Mimadamos by Chadi Ghaith – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Chadi Ghaith will be awarding a copy of Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice, (US only) to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Lebanese author Chadi B. Ghaith brings beliefs that were held in secrecy for a thousand years to awareness in Mimadamos: The Eden of Choice (Fifthscience Inc., July 5, 2017). Ghaith’s book revolves around an ancient triangle of the most significant characters on earth, paralleled by three of the most significant forces in life, and their combined story in space and time. Journey through this fable and explore the ideas that have mystified mankind for centuries: good and evil, heaven and hell, the beginning and end of the world.

Did the ending precede the beginning? Are we only here on earth to comprehend its machinations? Is there room for choice to shape our destiny in the wake of fate and its brutal logic? Mimadamos is a unique, philosophically-rich fantasy which journeys through the depths of conflict and harmony that we understand as the spirit. It decodes the magic of the most ancient scripts known to man, the symbolic fall from Eden and the long anticipated armageddon, revealing a logic so unique that it brings history to its conclusive end.

Enjoy an Excerpt

She had all the power in the world—could turn sand into gold if she so desired—but she had refrained from using it. What was the point of using magic? It was like playing a video game in which one was granted unlimited lives regardless of performance. Instead, Destiny had agreed to play the game of reality with all its inherent rules and unpleasantness.

So, although she had the ability to think herself into any place she liked, she preferred to travel there with sunshine, good food, the company of beloved souls, and unexpected adventures along the way. For it was in the journey, not the destination, that she took the most pleasure.

A person cannot wield unlimited magic, she thought. If one became all-powerful, one could create his own reality at will, which would make the person his own creator. But no one could stand being both the Creator and the Created in the same world, for that would engender
unbearable solitude.

Just then, the women started to ululate, pulling Destiny from her musings. The truth was, even without their celebratory wailing, she would have known that her groom was nearby; she could sense him.

It’s all been preordained, she thought as she steeled herself.

About the Author: CHADI B. GHAITH has spent many years introducing an ancient mind science called Fifthscience to the public; Mimadamos is his first attempt at translating the magic of Fifthscience into a modern narrative. He is a native of Lebanon; however, he acquired his high school and university levels in Texas. Ghaith studied Arts and Film at Southern Methodist University in Dallas. He now lives in Beirut with his wife and three children.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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Legend of Song de Light by Kaitlynzq – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. The author will be awarding 2 $15 gift cards to her book boutique, 2 $10 gift cards to her book boutique, and 4 $4 gift cards to her book boutique to randomly drawn commenters (8 winners) via Rafflecopter. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

The stories within Legend of Song de Light
connect, unfold, interweave many character’s stories needs, feelings, desires, dreams
their threads as two crescent moons connected under the firelights
that layer the chords, and form the lyrics

all of you entered my world as dawn’s awakening sky of soft palette my garnet heart melted in iridescence to bloom in sun’s rays glow in night’s depth as the stars echo the rhythm of my heart my insides sigh and expand in delight harmonious blend as our lives circle the melody

The audiobook is recorded in Kaitlynzq’s voice with a blend of music like a heart’s wave into downloadable mp3 files.

An audio book that is interwoven in the Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu series that includes

Ancient Script of Lovecontu audio poem
Legend of Song de Light audio book Legend of Song de Light audio play
Lovecontu Song de Light Lovecontu audio set

Listen to the synopsis: https://youtu.be/j2XiCz03N0Y

Read an Excerpt

“…I awoke to a sonic dream of rhapsody ensemble, hummingbird wings, and chimes that were the arrangement…”

“…Again and again I muted the caution sign, and proceeded with Kamille, but my mind got even more insistent as I thought of telling her…”

“…Those chrysanthemums burst a duet of color that are silk to the touch, and bring visions of a certain lady, but I haven’t returned to the garden since that day in May…”

About the Author:

My fictional stories are written from the inside view of a character’s interior heart-that beautiful, vulnerable, intimate space feelings, desires, needs, dreams a blend of delicate feather ripples of heart waves needs, feelings, dreams, desires quiet, gentle heart strings tender, continuous soft, vulnerable air mist circles, weaves to caress a sonic sea of heart’s breath

Woven into audio books that are recorded in my voice with a medley of music as a heart’s wave into downloadable mp3 files;

audio plays adapted from the audio books, and layered into pdf files like a heart’s song;

audio poems that are multiple poems designed to connect to form a story as a heart’s breath;

and audio sets that are sets of these interconnected stories with elements from each story that interweave in one another as heart’s wave, heart’s song, heart’s breath.

