Top Ten Tuesday: Unread Books on My Shelves I Want to Read Soon

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I love my local libraries and they’re such a great resource for so many things.  Plus, there’s this beautiful thing called a holds list.  Trouble is, I work full-time and have a family, so I don’t always get through books as fast as I’d like sometimes.  This, in turn, leads me to play this game I like to call hold list roulette.  I keep clicking ‘deliver later’ because I’m either not in the mood for that particular book or because I’m buried in ARCs, group reads, or other things.

Too bad there’s not a payout for finally borrowing that book you’ve pushed back fifteen times.

Here’s a list of the oldest books on my holds list.

Insurgency by Jeremy W. Peters.  April 3, 2022

Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q. Sutano.  August 31, 2022

Cultish by Amanda Montell.  September 11, 2022

Up to No Gouda by Linda Reilly.  January 22, 2023

The Friend Zone by Abby Jimenez.  November 18, 2022

It’s One of Us by J.T. Ellison.  February 16, 2023

Thief in the Night by KJ Charles.  June 28, 2023

The Only Purple House in Town by Ann Aguirre.  July 18, 2023

Forget the Alamo by Bryan Burrough.  November 9, 2023

And There He Kept Her by Joshua Moehling.  May 10, 2023.

What’s been lingering on your TBR, just begging to be read?


  1. Thanks to my no-holds-barred assault on my TBR pile last year, not much! The only one of those I’ve heard of is Cultish, I think. I went with books I’ve read but not reviewed..

    • Lasreviews says

      I really need to cull mine. I know there are a ton on there that I no longer want to read. *sighs* Thanks for visiting!

  2. I’ve read and enjoyed a lot of J.T. Ellison’s book and I hope you like this one.

    She lives in Nashville and it’s fun to recognize various places in her novels that I’ve visited or heard about.

    • Lasreviews says

      Good to know! I’ve not read anything by her yet, but I have heard lots of good things.

      One day, I want to visit Nashville. It’s really cool seeing things you know crop up in books you love.

  3. The only one I know is The Friend Zone, it’s beautiful and quite emotional. I hope you can read your list soon

    • Lasreviews says

      Fabulous, that sounds like it’ll be right up my alley (and my daughter’s, too, she loves that kind of thing). Thanks!

  4. Haha, library roulette — I know it well! And play it often. 🙂 Good luck getting to these. The Friend Zone is a to-read book for me, and I’ve read the Aunties books — very silly, but lots of fun.

    • Lasreviews says

      So happy to know I’m not the only one who does this! And I loved the first Aunties book, so I’m excited to get to the rest of them now.

  5. I am a library lover too! The title Up to No Gouda makes me laugh! It sounds like a cute read.

    • Lasreviews says

      Libraries are the best! Cozy mysteries always have the best titles and this one for sure landed on my TBR due to the title alone.

  6. I hope you enjoy these when you get to them!

  7. I really enjoyed Up to No Gouda and the rest of that Linda Reilly series.

  8. I think Four Aunties is somewhere on my list, too! Thanks for reading my post today! Enjoy your books.

  9. Great list. The Four Aunties book is on my wishlist. That series looks so good. I hope you enjoy your books.

  10. I play that game at my library as well. One lets me do it, the other library doesn’t so I have a list called “Save for Later”. I have a few of these on my Holds or save for later shelf. I hope you love them all when you get to them.

    • Lasreviews says

      I swear, if anyone’s tracking my habits on Libby, they’ll think I’m nuts. 😀 Thank you and I hope you enjoy all of yours, too.

  11. I didn’t know you could have a hold for so long, that’s awesome! Hope you end up loving these when you get to them and things are dropping by my post!

    • Lasreviews says

      The Libby (Overdrive) app gives you an option to ‘deliver later’ and you can set it from one day to 21 days later. Which is really handy when seven books come available while you’re sleeping. LOL Thank you. 🙂

  12. Ooo I haven’t heard of any of these but you’ve done a good job of not having titles lingering years!

  13. I haven’t read any of these, but I think I’ve heard of Ann Aguirre. And Jesse’s and Abby’s books are well loved. I even own one of Jesse’s so someday I’ll have to read that one. 🙂 Thanks a bunch for visiting my website today.

