As an Author, What Scares Me the Most by Judy Higgins – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. One randomly chosen winner via rafflecopter will win a $50 Amazon/ gift card. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Now that’s a contest: what scares me the most? I have, in fact, a list of scary items.

1. Not having people read the books I write.

2. Having my computer crash at an inopportune time, which is pretty much all the time if you’re a writer.

3. Giving a manuscript to my daughter to read. She’s always the last one to get it. My stomach roils and I sweat every time I give her a mss because I know that, unlike everyone else I have read it, I will be able to see in her face if she doesn’t like it. It’s the agony and ecstasy; agony while I wait for her judgement; ecstasy when she likes it.

4. That I won’t have time to write all the books I want to write. I have one really “delicious” story in my head about an older woman missing the sexual revolution. I won’t tell you what happens in case I actually get around to writing the story. Right now, I can’t imagine when I’m going to fit it in. Pretty soon there won’t be many people around who even remember the days when people didn’t sleep around.

In the small town of Goose Bend, Pennsylvania, people don’t forget. Especially something as sensational as 12-year-old Jacob Gillis burning down the town. Nineteen years later, Jacob returns, hoping for redemption. Instead, he finds himself entangled in a murder investigation. The prosecutor, taking advantage of Jacob’s involvement with the victim’s beautiful sister-in-law, threatens Jacob with loss of career and reputation if he doesn’t play by his rules. Only by outwitting the prosecutor can Jacob save his future.

Enjoy an Excerpt

When Jacob Gillis was twelve years old, he burned down the town of Goose Bend, Pennsylvania. The fire didn’t actually consume the entire town – only two blocks of the four-block business section went up in flames – but when the folks in Goose Bend spoke of the incident, they persisted in saying that Jacob Gillis, abetted by his friend Charlie Garrett, burned down the town.

Jacob watched Laskey walk back to the Sequoia, his limp barely detectable, and for the thousandth time he wondered why his friend kept what had happened to his foot a secret. But there were some places Laskey didn’t go – formidable Laskey with his gruff manner and hard-muscled body. He was a private person and sometimes a grizzly bear, but he had a goose-down heart which he tried like heck to hide. But Jacob knew.

Laskey grasped the arms of his chair and pushed his feet hard against the floor to contain himself. For a brief moment, the thought had rushed through his head that a jail term for assaulting a DA would be worth enduring for the pleasure of smashing Inglehook’s head against his desk.

Laskey squared his shoulders, turned around, and looked Jacob in the eyes. “Don’t get yourself in a mess, Jake. Extrication isn’t always possible.” He started for the door.

“Give back the painting,” he called over his shoulder. “And Jake,” he paused and twisted around. “Don’t ever mistake pretty wrappings for the quality of the gift inside.”

About the Author: Judy Higgins was born in South Georgia where she grew up playing baseball, reading, and taking piano lessons. To pay for her lessons, she raised chickens and sold eggs to neighbors. She attended Mercer University for two years, and then Baylor University from which she graduated with a BA in German. She received her MA in German literature from The University of Michigan. After teaching German for several years, Judy decided to become a librarian and earned an MA in Library Science at Kutztown University in Pennsylvania.
Judy’s life took an exciting turn when she left her teaching job in Pennsylvania to be Head of Library at the Learning Center School of Qatar Foundation. She lived in Qatar for eight years, enjoying the experience of living in a different culture and traveling to exotic places during every vacation. Recently, she returned to the United States and lives in Lexington, KY. Judy has two children, Julia and Stephen, two children-in-law, Jim and Erin, and four grandchildren: Kyle, Jon, Karina, and Addy.

Judy’s first book, The Lady, was a finalist in the 2012 Amazon Break-out Novel Award. The first two novels of her Bucks County Mysteries, Unringing the Bell and Bride of the Wind are available March 1, 2018. The series is set in an imaginary small town in Bucks County, Pennsylvania. Call me Mara, the story of Ruth and Naomi, is scheduled for publication in March, 2019.

In addition to writing, Judy’s passions include travel, tennis, elephants, and playing the piano.

Website | Series Website | Call Me Mara Website | Lady Website | Facebook | Twitter | Amazon Author Page | Barnes and Noble Author Page

Buy the book at Amazon.


  1. Goddess Fish Promotions says

    Thanks for hosting!

  2. Lisa Brown says

    I enjoyed getting to know your book and thanks for the chance to win 🙂

  3. Enjoyed the excerpt.

  4. I’ve enjoyed following the tour for Unringing The Bell and I can’t wait to check it out – thanks for sharing all of the great posts along the way 🙂

  5. Bernie Wallace says

    Congrats on the release. I hope you have a great tour.

  6. Rita Wray says

    Sounds like a good book.

  7. James Robert says

    I enjoy these tours and have found some awesome books for my sisters and daughters so thank you so very much. Thanks also for the great giveaway and the opportunity to win.

  8. Nikolina says

    I am really enjoying following this tour, thank you for all the great blog posts and excerpts!

  9. Dale Wilken says

    Sounds great.

  10. Bernie Wallace says

    What is your favorite all time book? Congrats on the book release.

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