy. Travis lusts for Patrick in his fantasies, and he imagines the older man pinning him down, taking him apart and calling him his boy.
In a moment of madness, the word daddy slips from Travis’s lips, and Patrick gives him an odd look. The embarrassment burns hot and fast, and Travis rushes away. He needs to get Patrick out of his head, and goes clubbing as a distraction, but Patrick pursues…
Travis knew his lewd fantasies and sexual obsession with the daddy-next-door wasn’t healthy, but he simply couldn’t help himself. Travis lusted after Patrick and nothing was going to alter that fact. When Travis accidently calls Patrick “daddy” he wants to just die of mortification, but Patrick’s reaction takes him by surprise. Can the two men find fulfillment in each other?
I found this to be a fun and sexy romp of a story. The chemistry between Travis and Patrick was pretty hot and very evident from the start of the story and while it took them a while to actually get together the sex fairly sizzled off the page when they finally got into the bedroom. My only disappointment was I really felt that Travis’ housemate Luke drew out the teasing over Travis’ predilection to “daddy-porn” far too long. I totally understood Luke joking to Travis in a friendly manner to about Travis’ kink. The first few times Luke teased Travis I laughed along with him and then it felt to me like it went on and on. For me, personally it got taken a bit too far – for over half the length of the story. That said, I could see that Travis and Luke really were good friends and the extent of the teasing was the only blemish on my enjoyment of this story.
I thoroughly enjoyed the steamy sex between Patrick and Travis. It’s very consensual and while there’s a hint of kink with restraints and Daddy/boy talk and role-playing I didn’t find anything too over-the-top considering this is an erotic romance story. Dirty and sexy with plenty of spice in their mutual attraction, I enjoyed this story and found the ending very satisfying. While I don’t believe this will be every readers’ cup of tea, I feel it should appeal to those who like a slightly harder, kinkier style of M/M story.
Fun and sexy, this was a deliciously dirty, quick read.