    • Lasreviews says

      I hope you get to Jesse’s book soon – the one I’ve read was hilarious. And my daughter is in the middle of her first Abby Jimenez book right now and is loving it. I hope you can get to all of yours eventually as well. 🙂

  14. Hold list roulette! 😂 I do the same thing! I’ve had so many books I’ve clicked “deliver later” on that I feel so guilty about. I feel like I should let some of them go, but I can’t just yet!

    • Lasreviews says

      RIGHT? I justify it by reminding myself that the next person in line is getting it a touch earlier than they thought they would. Hahaha!

  15. Ooh nice! Pretty much all new to me ones on the list here, except for Ann Aguirre’s book! I won that one in a contest last year! I hope you’re able to read all these soon!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  16. I love the library as well! I don’t delay holds, I usually cancel them. I think I should take a page out of your book, and delay, I hadn’t thought about it. May you enjoy them all when you do finally get a chance to read them!

    • Lasreviews says

      It passes them on to the next person in line, so I feel like it works well. And thank you, I hope you get to all of yours, too.

  17. I need to read all of Jimenez’s backlist!! I hope you get to all of these!

    • Lasreviews says

      My daughter is enjoying the one she’s reading now, so I have a feeling they’ll all wind up on our shared account before long. LOL

  18. I like the idea of listing the oldest books on my library hold list. It’s definitely time to take some of those off unless I’m actually going to read them. Of these, I’ve only read Four Aunties and a Wedding, and it was great but I didn’t love it as much as the first Aunties book. I hope you get around to some of these and enjoy them.

  19. Juggling my library holds is a constant battle haha. Cultish sounds really interesting.

    • Lasreviews says

      Right? I know – I hope to get to it soon because I think it will be informative as well as interesting.

  20. So many books on mu TBR pile. I’ve donated some and read some, but way more on the list. Hope you get to these.

  21. I just read The Friend Zone! I wasn’t the biggest fan of it, but I liked Abby’s writing enough that I think I’ll still try out some of her other books. I hope you have better luck with it than I did!

    • Lasreviews says

      Thank you, I hope I enjoy it, too. I hope that you do give her other books a try – sometimes even the best authors have a stinker now and then.

  22. Moving into a district that lets me pause holds is one of the best perks of living here. I hope you love all of these when you get around to reading them … eventually!

  23. 😂 I’ve pushed back a few library books too.

    Four Aunties and a Wedding is great though 😂

    Have a good week!

    • Lasreviews says

      Hah! 🙂 It seems to be a universal thing. And good to hear since I really enjoyed the first in the series.

  24. Sometimes I let my kids choose wht book I read next from the library once I bring the books home!🤦‍♀️📚

    • Lasreviews says

      My kids used to do the same. “I think you need to read this one next, Mommy!” Sure thing, kiddo. 😀

  25. Up to No Gouda! What a great title.
    I hope you get the opportunity and time to read these. 🙂

  26. Great list! I highly recommend Up to No Gouda and And There He Kept Her, two books that I really enjoyed and rarely see on other lists. I hope you enjoy all of these when you get to them.

    • Lasreviews says

      Oooh, good to know! I love a good cozy so I’m excited to get into this one. I’ll have to make sure to hit borrow next time either of these pop up. 🙂

  27. Hope you’ll love all of these, no matter when you’ll get the opportunity to read them!

  28. I really enjoyed Dial A for Auntie. I hope you are able to read the sequel soon! I wonder what mischief it will entail.

  29. I hope you find some gems here! Happy reading!

  30. I haven’t read any of these either, but I hear what you’re saying! One of my goals this year was to use Libby more and I have, which feels great. But now I have a few books lingering on my holds list. Tom Lake is one of them, but I finally read it a few weeks ago. I hope you enjoy these when you get to them!

    • Yeah, it’s way too easy to keep pushing them back. Hahaha. And thank you – it’s my summer goal to get through some of them.

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