The Gentle Dom by Sean Michael

The Gentle Dom by Sean Michael
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full length (193 pages)
Other: BDSM (mild), Voyeurism, Anal Play, Toys, Rimming, M/M
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

When one of their own is threatened, the men of the Iron Eagle Gym will stand together and prove they are stronger as a family. Stuntman Barclay Drambor suspects his fall from a roof was no accident. He believes his abusive ex was responsible, but he can’t prove it. Fortunately, a year has gone by with no word from Duncan, letting Barclay move on with his life—and that means dealing with the aftermath of his injuries. He finds personal trainer Reece “Rec” Gordon through a member of the gym, and it’s not long before their workouts together become much more intimate. Rec is gentle and goes out of his way to make Barclay comfortable, and in no time there’s talk of moving in together…. But just as Barclay is healing and finding a place to belong, Duncan returns to destroy his happiness. Though Duncan will learn he’s messing with the wrong group of men, in the end, Barclay must face him. Will Rec’s love and the friendship of the others at the gym give him the confidence to stand up for himself?

Barclay went to the gym to help his recovery from some nasty injuries he’d sustained as a stuntman. He’s introduced to Reece, his personal trainer, and Barclay is determined to work hard and get his life back on track. But Barclay has a difficult past – a stalker ex that Barclay thinks might have purposely caused his “accident” – and it’s all going to catch up with him soon. Can Reece and the other men of the Iron Eagle Gym help give him the support and assistance Barclay needs?

I found this to be an interesting and engrossing read. I was delighted the Barclay wasn’t cut from one of the usual “submissive men” mould patterns. He didn’t immediately do every single thing that Reece suggested, nor did it appear to me that Barclay was even looking for a partner, let alone a Dom/sub style of relationship. I found all these factors to be really refreshing – and while certainly not unique to Sean Michael novels (a number of them have quite different styles of characters) I find that it’s all too frequent in BDSM stories that both the Dom and sub partners often fall into one of a few categories. So this really helped keep the story – and most importantly, the characters – fresh to my perspective. It also kept the pace of the romance slightly slower and allowed me as a reader to get to know both Reece and Barclay and their personalities and circumstances. In a longer novel I usually prefer this slower-paced romance because it makes the whole setup usually feel more realistic to me and deeper. This story had that in spades and I loved it.

I was also really impressed that it wasn’t really necessary to have read any of the previous stories to understand and appreciate Barclay and Reece’s romance and story. Sure, there’s cameo’s from characters in the previous books but the story absolutely stands alone to my mind. Readers who have been following the series might get more satisfaction from seeing how friendly all the characters are together in the larger sense of the gym’s world, but I strongly feel I could have picked this up cold and got just as much from the story as I did having read the previous novels. I really appreciate this in a book well into a series like this one is.

My only qualm (and it’s nit-picking, really) was that the stalker-ex-boyfriend thing initially felt a little clichéd to me. I have to admit, the author did a good job of balancing the plot of the ex with the blossoming of the new relationship between Barclay and Reece. The two main men get a really good, solid foundation going before the ex shows up onto the scene, and I was pleased Reece and Barclay’s relationship really is the primary focus of the story until towards the last half or quarter or so of the book. So while I felt the stalker ex was a little clichéd it really did add some conflict and real tension and I did love how it brought so many of the men of the Iron Eagle gym together to unite against a common cause. In that sense it was really well handled to my mind.

Readers looking for a character-rich, multi-layered and really well written M/M romance should absolutely check this out. The BDSM is mild, but definitely present and quite tastefully written. The characters are front and centre and really done justice. I found the whole story emotional, different and a brilliant read. I’m eagerly looking forward both to diving back and re-experiencing this story and for hopefully more installments in the future. Highly recommended.

Mr. June by Bailey Bradford

Mr. June by Bailey Bradford
Publisher: Pride Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Short Story (100 pgs)
Other: M/M, Rimming, Anal Play
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Fern

lias Hayes is coming to believe that there is truth to the saying ‘no good deed goes unpunished.’

