Dark Heir by Faith Hunter

Dark Heir by Faith Hunter
Publisher: Roc
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (363 pgs)
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Shapeshifting skinwalker Jane Yellowrock is the best in the business when it comes to slaying vampires. But her latest fanged foe may be above her pay grade…

For centuries, the extremely powerful and ruthless vampire witches of the European Council have wandered the Earth, controlling governments, fostering war, creating political conflict, and often leaving absolute destruction in their wake. One of the strongest of them is set to create some havoc in the city of New Orleans, and it’s definitely personal.

Jane is tasked with tracking him down. With the help of a tech wiz and an ex-Army ranger, her partners in Yellowrock Securities, she’ll have to put everything on the line, and hope it’s enough. Things are about to get real hard in the Big Easy.

Jane has finally met a vampire that might be tough to kill and her beast can’t help her. One of the original sons of darkness, the markers of the vampire race, has escaped vampire headquarters and is on the loose killing humans. Jane has been called in by both the human and vampire authorities to stop the rogue vampire, but she’ll need help from her business partners and friends to do it. As Jane’s powers have been growing, so has her own uneasiness with her place in life. She’s not entirely sure what she believes anymore and how it fits into the new world view. It’ll take all her effort and the combined help of her friends to take down this super powerful vampire, if that can even happen.

Dark Heir is the ninth book in the Jane Yellowrock series by Faith Hunter. I suppose any action based book could, theoretically, be read as a stand alone since the focus is always on the action scenes but I wouldn’t recommend it. The characters, especially the large supporting cast, and plot rely heavily on reader knowledge of past events and complicated relationships for the book to fully make sense. So readers should ensure they’ve read the main books in the series before picking up this one. Here the plot is incredibly similar to the previous books – bad guy on the loose and only Jane can stop them. The story has upped the power of the bad guy to correspond with Jane’s own increasing power and ability. Jane is pretty super powerful in this book and only an uber powerful vampire can really match her now. The focus is solidly on the detective work to figure out where the vampire could be and then the several fight scenes between Jane and co. and the bad guy.

In some ways this works since the writing strengths are definitely in the action of the plot. It helps move the story along when I found it somewhat boring at times. I got frustrated with Jane’s all powerful new presence and kind of hated how she could survive literally anything. Not to give spoilers but the fact that she survives the ending and –then- kills the bad guy is almost ludicrous. I feel as though the story focused nicely on Jane but left out the most interesting secondary characters – Leo, Beast – and as always I’m so tired of Jane assuming that everything is always her fault. That kind of guilt is wearying when it’s so clear it’s untrue and unproductive. It also shows incredible arrogance that she feels she controls all destiny, both past and present. I really wanted to tell her to get over herself repeatedly.

That said I like this series for the most part, although this was a more introspective book focusing almost exclusively on Jane and her internal whining in between fight scenes. I think the other books have been stronger with their inclusion of the other characters and a more dialogue based story. I think fans of the series will enjoy this addition as it’s a classic JY story in almost every way. It has some differences and fans can decide if they like them or not but I don’t see this as a permanent departure for the series, more like one that didn’t work as well for me. I’ll still be getting the next book and hoping that there’s more of the witty banter and secondary characters that make the story shine so well.

Ice Prince by JC Owens

Ice Prince by JC Owens
Publisher: Etopia Press
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (220 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal sex, Mild submission
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Honor. Trust. Exile. Will love overcome the lies?

Raised in lies and isolation, denied all knowledge of his family, Aidan awakens one day to find the manor in a state of excitement. Two foreign generals have come for him. They claim he is their long lost prince, the sole survivor of a rebellion that killed the royal family and usurped the throne of Ceratas. And he, Aidan Telan Ameris, is being escorted home to be crowned king.

Naive and submissive he might be, but stupid Aidan is not. Political machinations are something he has never been exposed to, but everything about his upbringing suddenly makes sense. The long hours studying books of history, the training with pistols and swords… He’d been groomed for this moment since his earliest memories. But he knows without a doubt that he’s no prince. He’s nothing but a pawn in a game he can’t possibly understand.

