Review: Deal With This

Deal With This
By Lucy Monroe

Alan Hyatt could do his job in his sleep, and when the Goddard Project sends him to investigate a case of high-tech espionage in the Vancouver film industry, he finds a perfect reason to work in bed. But sizzling actress Jillian Carlyle also happens to be his landlady, and she’s got a hard-and-fast (so to speak) rule that keeps her from dating her renters. While Alan’s cover as a reporter gets him close to all the suspects on the set of Jillian’s sci-fi show, playing a background actor at her suggestion to get his story? Well, that’s something else—but he’s not about to turn down a red-hot redhead, even if she keeps throwing him curves…

Jillian just can’t understand it. Sure, Alan is six-feet-something of chiseled ruggedness with gray eyes and an irresistible growl in his voice. But hello? She doesn’t do relationships—even of the casual kind—with men who impact more than her senses. No one is getting a chance at her heart. Especially not one of her renters. Still, there’s nothing wrong with enjoying Alan from afar—but not too far, or she wouldn’t be able to fully appreciate his rock-hard abs when he’s working out in the home gym. If only he didn’t make her feel safe and oh so right when they touched…

Once again, Ms. Monroe delivers an exciting romance jam packed with the things a reader loves the most. Not only is Deal With This a fun and gripping romance but it also has a hero I loved, a heroine I could root for and great secondary characters that flavored the story to perfection. On top of it all is a who-done-it that kept me guessing using twists and turns of all the characters’ relationships.

Jillian is a woman who seems to have it all together. She’s got her rules to protect her and everything is going as she wants it to. I loved that. Why? Mostly because those are the kinds of people you love to see unravel. She does such a good job at it too. First she has to deny herself. She’s got that down pat. Next, she has to face the fact that it’s no fun to deny herself and has to come up with a plan to allow herself to ‘break’ one of her rules. And then the fun begins because as we all know, love is its own slippery slope.

Joining Jillian on that free fall to humbling love is Alan — a man of mystery with rules of his own — to break everyone else’s. He’s also a character who loves and lives control and has the need to succeed. When I read about a handsome and ripped eligible agent who is so focused on a mission but yet is in shock when he gets his shorts in a twist by love,I couldn’t stop turning the pages. I needed to read not only how, but how bad would it get?

Poor Alan not only needs to balance his personal chaos with his mission but the objective is turning out to be a lot bigger and complicated than either he or his boss ever imagined. That’s where the secondary characters come in and Ms. Monroe had me guessing who could be the villain for most of the book. I also felt the same dilemma as Alan. Not only did I connect with the secondary characters but so did Alan. You can imagine what that must have meant to the integrity of his mission. How does a hero balance that especially when everyone is a suspect?

Another part I enjoyed in this story is the secondary romance. We have a light dusting of man-love which was tastefully written and smacks of the deft hand of Ms. Monroe. She has always had the knack of zeroing in on the very human and romantic aspects of a couple and this is no less poignant. I can’t say too much about the couple because they are intrinsic to the plot. I can say that I was pretty happy about their HEA.

Speaking of Happily Ever After, there is more to deal with than just Jill and Alan and the two studs I mentioned. Love abounds in Deal With This and I was delighted to read about characters that I’ve met before in some of Ms. Monroe’s previous books. You don’t need to have read them to enjoy this story however. Deal With This is a true stand-alone. But, isn’t it nice to hear about the ‘folks back home’?

Deal With This is a rousing, suspenseful, romantic and exciting story sure to keep you turning the pages until the end. But don’t be surprised if you go back and re-read some of those spicy parts. They definitely stoked the fire.

Rating: Photobucket

Review by Xeranth

Review: She’s On Top

She’s On Top
by Susan Lyons

They call themselves the Awesome Foursome-four girlfriends who share everything except their men. Three have found the ultimate in lust and love and now it’s Rina’s turn.


Music is Rina Goldberg’s passion and she can never forget the sensual rhapsody she experienced in the arms of Giancarlo, her first lover. Ten years later, Giancarlo is sexier and more romantic than ever. His masterful fingers still know how to create the most intimate melody of pleasure and he understands every nuance of a woman’s sensuality. And Rina is the only woman he wants. Their passionate encore takes her to a glorious, unforgettable climax and there’s more where that came from. Much more.

I love the male love interest in this book, Giancarlo. He is romantic, gorgeous, and romantic — did I say that already? He says all the right things and does all the right things…this is what romance is all about.

