Dreaming of the Wolf by Terry Spear

Dreaming of the Wolf by Terry Spear
Publisher: Sourcebooks Casablanca
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Suspense/Mystery
Length: Full Length (365 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 Books
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Werewolf pack leader Jake Silver is an acclaimed photographer. He sees a beautiful woman at the art gallery where his photos are on display, and his intrigue turns into wolfish protectiveness. Alicia Greiston has never met anyone like Jake–he’s sexy, alpha, and totally irresistible, and he calls to something primal in her soul.

The aura of romance reached out and grabbed me as soon as Jake spied Alicia and followed her like a lost puppy in the first chapter. Ms. Spear set up the motivation, plot and drama right then and there and I was hooked.

Dreaming of the Wolf has the most adorable wolfie on the cover and I wanted to scratch his ears. Realizing that the cover represented the delectable Jake Silver in the story made it very plausible that Jake was a very handsome and capable man. I love it when a cover can capture the essence of one of the characters. Jake was a delight. He was yummy, forceful, quite protective and he was an alpha. He also did artwork with flowers. Talk about a dichotomy. I liked how initially he went with his gut and how later on he realized that there was more than simply attraction going on. He was falling in love. Alphas never do it the easy way though. Oh no, he has to fight mob connections for her and as a reader might guess, it’s an uphill battle. Jake is great in battle. The author did a wonderful job of depicting the hero as a capable and effective fighter – when given the chance. Nothing more fascinating to watch than a protector being thwarted and when he finally gets a chance to go all out, the scenes were exciting, tightly written and full of wonderful wolf mojo.

The beneficiary of all that glorious testosterone is Alicia. The author has quite a few surprises in store for the heroine and readers alike. I tremendously enjoyed how Ms. Spear had Alicia’s life spin out of control all while orchestrating her being in Jake’s sphere of influence to the point where the heroine finally gets the feeling that things could possibly go right for a change. However a lot of wrong has to happen first. While that is happening, a reader gets to see her test her mettle against big bad guys, amazing and scary revelations and a man who she can’t help falling in love with. She tries, oh yes she does because she felt she needed to ‘save’ him and protect him from herself. What a wonderful set up for an awakening to love and all that entails. Alicia is also really sweet especially when she focuses on one fact other than what Jake expected – it endeared her even more to the hero and it made me feel more connected to the heroine. What must it be like to be faced with that many unknowns and to want to be elated but end up being worried instead. Talk about emotional angst, and Ms. Spear hit the target on every one. I felt the heroine’s fear, pain, excitement and joy. Now that’s real storytelling.

The villains are many with one in particular being the peskiest. Mario is a real creep. His brother is a surprise as well a great conflict motivator. The other relatives are weak and evil and the henchmen are just bullies. There’s a lot of gun play and blood and suspense. How in the world is Alicia going to get out of the sticky wicket she finds herself in? Every time she turns around, it gets worse and worse and more overwhelming! Ms. Spear proved genius in her handling of it all. Some readers might think the final solution to be too pat or perfect but it worked for me. In fact, I slumped in relief. I don’t think I’d have believed any other resolution than what the author chose to do – it fit. I was so happy!

For that extra spice, the author had Jake and Alicia have mad passionate dream sex. That doesn’t sound impressive and for a lot of books it’s a drawback and one of my least favorite writing techniques. Ms. Spear is the only author who’s presented a logical and wonderful reason why it works and why I will read every word, sentence and paragraph without skimming or skipping. For readers of the series, they’ll know why and for new readers, it’ll be a treat. Well, it’s a treat either way actually.

Romance abounds in every caress, kiss and heated gaze making Dreaming of the Wolf a must read for anyone who enjoys sensual passion with their romantic suspense. Jake and Alicia eventually become the loving couple they both yearned for but never expected to deserve much less have. And the fact they found it in each other purely by accident, by the whim of fate, showcases how special their relationship truly is. I had an awesome time reading this book. It’s a real page flipper and almost impossible to put down until the final page is turned. I swooned at how perfect the ending was, and how happy Jake and Alicia ended up being. Dreaming of the Wolf is paranormal romance at its finest.