Ilias Hayes was flattered when he was asked to pose in a charity calendar shoot. He was even more thrilled to participate when Perry invited his boyfriend, Terry, to pose with Ilias. Being one of the couples in the calendar would cement their relationship.

Except it doesn’t. Terry dumps him, and Ilias realizes just how warped that relationship was. He plans to focus on his career with San Antonio Police Department and work out why he stayed with someone who treated him so badly.

But a call from dispatch about a fight at a doctor’s office brings a very interesting, opinionated man into Ilias’ life. He isn’t sure if Doctor Torres is flirting or not, but Ilias wants to find out—if he can get past his own fears and escape someone who wants Ilias for themselves.

Ilias is shocked when he discovers Terry – his boyfriend of four months – is an utter douche. Hurt and a little burned by the experience, Ilias focuses on his job as a police officer. When he meets Dr. Torres on the job, Ilias is pleasantly surprised by how the good doctor smells, and Ilias’ inner bear is more pleased that Dr Torres appears to be a shifter too. Despite a bit of initial clumsiness, can Ilias and Henry find their way together?

I found this to be a sweet and almost endearing story. I thought Henry and his silly/funny jokes were adorable and Ilias was also a strong but still sweet character. These two guys also contrasted very well with Terry – who was a borderline abusive, self-centered jerk and I was impressed that the author managed to walk a very fine line. Terry was a realistic character and not a cartoon-like villain but still clearly a nasty piece of work and a good source of conflict for the story.

I loved watching Henry and Ilias begin to date, I just found it so heart-warming and sweet. This is definitely the sort of story that I’d recommend to readers unsure about M/M romances, as there’s tons of emotion and a realistic connection between the two men. Add in some corny jokes and a goofiness on the part of both men and this made the whole experience a great story to my mind. I found the sex to be hot and intense – definitely explicit and erotic, but nothing that I would consider envelope-pushing for an erotic-romance reader.

While the sub-plot (both paranormal and drug-related) moved quite slowly through he first half of the book I was really pleased when it got moving in the latter half of the story. I completely understood the author setting up the romance between Henry and Ilias first, but it did make the end of the story feel like a lot of plot was crammed in. I have to be honest though, I thoroughly enjoyed it and found it quite interesting. I’d have loved to see more of it in the first part of the story, too and balanced a little better throughout the story.

With great characters, a solid plot and loads of romance and sex this was an interesting story that kept and held my attention all the way throughout. I think it’s a great story and will happily try another book by this author.

Going Off Grid by SJD Peterson

Going Off Grid by SJD Peterson
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short length (78 pages)
Other: M/M, Anal Play, Rimming
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Clay and Elliott are working toward a dream—working sixty-hour weeks for one of the oil companies that recently sprung up in North Dakota. The pay is good, but is it a fair trade for never seeing each other? The point becomes moot when the company folds, like so many others, and the couple is left with a difficult choice.

Should they find comparable work somewhere else, or is it time to throw caution to the wind and go after their goal—years earlier than they intended?

What they’ve always wanted is to be together and have time to enjoy it, so they follow their hearts. They’re going off the grid and fixing up an old cabin so they can be self-sufficient. But when they go from all the conveniences of the modern world to outhouses, solar power, a shoestring budget, and more mosquitos than they ever thought possible, will they find there’s such a thing as too much time together?

Clay and Elliott had been together for seven years and both working themselves extremely hard. Saving every penny, their dream was to do up their cabin and retire in style while they were young enough to still enjoy it. When the oil business went downhill fast their decision was forced onto Clay and Elliott a little early. But by going off grid – no power or cable bills – they could possibly make it work. Can they both survive going off grid and making their dream a reality?