Rina is, well, NOT a size 2 and is very self conscious about her ample bust and larger-than-a-fashion-model figure. She receives a marriage proposal, but she recognizes she doesn’t want to marry her current beau simply because they are comfortable together. She begins thinking about Giancarlo, her first lover. She met him at the summer music school they attended before her last year in high school. She had been uninhibited with him because he had been a scrawny kid, and she felt that with his own physical imperfections, he wouldn’t judge her appearance and find her lacking. Consequently, the sex between them was electric. Her circle of friends (the Awesome Foursome) encourages her to contact him when she discovers he is in town. Giancarlo remembers their time together fondly — very fondly — as well, and is eager to see her again. But Rina is intimidated by his new stud-muffin exterior and discounts his attention as a ‘patented routine’ of flirting.

The prevailing conflict in the story is Rina and her insecurities; not just her weight, but the differences in their lifestyles; what she needs and her perception of what he wants and needs. Ms. Lyons uses their mutual love of music, Giancarlo’s show of patience and appreciation for who she is to whittle away her fears. There are many scenes that beautifully illustrate the emotional bond — and sizzling intensity — that grows between the two. The characters are fully developed and I have a clear sense of who Rina and Giancarlo are; their passions and fears, and what drives them. I do have to say that in my opinion, Rina’s weight insecurity was a smidgen overdone. Giancarlo compliments her frequently on her appearance, but she discredits the praise with phrases like ‘not hardly’ and ‘get real’, even though she admits to herself that he seems sincere. She does this a number of times; it would have been nice if she would have just said thank you, at least after the first or second time she rejected his admiring words.

This is the last book in a series of the ‘Awesome Foursome’. The stories follow the romantic paths of four close friends that meet each Monday, and any other time that emergency advice is required. Though part of a series, it is charming and complete without the benefit of the other three. You do get to meet the other women in this installment, however, and there is plenty of teasing about their own loving liaisons that convinces me I have to pick up the other three.


Review by Camomile

Review: Raine, The Lords of Satyr

Raine, The Lords of Satyr
by Elizabeth Amber

In this erotic historical paranormal romance trilogy set in Tuscany’s centuries-old wine country, three half-Satyr brothers receive a letter that sends them in search of endangered half-Faerie brides.

Middle brother Raine’s traumatic childhood and prior bad marriage have closed him to the idea of giving or receiving love. Reluctantly, he does his duty and locates his bride, Jordan, in Venice. She turns out to be far different than he could ever have imagined, and she is living a dangerous lie.

In the second installment of The Lords of Satyr, Elizabeth Amber has another compelling hit. Raine is sure to get your blood racing and your heart involved.

Raine is such an interesting character. He seems so staid and contained, in direct contrast to his natural lusty nature. We learned in Nicholas’ story, Raine is rather reluctant to marry again. His first marriage was rather disastrous in relation to his supernatural disposition. Unwilling to put his heart on the line again, he nevertheless fulfills his duty and locates the Faerie-blend woman who is to be his wife. When he finds her there are a few surprises in store for him that this reader didn’t expect at all. What I found so compelling about Raine was that he never once judged Jordan for things beyond her control. Where others may have been repulsed, he saw the inner woman and in opening her heart ends up opening his own to the endless possibilities love can bring.

Jordan was an interesting, mind-boggling character. A woman of dubious sexuality, she has been living what she considers a lie her whole life for the sake of her family. When Raine steps into her life, she finds someone who sees her as she sees herself. Jordan kept me entertained with her views on the world that didn’t quite blend with her time period, at least not for a woman in her time period. The fact that she refuses to marry Raine in order to protect his own family name, something Raine feels he failed in doing at the end of his first marriage, was actually something that endeared her to my mind. Her feelings for Raine are so complex, and the added peculiarity of her sexuality just brings more heat to an already sensual tale. She was more than a match for Raine, she was what he needed to live a full life, just as he was for her.

This story took me on a journey through some rather uncomfortable subject matter, without making me uncomfortable. Ms. Amber again displays her amazing ability to weave an incredibly erotic tale interspersed with such tender and touching scenes that the love between two people just thrives on. One is never left wanting or wondering if the characters are truly happy with one another. The instances of danger and intrigue add an extra spice to an already well-seasoned love story and keep the pages turning.

A note of warning, this is not your easy, typical erotic romance. Ms. Amber deals with some very difficult subject matter regarding sexuality and the paranormal that may leave quite a few readers squirming, but I feel very strongly that it is worth it. An instance with some of the forces trying to take over the faerie king’s kingdom not to mention the bishop that has a rather unfortunate infatuation with Raine can leave some people feeling a bit uncomfortable, not to mention the issues with Jordan herself. While these issues didn’t detract from the story in this reviewers honest opinion, I do feel that I need to warn anyone uncomfortable with subjects dealing with androgynous sexuality, and forced or not wholly consenting sex.

