Winter Blogfest: Maya Tyler

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The Just Before Christmas Proposal

It was the last day of university classes before winter break. December 2002. After class, I met a friend at the gym on campus, and we had plans to go out for lunch afterward. When I returned to the locker room, I found my locker had been broken into, and everything had been taken—my white Guess purse with wallet, keys, and cell phone; my Columbia winter coat; my street clothes; my leather messenger bag—everything except my size five winter boots. My first thought was that, using the remote alarm, the thief could have easily found my car (actually my boyfriend’s car) in the parking lot and taken it too. My friend went to check the lot while I called my boyfriend at work. I heard his voice, and I cried—every ounce of composure just evaporated. He arranged for a friend to keep an eye on our apartment and took a cab to the gym to pick me up. Locksmith. Police report. Replacement winter coat. Replacement bank and ID cards. Replacement cell phone. It was an expensive and stressful day. Especially right before Christmas.

We had our traditional end-of-term dinner booked for that evening. After the crazy day, we decided to still go out. We had reservations at an upscale restaurant overlooking the city. Some moments just stand out in your memory. We ordered dinner, and I can’t tell you what we ate that night. But I remember, clear as day, pausing to sit on a bench outside the restaurant. He said something—it’s funny I remember everything I had in my gym locker and I have no idea what he said—I can even remember his lips moving and the expression on his face, a cross between earnest and nervous. Then he handed me a burgundy ring box, holding the diamond ring that we had picked out months ago and he’d told me he couldn’t afford to buy yet. When I saw the ring, I was definitely surprised. A marriage proposal wasn’t even on my radar. We’d talked about the eventuality, but more in terms of a few years into the future when we were more financially stable. And all along he’d had a plan that not even a pre-Christmas robbery could deter.

Love—real, enduring love—is special. It’s more than the art of romance. It’s leaving work to pick up your girlfriend after she’s been robbed. It’s carting your girlfriend around all afternoon so she can replace the things that were stolen. It’s a promise to stick together—good times and bad. Because the times won’t always be good. Life doesn’t work like that. But having a special someone in your corner makes all the difference. There’s no crisis we can’t face together. I am a huge fan of the happily-ever-after which is probably why it’s a prerequisite in all the stories I write. True love can triumph over any adversity. I truly believe it. I’m living proof. The day I was robbed at the gym became the day we got engaged. My new fiancé wouldn’t talk dates until after Christmas, but I got to show off my sparkly new ring at all the get-togethers. At the end of the holiday season, we decided on a summer wedding.

And, just in case, on gym days, I left my ring at home.

Ancient and powerful vampire Corgan has been influencing struggling writer Marisa’s life path. He wants to tell his story, before ending his existence, and chooses her to author his tale. But it’s complicated. Corgan knows his request will place her in grave danger. She doesn’t.

Maya Tyler is a multi-published author of paranormal romance novels and blogger at Maya’s Musings. An avid reader, Maya writes the books she loves to read—romances! Her paranormal romances come with complex plot twists and happily-ever-afters.

When she’s not writing, she enjoys reading, listening to music (alternative rock, especially from the 1990s), practicing yoga, and watching movies and TV.

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Buy the book at Tirgearr Publishing.


  1. What a warm, wonderful story of true romance. You are a very lucky woman to have such a fine man.

  2. What a beautiful ending to that story. Your boyfriend (now spouse) sounds like a real gem. 🙂

  3. nice story

  4. Sounds like such a nice story

  5. Bernie Nestler says

    I LOVED this story and smiled all the way through. You are very lucky, and I love your passion for writing happy-ending stories, because you are right! Happy endings DO exist, and for those who haven’t found there’s yet, they have fun, heart-melting stories like yours to enjoy for the mean time. Thanks for sharing!

  6. Beautiful story. I definitely believe in happily ever after, too.

  7. Mariah Lynne says

    A happy ending such as yours tells us that your love is everlasting and strong through happy times and sad times. Best of luck and continued happiness.
    Mariah Lynne

  8. What a beautiful story! I will admit to tearing up a bit… I do love happy endings!

  9. That’s just a remarkable story (and better than my engagement tale — my now husband sticking the ring out and saying “here”). I love it <3

    • I’m lucky I found such a romantic… but it’s not romance that counts in the long run, it’s the ability to weather the storm. Unfortunately, I’ve seen many couples crash their ships. Love is only part of the equation. 🙂 Thanks for commenting!

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