Winter Blogfest: Tory Richards

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Fond Family Memories at Christmas

It all began on Christmas Eve. Every year my sister and I and our families would go to our parent’s house for my Mom’s traditional spam salad finger sandwiches. I can hear you laugh now but Mom had perfected the spread with mayo, onions and relish and we loved it. There were other goodies there to eat because she cooked for a straight week making pies, and cookies, and homemade bread. But the spam salad sandwiches were a yearly tradition and a must on Christmas Eve. 

Next, we would all gather around the tree in the family room which had mountains of presents for everyone. My dad always played Santa, sitting on the floor by the tree with his red Santa hat on. He would hand the gifts out one at a time. We would all sit back while someone opened their present and when they were done, he would hand out another one. It was a slow process but half the fun was watching everyone open presents and see their expressions on what they received. 

This tradition began when my sister and I were little girls. It continued after we grew up and had our own daughters until our mom passed thirteen years ago. Christmas is quite different for all of us now. My sister moved away, our daughters grew up and have their own thing going on with their families. We don’t get together at Christmas like we used to do, but Thanksgiving is still a family holiday where we do. 

He’s a soldier home for the holidays, his brother’;s last wish for him to take care of his wife and baby weighing heavily on his mind. Keeping promises are important, but this one will be hard. Ryan has been secretly in love with Shannon for years. Their attraction is hot and consuming, but will they be able to get over the guilt that threatens to keep them apart?






Tory Richards is an author who writes smut with a plot. Born in Maine, she’s lived most of her life in Florida where she went to school, married, and raised her daughter. She’s retired from Disney and spends her time with family and friends, traveling, and writing.

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Buy the book at Amazon.


  1. Spam salad finger sandwiches sound good! I love hearing about people’s favorite holiday foods that are specific to a certain family, geographic area, or community. 🙂

  2. Spam salad finger sandwiches sounds tasty

  3. It sounds like a lovely tradition, Spam and all. In our lean and meager days, there were always a can or two of Klik (the Canadian version of Spam) in our pantry.

    • Yep. And I bet your mom was able to get creative with it, too. I can remember in my early days of marriage I would slice it up and fry it, or fix it like a small ham with cloves. lol Did you have a nice Christmas?

  4. I love the holidays and spending time with family and friends. In our family, we bake cookies every year, just like my mom and I did.

  5. I grew up eating spam, but never the way your mom fixed it. I love hearing traditions!

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