Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Make Me Hungry

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

This isn’t my dog, but it sure is cute!

This topic originally came from August 31, 2020 which feels like a lifetime ago to me! So much has happened since then.

Here are ten titles that make me hungry. (And I wonder if anyone else will select this same theme this week?)

1.Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa

2. Love & Gelato (Love & Gelato, #1) by Jenna Evans Welch

3. Chocolat (Chocolat, #1) by Joanne Harris

4. Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe (Whistle Stop #1) by Fannie Flagg

5. Pomegranate Soup (Babylon Café #1) by Marsha Mehran

6. The River Cottage Bread Handbook (River Cottage Handbook, #3) by Daniel Stevens

7. Playing for Pizza by John Grisham

8. How To Bake A Chocolate Soufflé (Cherry Harbor, #1) by Carly Ellen Kramer

9. The Truth About Twinkie Pie by Kat Yeh

10. Miss Spider’s Tea Party by David Kirk




  1. Ha ha! I love this topic. There are so many books that talk about yummy foods. I especially start to crave things when there’s dessert involved. I’ll remember to read these books on a full stomach. 😀

    My TTT

  2. Great list! You know, I have never eaten fried green tomatoes, but I’ve always wanted to try them. Happy Tuesday!

  3. Great topic! Lots of fun choices here. I do tend to really enjoy books themed around food, especially romcoms and mysteries.

  4. Great topic. So many books out there that make me hungry. You chose some good ones.

  5. Great topic, I love books where food plays a prominent role. . Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe is such a nice story.

  6. I finally read Love & Gelato and thought it was so cute! Definitely a fun read. 🙂

  7. Stephen @ Reading Freely says

    Loved the inclusion of Fried Green Tomatoes. I’ve eaten at both the original restaurant that inspired it (in Irondale, Alabama) as well as the filming location which is actually used as a tourist-trap restaurant in rural Georgia. It’s so popular there’s a waiting list.

  8. Oh I loved Fried Green Tomatoes and the other books in that series. Chocolat is brilliant too. I think I heard there is another in the series coming out next year so I’ll be looking forward to that!

  9. Oh fun topic choice! Never would’ve thought of that one! These are all new to me titles too! I was hungry already when I started blogging but now I am really really hungry! Lol.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  10. I want to read Chocolat soon or maybe watch the movie, i read good things about both versions

  11. I’ve been meaning to read Love & Gelato for SO long.

  12. These titles are making me hungry too!

  13. What a great topic! I’ve read/loved the first 3. I should get to Fried Green Tomatoes some day, too.

  14. I love this topic!! Love and Gelato!!! Yes, that’s such a great example.

  15. This is a fun topic! I love fried green tomatoes, though it’s been years since I’ve eaten any. I love fried okra too.

  16. Love this and that dog is sooo cute! I’ve got Sweet Bean Paste on my TBR. I wonder if I’ll ever get around to reading it? :/

  17. Great topic! The only one I’ve read is Friied Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe, but I want some Twinkie Pie!

  18. This is a fun topic! Love and Gelato is still on my TBR, but it definitely already makes me hungry 🙂

  19. What an interesting topic! I haven’t read any of these, but I think blood and chocolate or scrambled eggs at midnight are the first ones I can think of with foods in the title!

    Ash @ Essentially Ash
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  20. What a fun topic! Chocolat definitely made me hungry too 🙂

  21. Love this topic. I read Legends & Lattes and all the baked good made me hungry all the time too 😀

  22. I can see how Love & Gelato could make you hungry.

  23. Haha, Legends & Lattes made me hungry. I still want cinnamon rolls.

  24. I love this topic! This is one I’m going to have to keep in mind, because I am going to want to do this at some point in the future. I haven’t read any of these, but I’m sure if I do, I’ll be a hungry reader. I’ve been reading a series called the Grilled Cheese Mysteries and it always makes me want a nice, comforting grilled cheese.

  25. Some books just make you want to go out and go to a cafe or grab a bite to eat haah.

  26. Fun topic! Yes, just reading your list, I’m hungry!

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