How I Handled the Research for the Book by Paul DeBlassie III – Guest Blog and Giveaway


This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Paul DeBlassie III will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

How I Handled the Research for the Book

Research for The Unholy jettisoned out of personal life experience and clinical psychotherapy. Patients for decades have suffered cruelties at the hand of the dark side of religion. They felt they had to hide them or they’d be shamed. I helped them to heal, and continue to see them through their life journey. So, research for The Unholy, Goddess of the Wild Thing, and the soon to be released Goddess of Everything always comes from real stuff in real dramatized into a supernatural thriller.

Writing supernatural thrillers takes what happens to us all the time and charges it up into hyperreality. William James, father of American Psychology, wrote that an unseen dimension effects everything in life, daily happenings, decisions, and determines one’s destiny and fate. In daily life, the supernatural is subtle. So, in my thrillers I pop it out into bold relief. Images and metaphors are the most powerful ways of conveying human truths.

The truth loaded into stories affects us whether we realize it or not. Images stream into our psychic bloodlines and make their way into our attitude, perspectives, and emotions. Stories we read guide us through troubling times, relationship conflicts, and decisions that must be made.

Once I’ve lived out and read about a particular truth enough, research is done. An image comes to me. It lights up along my mental screen. It’s neon bright. My stories begin with a starling image and end with a surprising conclusion that gets into the fiber of your being and makes a difference in your life.

Winner of the International Book Award and Pinnacle Book Award for Visionary Fiction! The Unholy is a dramatic story of Claire Sanchez, a young medicine woman, intent on discovering the closely-guarded secrets of her past. Forced into a life-and-death battle against an evil Archbishop, William Anarch, she confronts the dark side of religion and the horror of one man’s will to power.

Enjoy an Excerpt

“Hush now, child,” said a voice she recognized as that of her mother’s closest friend. “The man cannot harm you, mijita, as long as you are with us. We will make him think you are dead. But you must be very quiet. Ya no llores,” the woman warned, raising a finger to her lips.

The woman then carried her into a dark cave illuminated by the light of a single candle. The cave was frightening, with shadows of what appeared to be goblins and demons dancing on the red sandstone walls. “I will return for you soon. You will be safe here,” the woman said. The girl watched the woman walk away, shivering as a breeze blew through the cave’s narrow passages.

Closing her eyes, she rocked back and forth—imagining herself safe in her mother’s arms—then opened her eyes to the light of the full moon shining through the mouth of the cave. The shadows on the walls were just shadows now, no longer goblins and demons. As she slipped into a trance, images flickered in her mind. She saw the woman who had brought her to this place scattering pieces of raw meat around the open mesa where her mother had struggled, helped by two other women the girl could not identify.

Suddenly, the scene shifted to a stone ledge jutting over the mesa, and she heard the pounding footsteps of a man running toward the women. The girl felt her heart race and her breathing quicken, afraid that the bad man would spot them and kill them. Then the image shifted again, and she now saw on the mesa three gray wolves circling the raw meat and the man walking away from the granite ledge. As he left, she heard his thought: The child is dead.

About the Author Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D. is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, visionary thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, Visionary Fiction Alliance, Depth Psychology Alliance, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.

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The Hardest Part of Writing by Paul DeBlassie III – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Paul DeBlassie III will be awarding $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The hardest part about writing is…

The absolute hardest thing about writing is to tell the muse I’m done for the day since she’s always ready to add more to the mind-popping tale! She prompts the process of supernatural story writing with often shocking images and surprising turns of events. They are like a faucet that won’t turn off at first, then you learn to just ease up a bit and steady the energy on down. At that point, the inner muse seems to understand and fade off for the day.

Of course, problems start, when the muse becomes seductive, tells me that the scene can’t wait till tomorrow. She often says it’ll cool down and not be sizzling the next day. If I listen to that voice and push on then inevitably I’ll end up depleted. Tired out at day’s end is not pleasant. I’m grumpy, don’t sleep well, and wake up tired. It’s far, far better to know my writing limits and abide by those sacred boundaries.

After thirty-five years of professional writing and publishing, I know that fresh writing energy translates to well-written pieces. There’s always a satisfying sense of completion and well-being that comes over me when I’ve tapped in to new ideas each day, unique images, never relying on formulas. Each book is its own creation birthed from places of mind I’ve never before visited.
In Goddess of the Wild Thing, and my thriller writing as a whole, each word, sentence, and scene is packed with juicy goodness from deep places of imagination ready to be read, pondered, and enjoyed.

Winner of the Independent Press Award and the NYC Big Book Award for Visionary Fiction!

Eve Sanchez, a scholar of esoteric studies, is driven into unreal dimensions of horror and hope as she encounters a seductive and frightening man, criminal lawyer Sam Shear.

Sam introduces Eve to a supernatural world in which the wicked powers of a surrogate mother’s twisted affection threaten love and life. Struggling to sort through right from wrong, frightened yet determined, Eve nears despair.

Goddess of the Wild Thing reveals the dramatic tale of one woman’s spiritual journey where metaphysical happenings, unexpected turns of fate, and unseen forces impact her ability to love and be loved.

In the magical realm of Aztlan del Sur, a mythopoeic land of hidden horrors and guiding spirits, Eve, with three friends and a wise old woman, is caught in an age-old struggle about love—whether bad love is better than no love— and discovers that love is a wild thing.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Eve sharpened her focus. She saw the sharp nail of a witch’s right finger tracing Graciéla’s image on a foggy mirror in a grungy bathroom, touching the center of the mirror with a hatred so intense, the glass burned red hot. The mirror in Graciéla’s kitchen cracked. Shards jettisoned at the old healer then were magically warded off and drifted in place about her head and neck.

Graciéla’s energy, tired as she was, had fended off the pointed shards. She hadn’t been impaled. But the strain had ushered her from one world to the next. Death came not by the hand of another but by a weakened mind and body defending itself.

Eve, shaken, allowed her soft touch to stay on Graciéla’s forehead, confirming the horror of what she’d seen. Shamanic wisdom, often discussed between the two kindred souls, spoke to Eve as she stroked her friend’s head, remembering that death provided passage for one whose life had been well spent and whose time had come.

Eve wept.

After a few moments, she closed her friend’s green eyes and whispered tenderly, “Always my friend, always love, always together in life and in death.” She stood and wiped the tears from her eyes. A gray-brown, green-eyed, great horned owl hooted from the largest cottonwood branch outside the back window.

Eve heard Shirley finishing her call to the EMTs and police, and then walking to the front of the store to await their arrival.

One large shard lay at the end of the table, sharp tip pointed outward. It reflected Eve’s image, a glowing red ember menacingly centered at the brow point.

About the Author Paul DeBlassie III, Ph.D. is a depth psychologist and award-winning writer living in his native New Mexico. He specializes in treating individuals in emotional and spiritual crisis. His novels, visionary thrillers, delve deep into archetypal realities as they play out dramatically in the lives of everyday people. Memberships include the Author’s Guild, Visionary Fiction Alliance, Depth Psychology Alliance, International Association for Relational Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy, and the International Association for Jungian Studies.


Buy the book at Amazon.

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