Website | Author’s Boutique | Blog | /Vlog |
Goodreads | Email | Contact Page
Buy the audiobook at the Author’s Boutique

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3 Ways To Tell You Like Romance Books More Than People by Chelsea Parker – Guest Blog

3 Ways To Tell You Like Romance Books More Than People
There are people who like romance books, and people who love them. There may only be three letters difference between the two, but the people who love them are a whole different breed of people from those who simply like them. For people who love romance novels, a new paperback is their holy grail; the scent of turning pages is their ambrosia; and they may just choose a good book over a night out any day of the week. If it is possible that any of the following scenarios could happen to you, you might just be a love story addict.

1. You Pass Up A Date With Your Dream Guy Because…

So, picture it: That gorgeous cutie you have been silently crushing on for weeks finally comes over and asks you out. Your heart is fluttering; your excitement meter rockets to 101. Then he tells you he wants to take you to a movie, but the movie is one based off one of your favorite romance books of all time. You really like this guy, but you can’t take the risk that the movie will destroy your favorite book for you, so naturally, you tell him no, go home, and re-read that love story you love so much.

2. You Miss Your Favorite Niece’s First Dance Recital Because…

It’s Saturday afternoon, and your favorite little niecey’s first ever dance recital is coming up in an hour. She is so excited; she has been practicing all month. Your sister just sent you a picture of her in her tutu, and she is so stinking cute that your heart just about melts right out of your chest. But… you just can’t go. You’ve been reading the best love story you’ve read in months, and the main characters are finally about to kiss. If you put the book down now, you won’t be able to pick it up again for hours. Unacceptable. So, you pick up the phone, fake a very convincing cough, and tell niecey how very sorry you are and that you promise you’ll make the next show. Then you make yourself a hot cup of tea (for that imaginary tickle in your throat) and settle in for the climax moment you’ve been waiting for since page one.
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If any of the above three scenarios is one that you could easily see yourself being a part of, you might be addicted to your romance books. It’s okay, though. It’s a great addiction to have!

Chelsea Parker is a member of the Pillow Talk Books team. They curate free and bargain romance books and send them to your email on a daily basis. Join Their List Here: https://www.pillowtalkbooks.com.

Happy Anniversary, Goddess Fish Promotions! Q&A and Giveaway

Welcome to the Goddess Fish Promotions Tenth Anniversary Month Long Celebration!

Who is Goddess Fish Promotions? And what do we do? We’re glad you asked!

We didn’t want your visit here to be dry and boring, so we decided to have a poetry competition and put what we do into verse. Here are the initial entries:


Roses are Red.
Violets are Blue.
I’m awful at poetry.


Twitter and Facebook got you down?
Come see us, we’re the best around.
We’ll get your book out so people can see
What a wonderful author you happen to be.

Yeah, for some reason, Judy won!

Even better, her poem is correct. We DO offer twitter and Facebook promotions as one of our services!

Check out our testimonials here.

We hope you enjoyed getting to know us a little (more information is below) and we’d like to do the same. We’d LOVE to see a little poem that tells us a bit about you in the comments. We’ll be awarding random book giveaways and $5 Amazon GCs to some of the best poetry we find. It might not be at every stop, but when something really makes us smile, we’ll reward it! Come on, be daring… and enjoy the following interview.

Heels or flats?

Judy: Flats. I’m at the age where I like comfort more than glamour.
Marianne: Flats, if I’m in dress shoes which is nearly never. My actual shoes of choice depend on the season (I live in snow country): as early and as long as possible, I wear flip flops or sandals. Sneakers if I have to have close toed shoes for some reason. And I LOVE my Crocs. Yes. Really. In the winter, swap boots for sandals, but the rest is the same. I’m such a fashion plate…

The best book you have ever read:

Judy: If I have to pick one, I’ll probably have to choose Little Women. I love the relationship between the girls and Marmee and so wanted to be Jo when I grew up. Of course, then there is Anne of Green Gables – I also wanted to be Anne (minus the red hair). Then, on the other hand, we have Pride and Prejudice. What a wonderful love story. No, sorry… can’t do it.
Marianne: I don’t know about “best” and I’m assuming you mean fiction. But I can tell you what book I’ve read the most times: Black Beauty. Man, I loved that book. A close second would be the first 5 – 10 books in the Dragonriders of Pern series.

If you could eliminate one thing from your daily schedule, what would it be and why?

Judy: The 4 AM alarm…lol.
Marianne: Chores. I feel like I’m constantly sweeping or doing laundry or dishes. I honestly resent the time it takes, but … my husband and I are kind of fans of cleanliness, so what’s a girl (who can’t afford a maid) to do?