When their carriage is attacked en route to Ceratas, Aiden is taken prisoner by the leader of the rebel forces. General Torin Amaldis Greyan can’t help but feel for the poor young man, even if he is the enemy. And soon the heat between them grows to something neither can ignore, something that burns much hotter than warfare.

But nothing is simple in the struggle for Ceratas. There are those who wish to use Aidan to destroy both Torin and his country. When both of them are captured, used against each other to break their wills, Aidan and Torin must find the strength to trust each other in a way neither finds easy, if they’re to save each other—and their country…

Aidan has been in isolation as a tool to be used. He knows the manipulators that call themselves his generals and followers are really using him as a pawn to gain control and power. He may be naïve but he’s determined to be used on his own terms. If he can’t stop the men from trying to take control of the kingdom, then he’ll align with the rebels and help their cause. Although he’s ignorant of the consequences and risks of the high stakes power game being fought, he’s determined to help the righteous. That leads him to General Torin, who has mixed feelings about Aidan. Together the two team up in unexpected ways to try to restore the rightful king to the throne.

Ice Prince is kind of a mixed bag of a story. On the one hand, the writing is clean and crisp with good descriptions and well developed characters. On the other, the plot is convoluted and twisted yet has simplistic, familiar roots. Outsiders want to gain control of the kingdom’s throne and are willing to do anything to make that happen while well meaning military men and countrymen band together to fight corruption. Aidan is stuck in the middle, distrusted initially by both sides. I found the story often took the easy way of created conflict – a convenient hidden tunnel, sudden lust previously not displayed, an easy end to a long standing relationship, resolution occurring off page – which decreased both my enjoyment and my engagement with the book. When it was obvious there wasn’t a lot at stake, really, then the story loses the tension and gravity. There was no real question of the couple working out or Aidan being killed.

Additionally the story warns of dubious consent but this isn’t true at all. There’s a scene where someone almost rapes Aidan, barely, but it happens so fast that I blinked and almost missed it. I actually had to go back and think where that warning came from. Additionally, I did not find any intense emotional elements in the story either so I find both warnings to be unnecessary. The story is fine but it doesn’t build those intense emotions like it wants to. Instead it’s more of a familiar corruption versus good political fantasy story with some hot sex between partners that are thrown together by circumstance and later by love. I usually like JC Owens books but was a bit disappointed with this one. It has the clarity of her writing and decent characterization but the pace can be uneven and the plot contains easy outs.

I think fans of the author may be more inclined to forgive any problems in the face of her familiar writing and admittedly hot sex scenes. Plus Aidan is a good character. He’s sympathetic, intelligent, strong, courageous and just a hint submissive at first though he grows out of that quickly. He’s likable and likely to engage readers through his perspective. I struggled with all the other aspects I outlined, but I’m not sorry I read it.

ZA: And the Dead Shall Rise by ID Locke

ZA: And the Dead Shall Rise by ID Locke
Publisher: Torquere Press
Genre: Action/Adventure, Paranormal, Contemporary
Length: Full Length (350 pgs)
Other: M/M, BDSM, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Tracey Hedgewood has planned for years with other ZA survivalists what to do in the very unlikely instance of the dead walking. He is the man with a plan now that the ZA has become a frightening reality of the world. Guy Thibaudeau has managed to survive the first week of the ZA through sheer luck and knows that he needs a plan, and soon, if he wants to stay off the zombie menu. Tracey and Guy meet while both foraging in the same store for supplies. Casual and flirty acquaintances for six months before the dead rose to snack on the living, they decide to team up to increase their survival chances as well as see where the strong mutual attraction will lead.

As the men make their way to what they hope is safety following The Plan Tracey has been refining for years, Tracey’s every-man-for-himself Plan slowly morphs into a scheme to make their safe haven on the Toronto Islands a zombie-free zone for themselves as well as the people still living there. While guiding their new group into making their location safe for everyone, the men explore their mutual desires and kinks, finding that they not only work well as a zombie killing team but as lovers, too. Tracey and Guy soon discover that even in the horror of the dead hunting the living, incredible good can come from a hopelessly bad situation.

