Play Twenty Questions: Question 16

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 Enjoy these answers from erotic romance authors — then enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $100 Amazon or BN GC and more!

2013 Anniversary wc question 16
Desiree Holt  Oh, yes. I am afraid of heights, spiders, snakes and weird people.

Melissa Schroeder  BUGS. I hate bugs. I literally come out of my skin when I see them. So, it makes sense that we have been stationed mainly in the south for most of my husband’s career. Oh, and Hawaii. It is why I voted for Virginia as our place of retirement. I loved having the bugs die in the winter.

Oh, and I hate that glaucoma test. I am always convinced that the machine will break and then hit me in the eye.

Karen Stivali  Spiders. Ack. I don’t even like saying the word. *shudders* I’ve hated them since I was a child. And for some unknown reason they seem attracted to me. They’re always by my desk, in my car, sometimes actually on me. It makes me crazy. I once pulled over my car because there was an enormous spider on the windshield but I couldn’t reach him and I knew if I didn’t keep an eye on him he’d disappear somewhere in the car and I’d be too freaked out to drive not knowing where he was. I actually called a friend and said “Either you come kill this spider for me or I’m going to have to sell this car.” I’m lucky. He loves me. He came and killed the spider. (And he admitted it was a particularly gross and scary one.)

Brenna Lyons  Yes, I do. I am phobic about open heights, including glass elevators and balconies or other areas that have a waist or chest-height wall and openings above that. I’m also phobic of walking on bridges or driving on bridges where I can see over the edge, but I think that’s interconnected to the first phobia.

Marie Tuhart  Spiders, I’m deathly afraid of them and have been bitten by them twice.

Erin M. Leaf  I am so very much afraid of heights it’s not even funny. I went on a Ferris Wheel once. My husband claims his thigh never recovered (I’d clamped a hand down on it in terror).

Wendi Zwaduk Heights. Don’t put me up high or in a cramped space. You won’t like the reaction you’ll get.

Sandra Bunino  I have a fear of large bodies of water and tunnels that are built under them. I think it’s just a matter of time before they spring a leak.

Megan Slayer  Getting lost. I hate getting lost and not knowing how to find my way home. I don’t have GPS and hate to use it, but I need a map somewhere close.

I’m also not fond of surprises. Shocking, isn’t it? I hate not knowing what will happen. Don’t shock me, scare me or try to throw a surprise party. I’ll hate it.

Renea Mason  Centipedes. I hate centipedes. They look like Alien, a caterpillar and a spider all got together for a good time, nature got pissed and so it gave us the centipede as payback. Creepy little bastards.

Jessica Jayne  Spiders. I have a scream that my husband calls the “spider scream.” I don’t care what size the eight-legged creature is… he could be four inches in diameter or he could only be seen by most with a magnifying glass.. If I see him, I give the spider scream and my husband comes to save the day!

Jessica E. Subject  I’m afraid of things that lurk in dark corners and being alone. I hate bugs and spiders, but I’m not afraid to kill them.

Valerie Twombly  Yes! Spiders and snakes. I can handle a spider if I am alone and have to dispatch it, but snakes. I run screaming like a little girl, it’s not pretty.

Amber Green  I have a really difficult time walking down a significant staircase if I can’t hold a rail. One of those massive “handrails” with a top surface as wide as my palm (or wider!) is no good–I need a bar no bigger around than an ax handle, so I can latch on and hold tight. When I was a child, I had a recurring nightmare of being trapped in a hospital. In the versions where I got out of the building itself, I’d be faced with a long, steep, stone staircase down to the street, and would be trapped at the top by the force of pure, thought-crushing terror.

Avril Ashton  Animals.

Maxine Mansfield  Humm, I’m not sure if I have any actual phobias. I know that I don’t particularly enjoy snakes or spiders anywhere close to where I am, but the thought of them doesn’t keep me awake at night. Open cabinet doors make me crazy, but they don’t scare me. And, open bedroom windows at night, even when it’s hot and I’d enjoy the breeze, makes me nervous. Still, those aren’t phobias. Perhaps the closest I come to actual fear, is waiting for that first review of whatever new book is out. Reviewers have no idea how much power they wield.

Julia Talbot  God yes. Spiders. Heights. But not clowns.

BA Tortuga  CLOWNS!

Kayelle Allen  I love the view from tall buildings, or from up in the mountains, or even from a plane, but I have a serious fear of heights. Looking over the edge of something from way up — not going to find me doing that. I’ll stay a comfortable distance back. I might hold my camera out and take a picture but I won’t actually lean out and look. I always feel as if I’m going to fall, and that terrifies me. I wish it didn’t. I’m sure I’ve missed some beautiful sights.

Anya Richards  Reptiles and amphibians are my big two, but I’m also afraid of heights. The first two I’ve had since I was a child and they’ve gotten worse as I’ve gotten older. The heights issue is still pretty bad, but I’ve found it’s gotten a bit better, mainly because I had a job that necessitated climbing ladders, often very tall ones. I needed the job, so I got over it!

Dee Brice  I’m afraid of being smothered and/or constricted by snakes.

Diana Hunter  Dogs. Scared to death of them.

Apparently we had a neighbor whose son was the bully on the block when I was little (around 2 years old). He was always trying to sic his dog (a German Shepard police dog) on me. While I don’t remember him or the dog, I’ve had the fear all my life.

Lynne Connolly  Yes, two. One I don’t talk about. The other is dentists. I have had hypnotherapy, CBT and other treatments, but my doctor says there still isn’t enough tranquillizer in the world to keep me in that chair!

Charlotte Boyett-Compo  I am terribly claustrophobic. I don’t like elevators for that reason. I can’t think of anything more horrifying than being trapped under rubble, confined and unable to move.

Shoshanna Evers  Ever since I saw the movie “Open Water,” I’ve been deathly afraid of sharks and the ocean, and of boating. I won’t go on boats, and I certainly won’t go on a dive! If I’m swimming, I need to be able to see the shore on all sides of me. So… small lakes but no ocean for me! O.o

Cameron D. James  I have this weird phobias of balloons. I’m almost over it, but not quite. When I was a kid, my friend’s sister had a balloon pop in her face and a part of it got stuck on her eye… I’m pretty sure that’s where my phobia started…

Christie Butler  I am deathly afraid of heights. I also have a bit of claustrophobia

Sabrina York  Clowns. That’s it. Just clowns.

Rory Ni Coileain  Water. Spiders. Don’t even talk to me about water spiders. Roller coasters aren’t quite a phobia, but they’re close. However, I’m acrophilic. I LOVE heights, I just really really need for gravity to keep performing according to manufacturer’s specifications.

Lucy Felthouse  Yeah, a few. I hate spiders. I know it’s irrational, but there it is. I’m not fond of insects in any shape or form, really. Flies are just irritating, but I’m scared of wasps, as they can sting you!

Eden Bradley  Yes! I’m totally shark-phobic-can’t even watch them on TV. Shark Week is pure torture for me. I can’t swim in the ocean-haven’t been able to most of my life. I panic.

Also clowns-but who isn’t afraid of clowns? Scary! That whole frightening circus thing-who does that to small children???

Cassandra Carr  Phobias. Hmmmm, a good question. I’m not one who tends to analyze myself a lot. I think it makes me paranoid. 😉 But I’m definitely not a big fan of some things, like large spiders. Small ones are okay, but once they get bigger than about a penny I don’t want anything to do with them.

JB McDonald  Ants, and ticks. Oh my god. Even just thinking about them makes me shudder. ICK ICK ICK. Give me an eight-legged spider any day, but someone else has to get rid of the ants and pull the ticks of my dogs!

Amanda Young  I have a touch of arachnophobia. There’s something about spiders that just give me the willies. I’d rather face a huge snake than a tiny little arachnid.

Eliza Lloyd  Hate SNAKES! That is all. Oh, and heights. And clowns and scary movies and mimes and geishas and watching torture scenes in movies. There is this one scene in The Tudor’s that absolutely makes me cringe every time I watch it. So I should stop watching it, I know.

Tracey H. Kitts  I don’t walk around in fear of anything. However, there is one thing that always disturbs me, whether it’s in movies or books, or even a photo. I’m terrified of sea monsters. I’m sure there is a name for this, but I’m not aware of it.

R.G. Alexander  You asked for it. I have several. Just remember I’m not crazy…I’m eccentric.

Clowns, Sharks, The dark, Empty movie theater bathrooms (Thank you Scream), Gas station bathrooms (more an ew than a phobia), Anything with a stinger, and public speaking-particularly when it requires reading a naughty scene from one of my books out loud. (Oddly I’m totally cool with public singing, and public making a fool out of myself in strange costumes-but talking makes me nervous)

Lainey Reese  Ok, I will tell you and I wont even try to tell you not to laugh. Everyone laughs, so yuk it up. Orcas. I’m terrified in a completely over the top nonsense way of orcas. I blame my mother. She let me watch Orca when I was like six or seven years old. I used to be afraid one was going to swim up the pipes and eat me in the bathtub! And I even went through a phase where I wouldn’t flush the toilet because I was convinced that opened the channel to the ocean and they’d get in through there.

