Top 5 Things to Do in Nebraska by Kim Fielding – Guest Blog

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Kim Fielding who is celebrating the recent release of her newest book Redesigning Landry Bishop.


Hi, Kim Fielding here! I have a new book out, Redesigning Landry Bishop. Since my title guy is originally from Nebraska, today I’m sharing my Top 5 Things to Do in Nebraska.

1. Visit the capitol building in Lincoln. On a clear day, you can see the capitol from miles and miles away, the central tower thrusting up from the surrounding flatness. The apt nickname for this building is Penis of the Plains. But the capitol has more to offer than phallic jokes. The inside, which reminds me a little of a castle, boasts some beautiful tile mosaics and other artwork. You can poke around the old legislative chamber and learn about the only unicameral legislature in the United States. Don’t know what that means? Visit the capitol and find out!

2. Eat a Runza. These are essentially a rectangular bread roll baked with a filling of ground beef and vegetables. They were created by some of the region’s settlers—ethnic Germans from Russia—so Runzas are similar to some Eastern European savory pastries. The Runza fast-food chain operates primarily in eastern Nebraska, and locals consider it a regional staple.

3. Go to a Cornhuskers game. I sort of hate to include this one because although I received my graduate degrees from the University of Nebraska, Lincoln, I never once attended a Huskers game. Mostly because I don’t like football. But truly, Husker games are a sight to be seen. College football is almost a religion in Nebraska, and games have been sold out since 1962. No joke: during a game, the stadium holds more people than any city in Nebraska except Omaha and Lincoln. And everyone’s wearing red.

4. Take a drive through the Sandhills. If you’re feeling overpeopled, you’re going to love this. Traveling west on I-80, turn off onto Highway 2 when you get to Grand Island and follow it for 272 miles to Alliance. This will take you through the tiny towns that inspired my fictional Peril, Nebraska, and you’ll get to see the Sandhills, a unique and important ecosystem. If it’s the right time of year, you’ll spot migratory birds. And don’t worry about traffic. I once drove a 100-mile stretch of this highway without seeing a single other car going my way; I passed only a few cars heading east.

5. Visit Carhenge. If you’ve taken my advice on item number 4, you’re in a perfect spot to visit a quirky and wonderful sight. Back in the 1980s, a local guy decided to build a full-size replica of Stonehenge—out of old cars. It’s free to visit, the folks at the little gift shop are friendly, and it’s perfectly Instagrammable.

Love never goes out of style.

Landry Bishop fled his tiny hometown and never looked back. Now his expertise in food, fashion, and décor has earned him all of Hollywood’s glittering perks. But with his husband deceased and his personal assistant retired, Landry has nobody to rely on—and no one to help him indulge his secret cravings.

Casual, plainspoken Jordan Stryker seems a dubious choice of a PA for someone as formal and self-controlled as Landry. Jordan’s questionable fashion sense and limited kitchen skills don’t exactly enhance his résumé. But as Landry soon realizes, Jordan has many attractive qualities too.

With a strong pull toward Jordan, new career opportunities on the horizon, and a persistent tug from family back home, Landry is in a quandary. He can advise others on how to make their lives special, but what should he do about his own?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Half an hour later, while Landry was puttering around with an experimental tabbouleh recipe, Jordan and Elaine joined him in the kitchen. “Try this,” he ordered, handing them each a spoonful.

Jordan made approving noises, but Elaine frowned. “That’s not a grain.”

“It’s cauliflower.”

“For the love of God, why?”

“For people who want to eat grain-free.”

“If you don’t want to eat grains, you shouldn’t be eating tabbouleh.” She took Jordan’s spoon along with her own and washed them in the sink.

“I like it,” Jordan announced. “It’s kind of crunchyish.” He seemed sincere.

“Thank you,” Landry said.

“Hey, um, you didn’t really have an important phone call, did you?”

“No. That was Elaine rescuing me.”

“I kinda figured. Except… I hope this doesn’t sound rude, but why did you need rescuing? Those guys were hot. That whole thing was like the opening of a pretty good porno, you know? If they’d been all over me like that, I sure as hell wouldn’t have wanted rescuing.”

Landry pushed aside the interesting information that Jordan was attracted to men. His PA’s sexual orientation was irrelevant. He also pushed aside a stupid and inexplicable jab of jealousy. If Jordan wanted to fantasize about group sex with hunky furniture deliverymen, that was none of Landry’s business. So he focused on the question itself.

“Why do you think those extremely attractive men were so interested in me?”

“Um, because they were throwing themselves all over you.”

“Yes, I suppose they were. But why? Why me?”

“’Cause you’re damned hot too.”

Even as Landry’s face heated at the unexpected compliment, Jordan’s cheeks turned a charming shade of pink. Interesting. Their gazes locked so tightly that Landry wondered if either of them would ever look away. Or if he wanted them to.

About the Author: Kim Fielding is the bestselling, award-winning author of numerous m/m romance novels, novellas, and short stories. Like Kim herself, her work is eclectic, spanning genres such as contemporary, fantasy, paranormal, and historical. Her stories are set in alternate worlds, in 15th century Bosnia, in modern-day Oregon. Her heroes are hipster architect werewolves, housekeepers, maimed giants, and conflicted graduate students. They’re usually flawed, they often encounter terrible obstacles, but they always find love.

Having migrated back and forth across the western two-thirds of the United States, Kim calls California home. She lives there with her family and her day job as a university professor, but escapes as often as possible via car, train, plane, or boat. This may explain why her characters often seem to be in transit as well. She dreams of traveling and writing full-time.

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