The end of the world has never seemed so hopeful. Tracey is a survivalist and has been planning for the zombie apocalypse for years. Though he never knew when he would need his knowledge, or if he ever would, he knew he’d be able to survive. Now that zombies have descended upon Toronto, and perhaps the world, Tracey ends up joining forces with his long time crush, Guy. Together the two pool their resources to find a safe place to live their new life. Along the way they discover their mutual attraction and kinks make them perfect partners.

ZA: And the Dead Shall Rise is the sequel to another ZA book but easily can be read on its own. I haven’t read the other book but this one focuses on Guy and Tracey almost exclusively so readers won’t be lost or confused. The story is decent with the expected harrowing circumstances: zombies overrunning the city, needing supplies, encountering other survivors, the quest for safety of some sort in the new world. At the same time the relationship between Guy and Tracey advances quickly, as one might expect, from hot sex to something deeply emotional as well. I found the story rather uneven with action in fits and starts. Sometimes it would go so fast I felt as if I was speed reading but other times the action would slow down considerably with lengthy conversations that seem redundant or unnecessary. I found my attention sharpening or waning depending on the pace of the story, which often would pull me out of the enjoyment of the book.

Guy and Tracey are enjoyable characters with depth but they lack subtly and nuance. They’re both exceptionally well suited, too well suited, to the apocalypse with multiple necessary skills that will ensure their survival over almost anyone else. They seemed a little too perfect sometimes and I was confused by the progress of their relationship. While it made sense and I enjoyed watching the two move from hot and seriously kinky sex to companionship between long time lovers that still have hot and kinky sex, sometimes I was baffled by their lengthy conversations. They would ask each other inane questions such as favorite color or movie in an effect to get know each other better but from my perspective those answers no longer matter when the world as you know it ends. It’s not as if the daily minutiae of life affects compatibility when survival is the most important factor and likely will be for the foreseeable future. Instead of caring what kind of music the other person likes, I’d be more interested in whether we could work together, and withstand each other’s personalities, to ensure we stayed alive and zombie free with sex as an added bonus.

The story has some really enjoyable moments but it ends up being this odd mix of normal relationship progression from attraction to sex to emotions to commitment and love and a race for survival in a new world order. To me it always felt as if they were from two separate stories instead of one cohesive book. I think this will likely work best for readers who liked the other book in the series.

Heat Trap by JL Merrow

Heat Trap by JL Merrow
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (200 pgs)
Other: M/M, anal sex
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

The wrong secret could flush their love down the drain.

It’s been six months since plumber Tom Paretski was hit with a shocking revelation about his family. His lover, P.I. Phil Morrison, is pushing this as an ideal opportunity for Tom to try to develop his psychic talent for finding things. Tom would prefer to avoid the subject altogether, but just as he decides to bite the bullet, worse problems come crawling out of the woodwork.

Marianne, a young barmaid at the Devil’s Dyke pub, has an ex who won’t accept things are over between them. Grant Carey is ruthless in dealing with anyone who gets between him and Marianne, including an old friend of Tom and Phil. Their eagerness to step in and help only makes them targets of Grant’s wrath themselves.

With Tom’s uncertainty about Phil’s motives, Tom’s family doing their best to drive a wedge between them, and the revelation of an ugly incident in Phil’s past, suddenly Tom’s not sure whom he can trust.

The body in the Dyke’s cellar isn’t the only thing that stinks.

A quick witted plumber and his PI lover have never been a better combination. In the third installment of the Plumber’s Mate series Tom and Phil are plunged into a case involving their local bar pub. The waitress is being hassled by her ex-boyfriend and said ex has no problem getting dirty with anyone who shows even a friendly interest. Phil can’t help being involved but when Tom is threatened the danger is ratcheted up a notch. Now Tom and Phil are at odds when revelations of Phil’s past come out. With so much at stake, Tom must decide what is really important and what is a deal breaker for both his relationship and his family.