Now I can take a bath and flush, but to this day watching a documentary on them is like watching a terrifying horror flick for me.

Donna Gallagher  Spiders are my weakness. We have these large, hairy spiders called ‘Huntsmen’ in Australia, makes me shiver just typing the name. Imagine how horrific it was for me the morning I walked out to discover it wasn’t what I thought to be mould on my ceiling but hundreds of tiny baby spiders squirming and scurrying around. My husband took my plight so seriously he left a very important meeting to come and save me.

Leah Braemel  I am terrified of heights and I’m not keen on elevators especially if I have to go over a half dozen floors. I think a lot of it is due to my vision, but reading Arthur Hailey’s Hotel when I was ten (where an elevator crashes a dozen floors — and he based it on a hotel in Toronto!) So you can imagine me when faced with a glass elevator! Talk about freak out.

Victoria Blisse  Yes, heights and used tea bags. Really!

Jennifer Leeland  I don’t think so. To me, there’s a difference between being annoyed by something (like bees or flying) and having a phobia. I don’t think there’s anything I won’t do because I’m too scared. But don’t test that theory. LOL!

Kate Deveaux  Terrified of very tall bridges.

Ayla Ruse Heights. I know, sounds like most anybody’s, but it’s true. What makes this phobia strange to me is that I didn’t develop this fear until later in life. In my younger days, I’d go up, up, up anything and be happy. Now, climbing a stepladder makes my palms sweat.

Sarah Castille  Not a one.

Anna Alexander  Dinosaurs. I hate dinosaurs. Always have since my parents took me to a dino sculpture park when I was seven. I watched Jurassic Park with my hands over my eyes the entire time.

Cathryn Cade  Who, me? No, no, I’m quite courageous.

Just don’t ever expect me to jump out of a perfectly good airplane, or off of anything higher than, say, 3 feet.
Or touch anything hairy with more than 4 legs.

Eliza Gayle  Snakes. Snakes. Snakes. No I’m not being clear enough. SNAKES. LOL. The phobia is so strong I can’t even look at pictures of them. Last year I ran into a baby snake on my favorite outdoor trail and I’m still waiting to get over it so I can hit the trails again. 🙂

Luna Zega  Heights and large penises. It’s true. Can’t even stand on a chair without getting vertigo. If a giant penis is heading in my direction, things close down. Yikers. I can usually get over my fear of giant penises if the owner of said attribute knows how to use it properly, but it takes some coaxing. Heights. Never going to get over that.

Kate Hill  This question should be what phobias don’t I have. I have tons of phobias and I also have OCD. On the other hand there are days when nothing bothers me. I guess I’m moody too. LOL. Phobias can make you feel self-conscious though. Years back I had some issues with phobias that I was embarrassed about. Alice from my novella Gascon Victors and the Hunky Handyman has phobias that control a good portion of her life, but she doesn’t want to open up to anyone about them. I really wanted to write a story about someone who has phobias and how she dealt with them by finally confiding in people who care about her.

Heather Long  Yes. And let’s not discuss them as they make me freak out. LOL

Jean Hart Stewart  Hate, hate, hate spiders. I think that’s a common phobia although I’m talking screaming here.

Desirée Lee   Water and skateboards. Sounds weird, right? Water freaks me out because I drowned in a swimming pool when I was younger and had the classic Near Death Experience. The worst part was before I crossed over and could see the top of the water, but couldn’t reach it. Once I was on the other side however, it was very comfortable. I was at peace. Once I reached the “light” however, I was brought back here and found myself staring up at a lifeguard.

Nina Pierce  Knives. I don’t know why. Past life? Who knows. But I don’t like the idea of people having big knives around me.

Charity Parkerson Spiders. I cannot stand them. If I kill a spider in my house, I will leave it there for a few hours so that all his little friends can see what happens to spiders in my house.

Bobbi Brattz Not anymore. Every phobia I ever had is gone. How did I do it? I pet a tarantula to get over my fear of spiders. Thunderstorms had no further power over my fears once I went back in time mentally and figured out where my fear started. Mice? I studied the way they moved and realized that it was their speed that startled me into a fear. Once I was eye to eye with one as I lay on the sofa watching TV in the dark. We both flew across the room in opposite directions. Facing my fears takes the power from them.

Kay Dee Royal  Crowds – not sure where this came from, but it’s been part of my life my whole life. I can gear myself up for going into a crowd, self-talk, meditation, center/balance, and sometimes it works out just fine…other times I get the feeling of being smothered…the crowd pressing in on me and all I want to do is run screaming away *LOL* Sad, but true. I’m so much better on a virtual platform *smiles*

Tonya Renee Callihan  Spiders and snakes!!

Gale Stanley  Yep, I hate interviews. Answering questions always gives me sweaty palms and a dry mouth.

Naomi Bellina  Not what you’d call phobias. I’m rather obsessive compulsive sometimes when I get stressed. I have to run through the house several times to make sure everything is turned off and doors locked. Oh, and I don’t like closed-in spaces. But who does? My cat seems to.

Kemberlee Shortland  Fear of heights, hands down! Also discovered I don’t do dark, enclosed spaces very well. On holidays one year, we took a tour of the Big Pit Coal Mine in southern Wales. Freaked the whole time. Won’t do that again! I kept it together while down in the mine shafts, but when we got to the surface, I was covered in sweat and shaking. The hubs said I was white as a sheet. Really? I wonder why. How weird is that? I’m afraid of being up really high and down really low. LOL

Hurri Cosmo  Spiders and bad storms

Lyncee Shillard  Ski Lifts. I can’t stand up to get off. I just know that it’s going to hit me in the back of the head. Our best friend who is 6 foot 2 has ridden with me to prove it won’t (I’m only 5 foot 3). It still didn’t matter. I get off and instantly drop to my butt and slide down the small hill…

Sherrie Henry  I’m afraid of dentists. After being tortured for two hours by a quack who couldn’t find the nerves to numb me, I can’t stand to go to a dentist. Just stepping into a dentist’s office makes me hyperventilate and my heart rates goes through the roof.

Angelina Rain  Where do I begin? Heights, bugs, spiders, vomit, anything gross.

Tracey Steinbach  I am terrified of snakes. I can’t even watch them on television without getting nightmares. On the same coin, when I have really bad nightmares, there are snakes always featured.

Trina Lane  It’s silly, but big flying bugs completely freak me out. June bugs in particular (shudder).


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Play Twenty Questions: Question 13

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  Enjoy these answers from a host of authors in multiple genres, from YA to mystery to romance — then enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $100 Amazon or BN GC and more!

2013 Anniversary NON Questions 13
Ash Krafton Talk to myself in foreign accents.

Linda Palmer I plot. Is that weird? Not for a writer, maybe.

Debra St. John  I talk to myself when I’m working on a project. Cooking, scrapbooking, writing, cleaning…I also talk to myself at the grocery store, which is probably worse since there are people around. I know a lot of people talk to themselves. I do it to stay focused.

Kaylie Newell I talk to myself. But I don’t have to be alone to do it.

Judy Alter Sing Scottish ballads at the top of my voice.

Linda Rettstatt I talk to myself. And when I don’t get the answer I want, I talk to the cat. Then I interpret her expression to my own satisfaction. She always agrees with me. Well, before she gets up, gives me that ‘you’ve got to be kidding’ cat look, and walks away.

Maeve Greyson That depends on your definition of weird. *ahem*

Niecey Roy Not really, but I sing my face off everywhere I go…to the washing machine, to the kitchen, IN the kitchen, while I’m cooking IN the kitchen, while I’m getting ready for work… You get the drift.

Tess Morrison I crank up the music and sing and dance. It’s really quite disturbing for anyone coming to the door unexpectedly. But I have such fun! I gyrate and wail at the top of my lungs. Great stress reliever – you should try it. Just pull the shades and lock the door.

Anne Van I love to sing to myself. Especially after the few singing lessons I took. I’m not half bad. : )

Tina Pollick Alone? What’s that? Seriously when I get ‘alone’ time I usually go see a movie. I know it’s weird, but it’s nice to sit through a movie without anyone asking me questions or needing to go to the bathroom. 🙂

Debra Doggett Yoga. Trust me, the way I do it, it’s more than strange. I try never to do it when anyone is around. No one wants to see that.

Nia Simone  Ripping pictures of people out of magazines to save for character ideas.

Virginia Crane Sip a martini and eat almonds but that really doesn’t sound weird. Actually, when I’m alone I mostly read or do crossword puzzles. Does that make me dull and uninteresting? Maybe I’d better start paying more attention to what I do when I’m alone.

Graeme Brown Oh, lets NOT go there!


Nancy Fraser If no one else can see them, they couldn’t possibly be weird. Could they? However, I do have a tendancy to sit at my computer and write in my underwear. Which is another reason I don’t have Skype!

