A Halloween Tale by Stephanie Burke
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Paranormal, Erotic Romance, Contemporary
Rating: 5 Stars
Reviewed by AstilbeCrawling across a wasteland, clutching her only salvation to her chest, she is battered, torn, and in need of tender loving care. She’s almost ready to give in to the darkness when an angel of mercy with a body made for sin comes to her aid.
But things aren’t always what they appear, and by the end of this Halloween tale, there’ll be hell to pay — even if she does get her way.
Determination will take her anywhere.
What can I say? I was thrilled with Ms. Burke’s creativity here and how quickly it answered all of the questions I had that I worried might be left as plot holes. There are so many things I wish I could say about the plot twist, but it’s one of those things that works best if new readers have no idea what to expect. She couldn’t have done a better job of tying up all of her loose ends, and she did so in less than 20 pages which makes it even more admirable.
I will admit to being a little skeptical of how quickly the two characters decided to add a sexual element to their relationship. It felt way too fast even for a short story, and I wondered why the author made that decision when the opening scene was such a bleak one. If you have the same reaction, hold onto that emotion but keep reading. This reaction is normal, and there are reasons why it was written this way.
The last paragraph surprisingly turned out to be my favorite one of them all. Not only did it match the themes of the tale nicely in general, but it also made me wonder if there might be a sequel in the works. I’d happily read one if it is ever published, and in the meantime, I will think about how well that final scene reinforced what was happening when I first met the main character.
A Halloween Tale was perfect.