Top Ten Tuesday: Winter 2018 TBR

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

My TBR list has been exploding with exciting new titles to add to it recently. This winter is shaping up to be an excellent time for whittling that list down to something more manageable again. Today I wanted to share some of the titles I’m looking forward to reading the most between now and the end of winter as they’re released.

1. Ghost Wall by Sarah Moss

Release Date: January 8

The characters in this book will be doing something I’ve been curious about for many years: purposefully living the same way people did back in the Paleolithic era, stone tools and all. That was more than enough of a lure to convince me to grab this as soon as it becomes available.

2. Dragon Pearl by Yoon Ha Lee

Release Date: January 15

It’s so interesting to think about the logistics of hiding something like the ability to shape-shift. I’d never want to use this ability at all because of how easy it would be for a passing neighbor to peek onto my property at the wrong time and realize that I wasn’t as ordinary as I seemed.

3. Talk to Me by John Kenney 

Release Date: January 15

Everyone makes mistakes sometimes. The main character of this tale made a series of minor  mistakes over many years that eventually caused serious and possibly permanent damage to his relationships with his wife and children. Then he made a huge error that cost him his job. The thought of someone starting over with nothing so late in life piques my interest.

4. No One Here Is Lonely by Sarah Everett

Release Date: January 22

Grief is one of those experiences that all humans eventually share but is also hard to describe to someone who hasn’t been through it yet. I’m intrigued by the thought of still being able to communicate with a virtual version of a loved one. It’s not clear to me whether that would make it easier or more difficult to say goodbye to them, but I’m curious to find out.

5. The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali by Sabina Khan

Release Date: January 29

I definitely don’t condone lying in general, but I am looking forward to getting to know the main character of this tale better. The blurb talked about why she felt the need to hide her true self from her family, and the reasons it gave were pretty understandable. I’d like to know more about her culture and find out whether she’ll ever be able to be honest with her parents.

6. On the Come Up by Angie Thomas

Release Date: February 5

I feel like I’ve been waiting for this book to be released for a decade. Given how much audiences loved The Hate U Give, her first novel, I think this is going to be a great read and a smashing success for Ms. Thomas.

7. The Fever King by Victoria Lee

Release Date: March 1

The thought of magic being spread virally makes this something I’m quite curious to check out. I’d never heard of something like that before, but it sure would change the way people thought about magic and what it means to be able to do it. Will these characters think of magic as a disease or a blessing?

8. Gingerbread by Helen Oyeyemi

Release Date: March 5

This is a modern-day retelling of Hansel & Gretel. As soon as I read that part of the blurb, I knew it was a must-read for me. There can never be too many retellings of classic fairy tales if you ask me.

9. Instructions for a Funeral: Stories by David Means

Release Date: March 5

Short story collections grab my attention easily in general. This specific anthology looks like it’s going to touch on some particularly poignant themes about mental illness, family, and grief.

10. The Weight of the Stars by K. Ancrum

Release Date: March 15

Not only is this about one of my favourite branches of science, astronomy, but it looks like it might be about someone’s first love as well. I always enjoy seeing how characters react to this sort of experience.

What are you looking forward to reading this winter?


  1. There are so many books releasing during the winter season, and it’s hard to keep up! I tried to mix my list with upcoming releases AND books on my shelf. Hope you enjoy all of these – and happy Winter TBR-ing. 🙂

    • I know, right? It seems like a lot of publishers like to release new books at this time of the year. I wonder why that is? Either way, it’s cool to see so many new titles.

      And thank you!

  2. On the Come Up has been on my TBR ever since I first heard about it – which is quite some time now that I think about it.. Also, The Fever King? I’ve been seeing that one around a LOT lately. It’s already hyping and I haven’t even read any reviews yet? [Or maybe I simply haven’t come across any yet, hah.]

  3. The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali is very good. I just read it not too long ago and I highly recommend it! I hope you enjoy all the books listed above.

  4. Ooh, lala. So many good titles on this list! I want most of them. I’m making grabby hands at my screen which is, actually, really creepy since I am AT THE COFFEE SHOP and while I am almost certain they are used to be doing, uh, interesting things, it’s totally Not Cool.

    No but for real, I was looking at Talk to Me last night and I need it. And the new Angie Thomas book. And (lists literally every single book from your TBR list) sounds great too

  5. I hadn’t heard of any of these books. They do sound good though. Enjoy them! 🙂

  6. You’ve got some amazing looking books on your list. I hope you enjoy them and have a great week.

  7. So many cool new releases. The Weight of the Stars sounds really interesting, cuz I’m also into astronomy.

  8. The Fever King sounds interesting. I hope you’re able to get to all these books this season.

  9. Great list! I really liked Ghost Wall, it’s beautifully written, and Gingerbread sounds really interesting.

  10. I really want Dragon Pearl, I’m really loving all these Rick Riordan presents books. It’s so refreshing to see other mythologies.

  11. You have some great reading ahead! ?

  12. I’ve got The Weight of the Stars on my TBR too!

  13. There are so many amazing books coming out this winter, I can’t decide what I’m most excited for!
    My TTT:

  14. A while back I didn’t really have anything on my winter 2019 radar but as we get closer to the end of the year I’m definitely finding stuff that looks good! Dragon Pearl is definitely one! Wow amazing cover too!

  15. I am really curious about No One Here is Lonely. The premise is really interesting and it sounds like there will be many feels

  16. I’m so excited to read On the Come Up when it is released! And I’m also intrigued by Dragon Pearl (mainly because the word “dragon” is in the title, to be honest).

  17. I love the idea of a Hansel & Gretel retelling!! Very interesting. Also, THE FEVER KING sounds great!!

  18. The cover Dragon Pearl just captivated me entirely! How lovely is that!

  19. I’m very excited for No One Here is Lonely – seems like it is going to tread close to Black Mirror vibes (which I’m all in for). Happy reading!

  20. Oooh, it looks like you have a fun variety of books on this list!
    And omg, Dragon Pearl looks super interesting! I’m definitely going to have to check that book out…
    Happy reading! 🙂

  21. Oh wow, how did I forget On the Come Up is about to come out?! That is so exciting. I also can’t wait to read The Weight of the Stars, it’s gonna be so good. 🙂 Enjoy your reading!

  22. I don’t know most of these, but they all sound so good!! I still haven’t read The Hate U Give, but I’m definitely getting to it soon and I’m already excited for On the Come Up! Great list ?

  23. I have The Love & Lies of Rukhsana Ali on my TBR as well. Sounds like it will be a good one. Happy reading!

  24. I can definitely relate to the exploding TBR thing… there are just so many fantastic books, and I feel like I’m hearing about a lot of them all at once…

  25. Wow, such wonderful choices! I want to read quite a few of these too actually- especially Weight of The Stars, Fever King, On the Come Up… yes, lots of exciting ones! Hope you enjoy them all!

  26. I’m pretty interested in all of the rick riordan presents books. And Fever King I hadn’t heard of but magic being spread sounds super interesting.


  1. […] I love the feeling of anticipation, so I was just excited for this week’s topic as I was last month when I blogged about my Winter 2018 TBR. […]

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