Jeanette Baker I already mentioned the talking to myself.
I also attempt yoga moves and dance steps that I’m too self-conscious to do in public. I’m not terribly coordinated.

Kim Hornsby I’m a mother, I’m never alone. Okay, seldom. And I have dogs who follow me around the house from room to room. BUT, for that rare moment when I don’t have anyone or anything in the house with me, I sing, loud. Like Melissa McCarthy did in the car in Identity Thieves.

Juliet Waldron I don’t know how weird it is, but I talk to plants and to birds and, of course, to my cats. I have a tree in my yard which has a sentient feel about it and so that’s my particular “friend.” I don’t tell it anything about me, mostly I just listen to it. After a while, it’s almost as if I can hear it breathing/sap rising or falling. We have a lot of brush and old trees on our small lot and many birds who mark their territories with song. I often talk to them; most don’t pay any attention as they are on their own programmed trip, but the crows do listen and sometimes talk back.

Willa Blair Make up stories and write them down? Not weird for an author, but for most people, it probably qualifies.

Lynda J Cox I talk to myself…let me clarify. I talk plotting and dialogue out loud, so I can get the feel for the story.

Lynda Coker You really expect me to answer this one honestly? Okay, I’m a pretty boring person, not too many wacky personality traits. But I do have to admit I love watching Asian Dramas. My husband doesn’t care for them so it’s definitely something I do when I’m alone.

Brenda Gayle I like to sing at the top of my lungs to the radio or CD. Before I had kids and heard myself singing lullabies a cappella, I thought I had a pretty decent voice and was willing to share my talent with the world. Now that I know the truth, I only sing when I’m alone and when I am accompanied by Mr. Springsteen.

Maryann Miller I don’t know how weird it is, but sometimes when I am alone I play music at a very high volume and sing along at an equally high volume. That used to be a problem when I lived in a suburban area, but not so much since I have moved to the country. Although my horse does stop his grazing now and then to look at the house as if he is wondering where that awful noise is coming from. The goat doesn’t seem to care.

Meg Benjamin If my hubs is gone for a couple of days, I’ll binge watch “Say Yes To the Dress”. For some reason I just love watching those brides choose dresses they’ll never wear again.

Mary Hughes Sing at the top of my lungs. I used to dance until the downstairs neighbors registered their displeasure with a broomstick on the ceiling.

Shannyn Schroeder I tend to talk to myself. I guess it might be reminiscent of the days of having an imaginary friend. When I’m trying to process something, I’ll carry on a bit of conversation, at least my half and within my head, the person I imagine I’m talking to will answer. In my house, however, talking to myself is not weird because everyone in my family does it.

Lynn Crandall I’m probably like a lot of people in that being alone — and with music playing — unleashes my inner dancer. It’s fun! One time when my children were younger, my step-daughter walked in the backdoor just as I was doing the dishes and jamming to music. She laughed and I laughed too. My inner dancer was let out of the closet!

Sheila Claydon I dance. I turn up the music and rekindle all those moves I did when I was young, you know, the really energetic ones. I dance until I’m out of breath and beginning to worry that my heart’s not up to it anymore, then I dance some more. And by the time I’ve finished I feel years younger and ready for more.

Carol Henry Because of my love of dance, I turn the radio up and dance my heart out in the living room when no one is around. I watch my reflection at night in our full-length picture window that takes up one whole wall. It’s such a liberating sensation—and great exercise.

Robin Renee Ray Not really…I’m pretty much a freak all the time..LOL

Joya Fields I sing and dance a lot when nobody is looking. I mean, people already think I’m weird, why give them more reasons by doing this when others can see me? 🙂

Patty Campbell I listen to classical opera arias at ear-splitting volume. Doesn’t matter if the singers are male or female. I get a thrill in my chest that is a real physical response. BTW I don’t like opera.

Genie Gabriel Does this count? I was alone, but the whistling may have been overheard…The neighbor’s grown son is pretty obnoxious sometimes, so this morning I decided to be disgustingly nice. Whistled a familiar song as I was unloading my vehicle, but didn’t sing the slightly altered words to anyone but myself. And, no, I can’t share those words on a PG-rated site.

Elysa Hendricks I do lots of weird things (of course, I don’t really consider them weird,) but rarely wait to do them when I’m alone. Why deny the world my creative awesomeness?

Kate Robbins  I talk to myself whether I’m alone or not. Does that count? I’ve often been told that the only time I should really worry is if self starts talking back. o_O

Ryshia Kennie I talk to myself – not always, but sometimes. Sometimes I’ll put music on and dance, wild and crazy and more than likely badly. I’ll dance circles around the house and sometimes – well I’ll clean and dance. Which, of course, is why I do it when I’m alone.

Troy Lambert I have a stuffed monkey my kids gave me. It came with a card with a website on it, so I can play online. So sometimes when I’m alone, I play with my monkey online. Is that weird?

Jane Toombs Really weird? No, if you don’t consider picking your nose weird.

Jaleta Clegg How much TMI are you after here? I talk to myself; wait, that’s not weird. I sing, loud and off-key, while I play the piano. I do gorilla impersonations. I quote movies and do actor impressions. I sing the Six-Million-Dollar Man theme and move in slow-motion. Or Baywatch if it’s summer.

Wait, I do all those things in front of my family and in public. I guess I’m just weird no matter who’s watching.

Beth Trissel Define weird.

Helena Fairfax Plenty! Ones I can talk about in public are: talking to myself, singing really loudly (and out of tune), and repetitively watching reruns of Frasier. (I’m not actually crazy – honestly!)

Kelly Whitley Sing along with the iPod.
I don’t do this when anyone else is around. Not only do I have eclectic taste in music (read: “You LIKE that?”) but I cannot sing. Not even a little bit.

Laurel O’Donnell I don’t know if you would call it wierd, but I love to sing on Rock Band 3. I will do it if I’m alone or sometimes with my children. I like to pretend I’m really good and in this super popular band. I can dream!

Paty Jager I don’t know if it’s weird. I like to dance but I’m not very coordinated or good at it, so I wiggle and jiggle to loud music when I’m alone and feeling the need to expel extra energy.

Linda McMaken LOL, define weird. Okay, I confess, I LOVE to sing and when I’m alone I find songs on Youtube with the lyrics and pretend I’ve just filled Madison Square Garden and I rock out. Occasionally, I will even put on lip gloss and pretend I’m sexy when I rock out!

Even the dog leaves the room, nuff said.

Penny Estelle I two step by myself….

Isabo Kelly I walk around acting out scenes in the stories I’m working on–or sometimes just scenes I make up for fun. Like I’ll have full conversations with imaginary people. Sometimes I do this so I won’t go all political on social media, or to work out my anger on a soapbox issue like women’s rights. My boys are sometimes subjected to these conversations but mostly I try to only do this while I’m alone.

Pamela Turner I practice being interviewed. Okay, stop laughing. I simply practice scenarios in case the opportunity arises and I find myself in such a situation. At the same time, I’m visualizing. Has it worked? Yeah, it has. Not only that, but it helps make me better prepared. And no, I haven’t worked on my Oscar speech yet. 🙂

Shirley Martin Not really. I daydream a lot. I think about places I’d like to visit, things I’d like to buy if I had the money.

Amy Corwin: Sing to the dogs. Sing or just chat. I chat constantly to the dogs. I’m sure people think I’m completely insane because I’ve been caught several times chatting in a sing-song voice to the dogs and cat.




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Play Twenty Questions: Question 10

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2013 Anniversary WC question 10
Desiree Holt  Haven’t used it yet but I went ziplining over the canyon outside of Las Vegas. I had to climb up the last 15 feet (I have artificial knees) and I am afraid of heights. But I made up my mind and did it.

Heidi Lynn Anderson  Writing is the most challenging and uncomfortable thing I have ever done. Everything I do for research is fun in and out of my comfort zone.

Brenna Lyons  Sorry, it’s not sexual. The most challenging thing I’ve done is go out on a mountain peak in the White Mountains to get a good mental picture of the view for a story. With my phobia about open heights, that wasn’t easy at all, and I wasn’t anywhere close to the edge. It lasted all of two minutes, and then I was making my way back down the wooded side on shaking legs.

Wendi Zwaduk  I climbed into a race car and it was really, really tight. I’m not fond of confined spaces so it was a challenge. I also went to the top of the space needle in Niagara Falls. I’m really not a fan of heights, but I did it and stood on the observation deck. CRAZY.

Sandra Bunino  Visiting a BDSM club.

Megan Slayer  I don’t know. I’m pretty open. I’m willing to try a lot of things once. I’d have to say trying super hot peppers just to say I did it. Wasn’t worth it as I don’t like super spicy food, but I did it.

Renea Mason  I’ve been lucky that I haven’t had to do a lot of research. This is perhaps because my extensive life experiences has already accounted for most of it and since I write paranormal erotic romance, the rest of the shit I just make up.

