Tiger Stripes by Hannah Renae – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Hannah Renae will be awarding a $100 Amazon GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Four psychiatric wards

Three rehabs

Two jail cells

And a suicide attempt…

Hannah was told she would not make it to 25 with the way she was living. She had struggled with mental illness her entire life, but at 22 her demons came to a head at the grips of severe substance abuse, life-changing trauma, and two major deaths in her life.

Hannah’s struggles land her places no one ever hopes to grace; jail and psych wards lead her to the brink of death. Running out of options she’s left with two choices: live or die. This heart-wrenching memoir combines recovery with bittersweet romance told in a raw presentation that immerses the reader into the author’s dark state-of-mind in every page.

Tiger Stripes is going to add a valuable voice to the conversation about women’s mental health issues.

Enjoy an Excerpt


October 7, 2019


I am screaming at the top of my lungs and can feel my throat tearing, becoming raw. I don’t know how many times I have said his name now, but it is all I know how to do because nothing is making any sense.

I am in a locked room and flashes of images are going through my head, but there is only one thing, one thought that I can focus on, that is pounding through my brain throughout this confusion and that is pouring out of my lungs to the point that my chest feels like it is going to rip.

“HENRY!” I choke on his name and a sob.

He cannot hear me, and he is not coming. He doesn’t know where I am and I don’t know where I am, but I know I am not supposed to be here—and I have to get out.

I beat at the metal door that barricades me from something unknown and choke on words that begin with H.





I repeat these words for what feels like a lifetime, until I forget how to speak and my begging turns to carnal screaming—shrieking.

No one comes. No one answers. I wait for footsteps, for the sound of the door unlocking, but all I can hear is the sound of my frantic breaths and the echoes of a lamentation that is anything but human.

I look down at my body. My feet are bare against the concrete floor; I cannot feel them. The jean shorts I am wearing show off my slender, scratched legs and remind me that I am small and feeble at this moment, but in an act of desperation, I put all of my faith in the power of momentum and I run. I fucking run as fast as I can from the three paces it takes to get from the wall to the ominous looming, locked door and attack it with my entire being, letting out my most vicious battle cry as I fumble towards it.

The door wins.

I try again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

And again.

I am degraded to a crumbling, bruised ball of flesh.

I can barely speak, my throat reduced to sandpaper.

Everything hurts and I can taste the bitterness of blood in my mouth. The floor is like ice against my bare legs. Through the tears in my eyes I see the moon shining through a window at the top of the room. It is full and brilliant and illuminates the white of the brick walls that surround me. I realize that there is writing on them. People have been here before me. People will be here after me. Why am I here though? I should not be.

I should be home, where I belong. In bed, with him. Safe. I feel anything but that word in this moment, as terror sweeps through every single one of my nerves.

I whisper in one last futile attempt:


But there is silence. Horrible, deafening, fatal silence.

And it seems to last forever, until I hear it, or think I do. A click, the door unlocking, and the small room is suddenly filled with light. Fluorescence suffocates me.

When I dare to open my eyes, they do not find Henry. Instead I find a police officer looking back at me. He wears broad, black framed glasses that are too big for his face and he looks eerily familiar. A sudden memory of lying in a hospital bed comes to me but does not fully resonate. His face is forlorn and almost disappointed, as if he expected more out of me.

“I thought you were going to hurt yourself,” he tells me. “Promise you’ll stay calm and you can come out for a bit. We’ve got to get you fingerprinted.”

It’s then that I have the shattering realization that I am drunk and in a holding cell at a police station. The reason why escapes me though, as I try to grab onto flashes of sober memories but drown in my current state-of-mind.

I try to breathe with intent as I remember every single arrest-cliché in the book, and I cling to the fact that I am going to get my phone call. They will probably let me go—they have to. If anything, they will make me stay the night at the most.

I remember the silent promise I had once made myself—that the moment I got a DUI that I would put down the bottle for good. Jail was the worst it could get. It had been my crowning achievement at my last three rehabs that I had never graced the inside of a jail cell and I never planned to.

“Continue down the path you have been,” one of the staff members at my second treatment center had told me after sharing her own story about prison, “and jail is a guarantee.”

And here I am. Her words have come to pass, as promised.

I then remember what else she told me as we talked over a pack of Marlboro Reds on a warm Orange County night.