Heat Trap is another great addition to the series but it’s not best read alone. I’d recommend readers start at the beginning of the series to fully understand the complexity of Phil and Tom’s relationship. Although there are enough clues and background information provided to remind readers of where things are, new readers may miss some important nuance. That said this turn is much more personal than previous books. The mystery is a whodunit with a resolution that comes kind of out of nowhere. I didn’t particularly mind but it felt as if the author wasn’t sure where the mystery was going sometimes and it made me uneasy as a reader.

That said the relationship progression between Phil and Tom is the most important aspect of the story with the mystery as the backbone to allow certain information offered and circumstances to occur. Phil and Tom are interesting, complicated characters but I do think once again the story suffers from only getting Tom’s perspective. As the narrator he’s clearly biased and I didn’t always agree with the conclusions he drew, especially in regards to Phil. Some of Phil’s actions and acceptance of Tom’s actions confused me and I would have dearly loved to see inside Phil’s head and what he was thinking during those scenes. Tom is a flawed and deeply three-dimensional character but due to the lack of Phil’s POV, Phil simply isn’t as well defined unfortunately.

This may or may not be an issue for readers since the writing is once again clean and evocative with Merrow’s great touch of humor and description. The British setting is a character all of its own and a deeply welcome one as well. I find this series very enjoyable and easy to read, pages fly by before I even notice, but none of the books have quite lived up to the first. That’s mostly because the mystery was the best in the first book while the relationship aspect is better in subsequent books. It all depends which plot readers are more drawn to I think. Either way this is a fun series and easy to recommend.

Noble by Jet Mykles

Noble by Jet Mykles
Indigo Knights #4
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Full Length (200 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal sex
Rating: 3.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Donny “Foxy” Foxley is hot. Noble knows it. All those screaming teen girls know it. And so does the production company with their millions staked on the teen idol’s dreamy good looks.

So when the supposedly straight movie star comes onto him, Noble is floored. Never one to ignore the allure of a pretty young man, Noble can’t resist and doesn’t even try. Why should he? Even if it has to be a secret, he’d be crazy to pass up a night of sexytimes with the one man everyone wants.

But one night turns into two, then blossoms into a friendship with the potential for so much more. If that’s what Noble was after, which he’s not. But Foxy gets under Noble’s skin until he cares way too much. Because there can never be anything but sex between them. To the world, Foxy is straight and Noble is anything but.

The last single man of the Indigo Knights finally meets his match. Noble is loud, out, and proud. An outgoing socializer, he’s happiest surrounded by people before choosing one for a night of fun, commitment free sex. Although he’s grateful that his friends found their happy endings, he’s pretty sure he’s destined for the single life. Until he meets deeply closeted sexy Donny Foxley. Foxy is the new rising star actor attached to a multimillion dollar trilogy. He has a morality clause in his contract that prevents Foxy from coming out and Noble is fine with some no-strings-attached sex. Except Noble likes Foxy in so many dangerous ways. They actually get along well together, laugh, talk, and have a real friendship. Noble knows there can’t be more, god forbid love, but sometimes the heart wants what the heart wants.

Noble is the fourth and final book in the Indigo Knights series, which is a branch off series from Heaven Sent. Casual readers can certainly read this as a stand alone but there are so many names and couples included that it might be confusing if they haven’t read the entire IK and HS series. I’ve actually read both series entirely and still couldn’t remember all the couples and their details. Since the story does assume the reader knows all that information, I mostly let all the names and couples fly over my head since I couldn’t be bothered to go look up which couple was which and what the main details of their story. They’re all happy and in gay relationships so anything else is just a gift to the reader who can remember all of it. This time around Noble is the last single man standing and he finds his true love. It’s a cute story and one with a ton of sex scenes so I found it lightening fast to read.

