Irresistible Sin by Lynn LaFleur

Irresistible Sin by Lynn LaFleur
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (123 pages)
Other: M/F, anal play, bdsm
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Carnation

Griff Coleman used to be the happiest man in the world, until a doped-up kid killed his wife in a bank robbery. Now he does his job during the day and spends the rest of the time alone.

Emma Keeton, a five-foot-three package of energy, comes barreling into his life. They’re thrown together when Griff is put in charge of building a restaurant where Emma will be chef. Emma oozes sex appeal, an appeal Griff finds irresistible.

Emma has never been interested in anything long-term with a man. Her feelings change as she and Griff spend so many hours together. Sex with him is the best she’s ever had, but soon only sex isn’t enough. Griff has to let go of the past and accept her as part of his future. Only then will he heal and love her as much as she loves him.

Irresistible Sin is a stand-alone story, the second in the Men With Tools series.

The people in this story are fun, outgoing, likable and enterprising. The is sex so hot I thought I heard sirens. There is sensitively told drama and truly realistic events in an unusual love story that couples patience with urgent passion, tenderness and compassion with scorching hot sexual need and does it with subtleness and accuracy.

The group of family and friends that populate Ms. LaFleur’s youthful story are well-rounded, fully interacting, charming and convincing characters that I came quickly to know and care about. The plot and sub-plots are exciting and absorbing. I liked how the author made me feel as though I was living the story through the characters and the way she gave them genuine emotional value.

The love affair between Emma and Griff is a gradual revelation that comes from both eventual and sudden self awareness and healing. Emma’s first thoughts of ‘just sex’ don’t hold up for long with this sensitive, sweet and intense man. There is a trans-formative scene between Griff and his brothers which is witnessed by Emma and Griff’s sister-in-law, that begins to bring his grief over the loss of his wife into the open where it must be faced. I was amazed how the author suddenly and deftly evoked powerful, intense emotions in me. I was moved to tears, and not for the last time during the story.

I appreciate the way Ms. LaFleur reveals through her characters, the way to experience and know things of true meaning and value. In the process, she took me on a sensual and passionate sexual journey filled with raging hot fantasy and suspenseful erotic fulfillment. In case it sounds like this was mainly an emotionally ‘heavy’ read, I have to say that there was a good balance of light-hearted fun to this romance, as well.

This story captured me completely. It has something to offer on so many different levels. I’m eager for the next installment in this series and highly recommend, Irresistible Sin to all lovers of quality romance stories.

Secondhand Heart by Scarlet Blackwell

Secondhand Heart by Scarlet Blackwell
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (332 pages)
Other: M/M, M/M/M, Masturbation, Menage, Voyeurism, Anal Sex, Toys
Rating: 5 cherries
Reviewed by Amaryllis

Conrad Muller’s heart is the center of a web of friendships, fights, and love lost and found in a close-knit group of gay men in Orange County, California. Six months ago, Conrad died, and his organs were donated for transplant. A month later, Conrad’s lover, Christian, receives a letter from the recipient of Conrad’s donated heart.

Christian can’t stop thinking about the letter, and he’s not the only one affected by loss. Conrad’s best friend Eban is also brokenhearted, and he’s struggling with his lover Damien, who has always resented living in Conrad’s shadow. Though Conrad is gone, his friends and his lover will have to cope with their grief to move on and find new love.

In the interwoven fabric of life, what happens to a group of people when someone in their circle dies? This is not a light read; it is a deep and emotionally rich, thought-provoking story. I enjoy complex stories and so I enjoyed this story very much. This plot is not exactly like a traditional romance but it is a love story with a hard earned happy ending. This is a compound novel that centers on the lives of two roommates who are struggling to carry on their lives in the face of deep grief. Their hearts hunger for love but their preconceived notions of loyalty and the desire to hang on to some piece of the past will not let them move on with living and loving.