Jessica E. Subject  Contacting any stranger is hard for me. I’m really a very shy person. For one story, I had to contact the RCMP, Canadian Armed Forces, and an orthopedic surgeon.

Adriana Kraft  Visited a legal brothel in Nevada, had supper at the bar/restaurant, and talked with several courtesans. When hubs and I first walked in, we got a lot of stares, but it turned out not to be uncomfortable at all. They’re fascinating people with interesting stories.

Amber Green  I don’t know about out of MY comfort zone, but I once went to a Kia place, picked a salesman of the right height and build, and asked him to show me the smallest model I could hide a corpse of his size in. (Later, though, the plot required me to move the corpse to a Prius.)

Maxine Mansfield  I’ll be the first to say writing a love scene is sure a whole lot easier than acting one out. I once wanted to try a certain position to ensure I had the particulars right. Let’s just say that we both ended up tumbling to the floor and HE, broke his arm. Try explaining just how that happened to the emergency room physician!

Julia Talbot  Oh, Lord. Go to my first romance convention

BA Tortuga I went with a body modification collector when he had his penis and tongue split surgically. I damn near died, y’all.

Denyse Bridger  I went on a bar crawl one night in Toronto, from one Goth club to another, absorbing the atmosphere and surroundings and undercurrents from the people – then I turned all of it into the novella, Hunters’ Game. But the couple in Hunters’ Game are blood-thirsty, decadent, dangerous vampires who revel in their dark nature.

Dee Brice Asking a sister author who writes m/f/m about butt plugs. Embarrassed us both, but we’ve been friends a long time and got beyond the flushed faces and parental-inflicted taboos.

Diana Hunter  Met face-to-face with a Dom I’d only spoken to online. Part of my quest to write well-developed characters means making sure I have the Dom attitudes down right. I’d spoken with many in online conversations, but when I went to meet my first one, I was quite nervous.

Didn’t need to be. He ended up being a real sweetheart. We had many conversations after that. He even helped me to write a scene that was giving me trouble!

Lynne Connolly  Flown solo across the Atlantic to Houston for my first RT. I’d never done anything like that before!

Charlotte Boyett-Compo  I went to visit a correctional institute in FL to interview a couple of prisoners and guards while I was researching one of my novels. It wasn’t a pleasant experience and I spent the entire time hoping there wouldn’t be a riot. It is a very intimidating experience, too. Just getting into the prison compound and going through the checkpoints can turn your insides to mush. Leaving is such a relief you can’t help but pity the poor men still stuck inside the concertina wire enclosure who are looking at you with such longing and you know it isn’t sexual longing.

Shoshanna Evers  I’ve done things in the name of research so risque that I can’t even mention them. Seriously. Can’t help it, I’m in love with my “research assistant.” 😉

Cameron D. James  Not necessarily research, but the most awkward thing I’ve had to do so far in my role as a writer of gay erotic romance is just talk about it. I turn beet red and my eyes start watering. I’m doing a live reading in August and a fellow author recommended doing all the sound effects… Oy…

Sabrina York  I went to a BDSM party. I know that may not seem like something out of the ordinary considering I write erotica, and considering the fact that I didn’t play. But it was definitely out of my comfort zone.

Rory Ni Coileain  Hmm. I haven’t found anything to do that’s out of my comfort zone yet. But I think the most fun I had was when I treated myself to a new tattoo for Mother’s Day this year. The human lead character in my second book is a tattoo artist, and he turns up in the other books in the series as well, and I want to get the details right. So I told my artist that I write m/m erotic romance and I needed to ask him a bunch of questions. The look on his face… The conversation about penile tattoos was interesting, too!

Lucy Felthouse  Nothing, really. Because of what I write, I can do pretty much all of my research online. Having said that, if anyone wanted to look at my internet history, that would be out of my comfort zone!

Cassandra Carr  I’ve researched some pretty out-there sexual things, and found some kinks that are VERY outside my comfort zone. For instance, I’m asthmatic and when I saw those rubber or vinyl suits you can completely encase someone in (usually they put a straw in the mouth opening to allow the person to breathe) I totally freaked. I don’t even like getting water in my snorkel, much less not being able to move with only a straw for air. I still shudder thinking about it.

JB McDonald  *laughs* I’m currently working myself up to possibly going to an BDSM club, which is WAY out of my comfort zone, for research for the final book in the A Little…/Weirds, Queers, and Crazies trilogy. (Only the first one is out yet, and I’m working on the second one. But I’m already doing research for the third!)

I think I’ve exhausted internet descriptions and I’ve bought a bunch of books. My bookshelf is quite entertaining, at the moment

Savanna Fox  I researched exotic dancers for my novella “Private Eyes” in the Kensington Aphrodisia anthology “Some Like it Rough.” First I did book research, then I took a pole dancing lesson, then I interviewed dancers, and then I judged an amateur stripper competition. It definitely took me outside my introverted comfort zone! But here’s the most fun thing. Sitting over dinner with three of four dancers, listening to them share stories about their work, I realized that it was a lot like talking to a group of romance authors. These dancers were colleagues who cared for and supported each other, working in a profession that tends to be misunderstood and disrespected by the world at large. I developed a lot of respect for them, and I hope that’s reflected in my novella.

Eliza Lloyd  I’m sure every erotica author has delved into areas that would shock that rest of the world. I did have an hour or two of lower body piercing research that was quite interesting… All I’m going to say is OUCH.

Tracey H. Kitts  This will probably make me sound like a major weirdo, considering all the things I have researched. But, I’ve never been out of my comfort zone, not even for a minute.

Lainey Reese  I write books that are heavy on the BDSM side. There’s a catch to it. I’ve never actually done any BDSM. I married my high school sweetheart at twenty and when we split ten years later I married the first man I dated after that. Both men were conservative.

I write all these steamy books purely from imagination…and research. I do a lot of searching on line for new ideas and choreography for my love scenes. It is a pretty seedy place to be. I always feel like I’m hunting through a dirty dingy junk store on a treasure hunt for that perfect item…

Leah Braemel  The most challenging I’ve done so far was go to a police academy and go through the fire arms training simulator. For a Canadian woman who had very little experience around guns, having to suddenly be faced with holding a gun on people, having to make a decision whether to shoot them or not, and how to stop them from shooting you was a real challenge.

Victoria Blisse  Hm, that’s interesting. I’m not great at research, so all of it makes me uncomfortable because I’m really not very good at being organised.

Jennifer Leeland  Oh, 19th Century France for SURE. The sequel to “Wolf of Arundale Hall” has a portion of the story set in 19th Century France, complete with witches and such. It’s complicated! And there isn’t a lot out there to clarify the confusing dynamics of French society in the 19th century. Definitely challenging.

Kate Deveaux  Let’s just say you have to know what you write about.

Ayla Ruse  I made an appointment and actually went in to interview a veterinarian. He was nice and informative, but the interview was conducted while he neutered cats. Very surreal and strange, actually. I was a nervous wreck and felt more like an interloper.

Sarah Castille  Went to an MMA fight club to interview fighters and check out the scene. All the those sweaty male bodies grappling on the floor….sigh.

Cathryn Cade  Hmmm … that would be researching BDSM for my new series coming out this fall at Samhain. I enjoy reading and writing D/s relationships, love it.

However, I discovered that some take the lifestyle to extremes, and it was very difficult for me to read about people wanting to give and receive the harsher practices.

Needless to say, I write Light BDSM. On the vanilla end of the spectrum.

Kate Hill  Probably taking belly dancing lessons. I ended up loving it though. It’s a lot of fun and good exercise. I wasn’t good at it, but I still enjoyed it! Several of my characters were belly dancers, including Hannah from Deep Red, Lock, and most recently Mia from Gascon Victors and the Batty Beautician.

Heather Long  Worked with a gun.

Jean Hart Stewart  Researching BDSM for a recent book. A very erotic subject to even read about. Would love to visit a club to find out more.

Desirée Lee   I must be weird. I have an affinity for research, so I can’t recall anything yet that put me out of my comfort zone. I’m a knowledge hound.

Bobbi Brattz  I’ve watched pornos and compared them to love stories. Porns are so cold and unfeeling whereas romance has it all. I’m not comfortable with sex that means nothing. Without the element of love, sex can be quite boring and dull. Follow your heart.

Kay Dee Royal  I read where one author signed up for a BDSM house membership…like a private club. I could never do that…but I have read lots on the subject and have seen pictures and videos on the subject – which was a bit beyond my sheltered comfort zone;).

I think in another life I might have been a Dom…I love the idea of cuffs to the bedpost and being in control;)

Tonya Renee Callihan  Talk to someone who is in the BDSM lifestyle, hardcore. She is a Mistress and very intense. I felt like I was being judged and would be punished at the end of our discussion. Still gives me chills.

Gale Stanley  Asking my gay friends about their sex lives. Thankfully, they were pretty nice about it, and didn’t mind giving me the ins and outs on male-male sex. Yeah, we’re still friends, as long as they don’t end up in one of my books.