Despite any uncomfortable moments that may have occurred, they were not enough to dull any amount of my enjoyment of this story. In fact, they only brought me further into Raine and Jordan’s story and made me want desperately for them to find their happiness. This book was so well-written that I had to make myself put it down in order to deal with everyday responsibilities! You know, those pesky things like eating, feeding my kids, laundry… nothing important! But, in all seriousness, Ms. Amber has another stunningly erotic tale that will leave you completely invested in her characters’ happiness. I breathlessly await the third brother, Lyon’s tale.


Review by Viscaria

Review: Nicholas, The Lords of Satyr

Nicholas, The Lords of Satyr
by Elizabeth Amber

In the heart of Tuscany’s centuries-old wine country, three half-Satyr brothers receive a letter that sends them in search of three endangered half-Faerie brides. The daughters of a dying king, they present a unique opportunity for the wealthy, charismatic Lords of Satyr to beget heirs to inherit their Italian vineyard and ancient secrets.

For not just any woman will do as a Satyr wife. Each month at Moonful, the brothers change physically, becoming more powerfully potent. They’re driven by the darker side of their natures to indulge in a nightlong ritual in a sacred gathering place ringed with statues of Bacchus, nymphs, dryads, and fauns.

Eldest brother Nick considers it his duty to sire heirs. But he prefers to keep his conjugal visits to Jane, his new FaerieBlend wife, proper while engaging in more carnal activities with experienced courtesans.

Unaware that she’s half-Faerie, Jane is desperate to rid herself of the terrible abilities she acquired when she turned thirteen. Only then will she bear Nick’s children and find a true home with him. Until then, she must deceive him.

As the grapevines begin to bloom, an ancient cult hatches plans that could destroy Nick and Jane’s blossoming happiness.

When I accepted this book for review, I wasn’t really sure how it would turn out, but I was definitely intrigued by the plot premise. To my delight, Nicholas, The Lords of Satyr was an incredibly gripping novel that left me wanting more. How fortunate for me that I had the second book waiting when I finished!

In Nicholas we are introduced to the three Satyr brothers, keepers of the doorway between two worlds: Earthworld and Elseworld. Being part Human and part Satyr, they are not your ordinary men, they are so much more. Each month at Moonful, or the full moon, they become more Satyr than human and have an overwhelming need to mate. When they receive a letter from the King of Elseworld sending them on a “quest” to find the dying king’s half-human daughters and protect them, but only marriage will give them full protection from the factions warring for the kingdom, the brothers aren’t so sure they want to undertake this quest. But who are they to deny a king’s demand?

Nicholas is the first to set out to find his bride. Leaving his brothers to care for the vineyard and winery, he heads to Rome. In almost no time at all he finds his bride, Jane, and acquires her hand in marriage. Life isn’t always as simple as one would like it to be, though, and Nicholas finds that marriage to a woman who has no idea of her heritage is much more difficult than he would like. Jane, on the other hand has a rude awakening in the discovery that her husband does not plan to share all of himself with her. What follows is an in-depth tale that explores love in a different time and place.

Jane was an interesting woman. She was so very strong, and yet incredibly naïve and troubled. She had a secret she was keeping from her husband while wanting him to open up to her. Unaware that her physical attributes that frightened and even repulsed her about herself were quite normal considering her bloodline, she spends quite a bit of the book trying to find a way to “cure” herself. Not knowing that if she talked with her husband about it, instead of living in fear of his reaction to them, she might have found relief and understanding. I admired her tenacity, even while I wished that she would really “see” the truth to the people around her and in her life, both the good and the bad. When she finally comes to that much awaited realization, I wanted to cheer and then give her a hug! She was finally on the road to a better, happier life.

Nicholas was quite the hero. He was arrogant and domineering, being your typical example of what titled and privileged men were like in his time period (heck in this day and age as well!). They honestly believed that you should not bring the more heated sexual acts to your wife’s bedroom… silly men! When his sweet, innocent wife makes a bet with him, he is convinced that a few of his more interesting sexual requests will be the end of that foolishness. Imagine his surprise when she blossoms under his tutelage and he finds he wants no other in his bed. Nicholas and his strength actually made me sweat on more than one occasion. He even made me smile when he finally let go of some of his rigid control and let his playfulness out even when it was quite obvious he felt such behavior wasn’t at all prudent. I really enjoyed seeing him come out of his stuffy shell and join his wife in their marriage.

I was intrigued by the realistic descriptions of a time when it was accepted, if not openly encouraged, that a husband kept mistresses for his more “carnal” needs he dared not bring to his wife’s bedchamber. I was excited and pleased with how Ms. Amber worked her characters around this belief to a more pleasurable relationship between a husband and a wife.