The main character is Christian, whose partner, Conrad recently died and he is grieving deeply. Christian is human and vulnerable; easy to relate to. He’s surly when he’s having a bad day and feels bad about it later. He’s not always perfect but he is always real; I like that in a character. He is torn between his need to stay loyal to the memory of Conrad and his burgeoning attraction to Luke.

Christian’s best friend and roommate is Eban, a policeman. Eban is struggling to get over a painful breakup with Damien while supporting Christian through his grief. Eban is also trying to come to terms with his own multifaceted relationship with the now deceased Conrad. Yet Eban is also tempted by his new attraction to a new man named Darius. Eban is a long-suffering friend and sweet solace to Christian and the two men also fight an attraction to each other while they are trying to sort out their individual love lives.

This story does not follow the neat and tidy lines of most traditional romances. There’s extreme emotional danger to these men from all sides in their intricate interactions as they try and sort out and define what life means now that they have lost Conrad to death. There is also a scene of a violent crime which takes place in the middle of novel which may be too much for gentle readers. Emotions are the central focus of the plot and conflicts and the sex reflects this. The sex is not frequent and is more tightly related to plot than in many stories. But the sex is also hot and poignant and touchingly funny at the same time.

Secondhand Heart is a deep, rich story about life while grieving that switches mid-book to a story about coming out of grief. It has a happy, life-affirming ending that just might have you reaching for your hanky. It’s one of the most satisfying stories I have read in a long time. I know I’ll be thinking of Christian and Eban’s world for a long time to come.

Hard Lovin’ by Desiree Holt

Hard Lovin’ by Desiree Holt
Publisher: Elloras Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (80 pages)
Other: M/F, Anal Play
Rating: 5 cherries
Reviewed by Clematis

Erin Braddock, daughter of wealthy and powerful rancher Rance Braddock, has been to hell and back. So has wandering cowboy minstrel Grady Sinclair. But the moment they meet, chemistry ignites, erasing everything else. The sex is scorching, explosive, addictive. They can’t get enough of each other. The same talented fingers that coax seductive music from Grady’s guitar coax powerful orgasms from Erin’s body.

Seduced by his music as well as the sinfully sexy man himself, Erin runs away with Grady. Each night she sits in the bar listening as his come-to-me voice promises erotic delights he more than delivers on when they’re back in their room. But one day soon the past will catch up with them.

Erin just needed to get out. Constantly tortured by memories of horrific abuse at the hands of a madman, she’s been struggling just to regain her balance since escaping him eights months ago. Tonight, on the eve of her wedding, she has finally come to realize she’s been fighting to survive yet again, struggling just as desperately to get out from under the suffocating weight of good intentions and protectiveness. Stirred by the haunting music and lyrics of a handsome troubadour, Erin returns alone to the bar to hear him sing and play once more.

Grady has no problem when it comes to pouring his heart out in the music he loves, but is convinced that that’s all he has left of any worth to offer anyone. He aimlessly seeks the means to forget a tragic past, the only respite his lyrics, the next gig, the next town, and between the next pair of warm thighs.

When the sultry beauty with the sad eyes returns to the bar alone, he finds himself inexplicably drawn to her. Suddenly, both are captive and captured, equally eager as to escape their mutual demons, getting lost in one others’ bodies for a while.

This is the first of Desiree Holt’s considerable works that I’ve had the pleasure to read. But it certainly won’t be the last, if this beautifully love story is anything to go by.

It has a depth to it, with well fleshed out characters and a perfect plot that begs to be indulged in. A story that ‘feels’ like a country ballad, speaking straight from the heart, of love and loss, warts and all! From their instant, intensely passionate attraction and the heartache and past regrets they share to a HEA that left me grinning, Ms. Holt’s lovers, Erin and Grady, kept me spellbound and entertained. It was an emotionally satisfying read; I loved every word and walked away contented and happy.