What is the first thing you notice about the opposite sex?

Judy: His eyes, followed closely by his smile. You can learn a lot about a man by the expression in his eyes (window to the soul, y’know) and by his smile (got to love a man with a sense of humor)
Marianne: Eyes for sure. I LOVE ice blue eyes (coincidentally, my husband has those) and if you pair them with dark hair? I might just swoon.

And now, some more about us:

About Goddess Fish Promotions

Goddess Fish Promotions was established October 14, 2008. Why? Well, when Marianne became a published author and got her the first taste of trying to promote a book on a budget, there was only one other virtual book tour company in place at the time, and their fees were simply too high for a small press author. After coordinating and running her own tour, she knew other authors could use the same service for a reasonable price. Thus, Goddess Fish Promotions was born.

Because both Judy and Marianne were authors and editors prior to running Goddess Fish Promotions, they approach the business with a unique point of view, and treat their clients how they would expect to be treated.

The people behind the fish


Judy Thomas — The Goddess

Judy has a college degree in English and she’s worked in retail, education, at her local library as well as an editor for a small press and for the now defunct ShadowKeep Ezine. She’s also a published author so can see things from both sides of the fence. In 2013, she “retired” and now spends her days helping authors make their dream come true—as well as working as much as she can with her local theater group.

Marianne Arkins – Fish

Grammar freak and coffee lover, Marianne wrote her first novel at ten years old, built her first commercial website in 2000, and published for the first time in 2006. She worked as a professional editor for just over a year, and knows what it’s like to write, edit and promote a book on a budget.

One of our interviews during the tour explains our nicknames … keep visiting daily to find out!

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/GoddessFishPromotions
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GoddessFish
Pinterest: http://www.pinterest.com/goddessfish/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mariannejudy/
Google+: https://plus.google.com/+Goddessfish

Now, the goodies … want to win stuff? Here are the rafflecopters:

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Lessons Learned from the Heroine by Philip Wilson – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Philip Wilson will be awarding a signed paperback copy of the book to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Lessons Learned from the Heroine
Allison is bright, pretty and popular, and has her whole life ahead of her when she is diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. Not only is the disease almost inevitably terminal but her prognosis is for a steady decline in cognitive ability, growing physical disability and increasing pain requiring heavy doses of narcotics. The novel deals with the next few months of Allison’s life as she vacillates between thoughts of suicide, making the best of the time she has, and hoping for a miracle.

After moving to a hospice in a small town she meets various people who gradually influence her perceptions and decisions. Terri Wright, a resident of the same hospice with the same medical condition, is determined to get the most out of the time she has. She pushes Allison to play tennis, go kayaking and sing in the local pub. When Allison has moments of despair and considers giving up, Terri urges her ‘to fight the darkness.’ Jack Rollins is the pub owner who falls in love with her despite knowing her situation and urges her to ‘make the best of the time we’ve got.’ Jack’s nine-year-old niece, Lucy, sees in Allison the mother and role model she’s never had. As Allison continues to struggle with her own feelings and emotions, she begins to realize that, despite her circumstances, she’s finding happiness and fulfillment, and making a difference in the lives of the people around her. She learns to appreciate whatever time she’s got and fights to make each day count.

That’s the lesson I hope readers takeaway from Songs for Lucy – the notion that whether faced with a terminal illness or not, every day should count. Allison’s journey leads her to pursue new interests and opportunities, some of which she may never have thought to make time for otherwise. Her character development highlights the importance of following your true passions to find happiness and fulfillment.

It’s spring, and Allison Connelly has it all – pretty, popular and smart. With a summer job teaching tennis and starting Harvard Law School in the fall, Allison plans on a successful law career, marriage and kids – and dreams of becoming a Supreme Court Justice.

When relentless headaches drive her to her doctor, Allison receives a terrifying diagnosis that destroys her plans and imperils her life. Devastated, Allison struggles to accept her shattered dreams and uncertain future. One night, she happens into a small-town pub and, on a whim, takes a job singing, finding solace and a measure of peace in her music. She settles in the town, and from that small beginning finds love, a new life and a new reason for living.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Dean Richardson went to the podium, looked back at Allison, and smiled. “It is now my great pleasure and privilege to introduce Allison Connelly to give the Valedictory Address. Allison has made an extraordinary contribution to our school. Not only has she achieved the highest academic standing in her graduating class, but she captained the tennis team – which won the Northeastern Intercollegiate Championship – and was on both the swim and debating teams. Rumor has it that she also sings occasionally at one of the local pubs. I really don’t know when she found time to study. It had been my hope that Allison would stay at BHU and continue with our MBA program, but… I am delighted to announce that she has been accepted into Harvard Law School. While I’m very sorry to lose her, Allison is the first BHU grad to be accepted into HLS in almost a decade and I’m sure you will all share my pride in her achievement. Allison.”

