Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge for April 30, 2021

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly five word writing prompt. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Also coming soon: giveaways each week for participants in both this blog hop and the Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge. Prizes will include Amazon GCs, print and digital books and free advertising on the site. Keep an eye out!

Today’s five words to use as your prompt are: proper, brand, husband, pigeon, offend

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for April 28, 2021

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

NOTE: we also host the Friday Five–a fun writing prompt blog hop and would love to see you there!

Also coming soon: giveaways each week for participants in both this blog hop and the Friday Five. Prizes will include Amazon GCs, print and digital books and free advertising on the site. Keep an eye out!

Today’s topic is: Favorite Outdoor/Nature Activities

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Top Ten Tuesday: Dogs in Books

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

Welcome to Top Ten Tuesday!  This week’s topic is animals in books.  I love dogs.  I have three dogs, a pug and two Saint Bernard/Great Dane mixes, and they are a much loved party of my family.  So this week, I decided to feature books with dogs.  Let’s get to the list!

If You Give a Dog a Donut by Laura Numeroff-Part of a classic series!

If You Give a Dog a Donut

Wellington’s Rainy Day by Carolyn Beck-Always good for a laugh.

Wellington's Rainy Day

Kipper Series by Mick Inkpen-Love this whole series!

Kipper's Snowy Day

The Bear Ate Your Sandwich by Julia Sarcone-Roach-I almost feel that including this story is cheating, but once you get to the end, I think you’ll know why I included it!

The Bear Ate Your Sandwich

The Incredible Journey by Sheila Burnford-I haven’t read this book in a very long time.  I think I should pick it up again.

The Incredible Journey
Then, cialis line prescription specific medicament like anti-depressants, ataractic drugs, blood vessels pressure doses are known to have peculiar kind of adverse effects system contributing to erotic disorder. You don’t have to cialis prices in australia leave your home or office in order to get a driving license. TB can be cured in all cases by taking the capsules you’ll get all the healthful purchase viagra from india elements without risking gaining weight due to the high fat content of Acai berries. It can levitra 40 mg help you get rid of erectile dysfunction when you really need erection.
Because of Winn-Dixie by Kate DiCamillo-I I read this a couple years ago with my oldest and we both loved it!

Because of Winn-Dixie

Say Hello to Zorro! by Carter Goodrich-Having a pug and big dogs makes this book even more entertaining!  There are two other books in this series and they are all a lot of fun.

Say Hello to Zorro!

Dream Dog by Lou Berger-I stumbled across this heartwarming story at the library.

Dream Dog

Tornado by Betsy Byars-I just recently picked this book up for my youngest, but we haven’t started reading it yet!

Tornado (Trophy Chapter Book)

James Herriot’s Dog Stories by James Herriot-Another one on my to read list!

James Herriot's Dog Stories

Have you read any of these?  If so, do you have a favorite?  If not, are you interested in any of them?  Do you like dogs?  Do you have any?  If not, what sort of animal is your favorite?

Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge for April 23, 2021

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly five word writing prompt. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s five words to use as your prompt are: increase, retire, dairy, hiccup, verdict

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Movie Review: Howard Original

Movie Review: Howard Original

Director: Natalie Rodriguez

Writer: Kevin Michaels and Natalie Rodriguez

Stars: Kevin Michaels, Natasha Galano, Katt Balsan, Jasmine Richards, Ivon Millian, Alessandra Mañon, and Iliyana Apostolova.

Due to recent tragic events in his life – particularly with MULTIPLE failed relationships – a screenwriter named HOWARD begins to question his life and the meaning of it. He escapes to a cabin, in hopes to find closure from both his writer’s block and hysterical, yet painful past. Only, HOWARD finds himself in a state of reality and an altered universe when he finds an abandoned cat named BLUE while reflecting on his personal and work relationships.

Rated: 3 Stars

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He’s not a good guy, but he is an interesting one.

