Uncover Me by A. M. Hartnett
Publisher: Mischief: An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (176 pgs)
Other: BDSM, M/F, Anal Play, Fetish, Toys, Spanking, Voyeurism
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by ThistledownThere’s a heart inside every fantasy.
The photos are becoming a compulsion for Carrie. As soon as she wakes up, she feels the need to engage with the readers of her erotic website, Dirty Pictures. No matter how hard she tries to focus on her real life the need is always there. The high is knowing that men desire her.
One day a comment on her erotic website makes Carrie go cold: one of her readers, Brendan, has recognised a landmark in the window of one of her pictures. Brendan knows where to find her and has sent a tantalising private message. His invitation to play was so tempting in no time at all, in a variety of settings, their sensual adventures become wild. Her sexual and emotional reawakening reaches peaks she never imagined possible.
But Carrie finds it difficult to treat their relationship as casual. Terrified of heartbreak, she breaks off her affair with Brendan. Her previous relationship left her in tatters and she’s too scared to take such a chance again. Brendan endured a broken marriage so she’s not alone in her confusion and reticence. But can Carrie ever hope to be more than his fantasy girl?
Carrie is a girl with a blog and a secret.
Breaking up is hard to do. Carrie is suffering from a betrayal that left her reeling. Empty and heartbroken, she finds an outlet in a new blog—one where she takes pictures of herself in sexually explicit situations. No face. She is Maggie, a woman who is fearless and sensual, her body posing in very hot and intimate settings and situations. What starts off as an experiment quickly changes into a pulse pounding obsession that can’t be quenched. Her phone is her addiction of choice and the camera speaks the words she can’t say.
Brendan is a successful businessman and sees Carrie’s blog. Known to him as Maggie, he is captivated by her sexy photos and connects with her online. After he recognizes her building in a photo, he asks to meet her and the story really takes off.
Brendan and Carrie are two firecrackers lighting up the night with their mutual needs and passions. To be seen and to watch. Toys, spanking, sweaty sex scenes that made me want ice water and a host of scenarios kept me turning the pages. Hot. Hot. Hot. The story develops quickly with some interplay between Carrie and her sister and it adds dimension to the character I found refreshing.
Carrie wanted Brendan just for fun. If she kept him at a distance, he can’t hurt her. When he steps over the line and tries to draw her into his private life, things spiral out of control quickly. What started out as a physical “relationship” just got more complicated. Is Carrie able to forget the past and learn how to love? You’ll have to read this luscious tale and find out.
I loved this book for the unique scenarios it presented. The author draws you into each scene and you can feel what it’s like to be that girl taking pictures and posting them online for the world to see. It’s sexy and hot and amazing all at once. When Brendan finds her, you feel the uncertainty and fear—will my job find out? Will he stalk me? It’s all there. So is the heat when they connect. It’s electric and I couldn’t stop reading. Kudos to A. M. Hartnett. I am now a convert awaiting your next novel.
Blogging will never be the same again. Bring on the cameras.