The drama is mild and mostly nonexistent. Noble comes across melodramatic and over the top but it’s just an excuse to extend the happy ending and create some more tension. It never felt real or a genuine threat to Foxy and Noble. It’s clear these two are in love and will live HEA very soon. Like all the other books it’s easy reading but the classic rock band antics in the backdrop but this story made a point of including every single couple from both IK and HS repeatedly in the story. I think it is meant to serve as a nice farewell to the two groups and I admit it was charming and enjoyable to remember reading the love stories of so many interesting men. It also made me realize how similar every single couple’s story was and only the details about the men changed. Oh well, it’s a formula that works and it’s used well here.

I don’t think Noble is the best book but it’s not the worst either. It sits solidly in the middle of the road and works well as a final book. It’s very dramatic but more so easy going, a lot of sex, and a swan song to all the great characters over the years. They’re all extremely happy, in love, and very successful so hopefully fans of the series will be content with where the characters are left. I certainly am.

Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities by Lyn Gala

Assimilation, Love, and Other Human Oddities by Lyn Gala
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy
Length: Full Length (230 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex, Fetish
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Ondry and Liam have settled into a good life, but their trading is still tied up with humans, and humans are always messy. When political changes at the human base lead Ondry to attempt a difficult trade, the pair find themselves entangled in human affairs. Liam wants to help the people he left and the worlds being torn apart. He also wants to serve Ondry with not only the pleasures of the nest but also by bringing human profits.

Ondry has no hope of understanding human psychology in general, he only knows that he will hold onto his palteia with the last breath in his body, and he’d like to keep his status and his wealth too. Unfortunately, new humans bring new conflicts and he is not sure how to protect Liam. He does know one thing that humans seem to constantly forget—that the peaceful Rownt are predators and when their families are threatened, Rownt become deadly killers. Liam is his family, and Ondry will protect him with his last breath… assuming that he can recognize the dangers in time to do so.

Happily ever after is not so easy when humans are involved. Liam has settled into life with Ondry and the Rownt so well he hardly considers himself human anymore. However his loyalties are tested when a human officer comes looking for information only Liam can provide. Although Liam is firmly on the Rownt side of tradings, he worries that messy human politics can and will affect his happy life with Ondry. Betrayals, miscommunication, and offense are just a few of the frustrating results that Liam must deal with as a direct result of trying to trade with humans. But ignoring them may lead to potentially catastrophic results.

In book two of the Claimings series, the story picks up where it left off with Liam and Ondry living happily in a D/s type relationship. There’s no sex as we know it but both are very happy and in love. However, being different species there are always adjustments and the inclusion of another human trade creates problems for the couple both personally and politically. I found the plot interesting and engaging but not my favorite. Liam handles the other human well but sometimes he comes across a bit slow to understand and recognize the real threat she presents. I have to give the story credit for making every character nuanced and well rounded but I definitely got frustrated with Liam. He would seemingly forget common sense or ignore his own instincts in a weird attempt to bond with another human, but I never understood why.

What shines once again, as it did in the first book, is the wonderful and utterly creative world building. I adore the author’s writing and love to dive into any world she creates. The science-fiction setting is so intricate and multi-faceted that it’s always engrossing no matter what other plot the book is pursuing. I honestly could read anything Gala writes in this world as the details that create this alternate world are so interesting. I have some trepidation that the next book will take place more in the human world, due to the plot turns, but I’m hopeful the Rownt culture and people will still be prominent.

As with the first book this is not a typical BDSM story. It has elements of D/s in that Liam is submissive to Ondry’s domination but there is no sex in the way humans see it and while there is a power exchange between the two men, Liam is a strong and essential member of the twosome. He’s not autonomous but he’s valued and treated in many ways as an equal. I think this series will continue to easily appeal to science fiction fans and maybe even those readers that like D/s without heavy sex play. The author is a great writer and the clean, descriptive prose that makes up the story is a joy to read. I easily recommend this one but would suggest starting with the first book in the series.

Relief Valve by JL Merrow

Relief Valve by JL Merrow
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (280 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 4 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

If you dig up the past, be prepared to get dirty.

It hasn’t been all smooth sailing since plumber Tom Paretski and P.I. Phil Morrison became connected at the heart, if not always at Tom’s dodgy hip. Neither of their families has been shy about voicing their disapproval, which hasn’t helped Tom’s uneasy relationship with his prickly older sister, Cherry.

