Top Ten Tuesday: Most Anticipated Books Releasing During the Second Half of 2024

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

All of my answers are from September and October. There don’t seem to be many releases scheduled for November yet, but I do look forward to seeing what shows up for that month later on!










1. Build a Girlfriend by Elba Luz

Release Date: September 1

Why I Want to Read It: This looks like a lighthearted read.











2. Compound Fracture  by Andrew Joseph White

Release Date: September 2

Why I Want to Read It: There aren’t a lot of books about LGBTQ+ people living in rural areas from what I’ve seen. What a refreshing change of scene.











3. Luminous Beings by David Arnold

Release Date: September 3

Why I Want to Read It: Three words  –  wild goose chase. What a fun thing to read about.











4. Somewhere Beyond the Sea (The House in the Cerulean Sea, #2)  by T.J. Klune

Release Date: September 10

Why I Want to Read It: T.J. Klune is a great storyteller and someone I always take note of when she releases a new book.











5. This World Is Not Yours by Kemi Ashing-Giwa 

Release Date: September 10

Why I Want to Read It: Scary space travel is right up my alley.











6. Graveyard Shift by M.L. Rio 

Release Date: Septmber 24

Why I Want to Read It: Night shift work is so interesting to me. The fact that this is set in a cemetery makes it even better!










7.  This Land Is Our Land: A Blue Beetle Story by Julio Anta 

Release Date: October 1

Why I Want to Read It: The cover looks amazing. As the blurb wasn’t yet available when I wrote this post, that is all I have to go with at the moment. Isn’t it cool when a cover can do that for a reader?


(This cover is not available at the moment)

8.  If I Stopped Haunting You by Colby Wilkens

Release Date: October 15

Why I Want to Read It: The premise is delightfully silly. Sometimes you just want to read something that would never happen in real life (or at least I do!)










9. Januaries by Olivie Blake

Release Date: October 17

Why I Want to Read It: I’ve built up a reputation on Long and Short Reviews as a reviewer who loves requesting anthologies. There’s nothing like reading short stories from a variety of writers. It’s such a great way to quickly get to know many authors in the same genre and see if you want to read more from them.











10. Don’t Let the Forest In by C.G. Drews

Release Date: October 29

Why I Want to Read It: This is another horror tale I think might be perfect for Halloween. I love getting scared during spooky season.


  1. Speaking of scary space travel, have you read any S.A. Barnes? I added one of hers to my list because of the cover. They’re described as SF horror.

  2. I’m so excited for Somewhere Beyond the Sea too! Luminous Beings look fun. Hope you’ll love all of these!

  3. I’ve really enjoyed what I’ve read from Andrew Joseph White so far.

  4. Great list! I’ve had The House in the Cerulean Sea on my TBR list forever, but I still haven’t read it. I hope you enjoy the books! Happy Tuesday!

  5. These look good. I have TJ Klune on my list!

    Have a great week!

  6. Luminous Beings looks like it’d be a fun read! 🙂

  7. I’ve seen that TJ Klune book on lots of lists this week. Hope you enjoy all the books when you get to them!

  8. Currently reading a book by Andrew Joseph White so If I end up loving it, I’m happy to see a new one coming out that I didn’t know about!

  9. Hope you enjoy these!

  10. What an interesting list. You’ve shown me a new area of reading. Thanks!

  11. OOh nice! These are all totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them once you get to read them (hopefully all this year! I am notoriously terrible about trying to get to all my most anticipated reads in the year the release! Lol)!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  12. Yes to the TJ Klune!

  13. Graveyard Shift sounds creepy. I love that it’s set in a cemetery. I hope you enjoy the ones you read!

  14. Don’t Let the Forest In seems perfect for Halloween

  15. I haven’t heard of most of these. I hope you enjoy them all!

    Happy TTT!


  16. Graveyard Shift looks interesting! Hope you enjoy all on your list and thanks for visiting my TTT!

  17. I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing, but I don’t think I recognize any of these books or authors. I’m going with this being good I guess since it’s less for me to collect (and let gather dust). Hope you enjoy these ALL and many thanks for visiting my website today! 🙂

    • I love it what that happens. It’s cool to get peeks at genres and authors I know nothing about.

      And you’re welcome.

  18. Build a Girlfriend looks like it could be really cute!

  19. I am also excited about TJ Klune’s new book!!

  20. I hope Somewhere Beyond The Sea lives up to The House In The Cerulean Sea!

  21. Love the cover of This World is Not Yours! I think I need to check that one out. Thanks for commenting on my blog earlier. 😀

  22. I’m definitely intrigued by Don’t Let the Forest In.

  23. Compound Fracture sounds interesting! And I can’t wait for the Klune!

  24. I’m looking forward to Luminous Beings too!

  25. Athena @ OneReadingNurse says

    I could mostly find summer releases 😂 looks like some good fall ones too though! Thanks for dropping by my post

  26. I hope they’re all awesome!

  27. Great list! It looks like you’re all ready for spooky season with this bunch of titles. I also noticed that there seem to be a lot more releases for September and October than other months. Happy reading when you get to them!

  28. I’m excited to try Andrew Joseph White’s books.

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