There was a burst of applause. Prepared to stand and approach the podium, she again felt a searing pain over her left eye. She remained seated and again breathed deeply, fighting the pain.

“Allison,” the dean prompted again.

To Allison’s great relief, the pain dissipated. She stood, walked confidently to the podium, and looked out at her classmates and others in the auditorium.

Allison paused and the audience waited expectantly, anticipating the usual salutation acknowledging students, friends and families, alumni, the dean, and the faculty.

“Hi Guys,” Allison began with a smile.

About the Author:Philip Wilson is a retired financial executive who spends winters in Florida and summers sailing on the Great Lakes in his 32-foot sailboat. Songs for Lucy is his second book. His first, The Librarian, was rated one of the best reviewed books of 2017 by IndieReader and featured in the Huffington Post.

Website | Facebook | Goodreads

Buy the book at Amazon or Barnes and Noble.

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Living from the Inside Out by Kristie Booker – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is a part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Kristie will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Living from the Inside Out

As a wellness coach, I often work with women who feel like their body is never good enough. I can relate. I used to live with that mindset as well. I spent a large part of my life working up the courage to raise my middle finger to society’s view of a perfect body. Self-acceptance is hard.

What if we felt good enough because we were simply good enough? What if we spent time understanding what we love, what makes our heart happy and ultimately, “fitting in” to who we are?

These questions led me to think about where I continued to conform to society’s expectations. What part of me was still drinking the social Kool-Aid in order to be popular? Where was I continuing to live from the outside in?

I realized that I was participating in society’s push toward moving up the social ladder, competing and winning in the name of power and wealth. I made up my mind that I didn’t want to do that anymore. Little by little, I embraced the discomfort of letting go. It was hard. I did my best to quiet the outside noise so I could hear my tiny voice inside.

There’s always been a push inside of me to write. I ignored it. It wasn’t practical. The more I quieted the outside noise, the stronger the urge. As much as I felt inspired, I also was afraid. Afraid of being judged. Afraid of not being good enough.

I committed 2 hours each day to writing. Keeping my butt in the chair and fingers on the keyboard during those ugly moments where I had to wrestle mean, self-induced fears of not being smart enough, creative enough and all of the other “not enough” thoughts down to the ground was hard. At times, it felt impossible. After a while, the two hours a day became three, then four and five.

I felt resentful toward the blank stares and rolled eyes from some of those I chose to tell about my writing. I fought the desire to tell my internal voice to shut up so I could go back to the comfort zone of seeking acceptance from others. Being true to myself wasn’t supposed to please others, it was only supposed to feel right to me.

Now that I’m on the other side and have a completed novel ready to publish, I’m eternally grateful to whatever forces were at work to help me see my first book through to the end and ultimately, complete a lifelong dream of being a writer. Living from the inside out isn’t always easy but staying tuned in to the inner voice makes life a whole lot better.

Growing up on a farm in Brockville, Illinois, did not prepare Colleen O’Brien Adler to be the wife of a wealthy entertainment lawyer living in Chicago. It certainly didn’t prepare her to be Dinah Adler’s daughter-in-law. The stay-at-home mother of two has more than she’s ever wanted—a personal stylist, a prestigious country club membership, a multimillion-dollar home—but she finds herself not only struggling with depression and body image but also failing as a parent and fearing for her marriage. Her life is about to change when an invitation to a wellness meeting arrives in her inbox. With some coaxing from personal coach Kory Stone, she commits to a new beginning. But will she be able to overcome the things that are holding her back?

Enjoy an Excerpt

Colleen tossed the other pieces of mail on the kitchen island between her freshly opened can of Diet Coke and the white-lidded paper cup that had contained a large vanilla latte. She tore through the heavy cardstock. White roses swirled up each side of the invitation.

Harborview Country Club cordially invites you to attend the Forty-Fourth Annual Spring Fashion Show — featuring Raina Rose. The event will be held on Friday, the first of April at noon. RSVP by the eighteenth of March. Spots are limited!

Today was March 17. Colleen dialed the club and was put on hold. While she waited, she thought of her doctor’s appointment scheduled on Friday, April 1. She would have to reschedule. She wasn’t missing the fashion show for the second year in a row.

The club receptionist finally returned to the line. “I’m sorry. Mrs. Adler, but the event is full.”

