Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Happy Halloween to everyone celebrating it! I love the assortment of sweets that are available at this time of year, so I’m going to be sharing some book covers that either feature candy on them or have references to treats in their titles.
1. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Charlie Bucket, #1) by Roald Dahl
2. Bubblegum by Sari Taurez
3. The Candy Cookbook: 40 Recipes for Sweet Success – to Celebrate National Candy Month by Christina Tosch
4. S is for Stranger by Louise Stone
5. Chocolat by Joanne Harris
6. The Emperors of Chocolate: Inside the Secret World of Hershey and Mars by Joël Glenn Brenner
7. The Art Of Choosing: The Decisions We Make Everyday of our Lives, What They Say About Us and How We Can Improve Them by Sheena Lyengar
8. Candy: A Century of Panic and Pleasure by Samira Kawash
9. Candy Cookbook by Gooseberry Patch
10. Mooncakes by Suzanne Walker
What’s your favorite type of Halloween candy?
Favorite Halloween candy: anything with chocolate: Kit Kat, Twix, Almond Joy, etc.
(peanut allergy)
I didn’t know all of those were safe for peanut allergies. Neat.
This is a great topic for today! Happy Halloween!
Thank you. Happy Halloween!
Nice twist! I like chocolate on Halloween (Snickers and Twix, especially) and fruit on Easter (especially Starburst jellybeans, good lord).
Thank you. Those all sound good.
YUM! You have me swiping candy from my trick or treat stash with the cravings you’re giving me from this post!
Oh, too funny!
Cute idea. Halloween is certainly a big holiday for treats!
Oooh, great list! I love the sweet direction you took this week.
Mooncakes is great, and I really want to read Chocolat one of these days. Thanks for stopping by my TTT earlier!
You’re welcome. I hope you like Chocolat.
Candy is the only thing I really like about Halloween, so I love this prompt! Yummy.
Happy TTT!
Thank you. Happy TTT!
I love your sweet treat theme! The only one of these I’ve read is Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.
Thanks. Wasn’t that a good story?
Nice twist! I’m always a fan of chocolate
It’s delicious.
The Candy Cookbook looks totally tasty!
Nice idea for this week’s topic. What a neat way to add a cookbook to your list. I’ve never read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, but I have watched Willy Wonka and the new movie this cover is based on. Thanks for sharing and for visiting my blog.
You’re welcome. Thanks for stopping by.
What a fun idea for today’s topic! And these all look like such fun books. My favorite type of Halloween candy would have to be a toss up between candy corn and snickers.
Nice! They’re both delicious.
What a cute idea for this challenge. I absolutely love it. And I have even read one of the books (Chocolat).
Thanks for visiting my TTT this week.
You’re welcome. I’m glad you liked my post.
Perfect twist this week! And now I need to go find some dessert.
Yes, exactly.