Long and Short Reviews welcomes Glen Ebisch who is celebrating the recent release of his newest book Dearest David, a romantic historical novel. He has joined us today to answer a few questions.
Do you play music while writing? If so, what?
No, I don’t play music. I find it too distracting. What I do have is a small cylindrical tank with plastic jellyfish. A fan moves them around in an amazingly life-like way, and lights turn them different colors. I find the changing hues and the white noise of the fan to be very relaxing.
What was the scariest moment of your life?
I spent most of my professional life teaching philosophy, and I always found it scary to walk into a classroom and try to convince a room full of freshmen that philosophy was valuable to their lives. Many times I think I succeeded.
What books have most influenced your life?
The early short stories and novels of Hemingway influenced me. And, since I am a mystery writer, I’ve found the novels of Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett very formative, although I don’t write in their style.
If you were to write a series of novels, what would it be about?
If I were writing a mystery series, it would be about a young woman who is a minister and solves crimes. If it were an historical series, it would be about a strong woman in the nineteenth century who experiences the major events of her time.
What are your favorite TV shows?
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I like Suits for its acting.
I like The Artful Detective for its plots and humor.
And I enjoy Timeless because I have an interest in history.
What is your favorite meal?
Most meals are my favorite. If I have to pick one, however, it would probably be chicken parmigiana. I could happily eat Italian food most days of the week.
When seventeen-year-old Abigail Taylor turns down the proposal of her suitor, Tom Dawkins, her family feels that she must go out and make her own way in the world. So a position as a servant is secured for her in the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Dearest David is the story of the few months in the year 1841 during which Abigail experiences life in the Emerson household at the peak of both its intellectual and emotional intensity. She falls in love with the free spirited but emotionally cool Henry David Thoreau. She discovers the power of the prophetic and frightening Lidian Emerson. She meets the charismatic and radical Margaret Fuller. And she learns to respect but also to recognize the limitations of Emerson himself. Abigail is eventually forced to leave her employment in the Emerson household under circumstances that are both surprising and disturbing.
About the Author: I have been a professor of philosophy for over thirty years. Most recently I retired from teaching at a small university in western Massachusetts. For much of that time I have also written mystery and suspense fiction, starting with books for young adults and moving on to writing for adults. I have had twenty-eight books published, fifteen of them in the last fifteen years as time has allowed me to write more. All are cozy in nature and suitable for any reader.
I live in western Massachusetts with my wife. My hobbies include reading (of course) and going to the gym. We also look forward to traveling to Maine and Cape May, New Jersey for our needed dose of the beach.
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