“Were the invitations mailed late?” Colleen said.

“I sent them three weeks ago,” the woman said. “Would you like me to add you to the waiting list?”

“But I just got mine,” Colleen said. “Who’s in charge this year?” She already knew the answer to that question — her mother-in-law, Dinah, and her porcelain-faced lackeys, Ashley Barr and Victoria Heller.

The same thing had happened last year, and Colleen had given the three women the benefit of the doubt. She believed them when they blamed the post office for the delay. This year, however, Colleen knew her invitation was sent late on purpose.

About the Author: Kristie Booker is the author of Blooming Into Life, a blogger and a Wellness Coach. She enjoys coaching and inspiring women through her writing as well as in person. Kristie is a wife and mother of two sons. She grew up in rural Illinois, but now lives in Chicago.

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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The Diamond Grenade by Daniel Julian – Spotlight and Giveaway

MBB_TheDiamondGrenade_Banner copy
This stop is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Daniel will be awarding a $15 Amazon or B/N GC to five randomly drawn winners via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

MediaKit_BookCover_TheDiamondGrenadeThe Diamond Grenade is the story of a family line and a revolution told in five novellas – a complex tale told simply.

Enjoy an excerpt:

Book I: A Father’s Fate

At one point, on the banks of a confluence where two rivers ran together like closing thighs, there was a certain boatman. This boatman, name of Gur, had a fine long pole (not too bendy, not too strong) with which to move his long wide boat upon the water. Gur slept with his pole, lest it go missing. Then one evening while he was ferrying a few paying passengers from one put-in to the next, Gur’s pole got stuck in thick river-bottom mud and muck and he lost his grip and the pole sank out of sight. Cursing, Gur leapt into the water and dove for the pole. Long minutes passed and Gur’s nubile daughter Guri, at the prow of the boat, began to wail. Gur did not come back up. They found him later downstream. This is how the girl Guri became a very young boatman with a shoddy pole.

The thing about Guri is that she knew everybody. All the fares on her boat. They didn’t necessarily know each other all too often, but everybody knew Guri. And somehow she knew everybody back. She just had a mind for it. Who went with whom and how the families fell out. Names. All the names Guri knew. But only one name made her sing: Tuc. Tuc drank and threw dice, but early in their acquaintance he’d made bold to say that Guri would make a good mother. This observation of Tuc’s about Guri had won her over, so she sang his name in the dark. One syllable songs are short, but carry on the water.

Guri’s favorite disgruntlement was that there was no word for girl boatman. It was poling-upriver hard to get more than a grunt out of half her older passengers, because they didn’t see clear to it being right for her to be doing a man’s job. Tuc suggested ‘boatwoman’, but Guri allowed as how that was more the busty mascot off the bow of a ship than a person who poled for a living. Tuc took to riding with Guri quite frequently. Then one night, he brought her a new pole, and it was a good pole.

Not long after the new pole, Tuc convinced Guri to elope with him a ways downriver to a town where he had prospects. When they got there, they traded the boat and pole for two goats. Guri was better with people than with animals, so Tuc tended the herd while she met and memorized every person she could find. Soon she had so much work taken in to do for folks that what with going to the big, clean houses to perform services inbetweentimes, and attending in good turn to the day’s worth of all the waiting piecemeal work filling their modest house, Guri was too busy to make a baby.

Guri got fed up with being too busy to make a baby and made a baby. Tuc split. Guri’s popularity made her fatherless child the ward of the town. Everybody parented him. That’s why he grew up angry. His name was Gur, after his grandfather. Boy did he have a chip on his shoulder about being told what to do. Everybody told him when and where to jump. Only Guri could make him ask how high. Usually his answer would be jump why? The thing about having a whole village full of parents is that they are going to contradict each other and some of them are bound to be weird people.

About the Author: As in medical school, praxis then practicum: I saw one, did one, taught one… now I do one after the other. One novella after another I mean. And they’re good. I saw novellas while acquiring my Bachelor’s Degree in English Language and Literature/Letters with a minor in Psych at Indiana University in the mid-nineties, I taught and did novellas a few years later while pursuing a Master’s of Arts in Lit. at the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and I have done a fancy set of five well here now (as I pursue an AAS in Accounting at a community college, btw). For more about me, check out my website.

A set of five good serial novellas. Hope you find the time to enjoy them. Please help spread the word. You can download the book for free.

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Top Five Books by George T. Chronis – Guest Blog and Giveaway

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This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. George will be awarding a $25 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.


