The Background of Who’s Your Daddy? by Nancy Northcott – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The authors will be awarding one copy each of Kick Start by Caren Crane, Dead Run by Jeanne Adams, and Danger’s Edge by Nancy Northcott to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The Background of Who’s Your Daddy?

Thanks Long and Short Reviews for having us on the blog today! You asked for a bit of background on our anthology, Who’s Your Daddy and we’re happy to provide it. The three stories are linked by a common theme – DNA results. Sometimes when you take a DNA test you find out strange, wonderful and surprising things. Sometimes, you discover a new relative. Sometimes you open old secrets and have to face the challenges those secrets bring. In other cases, the things you find out can bring danger knocking at your door.

The three authors featured in this anthology are all good friends. Jeanne Adams, Caren Crane and Nancy Northcott met when they were all finalists in the Romance Writers of America Golden Heart contest in 2006. Fourteen years and a blog later, over a drink, they got the idea for this anthology. Jeanne is an avid amateur genealogist, so her story reflects that interest. Nancy’s story follows characters from her Arachnid Spy series and Caren’s story brings in characters from her Cross Springs novels.

While each story is unique, the anthology ties together in the framework of getting unexpected results from a DNA test. In the case of Lost In Time, the information proves to be life-threatening. Derek Millington is cleaning out his late grandmother’s attic when he discovers that his long-deceased grandfather wasn’t his biological relative. Since no one still alive will be distressed by his search, Derek enlists the assistance of a professional genealogist to help him discover his real roots. Before too long, however, someone tries to kill Derek, and that person doesn’t seem to care that he nearly killed the genealogist, Alexis, too. As Alexis and Derek sift through the clues of his grandmother’s past, the attacks intensify and the police finally take it seriously. For Derek, falling hard for Alexis, it’s vitally important to find out the truth before anyone gets hurt, or worse.

With each tale of a wild DNA reveal, the stakes are high. We hope that your readers will enjoy the fun, interesting and suspenseful tales in Who’s Your Daddy And, if you like these stories, be sure to check out for more tales from the spies of the Arachnid Agency. Visit to find more delightful stories of small town life in Cross Springs, North Carolina. While Lost In Time isn’t connected to any of Jeanne Adams’s Urban Fantasy or paranormal romance series, it’s in the tradition of her romantic suspense tales. You can find all about her work at All three authors are on social media as well, so we hope you’ll say hi and let us know if you liked the stories!

Presenting three tales of secrets revealed and histories uncovered by DNA testing.

Brown-Eyed Boy by Caren Crane

A carpenter discovers his father isn’t actually his father. Coming to terms with the truth reaffirms his place in his family, but it also leads him to love with an old friend’s sister and helps him find a path for his life.

Lost in Time by Jeanne Adams

A lawyer learns his grandmother had a secret marriage before his father was born. With the help of a talented genealogist, he tracks down his ancestry. Will he find the truth about his grandmother’s secret before whoever’s trying to kill him succeeds?

Worth Waiting For by Nancy Northcott

A burned-out spy goes home for a holiday and re-encounters the woman he never dated but never forgot. As he and she grow closer, he learns her niece, his ex-girlfriend’s child, bears an uncanny resemblance to him. When the truth comes out, it will alter three lives.

Enjoy an Excerpt from Worth Waiting for by Nancy Northcott

Arachne opened the file on his desk. “You’ve led takedowns on four major drug rings and six sets of human traffickers in the last twenty-one months. In all that time, you’ve taken five days off. You need a break.”

“It was a long day, with a couple of badly messed-up kids in it,” Dix replied. “That guy pushed a button that wouldn’t have mattered on a better day.”

Maybe. He hoped.

“You don’t look like you’re sleeping well, per the medical staff, and your colleagues have noticed you’re on edge a lot.”

“They’re mistaken,” Dix snapped.

Arachne raised one eyebrow.

Shit. Of course he wasn’t sleeping well, not with dead and mutilated and traumatized kids walking in his dreams. Who would sleep with that going on?

Arachne continued, “There’s a reason we provide paid vacation. You have almost three years’ worth accrued.”

“I don’t need a break, sir.” Only the press of work kept the dreams at bay. But he had to offer a compromise or find himself benched—for a long time, judging by the boss’s expression. “Yeah, what those kids went through bothers me. It bothers us all. Goes with the job. A couple of days off, a chance to do some reading, maybe go to a museum, and I’ll be fine.”

“We’re past that, and medical concurs. I’m benching you, Agent Dixon. For a month.”

A month? Panic clawed at his throat. An entire month with nothing to fend off the images that haunted him day and night?

About the Authors:

Nancy Northcott’s childhood ambition was to grow up and become Wonder Woman. Around fourth grade, she realized it was too late to acquire Amazon genes, but she still loved comic books, history, and genre fiction. A sucker for fast action and wrenching emotion, Nancy combines the romance and high stakes (and sometimes the magic) she loves in the books she writes.

She’s the author of the Light Mage Wars/Protectors paranormal romances, the Lethal Webs and Arachnid Files romantic suspense series, and the historical fantasy trilogy The Boar King’s Honor. With author Jeanne Adams, she co-writes the Outcast Station space opera series.

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Jeanne Adams writes award-winning romantic suspense, fantasy/paranormal, Urban Fantasy and space adventure that’s been compared to Jack McDevitt and Robert Heinlein. She also knows all about getting rid of the bodies. Both traditionally and indie published, Jeanne has been featured in Cosmopolitan Magazine. She teaches highly sought after classes on Body Disposal for Writers and Plotting for Pantzers, as well as How to Write a Fight Scene with her pal Nancy Northcott.

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Caren Crane began writing warm, witty contemporary romance and women’s fiction to save herself from the drudgery of life in the office. An electrical engineer by training, she longed to create worlds where things were any color except cube-wall gray. She still works in a cubicle, but gets to hang out with witty, fabulous people whenever she’s writing, which greatly encourages butt-in-chair time.

Caren lives in North Carolina with her wonderful husband and semi-feral rescue cat. She has three fiercely intelligent, gorgeous grown children, having neatly side-stepped her mother’s threat that she would have children Just Like Her.


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