Top Ten Tuesday: Books With Single-Word Titles

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This week I focused on choosing books that had attention-grabbing titles since I wasn’t exactly sure how else I should be responding to this prompt. I look forward to seeing what everyone else did with it.

1. Astounding! by Kim Fielding

2. Drama by Raina Telgemeier

3. Nemesis (Miss Marple, #12) by Agatha Christie

4. Outlander (Outlander, #1) by Diana Gabaldon

5. Kidnapped (David Balfour, #1) by Robert Louis Stevenson

6. Uprooted by Naomi Novik

7. Postmortem (Kay Scarpetta, #1) by Patricia Daniels Cornwell

8. We by Yevgeny Zamyatin

9. Scythe (Arc of a Scythe, #1) by Neal Shusterman

10. Choke by Chuck Palahniuk


  1. Siran Toukhanian says

    I read Scythe in January. It was classified as young adult, but it seemed more science fiction to me.

  2. Great list! I’d really like to try Neal Shusterman’s work this year.

  3. Ahh, I am in the middle of my mission to read all of Christie’s book. Nemesis will be on the list too, then 🙂

  4. Nice mix you have here! A couple of these are on my TBR.

  5. Attention-grabbing titles is a great way to go about this. Astounding! Drama! Nemesis! sounds like the ad for an old movie

  6. I forgot about Uprooted! And I still need to read Scythe too.

  7. Nice list! I really need to read Uprooted and Scythe. 🙂

  8. LOVE Outlander! That’s the first book I thought of when I was working on this prompt, but I decided to go with books I hadn’t read yet. Great list!

    • Thank you very much.

      That’s also a good approach to this topic. I’ll keep it in mind for next year.

  9. I’ve always been curious about Scythe. I will have to check it out one day.

  10. Great list – a few I already have on my TBR list.

  11. Outlander and Uprooted are such great titles!

  12. I loved Uprooted! And We is on my TBR. Here’s my list:

  13. I read Nemesis, Uprooted and Postmortem. Long time ago! I think Nemesis has to be my favorite of the 3. Great list! 🙂

  14. We have a couple similar titles. ?

  15. I’ve seen Uprooted on so many lists!! I love Scythe, such a great book!

  16. Some great picks this week! Scythe is pretty high on my TBR list right now.

  17. Loved Uprooted! Scythe is one my TBR, hope to get to it soon 🙂

    • It’s great you loved Uprooted. I need to read that one and Scythe still. Will you be blogging a review of Scythe on your site?

  18. Looks like an interesting list! I’ve only read Outlander from this list and while I liked it, the series lost my interest with each book until I abandoned it.

    • Yeah, I’ve had similar problems with other series. I think it can be hard to keep certain storylines fresh. But there are authors who excel at that! Have you seen the TV show based on Outlander?

  19. Uprooted and Outlander made my list too this week. I really need to get back to the Outlander series 🙂

  20. Oh I’ve forgotten about Outlander. Never read the books but I’ve dedicated my time watching the show.

  21. YAY for Agatha Christie, I need to read something by her. Especially given how much I love the TV productions based on her book. 🙂

    Thanks for the visit to Finding Wonderland a week ago.

  22. Lili @ Utopia State of Mind says

    Uprooted is such a win and I can’t believe I forgot it!

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