#LASR_Anniv Machines of the Little People by Tegon Maus

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Machines of the Little PeopleBen Harris’s sister died of cervical cancer more than three years ago… his best friend and her husband, Roger Keswick, disappeared the day before the funeral. For the next six months everyone from the local police to the Department of Defense searched for him but to no avail… it was as if he had simply fallen off the face of the planet only to reappear at work as if nothing were out of the ordinary.

Then by the purest of coincidences Ben finds himself pulled back into Roger’s life only to discover he has remarried… to Jessica… a woman the looks, sounds and acts just like his dead sister. To complicate things Roger is insistent his home, his car, his life is infested with tiny elf like creatures he calls the Katoy. He claims they run massive machines under his house and watch his every move… every move that is until Jessica is found bludgeoned to death in his living room and Roger is nowhere to found . . . again.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: I was raised pretty much the same as everyone else… devoted mother, strict father and all the imaginary friends I could conjure. Not that I wasn’t friendly, I just wasn’t ʺpeople orientatedʺ. Maybe I lived in my head way more than I should have, maybe not. I liked machines more than people, at least I did until I met my wife.

The first thing I can remember writing was for her. For the life of me I can’t remember what it was about… something about dust bunnies under the bed and monsters in my closet. It must have been pretty good because she married me shortly after that. I spent a good number of years after inventing games and prototypes for a variety of ideas before I got back to writing.

It wasn’t a deliberate conscious thought it was more of a stepping stone. My wife and I had joined a dream interpret group and we were encouraged to write down our dreams as they occurred. ʺBe as detailed as you can,ʺ we were told.

I was thrilled. If there is one thing I enjoy it’s making people believe me and I like to exaggerate. Not a big exaggeration or an outright lie mine you, just a little step out of sync, just enough so you couldn’t be sure if it were true or not. When I write, I always write with the effort of ʺit could happenʺ very much in mind and nothing, I guarantee you, nothing, makes me happier.


#LASR_Anniv Sweet Jazz by Ursula Renee

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perf5.000x8.000.inddThe Big House’s “Coloreds Only” policy makes the club popular with Harlem residents. The same policy makes it harder for the owners to find and retain musicians. After four weeks of listening to saxophonists with bigger dreams than talent, the owners are ready to hire the first person who walks in and plays “one good note.” Their words come back to haunt them when Randy Jones auditions.

Many of the employees are not thrilled when Randy breaks the color barrier. He does find an ally in Cass, the club’s sassy singer, who goes out of her way to welcome him. Offstage, Cass Porter looks like a teenager, but when she sings she’s all woman. Inside, she’s been hurt badly and has determined never to love again.

As their relationship develops, life at the club for Randy becomes complicated when he has to fight both Cass’s fear of opening her heart and those who want to keep them apart.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ursula Renee writes historical romances and suspense. When she is not writing, Ursula enjoys drawing, photography, and stone carving.

She is a PRO member of Romance Writers of America (RWA) and President of the Romance Writers of America New York City Chapter. She is also member of Mystery Writers of America (MWA) and Sisters in Crime (SinC).


#LASR_Anniv One Night in Barcelona by Mary T Bradford

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A weekend in Barcelona is what Natasha Gordon needs to help rid her life of her now ex-boyfriend. The mix of sunshine and wine, all shared with a sexy Spanish waiter goes a long way to easing her broken heart. What she hadn’t planned on was falling for Carlos, who is not just the waiter but owns the café. Doing her best to ignore her lustful hot thoughts towards him, Natasha fails and gives in to what she believes is no strings attached sex. But after twenty four hours together, is she in love and has she got a future with Carlos?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Mary Bradford, a mother and an expert in hugging, is a published writer of short stories in magazines, newspapers and anthologies both in Ireland and internationally. Her first novel “My Husband’s Sin” is with Tirgearr Publishing. She also writes historical westerns and erotic romances. Mary also writes plays and has seen her work short-listed and performed.