Bound And Determined by Sierra Cartwright

Bound And Determined by Sierra Cartwright
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (169 Pages)
Other: BDSM, M/F, M/F/M, Ménage, Anal Play, M/M
Rating: 5 cherries
Review by: Clematis

The Quinn men have been kidnapping O’Malley women for eight hundred years, and when Sinead O’Malley finds herself upside down over her mortal enemy’s shoulder, his strong hand on her rear, she fights her response as hard as she fights him.

The damn men of the Quinn clan have been kidnapping the women of her family for nearly a millennium.

When Sinead O’Malley finds herself upside down over the shoulder of the tall, dark, and mortal enemy Jack Quinn, she’s determined to fight him every step of the way.

Enough is enough…

Jack is bound and determined to break the eight hundred year old curse, no matter what it takes, including tying her to his bed and demanding her total submission.

Her in-your-face T-shirt said it all: You’re not rich enough. Smart enough. Or man enough. Don’t even try. Let the games begin!

Sinead O’Malley is gorgeous, fiercely independent and a deeply passionate Irishwoman. She is bound and determined to live her own life, exactly the way she wants to, despite an eight hundred year old curse. And although, she’d like to believe there is no such thing as curses, it’s all just a moot point. Because her life is about to be turned upside down by her mortal enemy, the mighty Quinn.

Equally deeply passionate and drop-dead-gorgeous, fellow countryman and Dom, Jack Quinn takes his responsibilities seriously. The way Jack sees it is simple. The curse has plagued both families and has brought nothing but fear and misery for centuries. It stops now, stops with him, Sinead and a wedding… He’s tried the civil approach to no avail, so he’s followed her half way around the world and likes what he sees in the flesh. Now, he’s bound and determined to take whatever actions are necessary. To prove to her that marrying him and freeing both their families, can be about more than duty.

After seeing that T-shirt, he’s decided that he has every intention of showing her, in every blatant way possible, just how much he’s exactly what she needs…

Got to love Sierra Cartwright and her decadent tales of love and lust! What a most, marvelously twisted mind the woman has! After all, who in their right mind wouldn’t want one of her deliciously debauched alpha Doms? One who is a Master and completely dedicated to ensuring all his woman’s needs and pleasures are met, in the most tormenting and thorough of ways possible? Even Sinead, with a famous Irish temper can see the danger. He’s everything she could ever have wanted in a man, and he’d have been so perfect too, if he just hadn’t been a Quinn!

With a firm hand on the reins, or in this case, ropes, Ms Cartwright delivers her lovers, bound and determined to break the other first. Throw in a submissive man-servant and a ménage that blew my mind and it’s easy to see why the pages all but flipped themselves. I tried to read it slowly. Kept it waiting like a tempting box of chocolates, without so much as a peek… Then fell in head-first and was immediately immersed and totally enthralled. Talk about ‘get-into-a-story’, I wanted to bang their heads together, slap them both and roar like Cher from Moonstruck, “Snap out of it!”

Ahhh… Such, agonizing and sublime tension, artfully eased with every lash! This one’s a keeper, so if a little BDSM and three-way action by the mighty pen of Ms Cartwright sounds good to you too, then don’t miss Bound and Determined.

Surrender Your Heart by Serenity Woods

Surrender Your Heart by Serenity Woods
Publisher: Noble Romance
Genre: Contemporary, Historical, Sci-fi/Fantasy
Length Short Story (46 pgs)
Other: M/F
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Mazus

One night of passion with the man you’ve dreamed about every night for ten years . . . What lady can resist that?

After three months of holding out against her Yorkist besiegers, Lady Eleanor de Woodford finally surrenders her Lancastrian castle to Sir Henry de Tracey, only then realising he’s the man she fell in love with ten years ago. However the once boyish Hal has grown into a powerful, impressive knight, a man used to being obeyed, who’s not going to let their past change the fact that he wants her castle, and he wants it now!