To Wed a Wild Lord by Sabrina Jeffries

To Wed a Wild Lord by Sabrina Jeffries
Publisher: Pocket Star Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (310 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Drowning in guilt over his best friend’s death seven years ago, Lord Gabriel Sharpe, the Angel of Death, knows his only hope at redemption is a race against a shocking opponent.

Shrouded in darkness for the past seven years, the infamous racer Lord Gabriel Sharpe is known to accept every challenge to race thrown at him. When his next challenge comes in the form of his late best friend’s sister, Virginia Waverly, Gabe is shocked. Yet she presents just the opportunity Gabe needs–marriage to fulfill his grandmother’s ultimatum and ensure his inheritance. What he didn’t count on was needing her love.

And the mystery deepens as another Sharpe has fallen onto the rocky and exciting path of love. Ms. Jeffries once again has entertained and amazed with a romance that seemed doomed from the start only to reveal to readers how perfect and wonderful Virginia Waverly is for Lord Gabriel Sharpe. What a ride!

Anyone who has been following the series will be intrigued by the hints and hazy clues revealed in the beginning of the book. It touches on the overall story arc that is being woven through all of the standalone books in the series. To Wed a Wild Lord is definitely a book that a new reader can get into without fear of feeling lost or uninformed. Everything needed to understand both the underlying mystery and the current turbulent relationship between Gabriel and Virginia is well presented in a natural manner, as though hearing about it for the first time. Yet there is enough there to whet a reader’s appetite to perhaps go back and read the ones that came before. It’s worth it.

In this installment, I got to know what makes Virginia tick and that she’s not so adverse to Gabriel’s attentions, in spite of all the naysayers. I enjoyed how she got carried away with passion and had to face some truths about herself and her motivations.

Gabriel is known as the Angel of Death. It’s a cover that he hides behind but it’s not until he becomes truly serious about Virginia that he figures out what he’s been doing and running from all these years. The journey to when he gets to that part is at times nerve wracking, humorous, sentimental and frustrating. He’s a very conflicted man … until he finally realizes what is important in life. It’s at that point when things get really interesting – when Gabriel faces the greatest challenge of his life – to win Virginia’s love.

The biggest roadblock to the protagonists happy ever after isn’t so much their own internal conflicts, but the web of lies and assumptions that rise up from the past to deal hefty emotional blows. Jealousy and spite from others try to poison their happiness from the beginning, but it turns out that Virginia isn’t a weak minded woman nor is Gabriel that far gone in his quest to run from his demons. They eventually find the strength they need to persevere in each other and together, solve and put to rest something that has haunted both their lives for years. It’s tragic and heartfelt, but healing too.

Secondary characters abound to help keep the plot moving and the hero and heroine motivated. My favorite is Gabriel’s manipulative grandmother, Hetty. There’s a little letter from her in the beginning of the book. After I was done reading, I went back and re-read it — and laughed. There was a hint in there about a possible love interest that was so subtle I missed it. I found it endearing when I realized just whom it might be about. And I know I’m going to enjoy seeing what Ms. Jefferies is going to do about that. Other characters are not so sanguine and brought about some light but effective drama.

The happy ever after is sweet and so satisfying. To Wed a Wild Lord is sheer delight and a romance that hits all the high notes to perfection. It was riveting to the point that I read it in one sitting – a true page turner. Why? Because I so enjoyed Gabriel and Virginia falling in love and the author kept me guessing as to what it was going to take to make the hero see the light – the light of his life. The story embraces romance at its best and was a treat to read. Pick up a copy and see for yourself.

Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen

Lord of the Wolfyn by Jessica Andersen
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Action/Adventure, Contemporary, Paranormal, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (282 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Once upon a time…the Blood Sorcerer vanquished the kingdom of Elden. To save their children, the queen scattered them to safety and the king filled them with vengeance. Only a magical timepiece connects the four royal heirs. Now they must return and save Elden…and time is running out….

As one of the wolfyn—a legendary wolf-creature who seduced women—Dayn mated to gain strength. But as a man, he craved Reda Weston’s heated, sizzling touch. With little time left, Dayn had to either embrace his wolf to save his kingdom…or fight the craven beast to save his woman.