#LASR_Anniv Tomorrow Doesn’t Matter Tonight by Debra Jupe

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perf5.000x8.000.inddWithin twenty-four hours, Katie Drapier has lost her job, become a murder suspect in her former boss’s death, and run into her school girl crush, Jack Pharrell, who stomped on her heart fourteen years ago.

Jackson Pharrell is down on his luck. Nothing seems to be going his way. Things go from bad to worse when he discovers a dead body, who turns out to be the former boss of an old friend’s pesky sister. Plagued with guilt from the past, Jack feels obliged to help her find the murderer while ducking a murder charge, even if it means breaking the law. Together, they dodge police, the real killer, and the growing heat between them. The plan is to rise above their woes and get on with their lives.

Falling in love is not an option.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Debra was born in Waco, Texas, and is a lifetime Texan, living in different areas throughout her adult life. She enjoyed creating stories growing up, though the idea of becoming an author did not occur to her until 2004. Since then, she has worked on learning to write while pursuing her bachelor’s degree, which she earned in 2011 in business.

She now resides in her hometown of Waco and is an active member of the Central Texas Chapter of Romance Writers of America where she is secretary of the group.

In her spare time, she loves being with her son Stephen and his wife Astrid and daughter Hannah and her husband Ryan. Besides writing, she also enjoys traveling, shopping, a relaxing pedi, and a good plate of Mexican food.


#LASR_Anniv Proving Ground by Stanalei Fletcher

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ProvingGroundScrew-ups don’t get second chances. That’s what Caitlin Malone believes when she returns to Oregon after failing her first Northstar Security assignment. When she inadvertently stumbles across a plot to steal deadly pathogens from the bio-lab near her hometown, she sees a chance at redemption.

USDA Forest Ranger, John ‘Mac’ MacAlistair, doesn’t want to babysit the motorcycle club holding their annual rally in his national forest. To make matters worse, Caitlin is attending the rally with Mac’s estranged uncle. Having her home again brings up feelings that are better left buried.

It’s early September. Any spark will send the dry timber into a raging fire. The terrorists are counting on that distraction to work in their favor. When Caitlin is trapped by the wildfire, her only hope of rescue is pinned on Mac, the man she’s tried two years to forget. Before they can share their feelings, Mac and Caitlin must first escape the burning forest and stop the terrorists from releasing the deadly pathogens

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Stanalei’s love of writing romance stems from reading favorites such as Grimm’s Fairy Tales, Barbara Cartland, and Alistair MacLean. She has over twenty years of training in the martial arts and holds the rank of Sandan, a third-degree black belt, in Aikido.

After a taste of life on both U.S. coasts, she now resides in the beautiful Rocky Mountains with her hero, who is also her best friend and husband. Together they enjoy the open road astride a Harley, visiting museums and exploring ghost towns.


#LASR_Anniv The Traveling Detective Series by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

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TravelingDetectiveSeriesSo far there are three books in The Travelling Detective Series and all three are in this one boxed set. Elizabeth Oliver, the main character, is a nursing attendant who’s dream of becoming a travel writer is slowly coming true. She has had a few articles published in various travel magazines and in the first book of the series, Illegally Dead, she has an assignment from one of them to write an article on the Crowsnest Highway in southern Alberta. On her way to the bed and breakfast where she will be staying with her dog, Chevy, while doing her research, she meets two men who have discovered a skeleton in a septic tank. She had solved the mystery of a woman’s death the year before while working on a speculative article and now feels the pull of this mystery.

In the second book, The Only Shadow In The House, there is a combination of three genres: mystery, travel, and poetry as one character tells her story through her poetry. This time, Elizabeth Oliver’s boyfriend, Jared, asks her to help him find out if someone had actually murdered his mother thirty years ago when he was just four-years-old. As the story develops, Jared learns that his mother was not the angel he thought he remembered and that there were a number of people who had reason to kill her. While working on this mystery, the stabbing death of a man around the same time becomes entangled in their search.