Although she knows she should hate Henry for betraying the real king and killing her husband, having suffered seven years of marriage to a selfish, sometimes cruel man, Eleanor is desperate for a night of freedom before she’s married off again to some old knight in a faraway land. She asks Henry for one night of passion and he, still finding her the most beautiful woman he’s ever seen, is happy to oblige. Eleanor has already surrendered her castle. She doesn’t realise she’s about to surrender her heart as well . . .

Standing tall and head held high, Lady Eleanor de Woodford faces the knight who killed her husband in battle. Though scared and uncertain of whether the knight will harm her or her people she faces him with great courage, only to realize the knight is her long lost love.

Sir Henry de Tracey is flabbergasted when he meets the Lady of the castle, Eleanor, the one who got away. Lady Eleanor had been married to an oaf of a man, left unloved and unsatisfied throughout her entire marriage, so she decides to take one night with the man she had dreamt of for years. She has a lot to learn and a lot to lose. Can she give herself to the man who once meant so much to her for only one night?

I adored this story. Its heartwarming tale took me to another time. The blurb just does not do it justice. I was able to feel Lady Eleanor’s uncertainties and desires. For such a short novella the characters are so thoroughly created you truly feel as if you know them. The descriptions are superb and very well written.

Though this book is short it is heartfelt and sensual, I highly recommend it be read. I give this novella high praise because it is not often I have come across such a well written “Second chance at love” story.

Solo Play by Miranda Baker

Solo Play by Miranda Baker
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (96 pgs)
Other: M/F, F/F, Toys
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Mazus

It takes two to toy with love.

Come Again, Book 2

When librarian Alisa Mane’s boyfriend accuses her of being frigid, she sets out to prove him wrong the only way she knows how—with research.

A visit to the local sex shop uncovers the sizzling sensuality locked beneath her cool façade, and she eagerly accepts the opportunity to test sex toys for SoloPlay Enterprises. Under the code name “Sologirl”, she begins exploring her body on her own terms. After all, no one was ever rejected by a vibrator.

Mark Winters needs his new DoublePlay line of toys to hit big, and there’s only one tester for the job—Sologirl. She fires his imagination with playfully erotic reviews and never fails to pick a winner. There’s only one problem—Sologirl refuses to test the DoublePlay toys for couples. With his company’s success on the line, he decides to make his offer again, up close and in person.

One look at the icy hot Mark and Alisa realizes he’s her best chance to discover if any man can satisfy her. A red-hot month of experimentation more than answers that question, but now Alisa has another problem—DoublePlay is almost ready for production and her feelings for Mark have nothing to do with business. Is she brave enough to continue playing…with her heart?

A mild mannered librarian, Alisa Mane is dating a guy that just does not do it for her in the bedroom. The guy has the nerve to tell her she is frigid. Like any good librarian Alisa decides to do some research and she embarks on a sexual adventure of a lifetime. First learning a few things from another woman, then on her own. She knows her body and how to get maximum pleasure. Just as she is ready to test her new found sexual skills Mark Winters approaches her to test his new product “Double Play”.

What could be better then testing new sex toys? Testing new sex toys with a drop dead gorgeous hunk of a man called Mark Winters. Alisa gives him an ultimatum, he either helps her test them or it’s a no go. The story ensues.

This story is so hot! I couldn’t get enough of this page turner. I loved this story because it was so explicit but yet remained to be sensual. Solo Play has everything you could ask for! Ups and downs, humor, conflict and romantic scenes that are hot enough to burn the pages it’s written on.

This story is worth reading, it will get you to skip words to get to the next page. This is a must read if you enjoy the sensuality of two females in embrace, fun with toys and a Happily ever after between man and woman.

Bodies of Light by Lisabet Sarai

Bodies of Light by Lisabet Sarai
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short Story (53 pages)
Other: M/F/M, Ménage
Rating: 5 cherries
Reviewed by Clematis

Love travels faster than light

Physicist Dr. Christine Monroe has devoted her lonely life to research on hyper-space travel. Her continued failure leads her to sign on to the Archimedes, a sub-light-speed mission aimed at establishing a colony in the Sirius B system.