This series keeps getting better and better. This time Little Red Riding Hood gets a modern day makeover with an infusion of fantasy and otherworldly adventure. I never imagined Red being an ex-cop, her getting mixed up in magic and mayhem, or being a wicked shot with a bow. And I was certainly surprised with the big bad wolf being a very yummy but tortured prince with a chip on his shoulder, confused about a promise that was more like a prophesy and having a hard time not wanting to eat Red up – in a delightful manner. It’s a wonderfully complicated and well told tale that kept me on the edge of my seat.

Lord of the Wolfyn is another thrilling tale in an awesome series that kept me riveted and fascinated from the moment the tornado sucked up the heroine, to when it eventually spat her out right where the hero least expected it. A wealth of adventure and paranormal hijinks happens between those points and I had a great time watching both Reda and Dayn grow as individuals and as a couple. This book is a solid standalone read. The author gives just enough information for a reader to understand the overall story arc while telling a complete story within its framework.

I loved the idea of unicorns with attitude, different realms and the fact that things from the modern world could be tweaked to survive some of the other kingdoms. In fact, Ms. Anderson did a hot piece of writing using some of those adapted technologies. It’s worth standing in the crisp fall breezes to cool off from that scene. Actually, there were a couple of scenes that stand out as sizzling additions to the budding romance. Of course, when magic and evil sorcery is at work, no romantic endeavor is without its pitfalls, miscommunications and assumptions to muddy the path and drive the hero and heroine out of their mind with pain, loss and hopelessness. Of course that means that their redemption, reclamation and empowerment are all the stronger and it brings the characters to vivid life making the reading experience all the more memorable.

Secondary characters abound with each one contributing to the story’s movement. They introduce elements integral to the plot and/or showcase the best and worst of the hero and heroine. The villain is naturally vile with a plan to undermine the really big bad guy. The plans were believable and nefarious. The author’s descriptions of a land poisoned and neglected were sharp, concise and made me sad. There are going to be so many wrongs that will have to be righted, I don’t know how they’re going get the job done but I can’t wait to find out. I believe there is one more book coming out, which will focus on the last missing prince. I guarantee that it’s going to be an auto-buy for me. Every single installment has had gripping stories that for a time keeps a reader in suspense, until finally bringing about a much earned and well deserved happily ever after.

Lord of the Wolfyn kept me on my toes; it surprised and delighted me with its imaginative storytelling and wonderful adventures. I got a kick out of the author making Little Red Riding Hood a strong, competent and resourceful heroine that is worthy of being a princess to a prince, even if she’s an ex-cop from modern times. I loved the freshness and the vibrancy of the book and I am thrilled with the happily ever after. If a reader likes to be entertained then they’re going to find one hundred percent satisfaction when they read Lord of the Wolfyn.

The Trinket Seller’s Daughter by Nicole Hurley‐Moore

The Trinket Seller’s Daughter by Nicole Hurley‐Moore
Publisher: Pink Petal Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Short Story (33 Pages)
Heat Level: Sensual
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Fennel

Lost in the forest, Emelin runs for her life after her traveling party is massacred by outlaws. Sir Allard de Gerril is in pursuit of the ruthless Archer and his band when he finds Emelin. Bound by vengeance the pair seek out Archer, but as they journey through the dark woods revenge gives way to passion. With each passing day, Emelin dares to dream that there is a place for a lowly trinket seller’s daughter by the knight’s side. Yet as Archer begins to hunt the couple, Emelin fears that she and Allard will not have a future together as they may never escape the tangled wood alive.

From the first line, The Trinket Seller’s Daughter grabs your attention and holds onto it throughout the story with its fast pace and tension-packed pages. The author makes every word count, and in doing so ratchets up the tension, conflict and motivation right to the final word and full-stop.

When the hero, Sir Allard de Gerril, survives an attempt on his life he swears to hunt down his attackers. Allard is every woman’s fantasy hero: strong, tough and determined, and rarely side tracked… Until he meets Emelin after everyone in her travelling party has been massacred, including her adored father.

Shared ambitions to find and punish the perpetrators, still isn’t enough to overcome Emelin’s trust. In her heroine, the author takes a trusting young woman and sets her in situations that challenge every belief she holds dear. And Nicole Hurley‐Moore does not give her heroine the luxury of time to decide. Nor is Emelin, with her caring actions, beyond making basic mistakes that put her and Allard in immediate and critical danger.

Every character in this short story plays their part to the hilt and with full impact upon their scene. Every emotion is stirred by the skillful penmanship of this author. From the base to the beautiful, every conflict, motivation and goal, grasped this reader’s attention from the first word to the last.

