Reflex by Madelynne Ellis

Reflex by Madelynne Ellis
The Black Halo Collection #9, Off The Record #3
Publisher: Incantatrix Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full length (277 pages)
Other: BDSM, M/F
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Paperwhite

Rock guitarist Spook Mortensen wants nothing to do with sex, love, or intimacy. The one real relationship he had gutted him and left him in a hell of heartbreak and self-loathing. A decade on, he’s content to remain celibate forever—even when it comes to the unique temptations of sound engineer, Allegra Hutton. Better that than being a monster.

Alle can’t forget the mad chemistry that roared into life twice before with Spook. They’ve been texting for a year. Third times a charm, they say…

When their paths collide on the Riviera, the reckless energy that burns between them reaches new heights—but Spook has walls miles thick. He swears she’s walking temptation in one breath, and that he’s not the man for her in the next. Good thing Alle’s a born fighter. She’s not giving up, even if that means digging into his past in order to break through those barriers between them.

Unfortunately, she’s not the only one out to expose him.

I enjoyed this, a lot. I can’t quite love it though, and let me explain why.

This is, from what I can gather, part of a much longer, larger collection of books about this group of people, this band. I have NOT read any of those. In that collection, Spook and Alle come together, a couple of times, at some point. I *think* maybe it would have helped ME (at least) to have read that book. I missed their first encounter! And I really NEEDED it, you know?

Spook is celibate, but has encountered Alle twice before. Those encounters were explosive, even if no actual sex was involved. Alle wants more, and Spook does NOT want more. Alle is a fighter, and she will fight Spook for everything he can give her. She will break his walls down, even if it kills her, and it is highly likely that it may well break her heart!

Spook is an interesting chap! He is closed off about a lot of things and some things he makes plain and clear. He wants Alle, just not in the way SHE wants. He has a lot to say here, and it only just scratches the surface of what’s behind his walls. He is keeping a lot close to his chest, but what he says about what he wants from Alle is dark. But Alle wants that darkness, she NEEDS it from Spook.

Alle and Spook both have a say, along with another band member (but I already forget which one, sorry!) I would like, maybe, at some point, to read all the other books in this collections, because there are some great guys and gals in this book!

There is a very short paragraph at the front of the book that sort of explains how Spook’s tale came to be. I’m so glad that he demanded three books, instead of the one the author promised him, really I am, because I have a feeling that Spook has an awful lot more to say that he has not even hinted at yet!

Alle and Spook’s tale ends in this book on a bit of a cliff hanger, and I didn’t see that coming, so I got all kinds of cross and angry and annoyed! *just be warned*

So, because of missing their earlier encounters, this one is 4 stars.