Command the Stars by Ashlynn Monroe
Commanded #2
Publisher: Changeling Press
Genre: Historical, Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Short story (63 pages)
Other: M/F
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by MoonflowerKa’Sen, Prince of Planets, Leader of the Union of Worlds, can have anything he wants — except magic. To get that power he must wed the princess of the only world with the fearsome force he craves. But when he takes his new wife into his bed he’s bewitched by something more commanding than sorcery. Love.
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Ka’Sen’s never had the liberty to follow his emotions. Now that he knows his wife lied to him from the first moment they met, he definitely can’t allow himself to trust in her or follow the vines of desire wrapping around his heart.Brisa never dreamed she’d live in the beyond, traveling through the stars — she also never imagined she’d be caught in a war between ideologies. Her new husband is a mystery of contradictions. So much about the wider universe is strange to her, but the feelings his nearness stirs are the strangest of all.
Hating this man should be so much easier than loving him. Interlopers in Ka’Sen’s world beg her to save them, but doing so will destroy the only man she’s ever loved. When she doesn’t understand the game how can she possibly comprehend the stakes and know what’s right?
Brisa has been found out, and with that, her world changed in ways she couldn’t comprehend. We rejoin the story from where we left off. Ka’Sen knows Brisa isn’t the princess, but he wants her anyway. She just has to survive the wrath of the King first.
This is just as well written as the first installment, but I would definitely call it a serial, rather than anything else. I recommend starting with book one in order to fully understand and enjoy this one. The characters continue to change and adapt to their surroundings, and Brisa shows her strength in so many ways. This installment is just a little too short for my enjoyment though.
For a continuation of the story, with this ending on a cliffhanger too, then I would recommend it. A perfect coffee break book.