A Sickness in the Soul by William Savage

A Sickness in the Soul by William Savage
An Ashmole Foxe Georgian Mystery

Publisher: Ridge & Bourne
Genre: Historical, Mystery
Length: Full Length (282 pgs)
Rated: 5 stars
Review by Rose

“Many people wear masks. Some to hide their feelings; some to conceal their identity; and some to hide that most hideous plague of mankind: a sickness in the soul.”

Ashmole Foxe, Norwich bookseller, man-about-town and solver of mysteries will encounter all of these in this tangled drama of hatred, obsession and redemption.

This is a story set in the England of the 1760s, a time of rigid class distinctions, where the rich idle their days away in magnificent mansions, while hungry children beg, steal and prostitute themselves on the streets. An era on the cusp of revolution in America and France; a land where outward wealth and display hide simmering political and social tensions; a country which had faced intermittent war for the past fifty years and would need to survive a series of world-wide conflicts in the fifty years ahead.

Faced with no less than three murders, occurring from the aristocracy to the seeming senseless professional assassination of a homeless vagrant, Ashmole Foxe must call on all his skill and intelligence to uncover the sickness which appears to be infecting his city’s very soul.

Can Foxe uncover the truth which lies behind a series of baffling deaths, from an aristocrat attending a ball to a vagrant murdered where he slept in a filthy back-alley?

Given that I am a not-so-closeted Anglophile and history lover, I’m always on the lookout for Bristish historical mysteries. And, I’m glad I found this one, even if I am coming late to the party, being this is the sixth book in the series. Have not fear, though, it can easily be read as a standalone, though I do have to admit I have already bought the earlier five books just so I can see more of Ashmole.

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. The mysteries involved were top-notch, the characters — ditto. I did not want to put this book down once I started it. I’ve not read a lot of books set in Norfolk, so I was very glad to get a glimpse of another English city.

Foxe seems like the kind of man it would be a lot of fun to have as a friend, as long as you realize he is what he is. He’s just thirty (which leads me to my only complaint…if the man on the front cover is supposed to be Ashmole, he’s sorely miscast….perhaps he’s one of the murder victims instead) and has a distinct joie de vivre which I imagine would be irresistible. And, it sounds like it is… especially for the ladies. He’s the type of man that has to be taken how he is (and not very seriously). I especially enjoyed the dilemma the author left him in at the end of the book, and it will be interesting to see how he gets out of it (this is not by any means a cliff-hanger; the mysteries are solved.)

I’m hoping I will soon have time to sit down and Ashmore again and catch up on what he’s done before this volume. Highly recommended!