Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl
This week’s topic is a book quote freebie. Which is perfect since I seem to collect book quotes. I have no real theme for today other than these quotes either made me laugh, cry, or think about something differently.
- Men don’t have to pay attention the way we do. Men die because they make mistakes. Women? We die because we’re female.
This is from The Final Girl Support Group by Grady Hendrix. It struck me for two reasons. A) because it’s true and B) because a man put that thought onto paper. Granted, the narrator is female, but still.
- Guncle Rule number eight: Live your life to the fullest every single day, because every day is a gift. That’s why people die. To teach us the importance of living.
There are so many quotes that I wanted to include from The Guncle by Steven Rowley, but most of what I saved were a bit um… inappropriate (albeit hilarious) … for this post. This one got me though.
- When it comes to lying, there’s a golden rule: tell as much truth as you can. The truth is, after all, the easiest to remember. It’s the most consistent with inarguable fact.
From Bath Haus by P. J. Vernon. This book was nuts, okay? But that quote? Right on the money.
- This is the terrible thing about a tragedy. It isn’t with you every minute. You forget it, and then you remember it again. And you see it with a stark quality: This is what is required of you now, just to get along.
From The Last Thing He Told Me by Lauren Dave.
- “There’s nothing wrong with being a mapmaker.” … “Of course not. And there’s nothing wrong with being a lizard either. Unless you were born to be a hawk.”
This is both inspirational and amusing at the same time. From Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo.
- Dress shoes but no socks? Is that a thing now? Jesus, seriously? I think that might be the fourth sign of the apocalypse.
From The Red Book by James Patterson and David Ellis. This made me think of my daughter and how she’d react to such a sight.
- “Lemonade.” Oblivious to the danger, Daniel went behind the bar to find the pitcher and refill her glass. Shaking his head, he began to laugh weakly. “I am standing in a vampire’s lair, and he serves me lemonade.”
From The Turn by Kim Harrison. I love it when a character recognizes the ridiculousness of a situation.
- Geralt knew that bonnet and that feather, which were famed from the Buina to the Yaruga, known in manor houses, fortresses, inns, taverns and whorehouses. Particularly whorehouses.
From Sword of Destiny by Andrzej Sapkowski. I love this because what a way to introduce a character, right? Geralt knows it’s Dandelion (Jaskier) by the feather alone.
- But I was wrong—I don’t need a man to look past my size. I need someone who’ll see me and love me exactly as I am. For all its flaws, this show made me believe that that’s possible.
From One to Watch by Kate Stayman-London.
- He smiled. If it was not for the fact that she knew he was a vicious murderer, the expression would have been pleasant. Eric Spears was a handsome man. A charming man. A brilliant one. A cunning and deadly animal.
I’m including this because I very rarely get consumed by the bad guy. However, from the very first book in Debra Webb’s Faces of Evil series, I was half in love with the psycho Eric Spears. This quote comes from the short story “My Evil Valentine” that was a prequel to the series.
Bonus quote: “Castellan,” said Geralt, “why act in haste? After all, I really could have an accident at work, irrespective of my intentions. Just in case, the wise men should be thinking about how to save me from the king’s anger and get those fifteen hundred orens, of which rumor speaks, ready.”
This is from The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski. I laughed so dang hard when I read this. Why? Because Geralt is equating getting killed by a striga with a worker’s compensation claim.
Great pick of quotes
Thank you!
That one from The Final Girl Support Group is really powerful.
Isn’t it? Even out of the context of slasher films, it’s relevant. I gave the author serious props for that bit of self-awareness.
These are great. I especially like 1 and 3. And the Laura Dave one because I enjoy her books.
That was the first Laura Dave book I’d ever read. I really need to find some more of hers.
Eight Hundred grapes is really good!
Thank you! I’ll add that one to my library holds!
These are great quotes. 2 and 3 are my favorite.
Thanks for sharing!
I’m glad you liked them! The Guncle has so much good advice stuffed into it.
The Guncle was such a great book!! I’m surprised I don’t see it talked about more. Great list of quotes!
Thank you! I have never laughed and cried so much in a book as I did with this one. (Well, and Nothing to See Here by Kevin Wilson.) But I agree, I’m surprised it hasn’t gotten more love.
I love that quote from The Red Book! I’ve never read it, but I have many similar opinions, haha.
You and my daughter! If you like James Patterson, you’d probably enjoy it.
Amen to this one: “Dress shoes but no socks? Is that a thing now? Jesus, seriously? I think that might be the fourth sign of the apocalypse.”
It made me laugh so hard. Especially in the middle of a serious novel!
These are such great quotes! I’m always impressed when people can remember this many quotes from books.
Thank you! And erm, well, you can access highlights from your Kindle on the web which is why I seem so impressive. Hah!
I love good quotes, but sometimes don’t have the energy to look through my recent reads (even online) and find some favorites. Either way, it’s always fun to feature and spotlight favorites. It’s another way to share about books that we enjoy!
I know what you mean – I got sucked up going back to my ebooks looking for the context on some of them. Hah. It really is fun though.
Great quotes! I’m so bad at saving ones I love. This week’s theme has definitely inspired me to be better at it
Happy TTT!
Thank you! It took me a long time to get into the habit of making highlights on my Kindle, but now I do it obsessively!
Great quotes. The one from Final Girl Support Group is very powerful. And yes, honestly, kudos on it coming from a male author who gets it.
Thank you! I know, right? I double checked the author’s name after I read that thinking, “No way…”
Some great quotes!
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
Thank you! I hope you have an amazing week as well.
Such inspirational and thought-provoking quotes! My husband and I were just talking about lies. He always says one lie is never enough.
Thank you! He’s right – you have to keep piling them on so you don’t get caught.
Such fun quotes and a few of these I still want to read.
Thanks for visiting us earlier!
Elza Reads
Thanks! I hope you enjoy them when you do read them.
I have a copy of The Final Girl Support Group from the library and need to get to it STAT.
I really enjoyed it and I hope you get to it soon!
Great selection of quotes! I especially like the one from The Final Girl Support Group – very true.