Naomi Bellina  I watched a video of a mole eating worms. Ewwwww! I went to a small airport and wandered out on the tarmac. Someone had left the gate open and I wanted to get a good look inside a small plane. The maintenance man came out and I started asking him questions about how much fuel it would take to get to the Bahamas. He looked kind of concerned that I was there so I left quickly. Oh, and I cornered my vet and asked him about cattle chutes and blow guns when I took my cat in for a visit. Shame on me. Poor little kitty just wanted to go home!

Kemberlee Shortland  I’m totally afraid of heights. I love castle hunting, but sometimes it means climbing up loose and rocky stairways to the ramparts to see what the former owners saw. Freaks me out every time. Never gets easier. I always come back drenched in stress sweat. But I keep doing it in the name of research. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it! 😀

Hurri Cosmo  Guns, ammo, bombs and the like. I do it on the internet and I know that is a no no these days. I think about the questions I google and know it could probably get me into some serious trouble.

Lyncee Shillard  Tried to have sex with my hubby in a kayak. For Taking a Risk, I wanted to know if it would have been possible for my hero and heroine to ‘do it’ while they were kayaking down the Amazon.

Trina Lane  I do most of my research via the internet. However if I were to physically go somewhere or do something that would out of a comfort zone, it would probably be visiting a BDSM club. Although, I admit at the same time I’ve always wanted to visit one. So who knows maybe someday I’ll get up the nerve.




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Play Twenty Questions: Question 9

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 Enjoy these answers from a host of erotic romance authors — then enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a $100 Amazon or BN GC and more!

2013 Anniversary WC Question 9
Desiree Holt  Mark Valley (from Body of Proof). He looks exactly like I picture all my heroes. He’s got that hot alpha look and OMG! Those eyes. All I have to do is look at his picture and the love scenes roll off my fingertips.

Melissa Schroeder  From the first time I saw him, I have had a crush on Robert Downy Jr. He’s my favorite actor. No matter what he is in, I will sit through it. He has the right blend of sexy charm with just enough self depreciating humor to make him yummy to me.

Karen Stivali  Kingsley Edge from Tiffany Reisz’s Original Sinners series. He’s damaged, charming, annoying, dangerous, loyal, witty and sexy as hell. The French accent doesn’t hurt either. When I first started the series I expected him to bother me. I don’t generally like arrogant characters or alpha males, and the sauve French thing is usually a turn off for me. Kingsley changed all that pretty much right away. He’s such a unique, detailed character he defies all the stereotypes one might think he’d embody. He’s larger than life yet heartbreakingly real. And did I mention he’s hotter than hell?

Heidi Lynn Anderson  Roarke in JD Robb’s In death books. Who wouldn’t want a supper sexy billionaire. 😉

Erin M. Leaf  I develop new fictional crushes every year or so. The list is kind of ridiculous now. The latest? The Man of Steel, Superman himself! That movie made me swoon. I love when Clark is wearing jeans and a t-shirt and a baseball cap, and he’s all: aw, shucks. But you know he can crush cars with his pinky.

Wendi Zwaduk  Captain America because he’s the perfect guy. Plus, look at that hair! Sexy, smart and fearless.

Sandra Bunino  Oh yes. My all time number one Book Boyfriend is Diana Gabaldon’s Jamie Fraser.

Quote from Outlander:

“Because I wanted you.” He turned from the window to face me. “More than I ever wanted anything in my life,” he added softly.

Gah! I love Jamie.

Megan Slayer  Iron Man. He’s a real piece of work. Full of himself, sexy, and confident.

Renea Mason  I can’t pick one. I want to take, Bones from Jeaniene Frost’s Night Huntress series, Edward and Carlise Cullen from Twilight, Jerricho Barrons from Karen Marie Moning’s Fever series, and mash them into one magnificent specimen of supernatural goodness.

Jessica Jayne  Gideon Cross or Kellan Kyle! I could actually name a few others but I’ll stick to my top two. They are both guys that come from pretty rough childhoods, and most people would think they would become not so good men. But not only are they attractive, but they are romantic, sensual, sexy men. I love a man that has issues but that can get beyond them and still be a good man! Both these guys have it! And it appears they know what to do in the bedroom! 😉

Jessica E. Subject  Any character that Will Smith or Chris Pine plays. Eye Candy. 😉

Adriana Kraft  My first movie crush was Rhett Butler, by whom I probably mean Clark Gable. Love his mustache and handsome face, just the right combination of bad boy and soft heart, fantasized about being Scarlett, started trying to re-writ the ending so she wouldn’t lose him. I thought she was crazy to let him go. And that’s how my writing career was born!

Valerie Twombly  I have more than one, but…Acheron from Sherrilyn Kenyon’s Dark Hunters. The man is dark and mysterious. Strong, yet vulnerable. There is simply nothing to not love about him. Something tells me he is hotter than hell in bed.

Avril Ashton  John McClane. He kicks ass, and he’s hot.

Maxine Mansfield  Thor! Oh my god, have you seen the scene where Chris Helmsworth walks into the room in just a pair of low riding jeans? I would so pet him…for a very long time. And then I would hug him and kiss him and lick him and….

Julia Talbot  Coke Pharris from BA Tortuga’s Roughstock universe. He’s a Texas cowboy through and through.

BA Tortuga  Ross Thatcher from Julia Talbot’s Thatcher brothers series. He’s warm, charming, real, and he makes my heart happy. Also, he’s hot.

Denyse Bridger Gabriel Van Helsing, because he’s a man of courage, honour, and a past that is elusive. He’s handsome, sexy, strong… and he feels isolated. He needs to be loved and to find himself. I find all that very alluring. Oh, and he looks like Hugh Jackman with long hair – what’s not to love?? *lol*

Dee Brice  I sometimes relive Clint Eastwood and Renee Russo’s coitus interruptus from In the Line of Duty. I also like the scene where he’s sitting on the steps of the Lincoln memorial and bets the pigeon that she’ll look back. Not a crush, but I love movies and characters who make me laugh.

Diana Hunter  Hands down, Mr. Darcy. Jane Austen created the best romantic hero in him. Aloof, yet willing to learn. Caring of those he holds dear, protective of them as well. Handsome. Rich doesn’t hurt.

And yes, I’m thinking of Colin Firth’s Darcy, although I fell in love with Austen’s first.

Lynne Connolly  Dorothy Dunnett’s Lymond. He’s every hero you could ever need. Brave, strong, intelligent, tortured (oh, how tortured!), handsome, daring, dangerous…

Charlotte Boyett-Compo  Sheriff Lucas Hood from Banshee. He’s one helluva gorgeous badass Alpha male with blue eyes and a strut that makes my mouth water. He has the perfect body, wicked smiles and a slightly gruff voice that can melt steel. Add to that a terrific physical presence and great acting chops, Antony Starr brings Hood into blazing life. He makes you want to jaywalk in Banshee or throw a trash can through a store window, shoplift…ANYTHING…so he’ll take you into custody and maybe later show you his bed at the Forge. I could be very bad for that man.

Shoshanna Evers  I have a crush on the Beast from Beauty and the Beast. Ten feet tall, super strong… holds poor Belle captive in his castle… *g*

That might be why I’m in the middle of writing an erotic re-imagining of Beauty and the Beast. I like to get my fantasies on paper!

Cameron D. James  Dan Stagg — the lead from James Lear’s The Hardest Thing. Dan was a down-on-his-luck ex-marine who fell in love with cute young man… the character development and emotional backdrop made me fall in love with him. (Plus, the muscles certainly help.)

Christie Butler  This might sound weird, but Braveheart is one of my favorite movies so I would have to say William Wallace. He’s fierce and fearless, yet fair and caring, honorable and faithful. Plus, he wears a skirt! I don’t know- that scene where he seduces the Princess of Wales? YUMMY!

Alexandra Christian  My fictional crushes are so changeable, but the type is generally the same. Right now, I’m completely addicted to Sherlock Holmes. I know, that seems like a really strange crush, but I’ve always had a thing for extremely intelligent men. He’s clever, almost to the point of insanity and he hyper-focuses on everything. Imagine how he could use those powers of deduction in the bedroom. Every sigh, groan and gesture would give him a clue that he could use to send a girl into orgasmic frenzy. And of course, if you’ve seen the BBC’s “Sherlock” series, this shouldn’t be too difficult to understand.

Sabrina York  A long time ago I saw the movie Thief of Hearts about a burglar who breaks into a woman’s house and reads her diaries and decides to seduce her. As creepy as that sounds (and it was creepy) I have had a crush on that hero/villain ever since! Why is it we always pine after the bad boys, ladies??

Rory Ni Coileain  Do I have to pick one? — can’t I just say “anyone Liam Neeson has ever played”? Or “anyone Hugh Jackman has ever played”? No? *pouts* Okay, then. Tony Stark. Why? Because he’s… well, he’s Tony Stark!

