Long and Short Reviews welcomes A. Nybo, who is celebrating the recent release of her latest book The Devil’s Breath.
A giant thank you to the crew at Long and Short Reviews for hosting me and the guys (Birch & Henri of The Devil’s Breath) today.
I inherited my family’s cooking genes. We are not cooks, we are re-heaters. If I prepare a meal and put it on the table, people usually decide to go out for dinner. Because it’s a genetic predisposition (this has been anecdotally tested) neither is most of my family. I have even managed to cook a soup that my dogs wouldn’t eat—and they are not fussy. The biggest problem is that I get bored and sidetracked. The smell of charred vegetables or the heady scent of smoke wafting through the house usually has me wondering if there’s a bush fire, before I remember I was cooking something.
Therefore, the only meals I ever make have a special quality about them. They are quick, easy and preparation heavy. When I say preparation heavy I mean there is more than half a dozen ingredients that need to be measured out. I don’t mean there are vegetables to be cut, meat to be marinated, things to pre-cook. No, my meals are for the inherently lazy, forgetful re-heater.
When any of my family comes across a recipe that meets the above criteria, we share the recipe. To this end, today I’m going to do something I’ve probably only ever done half a dozen times in my life, something specifically for those of you out there that can’t be bothered with all the culinary brouhaha required for a super tasty meal—share a recipe.
This recipe might take a few goes to adapt specifically to your taste (if you can be bothered), but this is the perfectly acceptable unadapted base from which to work. And it is tasty!
Here goes:
Oh btw, this is called: You know that dish with the noodles?
Dried vegetable noodles (approx 1.5 rounds per person. The same amount of sauces can be used whether cooking for 2 or 4 people)
1 bag of dryslaw (if you want to feel the culinary skill magic, you can always make this yourself, but I don’t recommend it, too many opportunities for knife slips, boredom and the like)
1 tsp minced garlic
1tsp minced chili (if you want to test your endurance, you can use hot, but I usually just go for sweet chili sauce)
2 tbsp soy sauce
3 tbsp hoi sin sauce
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 tbsp mirin (for sweetness. Could be maple syrup, sugar etc)
Scallions for garnishing
Pour boiling water over noodles
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Add oil, garlic and chilli
Dump in the dryslaw
Add sauces and mix
Drain noodles & add to wok
Mix & it’s done.
Serve with scallions sprinkled on top
Saves well in fridge or freezer so you can make extra to re-heat later 😉
If you want to add meat, go ahead, but that means you have to cook it first.
I would include a picture for your pleasure, but that would mean cooking just for the sake of photography. In addition, since I’m a culinary inept extraordinaire, my lawyer has advised against me putting a photo of my cooking abilities on the internet as it may hinder future opportunities to get a job as a cook.
Henri’s stalker has left him with a paradoxical legacy: his mind rebels at the thought of being touched—the very thing his body craves.
For three years Henri has fought to overcome the horrors of the past. Now on the other side of the world—after leaving Australia for Canada—Henri’s nemesis is hunting him with maniacal focus. Trying to escape, he meets Birch, a kind horse trainer, who’s confounded by Henri’s idiosyncrasies even as he is drawn to him. But when Birch discovers the truth, he encourages Henri not to just survive, but to live.Maybe even to love.
About the Author: A. Nybo has tried conventional methods (a psych degree and a GC in Forensic Mental Health) but far prefers the less conventional, such as the occasional barbecue in the rain, four-hundred-kilometer drives at 1:00 a.m. for chocolate, and multiple emergency naps in any given twenty-four-hour period.
Western Australian born, she has been spotted on the other side of the planet several times—usually by mosquitoes. She’s also discovered Amazonian mosquitoes love her just as much as they do in her home state.
Buy the book at Dreamspinner Press, Kobo, Barnes and Noble, iBooks, Google, or Amazon.
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