But when Cherry is poisoned at her own engagement party, the horror of her near death has Tom’s head spinning with possible culprits. Is it her fiance Gregory, a cathedral canon with an unfortunate manner and an alarming taste for taxidermy? Someone from her old writers’ circle, which she left after a row? Or could the attack be connected to her work as a barrister?

Phil is just as desperate to solve the case before someone ends up dead-and he fears it could be Tom. At least one of their suspects has a dark secret to hide, which makes Tom’s sixth sense for finding things like a target painted on his back…

Meeting your partner’s family is never easy, especially when their sister is poisoned. Tom and Phil have been dating for several months when Tom’s sister, Cherry, calls with a problem. An old neighbor that Tom stayed friendly with through the years has died and left Tom a behest. While brother and sister are renewing their acquaintance Cherry invites Tom and Phil to her engagement party, also to get to know Phil better. Unfortunately at the party Cherry is poisoned and Tom hires Phil to look into the mystery. With no shortage of suspects from the entire county to Cherry’s pastor fiancé, Tom isn’t sure what’s going on but he’s determined to figure out who’s trying to off his sister. She may be annoying but only he gets to kill her.

Relief Valve is book two in the Plumber’s Mater series by JL Merrow. It’s easily strong enough to stand on it’s own but there are a few details and backstory that make more sense when read in conjunction with the first book. So I’d recommend this mostly for readers already familiar with the series. Picking up a few months where the last book left off finds Tom and Phil in a mostly easy relationship though they’re navigating some sticky waters. Tom isn’t sure how to tell Phil he loves him or even if he should say it and there’s the matter of giving Phil a key, which is confusing all on its own. When Tom’s sister Cherry is poisoned at her engagement party, this gives both men focus and a mystery to solve together. The whodunit is decent and helps carry the book forward, although the final revelation ties in with the subplot of Tom’s behest from the neighbor. Here is where the book stumbles some. This subplot feels clunky and awkward. There’s a definite purpose revealed at the end but I’m sure the author could have found a better way to include that information.

That’s a minor complaint, though, in an otherwise entertaining story. Tom and Phil never seem to tire of innuendos and inside jokes. Their relationship feels very typical guy in the awkward way they can’t seem to communicate their feelings, mostly Tom, and the humorous mumbled assurances they offer each other. The vast cast of characters and possible culprits helps give the book its character and life with no shortage of eccentricities. I didn’t like this book as well as the first book, possibly because the mystery is interesting but not gripping. There’s no life and death question even though Cherry was unfortunately poisoned, it didn’t feel that dramatic. Partly because Tom kept thinking she was just drunk or pregnant, which took the severity from the scene and made me question Tom’s intelligence.

Once again Merrow writes elegantly in what feels quintessential British prose. It’s refreshing and enjoyable entertainment that is always easy to recommend. This series is no different. I’d say start at the first book but definitely continue with Relief Valve. Humor and attempted murder over takeaway and heavy drinking, what more could a reader want?

Gemini by Clancy Nacht, Thursday Euclid

Gemini by Clancy Nacht & Thursday Euclid
Publisher: Loose Id
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense, Action/Adventure
Length: Full Length (240 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Cass Manning is a serial monogamist, grad student, and identical twin to Paul, a drug-addicted prostitute. Fleeing his unfaithful boyfriend, Cass returns to Houston after years away only to be drawn into danger before he’s out of the airport.

When Paul dies under suspicious circumstances, Cass must rely on one of Paul’s clients, Kilo, a mercenary willing to protect Cass in exchange for sex. Together they have a chance to bring justice to the corrupt heart of Texas’s political power structure, but Kilo’s mysterious past may tear him from Cass when he needs him most. Even if they outlive their untouchable adversaries, how does a polite academic find lasting love with a soldier of fortune?