Lucy Felthouse  Oh, that would be Sam Winchester. Why? Have you *seen* him? He’s tall, attractive, funny, sexy, strong… *swoons* do I need to say any more?

Eden Bradley  Eric Northman from True Blood. He’s gorgeous-that part needs no explanation! But I love that he’s this vicious vampire-so mysterious and cold, yet he has a soft side. When he loves someone he loves them with his whole heart-he loves ferociously! And he’s HOT. Did I mention that he’s hot…?

Cassandra Carr  This is going to sound strange since I created him, but Sebastian, my hero from Should’ve Known Better. I took all the things I loved about the different heroes I’d read and put them all into Sebastian. I’d steal him away from Sarah, the heroine, in a heartbeat and not feel at all bad about it. He’s a hunk and a half.

JB McDonald  Neal Caffery, from the TV show White Collar. He oozes confidence, which is sexy, but at the same time you never know if it’s real or a farce — and given he’s a con man with some heartbreaking past issues, I always figure it’s a farce. I love characters who are a little broken, but are trying to make things work anyway, not wallowing in their broken-ness. He’s also smart and witty, which doesn’t hurt, and incredibly sexy. Hoo-boy! I also love the dynamic between him and the other characters on the show, specifically the reluctant trust in his handler, and the loyalty he shows to friends — getting into trouble to make sure they’re okay. He’s a knight and a victim and victorious all in one!

Savanna Fox  Atticus Finch in “To Kill a Mockingbird,” both the book and the movie. He’s not what most people would initially think of as the sexiest choice, but wow, talk about a hero! A man of principle who stands up for the underdog, calmly solves whatever problem comes along, and raises his kids to be fine people. The book is one of my all-time favorites and I think the movie did great justice to it (which is rare). Love the casting of Gregory Peck. So gorgeous.

Amanda Young  My fictional crush would have to be Tom Selleck from back in the Magnum PI days. Whew, that man was smoking hot. There’s something about a smart, virile man with a hairy chest that just does it for me.

Eliza Lloyd  Wulfgar from Kathleen Woodiwiss’ The Wolf and The Dove. This is a medivial story for those of you who haven’t read it (and I highly recommend that you do.) His character rang so true to me – strong, brave, determined, loyal and never willing to allow a woman to rule him. Until he falls and he falls hard. I liked that he was battle scarred and not conventionally handsome but, sigh, he has it all (except indoor castle plumbing.)

Tracey H. Kitts  Professor Snape from the Harry Potter series. I don’t know if it was the dark clothing, the sarcastic personality or Alan Rickman’s portrayal. However you care to look at it, Snape does it for me.

R.G. Alexander  Don’t make me pick one! Can I have three? If I could I would say Wolverine because…come on! Eric Northman from Trueblood…Sookie is a fool for not sticking with that bad boy, thats all I’m saying. And even though this might be bad form, I take no credit for creating him since he just appeared fully formed in my life one day-Bone Daddy from Possess Me. I still think about randomly, he was the strongest male personality ever to take over my writer’s brain and demand I let him in.

Lainey Reese  Well, I just gave you my book crush, so I’ll give you my movie crush. Sam Worthington in Avatar as Jake Sully. Oh, I wanted to go to Pandora so bad. I want to be Neytiri. Scoff if you want, but sci-fi rules and Avatar is movie magic.

Katalina Leon  I normally would say Edward Rochester from Jane Eyre, but today I’m going to say Tarzan. Tarzan is so noble and free and always protects his mate. He’s also Lord Greystoke too and that doesn’t hurt either. He’s down to earth and kind to animals. I think that man would be easy to love.

Donna Gallagher  Optimus Prime from the Transformers movies – Seriously have you ever listened to that voice, makes me melt.

MK Schiller  I love Ethan from Raine Miller’s Naked books. I also love Rush Finlay from Abbi Gline’s Fallen books. It’s the Alpha male that just wants to take care of his woman, but yet respects the hell out of her at the same time that totally gets me every time!

Leah Braemel  Hmm, my favorite fictional crush is on the hero in a medieval fantasy I wrote before I got published, but I doubt that’s what you mean, so I guess my second favorite is well, another of my own heroes — Sam Watson from Private Property and Personal Protection. Still not what you’re looking for? Patrick Swayze’s character in Ghost — except he wouldn’t die in my story. 😀 I love how he’s so supportive of Demi Moore’s creative side, he’s successful in his own right, and just an all around nice guy. And come on, Ghost was Patrick at his very sexiest.

Victoria Blisse  I’m re-reading Dark Moon by David Gemmell RIght now and I love Tarantio, the troubled hero who is possessed by a demon called Dace. Yeah, I like them complicated. 😉

Jennifer Leeland  Oh, William Darcy and all his incarnations, Colin Firth being my favorite.
I’ve always loved Austen’s portrayal of a man unable to “socialize”, who was so private, yet so honorable.

Kate Deveaux  Jamie Fraser from Outlander

Fiona McGier  I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I have a deep and abiding crush on Keanu Reeves. My family was astounded that I even enjoyed the third Matrix movie, but I liked it because we got to see Keanu’s naked butt! That alone was worth the price of the movie! Forget the story was lame, forget the dialogue was stilted. Keanu! Naked! Enough said. Who cares if he can act or not? Not me!

Sarah Castille  Chris Hemsworth. Have you looked at him?

Anna Alexander  Just one?!? Oh my gosh. Orlando Bloom in the LOTR trilogy. He was so pretty and he kicked ass. Henry Cavill as Superman. He was so pretty and he kicked ass. Ian Sommerholder as Damon in the Vampire Diaries. He’s so pretty and he kicks ass. Hmmm. I’m noticing a pattern.

Cathryn Cade  Tack Allen in Motorcycle Man by Kristen Ashley, definitely. This guy is hot, handsome, rowdy, funny, outspoken and will not take no for an answer when it comes to taking care of business, and loving and taking care of his woman.
I’ve read the book 3 times since I got it on my Kindle.

Luna Zega  Mr. Darcy. Sigh.

Lila Shaw  I’ve always had a bit of a thing for Steve Martin in Roxanne. He’s as silly as he is intellectual, as clever as he is goofy. Yes, he’s got a big nose, but he’s lithe and agile–a fighter and poet all in one with the right amount of angst to make him interesting. Half earnest and half cynical. Half romantic and half pragmatic. He’s not overbearing or bossy or condescending, and has just enough humility to be endearing but not a doormat.

Kate Hill  There are so many! Today I guess I’ll narrow it down to Prince Nuada from Hellboy and Scorpius from Farscape. Not that I’d want to tangle with either of them, but from a distance they’re both incredibly sexy. They’re determined, powerful and vengeful. Three of my favorites! I’m very much into antiheroes. If I couldn’t have an antihero, I’d rough it and take a golden hero like Captain America. LOL!

Heather Long  Hmm, I have three – Stephen Ammell’s Oliver Queen – he’s just so damn tortured, Ian Somerhalder’s Damon Salvatore – he’s a man who puts the love of his life before himself and EVERYONE else, borderline obsessive maybe? But there’s something to be said for being made to feel that important. Chris Hemsworth’s Thor because–damn, he’s Thor.

Jean Hart Stewart  Hugh Jackson first, Richard Gere second. Why, who knows? They both epitomize sexy but caring men, at least to me

Desirée Lee   I once wrote a persuasive argument as to why I think Jack Skellington from “The Nightmare Before Christmas” is the perfect man. Okay, so he’s a bit too skinny for my taste, but otherwise perfect. He is thoughtful, kind, and a well-respected leader. Sure, he made mistakes, but he acknowledged them and took steps to correct them. He has an inquisitive mind, and goes to great lengths to find answers to the questions he poses. He’s also an animal lover. Who could ask for more?

Nina Pierce  Gerard Butler. Hands down. That man could read the grocery list to me and I’d go weak in the knees. Of course I’d be happier with dirty words whispered in my ear … but hey, the grocery list works too. *vbg*

Charity Parkerson  Zsadist from The Black Dagger Brotherhood series by J.R. Ward. He’s incredibly sexy and slightly a head case, but I’d love to attempt to fix him.

Bobbi Brattz  I adore Strider from Lord of the Rings. He’s mysterious, brave, handsome, and courageous. His hands would be rough from all the hard work he does and MAN O MIA, can he hold a sword! I love the way his wet hair falls over his eyes. Dripping wet and covered in dirt..grrrrrrrrrrrr

Kay Dee Royal  Dean Winchester from Supernatural – his clean-cut, bad-boy attitude and then add his deep rough voice and kick-a** fighting ability…well, I swoon, all right;)

I’ve been watching re-runs of that series and can’t seem to get enough of it. How did I miss that show when it first aired???

Tonya Renee Callihan  I have many!! Gavin from Pulse by Gail McHugh is at the top since I just finished that book!

Gale Stanley  Alcide Herveaux. Who doesn’t like a hot werewolf? Bite me! Please!