This is an interesting and character-driven story. I really liked the concept of two six-figure-earning men upping their roots and going off grid into a cabin in the woods. Clay and Elliott were both completely normal men in a solid and stable long-term relationship, but I still found the direction they wanted their life to go in quite interesting. Nowadays I’ve noticed there are a lot of people interested in sustainable living and taking care of their own needs, so seeing these two high-powered men ready to do the same thing was quite interesting to me.

I also really appreciated how while there’s certainly a bit of polish to the story (Clay and Elliott managed to fix up the old log cabin fairly quickly and easily and the bigger-ticket items such as solar panels, connecting water lines etc all went rather smoothly and with minimal fuss) at no stage did I feel like there was an unrealistic sense to the story. While it all went smoothly, the gents *did* have to do upkeep and renovations, make preparations and outlay a fair chunk of their hard earned money. They didn’t simply wander out there into the middle of the woods with a car-load of gear and jump right in; they thought about it and planned it out. So while not gritty or in any way difficult, neither did it feel like the whole move was simply glossed over. I found this a good balance and I have to admit, I would have absolutely liked the story less had there been disaster after disaster – I enjoyed watching Clay and Elliott make their dream a reality and I loved to watch them both get to live and relish it.

Readers who like a plot-heavy or conflict-driven story might not find this as good a story as I did. While there’s some smoking hot sex scenes – the plot really does revolve around Clay and Elliott updating and upgrading their small cabin and making it liveable and the work they put into building and deepening their relationship. Having worked opposing shifts for many years and barely spending more than a handful of days together at a time they each knew they needed to invest plenty of time and energy into their relationship and this change of life pace was exactly what they both wanted deep down.

Personally, I loved watching the cabin and their relationship flourish under their time and care and found this a great book I will happily reread many times in the future.

Not That Innocent by Angel Ray

Not That Innocent by Angel Ray
Publisher: Books To Go Now
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (39 pages)
Other: M/F, Anal Play, Rimming
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Fern

Leonardo Morgan—Leo to his friends—was known for two things: running a Website geared towards younger single men and being a notorious womanizer. Leo had affairs with many of his female assistants and he made no apologies for it. That is, until he hired his newest assistant Sara Griffith. Sara was an “innocent” farm girl trying to make it in the big city. Or so Leo thought. An unexpected night of passion between them made him rethink his first impression of Sara and that she might not have been as “innocent” as he initially thought.

Their relationship blossoms both in and out of the bedroom. Eventually Leo realizes that his feelings for Sara go beyond merely sexual and that he has genuine feelings for her. He wonders—he hopes—she shares the same feelings for him. Can Sara tame this notorious and shameless womanizer?

Leo ran his own website and didn’t mind sleeping occasionally with her personal assistants. But these assistants were usually very young, self-absorbed and fairly useless. Interviewing for yet another new assistant, Leo had to admit there were a number with better qualifications than Sara, but with her big blue eyes, innocent air and gorgeous body Leo gave in to his baser impulses and hired Sara anyway. Leo can’t help but fantasize about the sexy woman and working so closely together he wants to be a lot more than boss and employee.

This is a super-hot short story along the fairly well-known lines of a “boss-falls-for-secretary” style. I was interested to note that it’s told from Leo’s perspective in the first person which I found to be somewhat unusual for women’s romance, but an interestingly different take on other similar stories that I’ve read before. I was a little disappointed how almost the first third of the book was pretty firmly based on Leo alone – except for the brief interview there was no interaction with Sara. While I understand the need to solidify Leo and his character to the reader it felt a little like wasted space in the short length of story. I found myself impatient to see Leo and Sara interact together and while Leo’s fantasies and masturbation scene certainly ramped up the spice factor of the story I’d have far preferred to have those pages show me Leo and Sara getting to know each other better instead.

I certainly found things progressed between Leo and Sara very quickly after that – and much like the title of the story indicates, Sara is nowhere near as innocent or shy as she first makes out to be. While I didn’t find the relationship building between Leo and Sara very romantic at all, the author did a very good job with the erotic element of Sara and Leo’s relationship and they both enjoyed a number of active and explicit scenes throughout the rest of the story.

