Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
Today’s topic is all about food, which brings me back to one of my very favorite genres: cozy mysteries. So many of them are focused on food or mention food often.
Tita Rosie’s Kitchen Mysteries by Mia P. Manansala. These are set in a Filipino family restaurant. I’ve only read the first in the series, but I enjoyed the characters, the recipes, and the family togetherness.
Tea and Read Mysteries by Joy Avon. While not fully food-related, this series is set in a tea room, with lots of fabulous teas and pastries.
French Bistro Mysteries by Daryl Wood Gerber. Set in a French Bistro in Napa Valley, there is plenty of food and wine – and murder – in this series.
Deep Dish Mysteries by Mindy Quigley. This series takes place in a mobster-themed pizza parlor, which made it an instant winner for me. Add in Delilah’s sassy, fat cat, and I couldn’t ask for more.
Cheese Shop Mysteries by Korina Moss. I stumbled into this series accidentally, but you had me at cheese. I love all the interesting tidbits you learn about cheese and cheesemaking in this series, even if it did cause me to go out and buy a bunch of blue cheese at one point.
Pancake House Mysteries by Sarah Fox. These take place in a pancake house in a small coastal town. Breakfast is my favorite meal of the day, so I loved reading about all the various crepes.
Java Jive Mysteries by Caroline Fardig. I loved this series mainly because it’s set in a coffee house in Nashville, but also due to the friendships Juliet has and forms throughout the series.
Spice Isle Bakery Mysteries by Olivia Matthews. This was a new setting for me. Although it’s centered around a family run restaurant, I’d never read about a Caribbean family or food before. All I can say is that it sounded delicious.
Pies Before Guys Mysteries by Misha Popp. I love a bit of magic with my mysteries, so this was the perfect series for me. I’m not a big pie baker, but this series wants me to pull out the pie pans and dive in.
Noodle Shop Mysteries by Vivien Chien. While I haven’t started this series yet, it’s been on my TBR for a long time now. I’m a sucker for noodles of any kind so this series is a longtime draw for me.
I love pancakes so The Pancake House Mysteries sounds good!
I love them, too! Hope you enjoy it if you do read it.
So many mysteries involving food!
Cozies are really notorious for this!
I don’t think I’ve heard of any of these, but I feel like (based on Hallmark!) there are lots of the foodie and cozy mystery genres that blend.
Hope you enjoy any of these you haven’t read and thanks SO much for visiting my website today.
Hahaha! Yes, Hallmark loves to adapt these food-cozies into movies.
And you’re very welcome.
Ooh! The Nashville one might be interesting for me since it’s southern.
It’s a great series! I hope you do look it up and enjoy them all.
Ooo, quite a few titles here going on my must check out list, all new to me.
I hope you enjoy the ones you do pick up!
Fun genre and selections! I have the 1st Tita Rosie book on my shelf, and really want to read it soon!
Cozy mysteries are my happy place! A little romance, a little murder, it’s everything I want (plus food!). I hope you enjoy Arsenic and Adobo when you do get to it.
Ooh nice picks! All new to me ones! Heartless was really good! A YA take on how the Queen of Hearts came into being, so to speak!
Thanks for visiting my TTT!
Thanks! And thanks for the return visit.
I love cozy mysteries and especially food-related ones! I tried the Noodle Shop series by Vivien Chien and unfortunately didn’t like them, but now you’ve got this whole list for me to check out! I love it!
Oh no, that’s too bad. But yay – hopefully you’ll enjoy some of these.
I’ve read the first Noodle Shop mystery and liked it, but I don’t read enough cozies to keep up with all the series! If I read a cozy, it’s almost always a foodie one, so I need to try some of these others on your list.
I hope you like whichever ones you do read. Cozies are a favorite of mine so I tend to read a lot of them.
I haven’t read a ton of cozies, I’m too easily annoyed for generally women prying into everything and hampering investigations like no one sees them doing it
. I do like food themes though! Thanks for stopping by my TTT!
HAH! I feel you on that. And sometimes they can have the attitude that they’re better than the professionals, which is equally annoying. And yet… I still read them.
Lots of mysteries–all sound like good meals!
Definitely! I’m always hungry while reading these days.
Lots of foodie mysteries. I had no idea! Some of them sound really excellent.
It’s a big theme in cozies! Some of them are really good, too.
So much fun! I didn’t know about The French Bistro Mysteries, thanks!
I think there are only a couple, but it was a good series!
Wow! What a fun list. Spice Isle Bakery Mysteries sounds like it needs to be added to my TBR pile
Thank you! It was a great mystery, I hope you like it if you do read it.
I really need to read a cozy mystery sometime because these arell sound so great!
I think they’re fun and easy reads. Nice palate cleansers.
There are so many mysteries involving foods!! Great list!
And this is only a tiny portion of them! Thanks.
A great looking list. I need to read more Food Based Cozies!
Have a great week!
Thanks, they’re one of my go-tos when I don’t know what else to read.
You as well!
Mystery and food seem like a cozy combination, and perfect this season
I agree, even if they do make my hungry at times. Hahaha.
I like the pies before guys and noodle shop mystery series. Cozy mysteries are amazing for this prompt, and you’ve got a few that I’ll be adding to my TBR.
Yay, I hope you love them when you get a chance to read them! And I loved Magic, Lies, and Deadly Pies, really need to finish that series soon.
True that cozy mysteries have a lot with food. The same is true for most cozy fantasy. Food and/or drinks are always somewhere near the center of attention. I wonder what that says about us humans