Kemberlee Shortland  See above . . . Cullen Bohanon (Hell on Wheels) 😉 He’s tall, lots of hair to run my fingers through, deep voice, and those eyes! His gaze is amazing. Also, secretly crushing on a more youthful Robert Plant . . . all that hair, those long legs, his eyes, and wow, that voice!

Hurri Cosmo  Pierce Brosnan. Loved him in Remington Steele and as James Bond. I think he is gorgeous and I love his smirk

Lyncee Shillard  Ummmm in case you skipped most of the earlier questions – Matthew McConaughey. Why??? Besides the fact he is the definition of awesomely handsome. His smile… love it. Also whenever I’ve seen him on guest spots (And no I don’t really stalk him so I’m talking just a couple) he is so easy going. Loving life.

Trina Lane  Regardless if their in a book or movie I tend to fall for the alpha males. You know, the ones who will kick serious ass to defend women and children, aren’t afraid to take command of a situation but will listen to other points of view, fuck like gods, and love with all their hearts. Hey you said fictional right?

Now if you want a specific name. I’d have to go with Gerard Butler. Smoking hot body, sultry Scottish accent, and intelligent. He’s scrapped the bottom of the barrel in his personal life, and manage to claw his way back to the top with a mixture of desperation and determination.


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Play Twenty Questions: Question 4

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2013 Anniversary NON Questions 4

Tasarla Romaney Ohhhh the many ways – my favorite is served on toast. Flaked wood grilled tuna, add onions, dill, lemon juice and a small amount of Greek yogurt

Ash Krafton With MAYO. I’m not insane. Oh, and no crunchy bits, either. Celery=ack!

Linda Palmer I stir together tuna, boiled egg, dill pickles, sweet pickles, and Miracle Whip. Then I spread that on toasted bread and add lettuce.

Debra St. John My favorite is a hot tuna rollup. I prepare the tuna by draining the water (I never use oil based tuna.) and adding a bit of mayo. I spoon the tuna into 8 uncooked crescent rolls. For my hubby’s portion, I add cheese: sometimes Swiss, sometimes American, sometimes a combo. I roll up the dough with the tuna in it and place them on a baking sheet. Bake for 12 minutes at 375 degrees. Yummo!

Judith B. Glad 1. Set a trap for the tuna (preferably in territory they are known to inhabit).
2. Spread mayo on two really BIG slices of bread.
3. Check the trap. If it’s empty, go to…
3. Pile pickle relish on one slice of bread.
4. Check trap again. If still empty, go to…
5. Slice 7 tomatoes and lay on unpickled slice of bread
8. Check trap. If still empty, give up, because the tuna aren’t biting on Pnut butter today
9. Substitute canned sardines for tuna on sandwich. They taste better anyhow..

Kaylie Newell First, choose a nice, fresh loaf of white bread. Then, retrieve the light mayo from the fridge. Next, open the can of tuna and give it to the cat. (I’m a vegetarian. Although, I wouldn’t normally have a mayo sandwich. Probably should keep that takeout number handy.)

Judy Alter Tuna, lots of lemon,, sliced scallions, a bit of anchovy paste, and just enough mayo to bind. Put it on seedless Jewish rye.

J.A. Garland Light on the Mayo, of course!

Linda Rettstatt Mix tuna with a little mayo and chopped celery. Spread it on thin whole wheat sandwich rounds. (Some folks add onion. I’m not a big fan of raw onions.) This is best served on white bread, but it’s not on my diet any more.

Maeve Greyson Since I’m not particularly fond of tuna, I would get Hubby to make one his uber-awesome bacon-lettuce-tomato creations on homemade bread. I would then point at it and say, “You are a tuna sandwich. I forbid you to exude the calories of a BLT.”

Laura Strickland Ask the tuna if he would prefer kelp or krill on his sandwich, and then serve it with a side of seaweed.

Niecey Roy I don’t.

Tess Morrison FIrst I put on loud music. Probably classic rock. Begin to gyrate around the kitchen. Pour myself a glass of vino. Chop up some onion, celery and green peppers. Begin to sing very badly. Drink more wine. Open the can, plop it into the bowl with the veggies, and mix in Miracle Whip. Continue to dance, drink and sing. Put it on toasted bread with lettuce. Enjoy!

Jana Richards  With tuna. And bread. Is this a trick question?

Tina Pollick For myself: Tuna, mayo, hard boiled eggs and dill pickles. For my family: Tuna and mayo. <- They’re boring. LOL

Debra Doggett With the works. I put cheese (feta if I’ve got it), onion, mayo, mustard, sometimes nuts and eggs. But not usually pickles. I like them on the side.

Nia Simone Very carefully. Seriously, I let my husband do it. He’s brilliant with cooking. Tuna he does magic to. He adds a squeeze of this great wasabe paste you can buy in a tube. And mayo. Other stuff, I don’t know what. But I eat whatever he makes and if he does something to doctor up something we’re eating, I do exactly what he does without even taste testing. He’s always right. About food, anyway. ;–)

Zoe Forward I go to my favorite deli and buy it. Okay, I can make tuna, but I know it won’t taste as good as if I have a professional chef make it.

Virginia Crane Half and Half. Half tuna, half hard boiled eggs. Add a chopped pickled okra, preferably Wickles Pickles brand. Mix with Miracle Whip and horseradish. Terrific on rye bread.

Graeme Brown I don’t! Ham, cheddar, tomato, lettuce and mayonnaise for me, please.

Nancy Fraser I start with albacore tuna, chopped onions and celery, Hellman’s mayo and chopped pecans on lightly toasted sourdough bread. I’d serve it with crisp dill pickles, a chunk or two of good cheese (preferably gouda or havarti) and a cold glass of Dr. Pepper or sweet tea.

Robyn Bachar With a healthy amount of mayo, shredded asiago cheese mixed in, on wheat toast. Bonus points if I can survive making the sandwich without tripping over my cats. I swear they have tuna radar.

Jeanette Baker Without mayonnaise. I use the best tuna in olive oil, mix it with whole grain mustard, minced green onions, chopped pepperoncinis, (sp?) smoked almonds, lemon juice and raisins. It’s delicious and healthy, too.

Kim Hornsby I don’t eat tuna often because I worry about the dolphins that get caught in the net and I don’t like to encourage the industry. But when I have made tuna for me and my kids, I use mayo, sweet relish and loads of crunchy celery. The tuna must be white, not light, packed in water, with all the water drained off. Then I spread it on buttery whole grain bread and dig in. hmmm, where’s the tuna in this kitchen…

Juliet Waldron In this house we make tuna sandwiches with a little mayo, an equal amount of plain yogurt, salt, pepper, diced hard-boiled eggs and a small amount of finely chopped celery and apple. We lightly toast bread to go with it, and then the sandwich is topped with sliced tomato.

Mary Jo Burke Rinse the tuna and flake it with a fork. Chop up an onion and a celery stalk, very finely. Mix with the tuna. Add a dollop of mayonnaise. Slather on a slice of toasted sourdough bread. Top with a few tomato slices, a piece of American cheese, and the second slice of bread. Potato chips optional, but highly recommended.

Willa Blair Tuna, mayo, sweet pickle relish, moist, but not runny. On crackers, not bread.

Lynda J Cox I don’t. Too many times as a kid, I had to eat creamed tuna casserole. To this day, I can’t stand the smell or taste of tuna.

Elaine Violette My Danish ancestors made the best tuna sandwich. White Albacore Tuna, sweet gherkins pickles, onion, celery, and chopped hard boiled egg, and mayonnaise, of course! My Portuguese grandfather always said to add a little salt to fish, so I sprinkle some salt and pepper too. Toast that bread to add crispness, gobs of the tuna mixture, fresh lettuce and you’ve got the best tuna fish sandwich ever!

Lynda Coker I start with albacore tuna, add diced green onions, grated cheese, chopped boiled eggs, a little sweet pickle, and sliced ripe olives, and then stir all those together with mayo and a touch of Dijon mustard. Toast two slices of bread, add a thin slice of jellied cranberry sauce to one side and lettuce on the other. I spread the tuna mixture on the lettuce side and then put the two sides together. Most people are put-off by the jellied cranberry at first, but try it once and you’ll be hooked.

Susan Fox Pretty much the way my mom did. This is traditional, definitely not fancy gourmet fare. I use my favorite tinned tuna (water packed), mayo or Miracle Whip, lemon juice, chopped celery or chopped green pepper, salt, and ground black pepper. For bread, I like either a rustic Italian white loaf or a nice moist multi-grain.

Meg Benjamin I mix the tuna with a hard-boiled egg, some chopped celery, green onions, baby peppers, maybe a little tomato. Then dress it with a bit of mayonnaise. If I were eating normally, I’d put it on bread. These days, I’d toss it in with a lot of lettuce and some vinaigrette. Okay, it’s not really a “sandwich” but it’s definitely tuna salad.