Waking from suspended animation, she discovers that the ship is wildly off course and the rest of the crew are dead due to equipment failure. At first she thinks the two handsome strangers who show up on the ship are figments of her imagination – erotic hallucinations created by isolation and stress.

However, Alyn and Zed are solid, real, and ready to sacrifice their lives for the strong woman they’ve found stranded in deep space. As her ship begins to disintegrate, Christine must choose between the planet she was sent to save and the two alien beings she’s come to cherish.

What a wonderfully refreshing and original sci-fi erotic romance. My only complaint would be that I finished it — I wanted to keep on reading! A nightmare of epic proportions awaits Dr. Christine Monroe, when she is forced awake from suspended animation, to alarms and chaos. Something has drastically gone wrong and then she makes the heart-stopping discovery that she is the lone survivor aboard the spaceship, Archimedes, lost in space and that it is slowly but surely, disintegrating around her.

Convinced she’s ‘losing the plot,’ fighting panic, stress, isolation and depression, Christine is barely surprised when two gorgeous alien males show up to make love to her. But Alyn and Zed are more than they appear and Christine soon comes to realize that with time running out and certain death if she remains on board, going with them may be her only option.

Bodies of Light, is original erotic sci-fi at it’s best. Superbly crafted and thrilling, short but satisfying, with all the T’s crossed and the I’s dotted. Her characters are wonderful. I found myself easily transported into the future, aboard the doomed Archimedes and as anxious as the good Doctor to find a way out. But it’s her alien lovers, Alyn and Zed who hold the key now and if she’s brave enough, a new beginning is possible.

New to Lisabet Sarai’s work, I was pleasantly surprised and am full of nothing but praise, for Bodies of Light. Being a dedicated lover of sci-fi, my own one unshakeable, steadfast conviction of the genre is simply that it must be believable, and this one is. All kudos to you, Ms Sarai. Just great!

Do yourself a favor and be sure to pick this one up if sci-fi, and especially erotic sci-fi, is something you enjoy.

What a Goddess Wants by Stephanie Julian

What a Goddess Wants by Stephanie Julian
Publisher: Sourcebooks
Genre: Contemporary, Paranormal
Length: Full Length (271 pgs)
Other: M/F, BDSM
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

It’s OK no one remembers Etruscan Sun goddess Tessa. But when a demon threatens her life, she must turn to mythology’s darkest warrior for protection…

Caligo of the Cimmerians has never met a woman as warm, sunny and inviting as Tessa. Their sizzling mutual attraction quickly sweeps the two of them into a love story that’s worthy of the gods…

Old gods versus new gods and the power plays they conspire to achieve wreck havoc on those that get in their way. This story about Caligo and Tessa takes readers on a hot and furious ride as the hero and heroine try to outwit a powerful foe while trying to resist the passion brewing between them at the same time. Something has to give and finding out who or what has to be sacrificed kept me riveted.

The first thing Ms. Julian does is set up for a reader the basis for Caligo’s internal conflict. It’s a pretty gritty scene and provided nice insight into the gruff and rough personality that makes up the hero. Cal, as he’s referred to through most of the book, is a Cimmerian. I’d never heard of them before and I got a kick out of how the author provided details with a subtle and deft hand. The information comes through dialogue, some internal discourse and from some of the secondary characters during the course of the tale. I liked that because every tidbit and hint was one more reason to keep on reading.

Cal is a fun character. He’s seen and done things that no ordinary human man can and yet his problems are basic to all humanity. When he meets Tessa, the heroine, and realizes something about her, he is almost helpless to resist her. It’s his needs and how they connect to him emotionally that resonated with me. His appeal is his trying to resist her in his manly way, and failing. How can a man ignore and push away something that is an intrinsic part of himself? A reader finds out and there’s one scene where I felt very sad for the hero. It was sweet, poignant and actually quite romantic when his mood gets lifted. I got my happy back when he did.

