Saturday Seven: Covers I love!

I’m a cover whore. It’s true. I’ve actually bought books JUST for the cover, regardless of the blurb, and have (conversely) not bought books even when the sound interesting because I couldn’t stand the look of the cover. I know that’s not entirely fair, but … it’s who I am.  I saw all these covers on our site somewhere, and I’ve never read the books. But I would absolutely pick the book up off the shelf to read the back, and would quite likely buy it for the cover alone. It’s true.

I love everything about this. The colors, the lightning and the blasé way this demon hunter is sucking on a lollipop. It tells me so much about the story, I can’t WAIT to read the actual book!

I actually really like all the covers in this series. The blue color scheme and the ethereal quality just attract me so much. I’d absolutely pick this one up.

You know what I really like about this? All the characters have their clothes on. It’s a small thing, but I swear I’m SO tired of what my teenaged daughter calls “naked man chest” covers. Even better? That look in the hero’s eyes, that little smile on his lips … yeah, I’m half in love with him already.

I’m honestly not entirely certain what attracted me to this book. The colors aren’t ones I normally like, but they work here. It’s a quiet, mysterious cover and it makes me want to know what the book is about.

It’s that misty blue again … apparently I have a type. I do think the woman on the front is a bit generic, but the the “feel” of the cover makes me want to give it a try.

Can I just say that Young Adult covers are KILLING IT lately? I could spend all day in the YA aisle at Barnes and Noble just admiring the art. I really, REALLY love the fantasy covers they’ve been coming out with lately, and this is one series that epitomizes everything I love in a fantasy cover look.

This one? I’m intrigued by what should be a torn picture of the same girl actually being two different ones. It’s really piqued my interest and I would absolutely pick this one up.

What about you? Cover whore or don’t care? What are some covers you love?

Welcome to The Saturday Seven! It’s an easy meme – just make a list of 7 things. What kind of things? Any kind of book / writing / author related things. It’s all good!
1. Peggy Jaeger  3. Marianne Arkins  5. Megan Slayer  
2. Judy Thomas  4. Lydia Schoch  

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  1. I absolutely love these covers! re: not buying a book if I don’t like the cover: If I’m in a book store (or even online), if the cover doesn’t appeal to me I don’t even bother to check the blurb. Okay, unless it’s an author I already know and love… even if I hate the cover, I’ll give the blurb a chance.

    • Long and Short Reviews says

      I’m the same–authors I know get a little more leeway. But covers are definitely what draws me to a book before anything else.

  2. I haven’t read 6 of these but did read A Merciful Secret – the book itself is as haunting as the cover!

  3. I’ve bought books specifically because of their covers as well. A bad cover won’t necessary dissuade me from reading something, but a fantastic cover has convinced me to try certain stories I was on the fence about.

    This is my Saturday Seven post.

  4. Huh, that html didn’t work. Let’s try a plain version of that link:

  5. I don’t think I’ve ever bought a book just for the cover. The blurb means more to me. However, I am irritated when the cover design changes halfway through a series. Then the books don’t match!

  6. Neat covers and neat choices. There are times that I pick a book up to read for the very same reason.


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