Top Ten Tuesday: Books on My Spring 2025 to-Read List

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Here are ten books I’m looking forward to checking out this spring. Some of these titles have already been released, and I’m including the publication dates for the rest.










1.Woodworking  by Emily St. James 

Why I Want to Read It: Being closeted in a rural area is difficult, and I like reading stories about characters who figure out how to make it work.











2. The River Has Roots by Amal El-Mohtar

Why I Want to Read It: Faeries are always interesting to read about.











3. Stop Me If You’ve Heard This One by Kristen Arnett

Why I Want to Read It: It’s been a while since I read anything that had clowns in it. How fun!










4. rekt by Alex Gonzalez

Publication Date: March 25

Why I Want to Read It: Some parts of the Internet can be dangerous, especially for people who are already struggling. I’m rooting for the protagonist already.










5.  The Keeper of Lonely Spirits by E.M. Anderson

Publication Date: March 25

Why I Want to Read It: I need more cozy fantasy in my life.










6. Say You’ll Remember Me by Abby Jimenez

Publication Date: April 1

Why I Want to Read It: Ms. Jimenez has been on my TBR list for so long that now I have multiple books from her I want to read. One of these days I will finally read her work.










7.  Eat the Ones You Love by Sarah Maria Griffin

Publication Date: April 22

Why I Want to Read It: This sounds deliciously scary.


(This cover was too large to upload, but the link below will show it).

8. The Names by Florence Knapp

Publication Date: May 6

Why I Want to Read It: I love books that give a character some sort of dilemma in an early scene and then split off into different timelines to show how each decision would affect their lives.











9. Old School Indian  by Aaron John Curtis

Publication Date: May 6

Why I Want to Read It: Characters who spend their last few weeks looking back at their lives can have such profound things to say about what’s really important.










10. Immaculate Conception by Ling Ling Huang

Publication Date: May 13

Why I Want to Read It: I’ve sometimes wondered how the world would be different if everyone was capable of feeling deep empathy for others. Would it change the harmful decisions people can make?




  1. I added The River Has Roots to my TBR recently too!

  2. I see Abby’s books praised so much by readers, but I’ve never read any. Maybe I should read up on her titles and pick one to give a chance – I do love contemporary fiction. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting my list today!

  3. I still need to read my first Abby Jimenez novel LOL.

    My TTT:

  4. I haven’t heard of any of these books but I was intrigued by the title EAT THE ONES YOU LOVE. Eek! What kind of monster is that? Ha!

  5. I also want to try that new Abby Jimenez book. Hope you’ll love all of these!

  6. Happy reading! I hope you enjoy all of these.

  7. Nice list. My daughter loves reading Abby Jimenez’ books. Cozy fantasy sounds fascinating. Hope you get to read these soon.

  8. I predict good reading ahead! Happy spring!

  9. Ooh Emily St. James!

  10. I’m excited about Eat the Ones You Love too. I’m all for creepy plant books!

  11. Joanne @ Portobello Book Blog says

    I’m hoping to read The Names. I requested it on Netgalley way back last year so I’m not holding out much hope!

  12. Great list! The River Has Roots looks so good.

  13. I want to read the Abby Jiminez book. I’ve heard so many great things about her books. I hope you enjoy your reading.

  14. Say You’ll Remember Me is the only one on your list that I’ve heard of, and I love Abby Jimenez’s romances, so I totally want to read that one, too. Hope you enjoy reading all of these! 😀 And thanks for commenting on my blog earlier.

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