Tessa is in way over her head. It’s her external conflict that brings Cal and her together as well as providing movement and motivation for the plot. She’s an old goddess who has had a cold dash of humility thrust upon her. She’s hanging on to her current life by her fingernails and she’s running out of time and options. In spite of her dire situation, she retains her spunk, her hope and her attitude. I loved the sparks she ignited off of Cal. I also enjoyed the scenes where she doesn’t deny herself physical satisfaction. She may not be the prominent goddess she once was but she sure knows her way around a man’s basic needs and that made for some very steamy and entertaining reading.

Speaking of hot stuff – the very first time Tessa meets Cal knocked my socks off with a scorching bed scene that inspired my need for ice cubes. Turnabout is fair play and Ms. Julian has the hero and heroine taking turns driving each other sexually nuts and then delivering satisfaction with well written dialogue and descriptions.

For secondary characters I liked Cal’s dad. His father contributed a nice bit of internal conflict for Cal which in turn made the hero a more likable personality. It provided depth, more emotion and a delightful and exciting surprise cementing my enjoyment of this book.

Salvatorus is another secondary character that is important to the storyline. He’s humorous, cunning and a good friend to both hero and heroine. There are a few times Cal is less than happy with Sal’s contributions which surprised a few grins and giggles out of me. Their dialogue and interactions provided lighthearted entertainment and were some of my favorite parts.

Then there is the villain. It’s the threat he poses that is more in the forefront than his actual physical presence. I enjoyed the unique way the author has him pursuing Tessa and it contributed a decent amount of tension, action and opportunities for heroism. I never knew when or where the bad guy would show up and it kept the thread of suspense present throughout most of the book. I couldn’t stop reading.

What a Goddess Wants provides a thrilling and unique spin on the gods and goddesses of old while giving readers spice, passion and action all the way through. I adored how Cal and Tessa played off of each other and showcased their strengths and weaknesses. Together they make an impressive couple and I had a great time getting to know their characters. The happily ever after is both sweet and saucy and totally satisfying. Based upon how Ms. Julian ended the story, I’m pretty sure the bad guy is going to be coming back for round two. I’m looking forward to the adventure.

What Might Have Been by Wendi Zwaduk

What Might Have Been by Wendi Zwaduk
Publisher: Total-E-Bound
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (64 Pages)
Other: M/F, Light Bondage
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by Foxglove

A second chance has never been this sweet or sexy.

Macy Shibley left Mason, Ohio, to figure out who she was and what she wanted. But after more than a few disastrous relationships, she refuses to let anyone tie her down. She’ll control the tying, thank you very much. No man has ever managed to chip away the walls around her heart…except for one man.

Tanner Connolly has never forgotten his high school crush. The sweet blonde with the vibrant eyes fills his dreams and fantasies. He’d had a shot in school to make her more than a friend, but blew it for the sake of appearances. Now he’d like to know what might have been and use it to create a future. But he’ll have to let her go to prove he wants more than one night…

What Might Have Been is a delightfully hot and passionate story of love lost and regained.

Fifteen years ago, Macy Shibley laid her heart at the feet of her high school crush, and he stomped on it with cleats. Then her ex did a number on her confidence, so now Macy flies solo, never settling down in any one place. With her career as a successful erotic romance author, she is always on the go, and on her own terms.

Now she’s back in her hometown for her high school reunion, and thinking about Tanner Connolly, the one man that could bring all her well-built shields crashing down. As for Tanner, he’s spent the last fifteen years kicking himself for being such a fool and hurting Macy. All he wants now is a chance to make it up to her, to see if they can recover What Might Have Been. Can Tanner convince Macy to take one more chance on him? Can Macy open her heart and accept what Tanner is offering? Can these two find what they thought was lost so long ago?

