This post is part of Long and Short Reviews Winter Blogfest. Leave a comment for a chance to win a $10 Amazon GC.
One of my earlier memories is of my dad and me going into the woods in search of the perfect little Christmas tree. Everything was white with snow and so cold and I remember we were weighted down with boots, heavy clothes, hats, scarves and gloves. We settled on a four foot tree, hardly worth the effort but that memory has always stayed with me and given me a sense of warmth and peace during the holidays.
Thanksgiving, which is my favorite holiday, brings back memories of spending time with my mom and step-dad, sister and niece. Even though we lived within 5 minutes of each other, there was always something special about that day. For once our schedules were conducive to us all be under the same roof at the same time. Mom would spend a week baking pies, cookies and homemade bread. Her cornbread dressing and giblet gravy was the best! My sister learned how to make her dressing, while I adopted the sausage bread dressing from my mother-in-law. The aromas that greeted me when first entering my parent’s house, the smiling faces and excitement of the kids, and ton of food, kept all of us satisfied as we spent the day reminiscing about our year.
Times change and over the years I’ve lost my dad and mom but my little family still has our traditions that bring us all together. Spouses and grandkids have come along. Though we can’t make it work on Christmas day, we do still get together for Thanksgiving. I’m in charge of the turkey and homemade dressing, while my daughter and niece split up the other table must-haves. The girls, the grandkids, and I still have our special before Christmas get together every year to enjoy dinner and open up our gifts to one another.
Traditions might change over the years because people move away, or pass away, but you learn to adapt and make new ones that work for everyone. I hope everyone has a safe and happy holiday season!
Did you know that I have a holiday romance out? A Soldier’s Promise takes place during Thanksgiving, and Christmas, at a snowy Vermont farm where a large family has gathered to celebrate. The romance is between a Marine home on leave, and his brother’s young widow, a woman he’s been in love with for years. They struggle with their feelings for one another, while trying to keep a promise they made to the same man.
Keeping promises is important to Ryan, but keeping his promise to his younger brother David will be hard. David’s final wish is for Ryan to watch over his wife and daughter, but Ryan’s been in love with Shannon for years. This holiday season, Ryan will learn he can keep his promise and still have his heart’s desire.
About the Author: Tory Richards is a fun-loving grandma who writes smut. Born in 1955 in the small town of Milo, Maine, she’s lived most of her life in Florida. Today she lives with her daughter and her family. She has her own woman-cave which she shares with four felines whose main goal in life is getting as much cat hair on everything that they can.
Penning stories by hand and then on manual typewriter at the age of thirteen, Tory was a closet writer until the encouragement of her family prompted her into submitting to a publisher. She’s been published since 2005, and has since retired from Disney to focus on family and writing.
I enjoyed reading Tory Richards’s Holiday Reflections.
Thank you Peggy. Do you have any traditions?
On Christmas Eve we bake cookies for Santa (and us), watch the original Miracle on 34th Street, drive around town to look at the Christmas lights and displays, open one gift, and read Twas the Night Before Christmas before sending the little ones to bed.
Oh, that sounds like such a nice tradition! I’ve always enjoyed driving around and looking at all the decorations. And my favorite must see movie is A Christmas Story.
This book looks phenomenal!
Thanks Nicole! I hope you get the chance to check it out further. Have a Merry Christmas.
Enjoyed reading your post, it is always nice to think back at this time of the year about traditions and people who have been and still are in our lives.
Hi Jean, thanks for coming by. Are you all read for the Christmas?
Loved reading your post! It made me think about all my family’s traditions and about those who are no longer with us also. Love the over of your book!
I did the cover myself! So thanks so much. This is the time of year to reminisce, leaving us feeling a little sad and happy at the same time. Have a wonderful Christmas!
Love the holiday reflections
Thanks Kim! Have a Merry Christmas.
Tory I enjoyed reading the post. I love your books.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
This sounds like such a sweet story. I would love to read it.
Hi Momjane! Thanks for stopping in and leaving a comment. Have a Merry Christmas.
Hi Rita, and thanks! I’m thrilled that you love my books. I hope you have a great holiday season with your family. Are you ready? lol Stay safe.
Thanks for sharing your holiday memories, Tory – they truly do become treasures to us over the years. Thanksgiving is also our family holiday, and if I don’t make sure corn bread dressing and giblet gravy are on the table, things could get ugly! LOL!
I hope everyone grabs a copy of “A Soldier’s Promise” – I loved it!
Merry Christmas!
I’m so glad you enjoyed A Soldier’s Promise! And I can so relate to the cornbread dressing and giblet gravy thing. Don’t you dare change the recipe either, I learned the hard way what can happen. I tried to sneak in a different sausage in my bread dressing one year and my daughter gave me hell. lol I hope you have a safe and Merry Christmas too!
Thanks for sharing your holiday memories and reflections. I so agree about how families, traditions, commitments change over time or in our lives. I noticed that you worked for Disney – it must have a fun place during the holidays.
Hi Jess! Yeah, I enjoyed my time with Disney. It’s amazing how many families have their Christmas’s there! Are you ready for the holidays?
Still have things to do, such as the Christmas cards. What about you?
Christmas cards, you’re kidding! lol I have a feeling that they won’t arrive in time. I’ve been done since the beginning of December as I do all my shopping online. Tomorrow I make my yearly requested fudge.
nice reflections post
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. Have a Merry Christmas.
I’ve never heard of sausage bread dressing before. It sounds delicious!
Hi Astilbe, yest it is! I got the recipe from my mother-in-law forty years ago. Has to be Jimmy Dean Sage sausage mixed in the bread though and I stuff the turkey with it. Yum!
I wholeheartedly agree that traditions might change with time and people. Though for some traditions and change do not go hand in hand.
Though it is nice to read your post. I would definetely love the book.
Hi Salisa,
Thanks for stopping by and leaving a comment. I hope you had a Happy New Year’s.
Good afternoon everyone! I just want to say thanks so much for reading my post and leaving your comments. I hope you all had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year’s.
And congratulations to momjane for winning!
I absolutely LOVED reading your story!!! Your memories & traditions are so similar to mine that I could feel my memory feels along side your memory feels!? And I have to say I totally snorted coffee out my nose & all over my hand & phone laughing when I got to your Bio!!??? I adore that you like to write Smut & the fact that you used to work for Disney made me ugly laugh till I had tears!!! I looked so deranged to my 14yr old son!?? Belly rolling laughing coffee splattered every where with tears running down my cheeks!! Hahaha It took me 5min to finally stop laughing enough to explain to him why I was cracking up so hard & then we where Both laughing our asses off!!??? We both have the sake question & he made me Pinky Promise to ask you if you ever worked on any of the movies & ever had any part in hiding the lil naughty bits hidden in the films?!??????
Anyway Happy Holidays & Thank you so much for story & the laughter!! And of course thank you for the ?chance! I truly enjoyed your story the most of all the shorts Ive read tonight!!? My son & I wish you a womderful new years & hope to find out any secrets your willing to share!!???
?Kris Meldgaard?