Irresistible Sin by Lynn LaFleur
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (123 pages)
Other: M/F, anal play, bdsm
Rating: 5 Cherries
Reviewed by CarnationGriff Coleman used to be the happiest man in the world, until a doped-up kid killed his wife in a bank robbery. Now he does his job during the day and spends the rest of the time alone.
Emma Keeton, a five-foot-three package of energy, comes barreling into his life. They’re thrown together when Griff is put in charge of building a restaurant where Emma will be chef. Emma oozes sex appeal, an appeal Griff finds irresistible.
Emma has never been interested in anything long-term with a man. Her feelings change as she and Griff spend so many hours together. Sex with him is the best she’s ever had, but soon only sex isn’t enough. Griff has to let go of the past and accept her as part of his future. Only then will he heal and love her as much as she loves him.
Irresistible Sin is a stand-alone story, the second in the Men With Tools series.
The people in this story are fun, outgoing, likable and enterprising. The is sex so hot I thought I heard sirens. There is sensitively told drama and truly realistic events in an unusual love story that couples patience with urgent passion, tenderness and compassion with scorching hot sexual need and does it with subtleness and accuracy.
The group of family and friends that populate Ms. LaFleur’s youthful story are well-rounded, fully interacting, charming and convincing characters that I came quickly to know and care about.
The plot and sub-plots are exciting and absorbing. I liked how the author made me feel as though I was living the story through the characters and the way she gave them genuine emotional value.The love affair between Emma and Griff is a gradual revelation that comes from both eventual and sudden self awareness and healing. Emma’s first thoughts of ‘just sex’ don’t hold up for long with this sensitive, sweet and intense man. There is a trans-formative scene between Griff and his brothers which is witnessed by Emma and Griff’s sister-in-law, that begins to bring his grief over the loss of his wife into the open where it must be faced. I was amazed how the author suddenly and deftly evoked powerful, intense emotions in me. I was moved to tears, and not for the last time during the story.
I appreciate the way Ms. LaFleur reveals through her characters, the way to experience and know things of true meaning and value. In the process, she took me on a sensual and passionate sexual journey filled with raging hot fantasy and suspenseful erotic fulfillment. In case it sounds like this was mainly an emotionally ‘heavy’ read, I have to say that there was a good balance of light-hearted fun to this romance, as well.
This story captured me completely. It has something to offer on so many different levels. I’m eager for the next installment in this series and highly recommend, Irresistible Sin to all lovers of quality romance stories.