Nicholas is an incredible example of the skillful blending of mythical beings, danger, suspense, romance, erotic couplings, and societal mores of a different time period. All these aspects are brought together to make a stunning tale of love. Elizabeth Amber astounded me with her incredible imagery and fast-paced dialogue that never left one stalled-out in the middle of a conversation. As I said before, Nicholas, The Lords of Satyr is a gripping, intensely sensual love story that will leave you wanting more!


Reviewed by: Viscaria

Review: Body Moves

Body Moves
by Jodi Lynn Copeland

Welcome to Private Indulgence, a spa like no other, hidden away on a lush island in the Caribbean. Two very different women are about to meet the men of their dreams… and make their wildest sexual fantasy come true…

For plastic surgeon Danica Crosby, Private Indulgence is a proud achievement. The luxurious, secluded resort caters to every possible human need – but Danica has never explored her own. Then gorgeous, hard-bodied Jordan Cameron checks in. For the first time, Danica is the one to strip off her clothes as Jordan’s hot hands and talented mouth strip away her inhibitions and reveal her wildest desires…

Logan Delaney is tired of the same old, same old. Private Indulgence is just the place to find out what a makeover will do for her curves, her confidence – and the sex life she’s always longed for. Tanner Grey is up for that – and the man is everything she’s always wanted. He’s determined to show her exactly how hot, wet, skin-to-skin passion can transform a woman…

If you’re looking for a couple of novellas that will entertain and bring the heat, then you’ll like Body Moves. They were both great for a quick getaway that was both entertaining and sultry. Quite appropriate considering it’s set on a resort island.

In PRIVATE PASSION we’re introduced to two feisty people who are at cross purposes, without even realizing it. Well, without one of them realizing it, anyway. When Jordan Cameron sets out for Private Indulgence, he’s going there to prove that the owner of the facility isn’t a good investment, not realizing how cynical he’s become in his work-all-the-time world. He thinks he’s protecting someone he loves, and while good intentioned, his intentions aren’t quite honorable. When he meets Danica, he does everything wrong, in a most magnificent way. Quite often he let that same cynicism get the better of his common sense. Several times I wanted to smack him upside his head for the way he behaved, and so did Danica, but in the end he redeems himself in quite an admirable way.

Danica is the proud owner of Private Indulgence with her own demons to fight, but she’s not about to let them get the better of her. She was incredibly determined and had a very quirky sense of humor (not to mention a very interesting personal assistant who believed she was psychic). Something about Jordan rubs her the wrong way, and at the same time she can’t seem to get enough of him. She keeps saying off-the-wall things that are quite hilarious when you look at the context in which they are taken, and I found her quite endearing. She seemed to me to be the perfect example of that friend we all have who we want to see happy, but there just don’t seem to be any men out there smart enough to appreciate what she has to offer.

PRIVATE FANTASIES was the second novella contained in this book. The characters were just as fun as in the first tale, and equally flawed. Logan Delaney was quite fierce and I really liked her spunk. She knows what she wants, or at least she thinks she does until she meets Tanner. All her adult life Logan has been convinced that men don’t find her as sexy as her more… curvy counterparts, and are threatened by the fact that she knows her way around an engine better than they do. She’s intent on her goal to get implants to increase her sex appeal to the opposite sex. She’s going to end her sexual drought one way or another. When she finds herself having much deeper feelings than just lust for Tanner, she’s not quite sure what to do about it.

Tanner used to be the island Lothario until he realized how empty the sex for sex’s sake was. He made a vow to himself that he would be celibate until he could have a meaningful relationship. When he feels an instant pull to Logan, who was supposed to be his patient, he decides to convince her that a meaningful relationship is so much better than what she is aiming for. Tanner was really irresistible, and I found I was rooting for him.

Both of the novellas in this book were pretty well written. They were a great example of loving someone for who they are, both on the outside as well as the inside, and that is something we don’t see enough of.

The only issues that I had with this book were that they seemed to stall a bit near the middle, but then picked back up, and while the second story takes place on the same island at the same resort/medical facility, we don’t get to meet up with the previous characters. I felt that it would have been nice to get a sort of “update” on Danica and Jordan, but they weren’t even mentioned. Half the fun of reading a story in the same setting as a previous one written by the same author is getting to play catch up with old friends. While not a necessary ingredient for a good “sequel”, it still adds to the enjoyment of a story. These things were relatively minor, and didn’t detract from my enjoyment of either story, so I only mention them in passing.

Jodi Lynn Copeland is a very creative writer who blends the right amount of romance with erotic sex to create a well-balanced, enjoyable read. There were quite a few incredibly steamy scenes that were very inventive (a scene on the golf course springs to mind!). All in all this was a fun couple of stories by a talented author. I look forward to more of what Ms. Copeland has to offer.

Reviewed by Viscaria