Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Bookmarks

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday!  Today’s topic is favorite bookmarks.  When I was younger, any scrap of paper could be a bookmark.  I used to tear the top corner off my notebook page in school and use it as a bookmark.  Since then, I’ve collected a few bookmarks.  Most I picked up in various book stores, and a few were gifts from friends.  These are my favorites!

This is my absolute favorite book mark.  It reminds me of my favorite fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast.


Another pink rose book mark.

And just one more pink rose bookmark.

This lovely butterfly bookmark was given to me by my husband’s grandma.

The next two bookmarks were given to me a very long time ago by friends who noticed I was using scraps of paper as bookmarks.

The next two came from a couple of great bookstores.

This is a beautiful bookmark and an excellent series!

I love the forest scene on this bookmark.

What about you?  Do you collect bookmarks, or do you use any scrap of paper you can find?


  1. Oh I LOVE that Rainbow Fish bookmarks – that was one of my favourite stories when I was little!

    • I really like it too, and clearly it has been well used over the years.

      Thanks so much for visiting and commenting. 🙂

  2. You’ve got quite an adorable collection of bookmarks!

  3. I like bookmarks from either bookstores or events too! Thanks for sharing!

    Check out my Top 10

  4. I like the top one. I was using scraps of paper, but now that I use magnetic bookmarks, I’ve been managing not to lose them.

    • I don’t have any magnetic bookmarks, but I’m intrigued! I’ll have to see if I can find any.

      Thanks for visiting and commenting. 🙂

  5. Your favorites definitely are pretty!

  6. These are really lovely!!

  7. I hadn’t really thought of it before today, but bookmarks are a great way to advertise an event or a business because people use them and see the message on them possibly for years. Thanks for dropping by my blog.

    • You’re welcome!

      I hadn’t really thought about it either, but bookmarks are good advertising!

      Thank you for visiting and commenting. 🙂

  8. I’m loving seeing everyone’s favorite bookmarks! I too used to use any scrap of paper, but now I love having something more special. Bonus if it represents the book I’m currently reading. 😉

    Thank you for stopping by my blog!

    • You’re welcome!

      It has been really fun seeing all the bookmarks! like having some special bookmarks too. Bonus if the color of the bookmark goes with the cover of the book I’m reading. 🙂

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

  9. Some very pretty bookmarks. Here’ s mine.

  10. That butterfly bookmark is beautiful. Thanks for sharing.

  11. All so pretty!

  12. These are all so pretty! I especially love the butterfly!

  13. I don’t think I’ve ever tried a yarn bookmark before. Might have to make one for myself.

    • I’ve never made one either, but maybe I should try as well! The one I have was a gift.

      Thank you for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

  14. Oh wow those are nice! I especially like the first two and the one with the cat. 🙂

  15. So many pretty bookimarks. And I like how several of them were gifts. That makes them more special. 🙂

    • I’m glad you like them! Yes, the ones that were gifts are definitely special. 🙂

      Thank you so much for visiting and commenting!

  16. These are all so wonderful – but I especially love the first one ? and the ones from bookstores. Those are fun to get and collect!

    • I’m glad you like them. 🙂 Yes, I like collecting bookmarks from bookstores too.

      Thanks for stopping by and commenting. 🙂

  17. I like all your bookmarks! The butterfly bookmark is very pretty.


  1. […] You collect bookmarks.-There was a Top Ten Tuesday post on bookmarks a while back.  That list can be found here. […]

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