Let me preface this list by saying these are my personal choices not the five best books based in any objective criteria. These five say something about what kinds of stories I appreciate and something about me as a person. So without further adieu…

#5: Foucault’s Pendulum, Umberto Eco

Part of my daily routine is finding time to have an interesting conversation with someone. Every once in a while the topic will stray into philosophy, science or the metaphysical. Those are fun discussions, and during a time of my life I was having quite a few of them I read Foucault’s Pendulum. The book sort of wraps all of these arcane subjects into a conspiracy story in a fascinating fashion that was a great read. It was like all of these esoteric conversations came alive in a way that had me looking over my shoulder. Definitely not for everyone but if you are into this stuff it is a great ride.

#4: Inherit the Stars, James P. Hogan

Okay, you do not read Hogan for grammatical flourish or rich character development. Yet the man had a knack for conjuring up these amazing science fiction stories that teased the mind, and in their own way, were very visual in concept. Inherit the Stars was the first of his novels published that I found it my first year of college and could not put down. The plot is something of a detective story. In the near future, a survey team on the moon finds a dead fellow in space suit stuffed back in a rock crevice. By the look of it he has been dead a while. Under examination back at base, they nickname him Charlie. The features of his suit are kind of weird. The design is perfectly understandable but doesn’t fit standards present or past, and can’t be placed with any known suit made in the past. Then comes the big head scratcher after the carbon dating results come in. Charlie is 50,000 years old. His DNA is totally human – he can only come from Earth. So how did this guy die on the moon 50,000 years ago when modern humans were competing with the Neanderthals?

#3: Memoirs of Service Afloat During the War Between the States, Raphael Semmes

Although not fiction, the voyage of the C.S.S. Alabama is one of the great American stories. Semmes was her captain and a sly rapscallion who tells of the multi-year expedition to raid Union shipping from the Atlantic coast, Gulf of Mexico, South America, the South Atlantic, the Indian Ocean, South Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Pacific Ocean and back until bottled up at Cherbourg, France. With no escape possible, Semmes challenges the captain of the U.S.S. Kearsarge to a ship-to-ship duel. This is simply an amazing narrative and a fascinating window on American politics and points of view during the Civil War. You have to get past that Semmes is a man who resigned his naval commission to fight for the South and thinks this is a just cause. But he is a prickly type who is not what you expect. Also a lawyer, he goes on tangents regarding legal justifications the North employs to justify its actions. Seeing hypocrisy in how the Union confiscates slaves in Southern states as contraband of war in order to free them while ignoring slaves in Northern states, Semmes takes the first opportunity to liberate a young slave from his Maryland owner using the same pretext. The kid is given the choice of being put off at the port of call of his choosing or joining the crew, and the youngster chooses to become a paid member of the crew. Only recently did I learn that there is an old folk song they still sing in Cape Town about the return of the Alabama. The ditty has nothing to do with the politics of slavery but about the captured libations and food stores Semmes brought back to be sold off that made their way to the local population.

#2: The Maltese Falcon, Dashiell Hammett

The 1930s is an era I adore and The Maltese Falcon is a complete gem that never gets old or seems dated. Hammett sets the ground rules for all the detective fiction and Film Noir exposés that came later. There is an immediacy and drive to first-person pulp fiction that I find hard to resist. You can see the same virtues in Edgar Rice Burroughs’ A Princess of Mars. Hammett paints a world full of greed and avarice that is dark, grimy and completely alive. And he gives us a hero in Sam Spade who is hardened, rough around the edges and not exactly virtuous… yet completely irresistible.

#1: Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, Jules Verne

Forget about the Disney movie, read the original material. Nemo is one of the great tortured villains ever written. He is one man at war with the British Empire and you can’t discount his reasons. There are huge doses of politics and moral outrage at play in Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea and in many ways modern readers have a hard time understanding why the guy is so pissed off. Not that the reasons are not presented, but that we lack the context. For example, I don’t remember being taught in school that the industrial revolution in Great Britain was funded by plunder from India. The history books I remember reading attributed the Industrial Revolution solely to the innate creativity and natural talents of the British. You have to read something like The Law of Civilization and Decay by Brooks Adams to learn differently. Nemo is a man whose entire life has been plundered by the British and he is out for payback. It is a rich and compelling character study that still haunts me.

