This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Antoinetta will be awarding a print copy of “Healthy Sense of Self – How to be true to your self and make your world a better place!” to one randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour (US Only). Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.
It’s time for bed. You’re tired, but you know you’ll be tossing and turning for hours to come. At dawn, you fall into a deep sleep, but it is short-lived. Long before you’re ready, your alarm clock mercilessly informs you that it’s time to get up.
After decades of nights like this, Antoinetta Vogels managed to unravel the enigma of her sleeping problem and restore her ability to get a good night’s sleep.
In How to Overcome Insomnia All by Yourself, Antoinetta reveals how to become a healthy sleeper through self-knowledge. Using examples from her own life and firsthand experience with this sleep disorder, Antoinetta explores the childhood circumstances that can lead to unhealthy motivation, approval-seeking behavior, and chronic insomnia in adulthood. She offers practical advice and activities that you can use to heal the wounds of the past so you can enjoy a brighter future full of joy, healthy relationships, and restful sleep..
Enjoy an Excerpt
Some children grow up in a supportive environment, with parents who give them the freedom to discover their true Self and encourage them to feel good about who they are. Others of us are doomed to constantly earning parental approval over the course of our lives because we’ve never felt acknowledged or accepted. How we deal with that situation will differ, depending on our individual temperament, character, and the way we learned how to deal with our emotions.
Feeling like you don’t belong creates a negative self-image because the message you receive is that you aren’t good enough to be included. But feeling invisible can be a self-fulfilling prophecy—when you aren’t seen or heard or taken into consideration, it’s a natural reaction to shrink in on yourself and not do anything to stand out.
I remember very well how I felt on those occasions. It was a feeling that always haunted me. One day, when I was about sixteen years old, I stood on the beach looking out over the sea, and I noticed a pole rising above the water. I imagined that the sea was full of people and I was sitting on that pole, removed from everyone around me and unable to reach them. It felt terribly lonely. The endlessness of the sea only made that sense of isolation stronger.
About the Author:
Antoinetta Vogels is the Founder and CEO of Healthy Sense of Self™ LLC, author of “How to Overcome Insomnia All by Yourself” her newest book which will release in the fall. She also wrote “Healthy Sense of Self How to be True to Your Self and Make Your World a Better Place!” (2013), as well as the Online Course: Introducing the Sense of Self Method! (found on her website,, the “Sense of Self Workbook” (based on the Online Course but also to be used independently) (2014), “A Guided Journal to a Healthy Sense of Self (2014), and “The Motivation Cure” (2017).
Through many years of searching for her Self, Antoinetta has come to conclude that from early childhood on, many of us have not been acknowledged as the autonomous people we truly are. She provides insight and tools to help you enhance and/or completely restore your ability to sense your Self and correct the ill-effects of childhood conditioning that reverberate in all aspects of our lives.
Antoinetta Vogels is a graduate of the Royal Conservatory in The Hague, Netherlands and a former bassoonist of the Netherlands Philharmonic Orchestra. She is a ballroom dancer, a mother of two and lives in Washington, USA.
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