Whistler’s Murder takes place in the resort town of Whistler B.C. in the summer. Elizabeth Oliver’s best friend, Sally Matthews, is attending a science fiction writing retreat and Elizabeth goes along to write an article on Whistler in the summer and to relax. They stay at a bed and breakfast near the retreat and on the second day of their stay a partially decomposed body of a young woman is discovered when the house next door is demolished. Word gets around that Elizabeth has solved mysteries in the past and a neighbour woman secretly tries to hire Elizabeth to find out who had killed the young woman. Elizabeth protests that she is not a detective and cannot accept any payment but the woman insists. Finally, Elizabeth agrees and goes through the motions of acting like a detective on television. While this is happening, Sally is approached by a fellow student to help her find out about the death of her cousin two years earlier at the same retreat. When that student also dies, Elizabeth steps in to assist Sally.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joan began her writing career with a short story, progressed to travel and historical articles, and then on to travel books. She called these books her Backroads series and in the seven of them she described what there is to see and do along the back roads of British Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon, and Alaska. She has now switched to fiction writing and is proud to be one of Books We Love Ltd published authors. Through BWL, she has had three mystery novels, Illegally Dead, The Only Shadow In The House, and Whistler’s Murder published in what she calls the Travelling Detective Series. In her fourth novel, Gold Fever, she combines mystery with a little romance.

Joan was born in New Westminster, B.C. Canada, and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. She married soon after graduation and moved to a farm where she had two children. Over the years she worked as a bartender, hotel maid, cashier, bank teller, bookkeeper, printing press operator, meat wrapper, gold prospector, warehouse shipper, house renovator, and nursing attendant. During that time she raised her two children and helped raise her three step-children.

Since she loves change, Joan has moved over thirty times in her life, living on acreages and farms and in small towns and cities throughout Alberta and B.C. She now lives on an acreage in the Port Alberni Valley with her husband, four female cats, and one stray male cat.

Joan belongs to Crime Writers of Canada, Federation of B.C. Writers, the Port Alberni Arts Council and the Port Alberni Portal Players. Her short story, A Capital Offense, received Ascent Aspirations Magazine’s first prize for flash fiction in 2010. She has since turned that story into a stage play and presented it at the Fringe Festival in Port Alberni in 2014.


#LASR_Anniv Gold Fever by Joan Donaldson-Yarmey

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GoldFeverBoni Baldwin is taken out of the city and thrust into an environment she dislikes– camping. Her mother, Elsie Wiggins, is on a quest to find information on her father who disappeared fifty-five years ago in the mountains of southern British Columbia and Boni is the only one of her children who is able, but reluctant, to accompany her.

The first person they meet is Rick, a mountain man who has a claim on the Salmo River and is prospecting with his grandfather for gold. He offers to show Boni around the area hoping to convince her that being in the bush is not a terrible thing. They also meet Jerry, who is the one Elsie contacted about camping on his gold claim. Jerry offers to show Elsie how to pan for gold during her stay. Boni and Elsie are threatened by other prospectors along the river and told to leave. When they don’t, their campsite is trashed, twice. This scares Boni but only makes Elsie mad. No Rambo wannabees are going to frighten her away. They do discover some new clues about Elsie’s father after all these years, but all that comes to an end when the man they are scheduled to interview is murdered before they get to his house. As much as they hate to admit it, both Rick and Jerry are on their list of suspects for the trashing of their campsite and for the murder.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joan began her writing career with a short story, progressed to travel and historical articles, and then on to travel books. She called these books her Backroads series and in the seven of them she described what there is to see and do along the back roads of British Columbia, Alberta, the Yukon, and Alaska. She has now switched to fiction writing and is proud to be one of Books We Love Ltd published authors. Through BWL, she has had three mystery novels, Illegally Dead, The Only Shadow In The House, and Whistler’s Murder published in what she calls the Travelling Detective Series. In her fourth novel, Gold Fever, she combines mystery with a little romance.

Joan was born in New Westminster, B.C. Canada, and raised in Edmonton, Alberta. She married soon after graduation and moved to a farm where she had two children. Over the years she worked as a bartender, hotel maid, cashier, bank teller, bookkeeper, printing press operator, meat wrapper, gold prospector, warehouse shipper, house renovator, and nursing attendant. During that time she raised her two children and helped raise her three step-children.

