LASR Anniversary Scavenger Hunt: For the Love of His Life by Fiona McGier

Thanks for joining us on our 17th anniversary scavenger hunt! There are two ways to enter to win and it’s easy to play– first read the blurb below, then answer the question on the first Rafflecopter. You might win a $100 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC (along with other prizes). Follow and visit authors’ social media pages on the second Rafflecopter and you’re entered to win another $100 Amazon/BN GC (along with other prizes)!

When a famous action star needs to clean-up for a major role that even he doubts he can deliver, the director sends him up to a resort owned by his grandmother in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area of upper Minnesota, to learn to commune with nature.

His guide is Veronica, the director’s cousin, a tall, athletic woman who has the relaxed, sensible nature of someone who knows herself well. Raul’s initial clumsy attempt to seduce her makes her laugh…so he calls her fat.

Is there any hope that their relationship will progress beyond its rocky start? Will the local woman he grows to love believe someone who “lies for a living”? And can Raul overcome his partying nature to discover who he really is, and what he wants to have in his life?

Buy the book at Books2Read.


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