“Finish the 90 days,” she had said, “Or you will not make it and there will come a day where you will no longer be able to cry out ‘I’m a good person!’. You will lie. You will steal. You will become someone and something else. You will hurt everyone you love. You will lose everything, and just when you think you have lost it all, you will lose something else.”

About the Author:

If there is anything Hannah believes in, it’s hope, but that wasn’t always the case. For a long time, chaos was comfortable for Hannah, but at just 22 she would have to make her hardest decision yet: was life really worth living? Since picking up a pen Hannah has had a love for writing, and as an adult it would become her greatest tool in healing from an almost decade-long battle with severe mental illness and substance abuse. Her first book, Tiger Stripes, is a harrowing, raw telling of her year in and out of hospitals, treatment centers, and jail that finally led her on the road to recovery and freedom.

Hannah was born in Orange County, CA but has lived in the Los Angeles area for several years. She now lives in West L.A. with her boyfriend. When she is not writing she can be found reading, running, cooking, or finding the best vegan eats in L.A.!

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Buy the book at Amazon , Barnes and Noble, Kobo, iBooks, The Book Depositogry, or Chapters Indigo.

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Success is in Your Hands, Follow your Successful study tips by Christine Reidhead – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Christine Reidhead will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Success is in Your Hands, Follow your Successful study tips

Students face many issues, and competing things make concentrating on studying hard. However, there is a need to do a little studying at least to progress. For better grades, there is a need to develop and follow successful study tips. It is about studying smarter.

There are different types of study habits that it is not easy to figure out the good to bad ones on starting your college days.

First, to begin with, bad habits disempower students.

1. Procrastination
Studying for exams is stressful. Fear appears on your face and dreams. Thus, everyone starts stalling by spending time in some other activity. It can be on Facebook or anything else, it is just procrastinating.
• Instead, adopt better time management habits by preparing to-do lists and checking up on your progress.

2. Wrong place
A place where you fall asleep is not the right place for you to study, such as your bed or couch. Also, avoid places with a lot of distractions.
• Instead, choose the right place to concentrate and learn.

3. Turn distractions on
It may be fun to study even while your Facebook is on or in front of the TV, but the fact is you cannot do much.
• Instead, reward yourself by allocating some time to social media or TV after studying for a specific time or on completing a portion.

4. Studying one night before
There may be times you passed a few tests studying the night before the test. For a deeper understanding and higher grades, devoting, attention, and a lot of time is a must.
• Instead, write the main points and review them in the morning after breakfast. Best is taking a break before a test, walk or listen to music.

Good study habits to succeed
• Plan your time- Getting overwhelmed is easy with everything in college. But it is a must to have a course plan. Study every week, the entire material. Even then, something unexpected may come, and it may take a longer time to complete.

• Set goals- Developing this habit is helpful. You can study every week and set study goals. It can be the number of chapters, mastering a skill, understanding a challenge better, or even spending more time on studies than checking Facebook.

• Ask for help- It is easier to seek help so that you accomplish your set goals. There are different types of study habits, frame your type.

• Reward yourself- Encourage yourself by rewarding, it is positive reinforcement. It can be eating ice cream, watching a show, or sleeping.

The successful study tips are the ones that benefit you!

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Mom and Dad’s Martinis by Jacelyn Cane – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Jacelyn Cane will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Jacelyn Cane’s mom and dad liked their martinis dry: straight gin on the rocks with a dab of vermouth and a hint of water – and they liked them often. They also liked to party; they danced, socialized, and drank – they were good at all three. Sometimes this behaviour led to humorous situations – antics in the pool, at the club, the cottage or in the car, for example. Other times, however, the experiences were not so funny – family fights and times of neglect, trauma, and abuse. By weaving together a series of episodes that take the reader to light and dark places, author Jacelyn Cane tells a poignant cautionary tale for anyone affected by alcoholism and/or family struggles. The author is using a pseudonym and most of the names in the book have been changed to protect people’s identities. “Mom and Dad’s Martinis: A Memoir” is a great read for anyone who has experienced a childhood mixed with joy as well as sorrow. It is a story of love, acceptance, forgiveness, and hope.

Enjoy an Exclusive Excerpt

I am allergic to wine.

But I once tried an old ’39.

Besides getting smashed

I broke out in a rash

So now gin and tonic does fine.