I love Wendi Zwaduk’s small town atmosphere in her romances. It makes me feel like these are people I know, or would like to meet and be friends with. The characters in this are all too familiar: the arrogant jock gone to seed, the society queen of the prom, all those folks left behind as you grew up.

Macy is a strong character. She is smart and sassy, and willing to buck the trends. She is determined to protect her heart, but also to show all those people that ignored her way back when that she did just fine without their attention. She is the perfect mix of confidence and apprehension, willing to reach for what she wants, even if she is afraid she won’t know what it is when she gets it. I loved her take-charge attitude where Tanner was concerned.

Tanner is strong, handsome and determined to correct the one mistake he made in his life: walking away from Macy. I loved that he wasn’t going to let anything, or anyone, stand in the way again. I was delighted when Tanner let Macy take control, and I loved his reaction to that as well. I also liked his protective nature, wanting to keep Macy from being hurt again.

There are wonderful secondary characters here, and I especially liked Macy’s two friends Remi and Berto. They are fantastic, and I would love to see more of them, maybe in their own book. This is a very hot story, and the scene where Tanner gives Macy complete trust and control is one of the best scenes in the book. Of course, as with any high school reunion, there are those folks you would rather not see, and they show up here trying to cause trouble for Macy and Tanner.

Do these two get their second chance at love? After a couple of false starts, they get everything they deserve. But beware, this one will suck you in and keep you wanting more.

Stealing Coal by Laurann Dohner

Stealing Coal by Laurann Dohner
Book 5 in the Cyborg Seduction series
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave Aeon
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (151 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 5 cherries
Reviewed by Clematis

Jill has learned the hard way that men can’t be trusted and sex only causes pain. In the lawlessness of space, women are a sexual commodity—to be used and abused. She’s doing a man’s job, with only her father’s brutal reputation and three androids to help keep her alive when she sees a massive, handsome cyborg chained to a freight table. The abusive crew plans to sell him to fight in gruesome death matches. It’s stupid, it’s insane, but Jill can’t leave him to such a horrible fate.

Coal has survived being a captive breeding slave and irreversible damage to his cyborg implants, but his honor is still intact. He’s grateful Jill saved him and he’ll repay her the only way he can. He’ll fix her—with his mouth, his hands and his body. He can teach the little human just how much pleasure she’s capable of feeling.

Stealing Coal is a terrific addition to the Cyborg Seduction series, which just keeps getting better! Laurann Dohner had me hooked right from the first paragraph of the first chapter. Before I knew it, I was stretched back in my favorite reading chair, lost in the romance, the passion, drama and adventure.

There’s never a dull moment for space trader Captain Jill and her three android sidekicks, and today is no exception. She sticks her neck out, against her better judgment, to save a handsome cyborg male from further torture and abuse.

For her own safety, Jill keeps the cyborg, Coal, a prisoner aboard her ship, despite his insistence that he can be trusted not to harm her. She has learned from past experiences that women are not always treated as well as they should be by men.

Coal, like Jill, has had his own traumas and demons to deal with, after having been brutally treated by women cyborgs and kept as a breeder slave. So they are both mistrustful of the other’s motives, until forced to cooperate during an emergency. When Coal offers her the one skill he has as a means to repay her for helping him, Jill is understandingly apprehensive. But with reluctant surrender comes an outcome neither could have predicted. And both are left shaken when his ‘gift of pleasure’ tenderly given to help and heal, is generously, if at first tentatively, reciprocated.

Discovering that past beliefs need further examination, they set about doing just that in the most pleasurable way possible. But before either can fully come to terms with their current situation, or deal with unexpected emotions, Jill finds herself the ‘prisoner’ and in the middle of a full-blown rescue mission.

Who doesn’t love a great story, with a satisfying HEA, where wounded souls find fulfillment and love to mend them, but only with each other?’ Especially if it’s written in such a way that you emotionally buy-in to the story and all they have to go through to get it.

This story by Ms Dohner is sublime. With wonderful characters and a great plot, it is superbly told.