The writing is powerful and vivid, the content awesome, the story is believable in almost every moment, as is the sense of place and era. Finally, the writing is fluent and punchy throughout.

The quality of her first novella makes Ms Nicole Hurley‐Moore an author to watch because her writing is enthralling.

I am delighted to rate The Trinket Seller’s Daughter a ‘five’.

Lord of Rage by Jill Monroe

Lord of Rage by Jill Monroe
Publisher: Harlequin
Genre: Action/Adventure, Paranormal, Sci-fi/Fantasy
Length: Full length (282 pgs)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 Books
Reviewed by Xeranthemum

Princess Breena had been dreaming of her warrior lover when she was ripped from her Elden castle and thrown into a strange, dangerous realm. Lost and alone, she prayed for survival and vengeance for her stolen kingdom. She found both in a woodland cottage…in a dark bear of a man.

The golden-haired beauty had eaten his food and slept in his bed when Osborn found her. Though he wanted to awaken his virgin princess to carnal pleasures, Breena wanted more—including his warrior skills. Skills the once-legendary mercenary had long buried. Now Osborn had a choice—risk his life or deny his princess her fairy-tale ending.

I like this tale of Goldilocks and the Three Bears much better than the original. There is a lot of fun in finding out what really happens after the girl is discovered sleeping in the bed than I could have imagined. Once again, Ms. Monroe entertains and thrills readers with her wit, clever writing and yummy heroes.

In this case, Goldilocks is Breena, the only princess of Elden. My favorite thing about her character is her growth. In the beginning she’s a dutiful daughter but the author gave hints that there’s more of an adventurous spirit trapped inside her. Good thing too because by a desperate act of magic, Breena was tossed to safety, away from all the horror and death. She might have been physically safe but the heroine discovered that her emotions and feelings were far from secure because she ended up meeting Osborn. Through him, and with him, she discovered more about the woman she really is and who she wants to be.

Osborn is a fascinating man. He’s a guy who needs saving and redemption. He’s done what he’s had to do in order to survive and protect the family he has left. He’s taken the role so seriously, that he’s buried deep all his own dreams and hopes and desires. He figures at this point, he’s not worthy of them and isn’t entitled to anything but vengeance. It made me want him to have his happily ever after. Ms. Monroe wrote with such feeling that his pain and yearning jumped off of the page. I cared for what happens to him. Osborn is a man who is due some happiness in his life. Even a reason to laugh out loud.

Watching Osborn and Breena fall in love was fun. So many challenges thwarted them and so many secrets needed to be revealed before they could realize their true destiny. And the author was quite clever. Just when I thought all would be well, Ms. Monroe surprised me with a clever twist that infused the story with a dramatic burst of action and heroics. A few loose ends get solved and a new destiny is forged. It was exciting storytelling.

Another fascinating aspect of this book is the sensual build-up. The author has Osborn and Breena each taking turns at seducing the other, and each scene grows hotter and hotter until I thought I’d burst if they didn’t finally experience the ultimate loving fireworks. Ms. Monroe did not disappoint. It was romantic, sexy and the part with the pelt left me fanning myself. I like Breena’s sense of physical adventure.

Lord of Rage is the second installment to the Royal House of Shadowsi series and it rocks. It also is a perfect standalone. There is no reason for a first time reader to wonder if they’ll get lost in the story arc. The tale is totally about Osborn and Breena and how they come together, fall in love, and when joined, become stronger than they thought possible. I was thoroughly entertained and Breena’s unique dilemma kept me glued to the pages. I didn’t stop reading until I’d turned the last page. The happily ever after was romantic and it fit with the characters’ needs. It also whetted my appetite for the next installment in the series.

Lord of Rage is sexy, delightful and has a great emotional punch that’s a knock-out. Fans of Ms. Monroe are in for another treat and readers of paranormal romances will find what they’re looking for – fun, chills, thrills and a growly good romance.

The Blue Flame by Barbara M. Hodges

The Blue Flame by Barbara M. Hodges
Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, YA
Length: Full Length (224 pages)
Heat Level: Sweet
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed By Geranium

Regan Cafferty believes her sister Kelsey is dead. But in truth Kelsey entered a rift, into the world of Daradawn, an alternate land of magic, with doorways that open once every seven years, and remain so for only seven days,

A guest in Daradawn for the past seven years, Kelsey has become a commander for Queen Tessa, but they are losing the battle with the Dark Mage Dirkk.