MediaKit_BookCover_SudetenlandSudetenland is the premiere novel by author George T. Chronis. The book delivers suspenseful and sweeping historical fiction set against Central European intrigue during the late 1930s leading up to 1938’s Munich Conference. Having swallowed up Austria, Adolph Hitler now covets Czechoslovakian territory. Only France has the power to stand beside the government in Prague against Germany… but will she? The characters are the smart and sometimes wise-cracking men and women of this era – the foreign correspondents, intelligence officers, diplomats and career military – who are on the front lines of that decade’s most dangerous political crisis. If Czechoslovak president Edvard Beneš ignores the advice of French premier Édouard Daladier and refuses to give up Bohemian territory willingly, then Hitler orders that it be taken by force. The novel takes readers behind the scenes into the deliberations and high drama taking place within major European capitals such as Prague, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and London as the continent hurtles toward the crucible of a shooting war.

Enjoy an excerpt:

Ros strutted into Lasky’s office, coming to a dead end in front of the wood desk that was as long as Rhode Island. She tapped the sole of her shoe on the floor impatiently while Lasky bellowed at someone else in the newsroom. At least the afternoon view over Manhattan was pleasing. Blowing in like a foul wind, Lasky slammed the door and walked right past her.

“Boss, I’m sorry to run a little fast with your image back there,” Ros offered up in appeasement.

Still rounding his desk, Lasky shook her off with a wave of his hand. “Forget it. That’s not why you’re here. I have a job for you.”

Wondering whether she should be concerned or happy, Ros decided to play along. “What kind of job?”

Sitting down, Lasky rifled through some paperwork until he found the document he was looking for.

“Yeah, go find this guy Lester downstairs, he’ll get you all set up. Lodging, fares, advances, the whole low-down,” Lasky finished, handing her the form.

“Who’s Lester? What are you talking about? Where am I going?” she blurted out before taking a wild glance at the paperwork.

Lasky thought if he could keep Ros distracted, maybe he could get the problem child on the boat before she could cry about needing a raise. He reached out and grabbed the form back. Throwing it on the desktop, Lasky signed the paper with his fountain pen.

Done, he thrust the page back at Ros. “Paris. I’m sending you to Paris.”

Ros looked down at the form, then at Lasky, then back at the form. “I’m going to Paris? When did someone around here start liking me?”

“Stop dreaming, no one around here likes you,” Lasky taunted her while he walked back around to the front of his desk. “That screwy Miranda just stabbed me in the back. She found herself some guy over there, got married, and now she’s running off to some French island in the Caribbean. I need someone to pick up the pieces in Paris. That’s you.”

“Just slow down. Miranda got hitched?” all of the angles weren’t coming together in Ros’ head.

“Yeah, nice announcement: Hi Harry, I got married, and I quit,” Lasky mimicked a feminine voice. These damn ditzy broads were always letting him down. But Ros showed promise. Pointing his finger repeatedly at her nose, he continued his rant. “Miranda left me high and dry, so I’m sending you to pick up the pieces. You, I don’t have to worry about. With that mouth, no one is going to be marrying you.”

“Harry!” Ros yelled indignantly. “You’re not painting a very enticing picture for me here. What if I don’t want to go to Paris?”

Lasky stared at her incredulously. “Who doesn’t want to go to Paris? Any one of those stooges out there would kill to go to Paris but none of them have what you’ve got.”

With her natural skepticism starting to boil over, Ros leaned in closer and started jabbing Lasky in the shoulder with two fingers, slowly backing him up against the desk.

“I know what you’re up to Harry,” her tone low and threatening. “Miranda was on a fashion beat. That means to you the only thing I got that those mugs out there don’t have, is boobs. It’s another glorified gossip beat, you rat!”

“It’s Paris! C’mon, every woman wants to go to Paris,” Lasky shouted in his defense.

“That’s not the point,” Ros continued poking him. “I’m tired of going to county fairs. I’m tired of the only labor unrest stories coming my way having to be in washing machine factories. I’m tired of reporting on this ditzy socialite, and that boring dolt of a millionaire. I want a real beat like a real reporter, Harry. I can do the job just as good, or better, as those guys out there and I cost less.”

“Stop trying to get on my good side,” Lasky retorted, readying his counter attack. He hadn’t expected this much of a fight. But he needed her and he couldn’t run the risk of her bolting.

“Listen, give me a chance here. You’re the only person I’ve got who can jump in and take over for Miranda. But you’re also a hell of a lot better than she is… err, was. You won’t have to work as hard to cover her beat. In case you haven’t noticed, between the Nazis and Mussolini, there’s one crisis after another going on over in Europe. I’m sure there’s going to be some important stories Walter and our boys won’t be able to get to. What you do with your free time is up to you.”

Somewhere in there were a couple of compliments, but she wasn’t going to let him twist free that easily. Paris did sound kind of nice, and he was throwing her a bone in the way of real work, but Ros was sure the beat would take up more time than Lasky was promising, and she wanted something else from him… for pride, and because she could. So Ros just silently stared Lasky down, daring him to add one more carrot to get her to sign on.