Since she loves change, Joan has moved over thirty times in her life, living on acreages and farms and in small towns and cities throughout Alberta and B.C. She now lives on an acreage in the Port Alberni Valley with her husband, four female cats, and one stray male cat.

Joan belongs to Crime Writers of Canada, Federation of B.C. Writers, the Port Alberni Arts Council and the Port Alberni Portal Players. Her short story, A Capital Offense, received Ascent Aspirations Magazine’s first prize for flash fiction in 2010. She has since turned that story into a stage play and presented it at the Fringe Festival in Port Alberni in 2014.


#LASR_Anniv A Lady’s Addiction by Angelina Jameson

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Anna, a widow battling alcohol addiction is convinced she is worthless unless she bears a child. She hires a lover to prove she is not frigid and may marry again and have children.

Devlyn, sterile from an accident, has returned from an assignment for the Foreign Office and inadvertently becomes Anna’s lover.

Anna and Devlyn join forces to protect an innocent child from a blackmailer. Can they come to terms not only with their feelings for each other but whether they will allow society to dictate the true significance of life?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Born into a very large family in Las Vegas, NV, I joined the USAF to see the world. After an assignment to England, I returned to the USA with a husband and a love of the Regency era. I currently live in Alaska with my husband and two teenage boys.


#LASR_Anniv Veiled Intentions by Eileen Carr

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Veiled intentionsWhen a Muslim high school student is accused of a crime she didn’t commit, her school counselor gets involved to clear her record in this ripped-from-the-headlines thriller.

When Lily Simon finds cops in the lobby of the high school where she’s a guidance counselor, she’s not surprised: cops and adolescents go together like sex, drugs, and rock ‘n’ roll. But when the cops take Jamila, a Muslim student, into custody for a crime she didn’t commit, Lily’s high school becomes a powder keg.

Police think Jamila is responsible for a hit and run, and since she’s not talking, they have no choice but to keep her as the main suspect. And since the victim—a young soldier recently returned from Afghanistan—is lying unconscious in the hospital, the whole town is taking sides on whether or not Jamila’s arrest is religious persecution. Determined to find the truth, Lily teams up with a reporter to uncover what really happened the night of the hit and run. But Lily didn’t expect to find such a tangled web…

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Veiled Intentions is the third suspense novel by Eileen Carr. Her alter ego, Eileen Rendahl, is the national-bestselling and award-winning author of the Messenger series and four Chick Lit novels. She writes cozy mysteries as Kristi Abbott.

Both Eileens were born in Dayton, Ohio. She moved when she was four and only remembers that she was born across the street from Baskin-Robbins. Eileen remembers anything that has to do with ice cream. Or chocolate. Or champagne.

She has had many jobs and lived in many cities and feels unbelievably lucky to be where she is now and to be doing what she’s doing.


#LASR_Anniv Impending Love and War by Laura Freeman

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ImpendingLoveandWarCory Beecher didn’t mean to shoot handsome Tyler Montgomery and only kisses him so he doesn’t find the runaway slave in the barn. Abolitionists never considered marrying slave owners, but her world explodes with new found desire when her lips touch his. Can she go through with her carefully crafted plans to marry math instructor Douglas Raymond when her heart longs for another?

Tyler Montgomery needs to find the runaway slaves before his rival Edward Vandal captures them. Although he doesn’t want to involve the fiery and beautiful Miss Beecher, once she kisses him, all his plans unravel. As his rival closes in on the quarry, he hesitates to leave, knowing she’s marrying the wrong man. But what does an unemployed lawyer with questionable parentage have to offer the woman he loves?

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Laura Freeman has been a reporter for ten years for Record Publishing Co. in Kent and covers the historic town of Hudson, Ohio. She has won the Press Club of Cleveland’s Ohio Excellence in Journalism award in 2013 and 2014 and the Ohio Newspaper Association awards in 2011, 2013, and 2014. Her novel “Impending Love and War” takes place in the fictional town of Darrow Falls and includes the Underground Railroad, a canal boat ride and a courtroom drama in 1860 Akron, Ohio. She is working on her next book, “Impending Love and Death.”
