Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Merchandise I’d Love to Own

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

I’d like to tweak this week’s theme a little bit. While all of these items certainly caught my eye, they were also things I’d happily buy for someone else if they asked for a bookish present and trusted my judgement.

I am not entirely sure what the copyright laws say about posting images of gifts that are being sold by small businesses, so I’ll share links to these Etsy accounts and briefly describe them only with words in this post. In a few cases, I’ll expound on why I chose that item.

1. Death by TBR sweatshirt

2. Bookish Stickers

3. Just One More Chapter tote bag

4. Never Too Many Books tote bag

My city has slowly been phasing out plastic bags. Stores have charged for them for a long time now, and now more of them aren’t offering them at all with each passing year. I’ve learned to always have a reusable bag in my pocket when I go out shopping.

5. I’d Rather Be Reading t-shirt 

6. Butterbeer tea 

7.   Never-EndingTBR zippered pouch

This could hold anything from pencils to makeup to first-aid supplies if, say, you’re going on a camping trip or hike!

8. Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy stickers

9. Pumpkin book stack sticker

10. Book beat Toque

A toque is a type of knitted hat that is quite warm and durable. Traditionally, they was made of wool, but there are synthetic options available now for people who are allergic to wool or who prefer not to use it for other reasons. Toques can be knitted by hand or by machines depending on your preference and budget.

I look forward to seeing how all of you have answered this week’s prompt!


  1. Great list! Death by TBR, indeed. 😉

    I did a quote post for TTT:

  2. They’re phasing out plastic bags in my area as well, so that tote would make a perfect replacement! I know quite a few of my friends who would love that Butterbeer tea as well. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I absolutely love the Hitchhiker’s Guide stuff. I might have to fall down a Hitchhiker’s merch rabbit hole now ha!

  4. Totes are great for alternatives to plastic bags!! I think phasing them out will be a common thing everywhere soon. Great list!

  5. These are so great! Now I want a bunch of these!

  6. Great list of bookish items. I so want the Death by TBR shirt!! ?

  7. I love the items on your list. The butterbeer tea sounds delicious. And, that Death by TBR sweatshirt is awesome and I need it, lol. Thanks for stopping by my blog.

  8. The Pumpkin stickers would be nice to hand out at Halloween time to special little kids instead of candy. Obviously not too many because of price but still, maybe a relative? I love the totes, those are my favorite book accessory.

    • That’s a great idea, especailly for kids who have food allergies or other medical restrictions on what they can eat!

  9. Tote bags are great reusables. I have a From Blood and Ash one. Great post.

  10. Death by TBR. That’s hilarious and I need it, haha.

  11. That sweatshirt is actually hella cute xD And you know, I actually forgot about plastic bags. That seems so bizarre now, but also bizarre to have forgotten about them. My grocery stores have also had paper bags for years now!

  12. I love that Death by TBR sweatshirt, that, I would wear.

  13. Butterbeer tea sounds so tasty–I’ll have to check it out!

  14. A great list! Love a tote bag ?

    Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog

  15. I may have to look at the Hitchhiker’s Guide stickers for my husband. He’s a huge fan; he even went to a Comic-Con as Arthur Dent (complete with bathrobe and towel) one year.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

  16. I love that Death by TBR sweatshirt… exactly my life!

  17. Death by TBR is very funny and understood by all us bookie folks.

  18. Some really fun merchandise there, I love Death by TBR and the pouch best but they are all great.

    Thanks for visiting my TTT this week where I posted about the bookish merchandise I already own because there are so many bookish items I’d love.

  19. The “Death by TBR” sweatshirt makes me laugh! So true, so true.

    Happy TTT (on a Wednesday)!


  20. Tote bags are a super great alternative to plastic for sure!
    My TTT:

  21. I never use tote bags, so no matter how cute they are, I’ve never bought one. However, I can see how they’d be fun for those that use the library regularly. 🙂 Thanks so much for visiting Finding Wonderland on this week!

    • You’re welcome.

      Yes, they’re quite helpful for visiting the library! Or beach, too, if you live near one and want to keep your sandy things from making a mess on the way home.

      But no pressure to use them, of course. 🙂

  22. That death by TBR sweatshirt is fantastic! Plastic bags have also been (mostly) banned where I live and so it’s handy having so many totes lying around. These ones are so cute!

  23. Mmmm, butterbear tea sounds delicious! Love all of these items. 🙂

  24. Love that Death by TBR sweatshirt 🙂 And one can never have toon many tote bags 😉

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