Burning Love by Cassandra Carr
Calendar Men: Mr. August
Publisher: Decadent Publishing
Length: Short Story (67 pgs)
Genre: Contemporary
Other: M/F
Rating: stars
Reviewed by Bittersweet
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Can they find the time to stoke the happiness that burns brighter when they’re together?
From page one, firefighter Jude Mason grabbed my heart and wouldn’t let go. Ms. Carr begins the story with a vivid description of his feelings and emotions that truly made me feel sorry for him.
Sadly, this wonderful work of description does not last and about half way through the book there is a loss of emotion in favour of a lot of telling. For this reason, or perhaps it was due to the sometimes stiff dialogue, I wasn’t able to fully feel the connection between the characters.
However, regardless of these points, the story was enjoyable and the sex was also hot (their first kiss is epic and the scene in her office is sizzling).
All in all, Burning Love by Cassandra Carr is an entertaining, quick and pleasant read.