While there is a solidly “Happy For Now” style of ending I feel this story would fare better with erotica readers and not readers who like a more emotional connection between their hero and heroine. I didn’t mind the lack of overt romance between Leo and Sara, but could understand why their very sexual and not so emotional relationship might not sit as well with more traditional romance readers. Deliciously explicit and very detailed this story won’t be everyone’s cup of tea but is a fun and quick read that is spicy enough to hit the spot when a fast and short story is needed.

Hell on Earth by Ally Blue

Hell on Earth by Ally Blue
Hellscape #2
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (280 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal sex, Rimming
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Two prisoners. One forgotten planet. A secret that twists justice beyond all recognition.

Hellscape, Book 2

All Sandman wants is to get away from his violent past on Hell’s End, but trouble follows him, leaving him with more blood on his hands and a one-way ticket aboard a crewless prison transport on a pre-set course for Deimos.

By the time he realizes the transport’s actual destination is a mystery, there’s only one other prisoner he can trust. He doesn’t like it, or the things Vijay makes him feel. Caring makes you weak. Makes you easy to hurt. And Sandman’s never been easy, or weak.

Vijay is focused on what he’s always done best. Survival. But Sandman is an enigma, fearless in battle yet terrified of tight spaces. Vijay finds himself longing to break through the fierce young warrior’s shell.

After crash landing on an uncharted planet, they stumble on the justice system’s dirty little secret—the Farm, where prisoners go in but never come out. When the Farm’s threat gets personal, Sandman and Vijay each test the limits of endurance to protect the man at his back—and in his heart.

One’s man hell can be another man’s paradise. Sandman is eager to leave Hell’s End behind for a new start on Mars. Except before his new life can begin, he becomes embroiled in a political tug-of-war and ends up crash-landed on Earth. The only other survivor is Vijay, a man who’s presence in the same craft is kind of Sandman’s fault. However, they both have to put aside their feelings of mistrust to navigate a new and scary world on Earth. With no one to trust and rely on besides each other, Sandman and Vijay must learn to survive and maybe even thrive in the new and hellish world.

Hell on Earth is book two in the Hellscape series by Ally Blue, however, newcomers to the series do not need to read the first book to understand this one. The first book in the series introduces the main character Sandman but focuses more on other characters and the political climate of Hell’s End. In this book the same world building applies but it’s used in much more general ways. It’s still a dystopian/futuristic world where politics are too confusing to follow, though the general vices of greed, cruelty, and heinous acts to the poor still apply. The focus on this second book is the relationship between Vijay and Sandman as they navigate through unfamiliar lands and people. The plot keeps the tension high and action nearly constant to help cover some of the holes in the world building.

If the world building isn’t as strong as it was in the first book, the characterization is better this round. Both Sandman and Vijay leap off the page with their complexity and hot passion. There are a couple of scenes that threw me, mostly because I am not a fan of rimming and I couldn’t stop thinking about how hygiene in a post-apocalyptic world is simply non-existent so… we’ll just say that didn’t work for me. Other than that I really quite enjoyed the couple together and was quickly invested in their outcome as individuals and a couple. They are very nuanced characters with a lot of depth. Thankfully the same can be said of the supporting cast. Although quite large, I identified most of the secondary characters and could remember them as well.

I actually liked the second book in the series more than first because I connected with the protagonists as a couple much more. Plus the non-stop action really kept the pages turning and my attention nearly glued to the story. I would sit to read for 10 minutes and not look up for an hour or more, unaware of the time flying by. To me, that’s a great story. I always look for those stories that I can engage and immerse myself in the created world. I personally love post-apoc fiction so keep that in mind but science fiction fans would probably really enjoy this offering. You don’t need to have read the previous book to catch up and follow along on this one and arguably; this is actually a better book to start. At least in my opinion.