This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. L. P. Maxa will be awarding a copy of Royalty + Legacy to 2 randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
Saying Jett Matthews has it easy is an understatement. He loves being the youngest son of a rockstar. A day doesn’t go by that Jett isn’t working his Devil’s Spawn status to the max. But Jett is more than he appears to be. He’s co-owner of a huge company that grows and sells marijuana. It’s all legit…well, it is now, but there’s a hitch: he and his Spawn partner, Marley Connor, have been building the business right under their parents’ noses, and they are none the wiser. When Jett and Marley have to come out from behind the shadows, it’s Devin King who helps make the impossible happen, and that seals the deal on Jett’s heart forever.
Devin King is serious about her college education. She’s at UT Austin on an academic scholarship, and she means to turn this opportunity into a serious career. When sexy, trash-talking, full of swagger, too gorgeous for his own good, Jett Matthews sits down next to her in Civics, her world turns on its side, and she can’t say she minds all that much. Sure, she made him work for it, but everything worth having requires a little effort, especially for Jett. But the prize is so much sweeter after a little sweat equity, and Devin means to have it all, and for it to last a lifetime.
Enjoy an Excerpt
“Did you really use all the sugar? That was like half a cup.”
I glanced down and to my right, a smile automatically forming on my face. Large blue eyes behind tortoiseshell glasses, framed with long lashes, blinked back at me. The chick tapping her foot in annoyance wasn’t wearing any makeup, but damn she was pretty.
“If you want, I can dip my finger in your coffee. I’m way sweeter than this—”
“Seriously?” She cut me off, reaching around me for the less tasty packets of raw sugar and accidentally knocking over the small container of wooden stir sticks. “It’s too early for lame pickup lines.” She righted her mess and then ripped open five little brown packets, dumping them into her drink.
I took another sip of my now perfectly sweetened coffee, admiring the way the sunlight streaming in through the windows made her strawberry blonde hair shine. “It’s never too early for flirting. And as far as pickup lines go, that was a good one.”
She snapped her lid back on her cup, and then turned to the door. Her backpack hit the container of wooden sticks, causing it to spill all over again. I bit my lip to keep from laughing as she picked them up a second time.
“I’m Jett, what’s your—”
“Nice to meet you, Jett.” The blue-eyed clumsy beauty didn’t even bother to glance my way before she purposefully walked out the double glass doors.
I watched her stride away, her creamy legs on display and her long hair swishing behind her. That chick had straight up turned me down.
And that wasn’t what normally happened when girls saw me for the first time. I was handsome—don’t be a hater, it’s genetics—and my smile dropped panties. Lots of them. That sugar pickup line was great. I knew because it had worked for me in the past.
About the Author
L.P. lives in Austin, Texas with her husband, daughter, three rescue dogs, four chickens, two dwarf goats, and one adopted cat. The fish died. She is a full-time writer, and part time business owner. L.P. says she loves to read as much as she loves to write, and reading a good book is her reward after writing one. In her spare time, she fosters puppies for a rescue organization based in Austin.
Buy the book at Boroughs Publishing, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Amazon, Kobo, or Smashwords.