Mary Hughes Albacore tuna, mixed with mayonnaise, chopped green onion, chopped egg, a bit of mustard powder, salt (and pepper if you like). Scoop onto thick toasted whole wheat bread. Cover with sliced American, cheddar, provolone or Swiss cheese (or all of them!) Top with another thick slice of bread. Then broil or toast in a skillet until the cheese is gooey and the bread is perfect golden brown.

Shannyn Schroeder I’m not a huge fan of tuna, so I’ll only eat it the way I grew up eating it as a kid – being Catholic meant no meat on Fridays during Lent, so that’s when I ate tuna. I drain the tuna from the can, chop up a couple of small pickles and mix it in the tuna. Then I add mayonnaise. The bread for the sandwich has to be toasted. When the toast is ready, I spread on the tuna and cut the sandwich in half. I NEVER deviate from this (right down to cutting it in half).

Denise Golinowski Hmm, pretty basic really. Open a can of tuna (in water) and drain thoroughly. Dump into a bowl. Add Mayo until it reaches the correct consistency. Cover and refrigerate. Can eat immediately, but I like it best the next day. Take out of the fridge, spread a thick layer on bread, salt & pepper to taste. Cut in halves. Place on a nice plate, add extra crunchy potato chips and enjoy!

Lynn Crandall Tuna sandwiches are at the top of my list of favorite sandwiches. I’m pretty easy to please there, and typically mix tuna with mayonnaise, put it on toast with lettuce and enjoy. But my favorite way to make a tuna sandwich is to order it from the bread store/deli, where the tuna salad sandwich is amazing.

Sheila Claydon I mix it with mayonnaise, sliced spring onion, pepper and salt and then spread it THICKLY on wholemeal bread – no butter or spread as I want to taste the tuna. I might add some cucumber too and serve it with lettuce and tomato on the side.

Carol Henry I make a tuna sandwich with chuck light Bumblebee tuna, mayo (not miracle whip and nothing diet or light), add my homemade diced sweet pickles, a bit of salt and pepper, and slather it on bread with just a touch of butter on one side. Sometimes I toast the bread first. Always serve with kettle chips, and most often a ginger ale.

Robin Renee Ray I like mine with fresh garden onions, sharp cheddar cheese, and a wee bit of salt…and I have mine with crackers.

Joya Fields Haha. This sounds like a setup for a joke, but I’ll give you my recipe anyway. One can of tuna mixed with chopped celery, some mayonnaise and (since I’m from Maryland) some Old Bay seasoning!

Genie Gabriel Mash up an avocado, add one can of tuna and Ranch dressing to suit your own taste. Have a bagel with melted cheese on the side. Yum! Think I’ll have one now.

Pamela S Thibodeaux Only 1? I love tuna and can usually eat the better part of a can in one sitting. It all begins with the best white tuna (packed in water not oil), eggs, mayo, seasoning and a dab of mustard. Boil, chop, sprinkle and mix then spread thickly on two slices of fresh bread (wheat or white doesn’t matter!)

Elysa Hendricks I can’t say I’ve ever made a tuna sandwich. While I enjoy tuna, I can’t stand mayonnaise, which seems to be one of the main ingredients in making a tuna salad. But if I did try and make a tuna sandwich – for someone else to eat – I’d use those little packets of prepared tuna you can buy.

Allie Boniface I don’t. I like tuna in very small amounts, but only on crackers, or something that doesn’t get soggy like regular bread. Speaking of which, if anyone has a great recipe for non-soggy tuna sandwiches, I’d love to hear it!

Jennifer Shirk Not to brag…but my kiddo loves my tuna sandwiches. She will eat her sandwich then finish off the rest that is in the bowl with a fork!!

I take 2 cans of tuna, very little mayo (like 1/4 cup or so), then I eyeball the seasoning: a little paprika, a little salt, a little celery seed, a little onion powder, a little garlic powder, a little fresh pepper. And you HAVE to have good soft bread or toast it.

Liana Laverentz Tuna, real mayo, a spoonful of relish. On toasted bread. Or I buy it from Whole Foods Co-op. They make it with walnuts, celery, onions and cranberries. Yum!

Ryshia Kennie It’s strange that you should ask that as I usually don’t have tuna sandwiches but I just had one yesterday. I made it with olive oil instead of mayonnaise, salt and pepper and chopped up a green onion. I toasted rye bread and voila – it was pretty good.

Troy Lambert That’s a big fish. I don’t know how you make a tuna do anything at all.

Jane Toombs I happen to hate tuna and so I never have made one.

Jaleta Clegg Open face on a whole wheat bagel and then toasted under a broiler until slightly crusty and warm. The tuna mix is canned tuna in water, a splash of lemon juice, some dried dill weed, several chopped dill pickles, shredded cheddar cheese, and just enough mayo to hold it together. I have to beat off the cat and the dogs when I make these.

Beth Trissel Miracle whip, honey mustard, relish, hard-boiled eggs, tomato, salt, pepper, and gluten free bread because I’m violently intolerant.

Heather Haven I make a quick run out to Subway and say this: I’ll take mine with tomatoes, lettuce and onions. But the onions only if I’m not talking to anyone else for an hour.

Gail Pallotta My favorite tuna sandwich starts with a fresh yellow fin tuna with a bit of lime juice poured over it baked on 350 degrees until it’s done.. After it’s cooled, flake it then add mayonnaise, pickle relish, a chopped boiled egg and salt and pepper. How much mayonnaise? ): I’m not sure. Enough for the dish to get a smooth consistency. Pickle relish. About a tablespoon full, but more for those who like more of a sweet flavor. Salt and pepper to taste.

Helena Fairfax I don’t ever make tuna sandwiches any more 🙁 I love tuna, but my daughter is vegetarian, and works in wildlife conservation. She has told me so many times about how the tuna is an endangered species, that now I just can’t bear to eat it any more.

Kelly Whitley I don’t. Tuna is yucky. Don’t like the smell or the taste. I’d be more likely to make a sandwich FOR a tuna.
Sandwiches are not big for me. Grilled Havarti on Sourdough with tomatoes in the middle, or Subway with lots of veggies.

Laurel O’Donnell I like tuna salad, so I would mix the tuna with a little mayo. Then, to pretend like I was eating healthy, I would put it on wheat bread and eat it!

Paty Jager You can’t make a tuna sandwich without adding either sweet pickle relish to the tuna and Miracle Whip or by placing slabs of sweet pickle on top of the tuna and miracle whip. When I’m tired and we need a quick dinner, I mix tuna, Miracle Whip, and relish, spread it on the bread, then top it with grated cheddar cheese and broil. Makes great Tuna melts!

Linda McMaken Take two large, flaky croissants, smoother them with mayo, add some dill pickles, freshly sliced tomato, lettuce, spinach, a sprinkle of ground parsley, a dash of oregano, and a slice of cucumber. Push can of tuna off to the side. Put top on croissant and eat.

Penny Estelle tuna, celery, onion, hard boiled eggs, cucumber, light on the mayo, on toast with lettuce….YUM

Keena Kincaid I go to the deli.

Isabo Kelly Lots of mayo mixed with tuna, toasted bread and sweet pickle relish on top of tuna/mayo. Sometimes I cut in a hard-boiled egg.

Lynne Marshall celery, white albacore, light on the mayo tuna mix. Slice of cheddar cheese and avocado – brown on both sides of (preferably sour dough) bread until cheese melts and bread is nice and toasty and serve!

Melissa McClone I don’t make tuna sandwiches. I have cats. Lots and lots of cats. If I open a can of tuna, I’m instantly attacked. Think Sharknado 2. It wouldn’t be pretty, and yes, there would be blood. Needless to say I skip the tuna sandwiches.

Aaron Speca I don’t. I can’t stand canned tuna. Now tuna STEAK … that’s a totally different story. Tuna steak is AMAZING!

Pamela Turner Open can of tuna and try to pull lid free without splashing tuna water on my fingers. Ignore cat meowing and reaching up with forepaws. Pry off lid and thank whatever deity I didn’t cut myself. Ignore caterwauling cat. Realize I forgot the bread on the other side of the counter. Go get bread. Come back. Pick up cat off counter and put on floor. Forget that cats have little springs in their paw pads. Put cat on floor again. Go get Miracle Whip. Repeat counter-floor move with cat. Shake MW bottle and squirt it. Watch MW go everywhere except on the bread. Look at cat, who’s giving me the evil eye because I dare ruin her idea of the perfect meal. Manage to get MW on bread. Then remember I planned to have a melted tuna sandwich…

Shirley Martin First, I’d go to the ocean and catch a tuna. Then I’d bring it home and cut it up. (Just kidding. I don’t like seafood.)

Amy Corwin: With tuna? LOL – here is my basic recipe:
Tuna Fish
Miracle Whip
Finely chopped onions
Finely chopped celery
Finely chopped red bell peppers
Dash of celery salt

Mix that together, put a few spoonfuls on a nice, thin slice of homemade French bread. Put a thin slice of Gouda cheese on that and broil for a few seconds to melt the cheese. Then another thin slice of homemade bread on top. Yum.


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