Exposing a cheating boyfriend is not the worst thing to happen to Cass that day. Although he thought finding his boyfriend in bed with his female best friend was devastating, Cass is soon plunged into a life and death thrill ride with an uncertain outcome. Fleeing the scene of the great betrayal, Cass heads to Houston and the home of his estranged twin bother, Paul. Although Paul is a drug addict and prostitute, Cass has always wanted to help his twin. Except his help is not only unwanted, but too late. Within hours of arriving at Paul’s place, Cass watches helplessly as Paul overdoses. At a loss of what to do, Cass only knows to trust Kilo, a mercenary that Paul had called for help. On the run from unknown assassins with powerful political connections, Cass can’t trust anyone but Kilo. Instinctively Cass wants more from Kilo than just protection and a warm bed, he senses they could have a real future. If only they’re not killed first.

Gemini is an action packed, fast moving adventure. It relies heavily on suspension of disbelief and the ability to be immersed in the story without questioning the many plot holes and contradictory details. I found sometimes I could be on board with the story and enjoy the over the top action, hot sex scenes, and entertaining chemistry between Kilo and Cass. At other times I was pulled out of the story frustrated over huge leaps in logic and changes in the plot and actions that didn’t make sense. I struggled with this story. I found the beginning to be entertaining and engaging and could forgive some of the obvious silly details, such as the airport bathroom scene, pretty easily. Once Paul died though I started to struggle a lot more with the plot and some glaring logic gaps.

Kilo and Cass are great characters and I loved their chemistry. Their sex scenes were hot, sexy, and just about melted the pages explosive. They simply worked together and that helped to really overcome many of my qualms about the book. I didn’t like the overly convoluted political plot that didn’t seem realistic or believable nor the convenient details that allowed for the resolution. I did like how both characters seemed to change over the course of the book, bringing out different qualities in each other. Their relationship by far was the best part of the book and I only briefly mourned the change from their initial agreement and hot sex to a more equable partnership almost immediately.

I liked parts of this story, but was too frustrated by the nonsensical plot unfortunately. I think the key to enjoying this particular offering is being able to suspend disbelief and enjoy the near non-stop action without questioning the details and plot turns that it takes to get there. It’s similar to an action movie with so many explosions that sometimes the lack of logic isn’t a problem. It all depends on the reader and their expectations. I’d cautiously recommend this for readers who think they could enjoy it.

Pressure Head by JL Merrow

Pressure Head by JL Merrow
Publisher: Samhain Publishing
Genre: Contemporary, Mystery/Suspense
Length: Full Length (260 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 4.5 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

Some secrets are better left hidden.

The Plumber’s Mate, Book 1

To most of the world, Tom Paretski is just a plumber with a cheeky attitude and a dodgy hip, souvenir of a schoolboy accident. The local police keep his number on file for a different reason—his sixth sense for finding hidden things.

When he’s called in to help locate the body of a missing woman up on Nomansland Common, he unexpectedly encounters someone who resurrects a host of complicated emotions. Phil Morrison, Tom’s old school crush, now a private investigator working the same case. And the former bully partly responsible for Tom’s injury.

The shocks keep coming. Phil is now openly gay, and shows unmistakable signs of interest. Tom’s attraction to the big, blond investigator hasn’t changed—in fact, he’s even more desirable all grown up. But is Phil’s interest genuine, or does he only want to use Tom’s talent?

As the pile of complicated evidence surrounding the woman’s murder grows higher, so does the heat between Tom and Phil. But opening himself to this degree exposes Tom’s heart in a way he’s not sure he’s ready for…while the murderer’s trigger finger is getting increasingly twitchy.

Finding hidden things can be a gift worth killing over. Tom has a knack for finding old, hidden things. Not just anything, but objects with great emotion attached to them: secrets, bodies, and the ability to find leaks, which is handy in his day job as a plumber. On the side he occasionally helps the police find missing persons. In the latest case he found the dead body of a young woman that was dating a childhood friend of his. That friend hired another childhood associate turned private investigator, Phil. Phil and Tom have a sordid history as teens that ended in Tom having a permanent limp. The two somewhat reluctantly team up to find out the truth about the murder but can’t stop their personal feelings and past from interfering.