Regan Cafferty has a small blue flame on her shoulder, the mark the Power bestows on its chosen in Daradawn.

Kelsey believes her sister and the blue flame is what is needed to defeat Dirkk. She sends Mage Peter through the once again open rift to bring Regan into Daradawn. There, magic, danger and a long denied love wait for her, but only if Peter can convince her he isn’t crazy, and to return to Daradawn with him.

When I was a kid, I’d lie in bed and imagine that when I opened my closet door, it would open on a new world, so when I read the blurb for this novel, I pounced on it, and it didn’t disappoint. Warning: this novel is hard to put down. I started this novel Saturday evening, and by Sunday afternoon, I’d finished. This new edition is a rewrite for the YA market, and it’s the first book in a trilogy.

This book has well developed characters – I especially enjoyed the interaction between sisters Kelsey and Regan. Regan’s initial reluctance to get involved in the affairs of Daradawn and her wariness towards mage Peter, when he comes seeking her in our world, had me on the edge of my seat, and her gradual conversion is well-drawn.

I also enjoyed the deft hand Ms. Hodges had with her back story. The background is woven in seamlessly, and the flashbacks especially well handled. The magical elements and their rules and limitations are coherent, and the array of elves, dwarves, dragon, and mages satisfying in their variety.

There is romance in this novel, but it is first and foremost a fantasy adventure, so be prepared. Yes, it’s there for both Kelsey and Regan, but it takes a back seat to the magical adventure and world saving.

The rewrite is such that there is nothing in here that’s unsuitable for a young person, but in my opinion this is at bottom an adult novel, with adult characters and adult concerns. Not to say that your teen won’t enjoy it – they will – but it’s not your high school magic adventure, this is hard-core world saving.

I highly recommend this lively, well-written fantasy, and I’m eagerly looking forward to the next volume in the series, which, unfortunately from my point of view, won’t be out until February, 2012.

In the Arms of a Marquess by Katharine Ashe

In the Arms of a Marquess by Katharine Ashe
Publisher: Avon Books
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (384 pages)
Heat Level: Spicy
Rating: 5 Books
Reviewed by Honeysuckle

She’d never forgotten him . . .

Miss Octavia Pierce is witty, well-off . . . and shockingly unwed. Still, she is far too successful in society to remain on the shelf forever, and her family has hopes that Octavia will finally make the perfect match. What they don’t know is that, years earlier, Octavia was scandalously tempted by the one man capable of sweeping her off her feet— the man now known as the Marquess of Doree.

A third son, never meant to inherit, Lord Ben Doree has abandoned his past and grown accustomed to his illustrious new position of wealth and power. But he has never forgotten Octavia, and now she desperately needs his help in a most dangerous, clandestine matter. Although she claims she has put the memories of the passion they shared behind her, Ben is determined to once again have her in his arms—and in his bed.

Two worlds collided when Ben Doree, not yet the Marquee of Doree, rescued a wide eyed Octavia Pierce her first day in the markets of India. A harsh reality is soon learned. Some “noble” Englishmen believe that a man of mixed blood, no matter his wealth and lineage, should never aspire to court an English rose much less marry one. That prejudice ran deep and had the ability to make rational men into methodical monsters!

If you love a heart stopping period romance that sweeps you into the book from page one, have I got an easy recommend for you! Author Katharine Ashe is well on her way to making a name for herself as a fantastic Historical writer. After reading Ben and Tavy’s story it’s easy to see why. Her characters are multi-faceted and the plot has more layers than an onion. I literally couldn’t put the book down until I was assured not only of a HEA for Ben and Tavy but that all parties’ involved, secondary characters and side stories alike were resolved. Ms. Ashe does a fabulous job of tying up the loose ends by the conclusion of a thoroughly eventful journey.

Let me be very clear on one point, though. This is not a casual read. Ms. Ashe obviously puts a great deal of effort into creating a true and unique story that has historical facts interspersed throughout. Readers will come away feeling like that didn’t just read a part of English history but actually witnessed it. Her writing is very articulate and vividly exacting.