“Okay, and I’ll throw in a raise,” Lasky conceded after a long standoff.

“Done!” Ros threw her arm out to shake hands with Lasky to seal the deal.

About the Author: MediaKit_BookCover_SudetenlandAfter years as a journalist and magazine editor, George T. Chronis decided to return to his lifelong passion, storytelling. A lover of both 1930s cinema and world history, Chronis is now devoted to bringing life to the mid-20th Century fictional narratives that have been in his thoughts for years. Sudetenland is his first novel. Taking place during turbulent times in Central Europe during the 1930s, the book took eight years to research and write. The author is already hard at work on his second novel.

Chronis is married with two daughters, and lives with his wife in a Southern California mountain community.

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Daisy – Meet Our Reviewers and Win Prizes

winter blogfest banner copyMerry Christmas and welcome to a chance to meet our reviewers! Enter the Rafflecopter below for a chance to win a grand prize of a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble Gift card, with runnerup prizes of a $10 Amazon or Barnes and Noble gift card, or one of four book/swag prize packs (US only).

Why did you become a reviewer?

I became a reviewer because I devour books and I wanted a chance to get through some favourites for free and offer up my opinion.

What are your favorites genres to read in and why?

Sci-fi/fantasy or contemporary romance. These are my favourites as I like something out of the ordinary, a bit of an escape from reality and something truly creative. Romance satisfies the first two and a good sci-fi or fantasy book satisfies all three points.

What book in your youth made a big impression on you and why?

I actually had ten books really influence me when I was young…

In no particular order:

Peter Pan (not sure what edition it was but it had beautiful artwork)
The Faraway Tree Series by Enid Blyton
Aesops Fables
Chronicles of Narnia by C.S.Lewis
The Famous Five Series by Enid Blyton
His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman
The Abhorsen Series by Garth Nix
Anita Blake Series by Laurell K. Hamilton
Merry Gentry Series by Laurell K. Hamilton
Exile and the Kingdom by Albert Camus

My favourite out of those would probably be Enid Blyton’s The Faraway Tree series. It took me out of my world and introduced me to a fantasy land where people are kind and anything is possible.

Do you have any “bad book habits”? Dog Ear? Reading in the tub or while eating? Breaking the spine?

I do all of those things but I personally don’t view them as “bad book habits”. A bad book habit is not reading or not reading enough. How you read should not be an issue.

What is one thing we would be most surprised to learn about you?

I’m usually pretty open. I guess one of the more surprising things about me is I do not really wish to stay in the country I was born in past the age of 35. I like travelling too much and my country is going downhill!

What is something that makes you stop reading a book?

Lots! My biggest pet peeve is a book that features an author/writer as a main character. That’s just lazy characterisation and I refuse to read it on principle. (I’ve also not, on glancing through the first few pages of these, found a good one yet).

What books have most influenced your life? Why?

Very similar – if not the same – as the books which made an impression on me in my youth. I believe genre has a far more lasting effect on people than literary works for the most part.

Perhaps Laurell K Hamilton’s series or Naomi Novik’s dragon books have had the most effect on me recently though. They illustrate fantasy ideas brilliant and have characters which are full of life. I truly got sucked into their alternative realities – and wanted to stay!

What book do you think should be made into a movie? Why?

The Naomi Novik series. It’s a better plot than Eragon and has the depth of Tolkein in some ways. History is recreated with fantasy and it’s amazing to read and would work beautifully with a big budget on the big screen.

What would you choose as a superpower? why?

Either mindreading or the ability to live forever. There is not enough time to learn everything about people, their behaviour, how they think, and how the world works. I wish I had more time and ability to gain knowledge.

Describe your perfect reading space.

A vacation spot with dry heat – perhaps poolside in southern Italy or in the Sahara after dark – with something very comfy to lie on, a couple of pillows, some water and some junk food.

If you could spend a day with anyone from history, dead or alive, who would it be, and what would you do? What would you ask them?

I would ask the first person in my family tree with my last name why it was they chose such a strange last name and I’d spend the day learning about my oldest relatives which the records did not record.

What were your top ten books you reviewed for LASR in 2014?

I don’t think I’ve managed to review a full ten books so far this year but here is a list of the ones I really enjoyed:

Cara O Shea’s return by Mackenzie Crowne
Gretel and the Dark by Eliza Granville
The Gypsy Ribbon by Shannon Macleod
Texas Fandango by Cynthia D’Alba
The Same Mistake Twice by Albert Tucher

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