Pressure Head is the first in a new series by JL Merrow. Merrow is a great author and definitively one of my favorites for her sense of humor and distinctly British flair. There’s no question her books take place in the UK and it lends another layer of detail and interest to the story. There are so many mentions of specific neighborhoods and highways that I feel as if I could map the physical steps Tom and Phil take to solve the murder, which is simply delightful. Additionally the language, terminology, and British euphemisms make the story entertaining when they’re not commonplace to my very American sensibilities. It’s a very nice contrast to the usually bland backgrounds of contemporary books set in a familiar but unrecognizable setting.

The characters have incredible rapport and it’s to the story’s credit that they can make a romance and furthermore a relationship viable given the past between the two men. They come across as well developed, interesting, and complex in their own ways. I wish we’d gotten more insight into Phil’s thinking and motivations but Tom is a charming and engaging narrator. His humor and quick wit are sometimes over the top, I wish he’d stop with the quips on occasion, but I found him engrossing. Likewise the murder story offers a solid mystery with a seemingly endless option of culprits. The ending was over the top for me but nothing that detracted from my enjoyment. I found the explanation rational and believable, which made me like the story that much more.

I was surprised how quickly I read the story given that there isn’t a lot of action. However the budding romance between Tom and Phil as they stutter, stop, reverse, and step forward through the rocky path to their relationship offered a lot of interest. Additionally there is a whole cast of characters that are interesting in their right and help keep the story moving between the actual investigating. I especially liked that Tom seemed to really work at his day job as a plumber while trying to sleuth and have a social life. It made the story believable. This is an easy story to recommend for both mystery and romance fans as it satisfies on both levels and with the distinctly British flair it has a lot to engage even jaded readers.

Everyday Stories by Sean Michael

Everyday Stories by Sean Michael
Publisher: Torquere Books
Genre: Contemporary
Length: Short Story (90 pgs)
Other: M/M, Anal Sex
Rating: 3 stars
Reviewed by Cactus

This collection brings together nine Sean Michael short stories that follow the everyday lives of everyone’s favorite Jarheads: Rock, Rig and Dick. Whether working in the garden, fooling around with paint, or just plain fooling around, nobody loves like these two Marines and their Nurse.

Love is what happens during the happy ever after. Nine short stories are collected and presented showing Rock, Rig, and Dick in their everyday lives. Between work, school, family, and daily stressors, these three show that love can happen in the smallest moments and in the biggest. There’s never a good reason not to fool around for the wildly popular Jarhead boys.

Sean Michael’s Jarhead series holds a soft spot for me. Michael was my first m/m author and I still love his Jarhead series, which I re-read often. I enjoy the characters and their stories mostly because they are the most complex the author has written, largely due to the numerous stories where characterization can occur in between the repeated sex scenes. So these short stories fit well with the series and can easily be read as stand alone stories but they don’t really offer much insight into the characters themselves. There is some nice interaction with the men in different scenarios so a reader can glean how the three men fit together but really these are just for long time readers and fans of the series.

That said – they’re exactly what you would expect from a Jarhead short story from author SM. Each one is an extended sex scene, or several sex scenes put together that show the men in various everyday circumstances. Whether they’re releasing tension from a bad day, just goofing off, or having a typical morning sex session, it’s a glimpse into the highly sexualized life of this trio. I found the stories fun and typical, they’re basically the same scenes you’d find in one of the novel length stories but since I already have a soft spot for them I liked reading the scenes anyway. It was like skimming the books for the sex and no plot but you get to see the men and their love for each other shinning through their playtime.

It’s the romance of the stories that really does it for me as a reader. I like revisiting these characters 15-20 years down the road in their relationship and seeing how they continue to love and desire each other. They make allowances for their age but still see each other through the rose colored lens of love. Although the stories are entirely and completely sex scenes, one after the other, there’s always emotion, laughter, and heartfelt moments that make it more than simple porn and thus worthwhile reading. Perhaps not the greatest set of short stories and nothing fans haven’t read for years but always a nice nostalgic trip with a trio of beloved characters.