Lessons Learned from the Heroine by Philip Wilson – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Philip Wilson will be awarding a signed paperback copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Lessons Learned from the Heroine
Allison is bright, pretty and popular, and has her whole life ahead of her when she is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Not only is the disease almost inevitably terminal but her prognosis is for a steady decline in cognitive ability, growing physical disability and increasing pain requiring heavy doses of narcotics. The novel deals with the next few months of Allison’s life as she vacillates between thoughts of suicide, making the best of the time she has, and hoping for a miracle.

After moving to a hospice in a small town she meets various people who gradually influence her perceptions and decisions. Terri Wright, a resident of the same hospice with the same medical condition, is determined to get the most out of the time she has. She pushes Allison to play tennis, go kayaking and sing in the local pub. When Allison has moments of despair and considers giving up, Terri urges her ‘to fight the darkness.’ Jack Rollins is the pub owner who falls in love with her despite knowing her situation and urges her to ‘make the best of the time we’ve got.’ Jack’s nine-year-old niece, Lucy, sees in Allison the mother and role model she’s never had. As Allison continues to struggle with her own feelings and emotions, she begins to realize that, despite her circumstances, she’s finding happiness and fulfillment, and making a difference in the lives of the people around her. She learns to appreciate whatever time she’s got and fights to make each day count.

That’s the lesson I hope readers takeaway from Songs for Lucy – the notion that whether faced with a terminal illness or not, every day should count. Allison’s journey leads her to pursue new interests and opportunities, some of which she may never have thought to make time for otherwise. Her character development highlights the importance of following your true passions to find happiness and fulfillment.

It’s spring, and Allison Connelly has it all – pretty, popular and smart. With a summer job teaching tennis and starting Harvard Law School in the fall, Allison plans on a successful law career, marriage and kids – and dreams of becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

When relentless headaches drive her to her doctor, Allison receives a terrifying diagnosis that destroys her plans and imperils her life. Devastated, Allison struggles to accept her shattered dreams and uncertain future. One night, she happens into a small-town pub and, on a whim, takes a job singing, finding solace and a measure of peace in her music. She settles in the town, and from that small beginning finds love, a new life and a new reason for living.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Dean Richardson went to the podium, looked back at Allison, and smiled. “It is now my great pleasure and privilege to introduce Allison Connelly to give the Valedictory Address. Allison has made an extraordinary contribution to our school. Not only has she achieved the highest academic standing in her graduating class, but she captained the tennis team – which won the Northeastern Intercollegiate Championship – and was on both the swim and debating teams. Rumor has it that she also sings occasionally at one of the local pubs. I really don’t know when she found time to study. It had been my hope that Allison would stay at BHU and continue with our MBA program, but… I am delighted to announce that she has been accepted into Harvard Law School. While I’m very sorry to lose her, Allison is the first BHU grad to be accepted into HLS in almost a decade and I’m sure you will all share my pride in her achievement. Allison.”

There was a burst of applause. Prepared to stand and approach the podium, she again felt a searing pain over her left eye. She remained seated and again breathed deeply, fighting the pain.

“Allison,” the dean prompted again.

To Allison’s great relief, the pain dissipated. She stood, walked confidently to the podium, and looked out at her classmates and others in the auditorium.

Allison paused and the audience waited expectantly, anticipating the usual salutation acknowledging students, friends and families, alumni, the dean, and the faculty.

“Hi Guys,” Allison began with a smile.

About the Author:Philip Wilson is a retired financial executive who spends winters in Florida and summers sailing on the Great Lakes in his 32-foot sailboat. Songs for Lucy is his second book. His first, The Librarian, was rated one of the best reviewed books of 2017 by IndieReader and featured in the Huffington Post.

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Buy the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.


  1. Thanks for hosting!

  2. Philip Wilson says

    Tks for hosting. And thanks, visitors, for stopping by. Will check for comments and questions periodically. Philip Wilson

  3. Philip Wilson says

    No comments? Question to myself:
    Q: How did you find switching genres from a gritty revenge thriller to a feel-good, inspirational love story.
    A: It was fun. Think I surprised myself. Really liked the result..

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