Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Summer 2024 To-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Here are ten books I’m looking forward to checking out this summer. If a release date hasn’t been included, that title is already available to purchase or maybe even request from your local library if you have one!









1. It’s Only a Game by Kelsea Yu

Why I Want to Read It: I’m fascinated by stories about people who must assume new identities.











2.  Eruption by Michael Crichton

Why I Want to Read It: Crichton has a long history of writing exciting thrillers that make great vacation reads.










3.  The Ghost of Us by James L. Sutter

Why I Want to Read It: Would I ever go ghost hunting in real life? No, but it is fun to read about in fiction.











4. We Used to Live Here by Marcus Kliewer

Why I Want to Read It: Since this going to be turned into a Netflix film soon, I want to get to know the book’s version of events first.











5. How to Make a Horror Movie and Survive by Craig DiLouie

Why I Want to Read It: Fellow horror fans, don’t you wish you could give advice to some horror film characters? I feel like more of them would survive if they were aware of this genre in advance and took some basic safety precautions.











6.  Saints of Storm and Sorrow by Gabriella Buba

Release Date: June 25

Why I Want to Read It: This sounds like such a playful and lighthearted read. Sometimes one needs a little of that in my opinion!










7. Hombrecito by Santiago Jose Sanchez

Release Date: June 25

Why I Want to Read It: The main character sounds like such an interesting person. It’s not easy to come out of the closet or to feel torn between two different cultures.











8. Someone Like Us by Dinaw Mengestu

Release Date: July 30

Why I Want to Read It: This sounds like an exquisite novel full of strong character development and thoughtful commentary on life.











9. Dance of the Starlit Sea by Kiana Krystle

Release Date: August 6

Why I Want to Read It: A Greek myth retelling is right up my alley.











10. A Sorceress Comes to Call by T. Kingfisher

Release Date: August 6

Why I Want to Read It: Kingfisher is one of those authors I always check out when they release something new. Also, I love fairy tale retellings even more than Greek mythology ones!


  1. Planning on checking out Eruption. Volcanos are hella cool, and I’m told that Crichton was a stronger influence on the book than Patterson.

  2. So many interesting-looking reads for you this summer! Especially the new T. Kingfisher one!

  3. I think all of these are new to me titles, but that cover art for We Used to Live Here is really a cool concept, and I like the shades/colors, too. 🙂 Hope you enjoy all of these, and many thanks for visiting my website today!

  4. I’ve got Saints of Storm and Sorrow on my TBR too!

  5. Some of these I have seen around! The Ghost of Us is a new one for me, but it sounds good! I hope you enjoy these.

  6. Athena @ OneReadingNurse says

    I have the Kingfisher arc and am super excited! Also agree that I’m very curious how the Patterson and Crichton mashup will go! Thanks for dropping by my post n

  7. Great list! James Patterson’s books always fly off the shelves at the library where I work. Happy Tuesday!

  8. Good to see your choices. Happy summer reading! 📚😎

  9. SAINTS OF STORM AND SORROW and A SORCERER COMES TO CALL are high on my reading list too – they look so good!

  10. I hope yu enjoy all of these when you get an opportunity to read them.

  11. I’ll have to check out that T Kingfisher book

  12. This list is so good! I added We Used to Live Here and A Sorceress Comes to Call to my own TBR. I’m trying to get more into thrillers, but I’m a scaredy-cat, so I’m taking it slow. And I’m a sucker for fairytale retellings! I love unusual fairytale retellings too. You don’t see a lot of Goose Girl retellings on the shelf.

    • Thank you. I hope you like those titles. Honestly, I’m a bit of a scaredy cat, too!

      And, yeah, Goose Girl retellings aren’t super popular, so it’s fun to find them.

  13. Will be very interested in the new T. Kingfisher!

  14. Some fascinating titles here, enjoy!
    I’m intrigued by #1, with thriller and gaming, and new identities, but the fact many readers classify it as horror makes me wonder if it’s really for me.
    Michael Crichton: I was so so impressed by The Andromeda Strain (, I so need to read more by him.

    • I still need to read The Andromeda Strain, but I’ve heard great things about it.

      Good luck deciding if the first book on the list is for you. 🙂

  15. Enjoy your summer reading!

    Happy TTT!


  16. our lists look so good together, imo hehe ❤️

  17. Jessica @ a GREAT read says

    OOoh nice picks! These are all totally new to me ones! I hope you enjoy each and every one of them this summer!

    Thanks for visiting my TTT!

  18. I’m intrigued by Eruption. I’m a big fan of Jurassic Park but haven’t enjoyed James Patterson’s books, and I’m assuming he wrote most of it.

  19. Jennifer @ YA Book Nerd says

    It’s Only a Game looks good. Hope you enjoy all these

  20. I’d like to read the Craig DiLouie book! Everything I’ve read by him has been so good. I didn’t end up requesting an ARC of this one, but it’s one my “get from the library” list. Hope you enjoy your summer reading!

  21. I love that cover for A Sorceress Comes to Call. Hope you’ll love all of these!

  22. A good looking list. the sound of Eruption.

    Have a great week!

  23. I am so excited for more T. Kingfisher fantasy. Hope these are great reads!

  24. We Used To Live Here sounds like it should be quite scary, and I’d definitely want to watch the movie. Might have to try and read the book first.
    I want to read more T. Kingfisher as I really enjoyed What Moves The Dead.
    Great list 😀

  25. We Used to Live Here sounds intriguing, as do most of the others on your list! I have the new Paul Tremblay horror novel on my TBR, but will probably read it in the fall.

  26. These all sound so interesting! How to Make a Horror Movie and Survive sounds particularly intriguing. I hope you love all of these. 🙂

  27. Oh I love the cover on We Used To Live Here. I haven’t heard of this one but it sounds right up my alley; if I don’t get around to reading it I will at the very least be on that movie IMMEDIATELY.

  28. I’m not familiar with these, but based on the covers, they look to be interesting! Enjoy your reading 🙂

  29. Saints of Storm and Shadow has a pretty epic cover!

  30. This looks like a wonderful list! I hadn’t heard of Saints of Storm and Sorrow yet, so that one got added to my TBR really quick. I also just added Someone Like Us to my list yesterday – it looks so good! And of course I have the Kingfisher book on my list of books to read this summer too, since I have an ARC of this one that I’m so excited for. I hope you enjoy your summer reading!

  31. What a great looking summer TBR! I hope you’re getting to read some of these and enjoying them. Happy Reading!

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