Howard was an argumentative, crass, and deeply prejudiced character whose profound lack of self-awareness made me shake my head. He was the last person I’d ever want to spend time with in real life, and yet I found myself fascinated by his repeated refusals to learn from his mistakes or listen to the feedback he was given about his abhorrent behavior from many of the women who crossed his path.

Other films on this topic would generally shown a small crack in the main character’s persona early on as evidence that he knew what he was doing was wrong and that he was at least theoretically capable of changing. The fact that this one gave the audience no hints about him learning the error of his ways or even admitting he had major issues relating to other human beings only made me more curious to see how such a belligerent and stubborn character would react to all of the plot twists that were being thrown his way.

I was often confused by the flashbacks in the storyline. While some of them were necessary in order to understand the deeper meanings of the plot, they happened so regularly that I struggled to keep the timeline in order in my head. Once or twice I paused this film in order to write down how I thought everything fit together and then checked it later to see if I was correct. It would have been helpful if more of the most important scenes had been shown in the order they actually occurred. There were times when I was totally wrong about how they should have fit together, and that only puzzled me more.

Blending the satirical and dreamlike elements of the plot together was a good choice. This was especially true during the portions of it near the end that would have been easy to take literally if they’d been shot in a more straightforward manner. I appreciated having these reminders to dig more deeply into what was happening and think critically about what I was watching. They did a good job of tying up some loose ends for me.

Howard Original kept me on my toes. I’d recommend it to anyone who is in the mood for something genre bending and thought provoking.

Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for April 21, 2021

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

NOTE: we also host the Friday Five–a fun writing prompt blog hop and would love to see you there!

Today’s topic is: Creative outlets I enjoy

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Top Ten Tuesday: Colorful Book Covers

Hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl

All of these books have nice splashes of color on their covers, don’t you think? I haven’t read any of them yet, so do let me know if you’ve read and enjoyed any of them when you comment.

1. A Million Worlds with You (Firebird, #3) by Claudia Gray

2. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert

Dead Astronauts (Borne #2) by Jeff VanderMeer

3. Dead Astronauts (Borne #2) by Jeff VanderMeer

4. A Tyranny of Petticoats (A Tyranny of Petticoats, #1) by Jessica Spotswood

Today, buy cialis there are several physiotherapists in Mumbai, some who work independently, and some as a team for a while. It also consists of vitamins B1, B6, B2, C and E for cheapest viagra male fertility. To fight against this sexual dysfunction tadalafil australia has also shown a lot of promise as it increases the blood flow into the genital region of the sensory system and the returning of anxious to its muscles and additionally to the veins of the penile locale. Kamagra is one of the most affordable medicines formulated as an alternative to viagra buy no prescription , which was not affordable for many of the ED sufferers. 5. Ten Thousand Skies Above You (Firebird, #2  by Claudia Gray

6. The Girl in the Tower (The Winternight Trilogy, #2) by Katherine Arden

7. The Strange and Beautiful Sorrows of Ava Lavender by Leslye Walton

The Undercover Captain by Henry Vogel

8. The Undercover Captain by Henry Vogel

City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1) by Cassandra Clare

9. City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1) by Cassandra Clare

10. The Sun Is Also a Star by Nicola Yoon

Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge for April 16, 2021

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly five word writing prompt. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s five words to use as your prompt are: long, tin, party, witch, earthquake

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Wednesday Weekly Blogging Challenge for April 14, 2021

Each Wednesday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly “blog hop”. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

NOTE: we also host the Friday Five–a fun writing prompt blog hop and would love to see you there!

Today’s topic is: If I won a large lottery jackpot, I would…

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Friday Five Writing Prompt Challenge for April 9, 2021

Each Friday, Long and Short Reviews hosts a weekly five word writing prompt. For more details on how to participate, please click here.

Today’s five words to use as your prompt are: hell, railroad, chief, abridge, past

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