I often create a soundtrack to a story when I’m reading and for this novel I kept hearing the lyrics to Walter Egan’s 1978 hit single Magnet and Steel. The line that mirrored this book is “With you I’m not too shy to show the way I feel, With you I might try my secrets to reveal, For you are a magnet and I am steel”. Ben and Octavia are drawn to each other just like a magnet is drawn to steel and when they touch the love and physical chemistry practically explode off the page.

I couldn’t help but feel for Ben’s situation. When he thinks he can’t have Tavy he still provides protection. Ben feels compelled to keep secrets that weigh him down. I very nearly cried when he finally began revealing his true nature to Octavia and seeing her reaction. She is the kind of heroine that I can always get behind and cheer on. She’s normally honest to a fault but circumstances force her into a subterfuge that is obviously unnatural and distasteful to her character. It was actually pretty entertaining watching her lie while trying really hard not to lie.

In the Arms of a Marquess is an exquisite experience for Historical romance lovers. You’ll connect with the characters and join them for an epic journey that you’ll want to keep on your shelf and re-read over and again. Do yourself a favor and pick a copy of this wonderful book. I think you’ll be glad you did!

Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan

Miss Darcy Falls in Love by Sharon Lathan
Publisher: Sourcebooks Landmark
Genre: Historical
Length: Full Length (264 pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Lavender

Hugely successful bestselling author (over 95,000 copies sold through) of sensual, romantic Pride and Prejudice continuations explores unusual aspects of the Regency world, this time following Mr. Darcy’s younger sister into the world of classical music.

Noble young ladies were expected to play an instrument, but societal restrictions would have chafed for Georgiana Darcy, an accomplished musician. Her tour of Europe draws the reader into the musical life of the day, and a riveting love story of a young woman learning to direct her destiny and understand her own heart.

Was Pride and Prejudice your favorite Jane Austin book? It was mine, and the story Miss Darcy Falls in Love brings readers back to that world; this time, focusing on Mr. Darcy’s sister, Georgiana. I admit, I was also drawn to this book because Georgiana is a musician, and so is the hero of the story, Sebastian, and music happens to be one of my things. It’s also set in Paris, another intriguing quality.

The writing is excellent. The author, Sharon Lathan has a gift for words. The style is clever, and musical symbolism is used at its finest. Musical motifs are blended into the brilliant threads of the story, enhancing the plot. A Regency world is well constructed.

The characters are three-dimensional and quite interesting. Georgiana and Sebastian are great, charming and all-too-human. Their relationship builds so naturally, and the chemistry between them comes alive. Readers can feel their passion. The secondary characters add dashes of wit and sparkle to the book and aid in bringing Georgiana and Sebastian closer.

Suspense is created effectively with the introduction of the impossibly seductive Baron who falls madly in love with Georgiana. He holds great appeal to her. He could very well draw her away from Sebastian. After all, he also shares a great thing in common with her: music, and he’s very attractive. She’s thunderstruck when she meets him.

Other aspects of the plot add interest. Sebastian’s father vehemently insists that Sebastian marries a woman with a title, which Georgiana does not have. Also, Sebastian is expected to come home to England and learn how to be a future earl. However, his heart dictates that he follow his passion for music. How can these things possibly be reconciled?

At any rate, Georgiana experiences a steamy, passionate night with the man who turns out to be her true love.

The love, passion, and excellence of style, as well as the writer’s superior talent with words is sure to win her new fans or satisfy old fans with this one.

Embracing the Lemonade Life by Sandra Sookoo

Embracing the Lemonade Life by Sandra Sookoo
Publisher: Desert Breeze Publishing, Inc.
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (63 Pages)
Heat Level: sweet
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Fennel

Clara Tildon, a cancer survivor, has no time for defeatism. She’s opened up the Cute as a Button B & B in Bridgewater, Indiana, and along with her guinea pig, is embracing the lemonade lifestyle. Everything is perfect, except for the nagging sensation that she would still like to fall in love.

Jake Yates has returned to Bridgewater, the town he grew up in, for his friend’s wedding and he’s not happy about it. The people of Bridgewater can keep their small town life, it’s in his past and that’s where he intends it to stay. Even loneliness can’t make him reconsider his decisions.

A chance meeting. A fleeting kiss. Suddenly two polar opposites get a unique chance at love. But can Clara give up living in the moment long enough to see Jake as an opportunity she needs to plan for? Can Jake alter his well-laid plans to fit Clara in his life? Or will they both let love get away?

In this month of Cancer Awareness, Sandra Sookoo’s Embracing the Lemonade Life, encompasses the subject with skill and compassion. Her heroine, Clara, is in remission when Jake comes into her life and kicks the jacks from beneath her ‘live for the moment’ philosophy.

The owner of the small-town bed-and-breakfast, Clara fled from the city to a place where she’d find community support and friendship, and it’s not long before Jake discovers she’s treasured by the locals. The same locals and environment he fled when he left school and found success in the city.

This author uses Jake’s ignorance of Clara’s illness to inform her readers of the profound effects of living with cancer. Information readers may ‘know’ about from general information. By using Jake’s point of view and creating such a powerful empathy for her heroine, Ms Sookoo’s skillful presentation of the medical information and its impact on a patient and their loved ones influenced this reader.

Clara and Jake have their faults and their fears. The secondary characters, tiny though their on-stage appearances are, have a definite impact on them both, influencing their actions and assumptions.

Ms. Sookoo’s fluent writing style entices. Her gift to create intense emotions and visual settings drew this reader in to such an extent that returning to reality at the end of the story was mind-jerking. And yet around the serious message the author offers many laugh-aloud moments.

Her depiction of Jake’s journey from disillusionment to sharing Clara’s belief in ‘living for the moment’ is handled with great compassion.

For Clara, Ms Sookoo teaches her to accept help from those who love and care for her instead of assuming they are acting out of sympathy.

In Embracing The Lemonade Life the author takes a hard-hitting subject and weaves a tender tale of love, hope, and joy that will stay with you long after you turn the final page.

Disengaged by Lauren Gallagher

Disengaged by Lauren Gallagher
Publisher: Champagne Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (58 Pages)
Heat Level: spicy
Rating: 5 books
Reviewed by Fennel

The last thing Amber wants to think about is engagement rings or anything related to engagement rings, but they’re kind of hard to avoid when she makes her living in a jewelry store. Between her job and her last relationship, she’s getting more than a little bit jaded about love and commitment. In fact, she’s ready to change everything in her life, and right now, a man is the last thing she wants.

When gorgeous bartender Jeremy wanders into her store, she’s willing to reconsider what she wants right now, but he’s off the menu: he’s here for an engagement ring.

But as Jeremy comes back again and again to look at the ring, Amber suspects it’s not just the price that keeps him from taking it home. She’d never dream of sabotaging someone’s relationship, but is Jeremy about to make a huge mistake?

You might be forgiven for thinking this is going to be a Valentine story, but not so. It is much more. Yes it begins with the run-up to Valentine’s Day in an upscale jewelry store. The ideal job, meeting all the rich and influential clients, every day? All that flash and bling. And the staff, demure well dressed and eager to please?

Instead Ms Gallagher’s Amber, a genuine and eager-to-help member of staff disenchanted by her clients, her job and her ex boyfriend, tells her story.

Disengaged opens with Amber on the cusp of a new life and not knowing what to do about it, or how to attain her dreams, put on hold so long ago. Through her heroine’s eyes the author paints a vivid picture of Amber’s co-workers that may blow your preconceived ideas to smithereens. They may all have small walk-on parts to play but each one takes the story forward fluently and humorously.

And then in walks Jeremy. Immediately Amber discovers what is missing in her life. Unfortunately Jeremy is shopping for an engagement ring. The author’s fluent writing style will have you turning the pages almost too fast to keep up, her characters are so real and three dimensional. Both hero and heroine have issues to deal with and there’s no apparent certainty of a happily ever after. The time shifts in the story are fluently done in a ‘less is more’ manner that is very effective.

This is a story about courage. It is about unconditional love and pushing away the boundaries and going after your dreams when they seem impossible.
The sex scene while graphic is celebratory and totally in keeping with the story and the characters.

One advantage of short stories is that when one grips you as hard as this one did me, you have time to read it right through without interruption.

This story earned its rating because of the author’s fluent writing style the fully rounded and likable characters, the conflicts and how the characters make logical assessments at critical stages in the tale and finally the ‘feel-good’ factor I came away with when I finished the book.