That’s my favourite of eight limericks I wrote for an assignment in grade six. Every one of them dealt with alcohol.

The first time I got drunk was on New Year’s Eve when I was fourteen. My parents were at a party, so Duncan and I helped ourselves to the fully stocked bar, adding water to the bottles so they looked full. It was fun at the time.

“Duncan, pour in a little rum,” I said. “They’re not big rum drinkers, so they won’t miss that.”

“Okay.” He poured a bit of rum into the pitcher. “And how about some rye?”

“Yah, that’s good. What about a bit of gin?”

“No way,” said Duncan. “They know their gin like the back of their hand. Here’s some bourbon. That hardly ever gets touched.”

A year later, my friend Stephanie Mortimer and I raided my parents’ liquor cabinet one night when my parents were out. We took a bottle that was almost empty and added a little bit from several bottles until it was full. Then we went out in a field and drank the entire bottle. We sat on our jackets because the ground was cold. I plugged my nose as I took swigs of the gross mixture. Tall grasses surrounded us and rubbed against our cheeks. Stephanie was petite. She got so drunk that she passed out in the middle of a road while we were walking to a party. A man in a station wagon drove by and picked us up. He was an elderly gentleman wearing horn-rimmed glasses. He laid Stephanie in the back seat, and I sat beside her. I gave him the address of the party. “Can you drive us to 49 Burdock Road? That’s where Stephanie lives.” Out cold in the back seat, Stephanie started foaming at the mouth.

The man looked back and saw the foam. “Your friend is very sick. I’m taking her to the hospital.” He turned the car around and headed for North York General.

“No, please. Just take her home,” I begged. “She’ll be fine.”

The man sped to the Emergency entrance, made sure she was safely in the hospital and drove off. Stephanie lay there with white bubbles oozing out of her mouth. My heart started racing, and I could hardly breathe. A doctor came out to talk to me.

“Can you tell me what your friend has injected, inhaled or ingested?” He ran a hand through his grey hair.

I pictured the look on my mother’s face. “She hasn’t had anything that I know of. We were just on our way to a party, and she passed out on the road.”

“Come on, now,” he said. “Tell me the truth.”

“Like I said. She’s had nothing that I know of,” I said, feeling sick to my stomach.

I waited and waited. The doctor came out again.

“I know your friend has had something. You’d be helping us a lot if you could shed some light on the situation, so we can help her.”

This time, I flashed on my father, and the look he got when he had three or more drinks, and one of us kids answered him back. “I’m telling you, I don’t know anything.” Finally, the doctor called me into the room where Stephanie lay motionless.

About the Author Jacelyn Cane was born and raised in Toronto. She lives with her husband, and near her three children and step-daughter. She is a retired elementary school teacher who also worked in social justice education with the United Church of Canada. She has worked in theatre and as a reporter. She was educated in Toronto, earning a B.A. in Political Science and an M.A. in Canadian History from York University. Later, she earned a B. Ed. at the University of Toronto. She is passionately involved in numerous social justice issues such as climate crisis concerns and Indigenous rights. She loves meditating, writing, reading, music, laughing, and being around nature. She is motivated by a deep sense of spirituality. Her number one love, however, is being with family and friends.


Buy the book at Amazon, Chapters Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, Smashwords, or iBooks.

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Forgiveness: Your Key to Harmony and Inner Peace by Laura Throne – Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Laura Throne will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

FORGIVENESS: YOUR KEY TO HARMONY AND INNER PEACE by Laura Throne will take you on a fascinating journey through the author’s real-life experiences as she provides practical advice to achieve a more intentional, conscious and aware approach to life. It will show you how accepting change and facing the unknown can create wonderful new opportunities.

This memoir details the author’s own wake-up call about how she restored her emotional, mental and spiritual wellbeing after a devastating, miserable marriage, and regained her physical health after a chronic disease. Her story will help you discover small miracles in your everyday life you can be grateful for. See how difficult life situations and challenges can help your soul grow and evolve so you can reach your true potential.

FORGIVENESS will help you to remember that you are loved, worthy and complete. In the same way, you are valuable, powerful and significant in this world. Practicing forgiveness liberates your soul and sets you free, and kindness fills your heart with joy.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Raising children is an exhausting and demanding 24/7 job, therefore it is vital to take a break once in a while. We make “mistakes” and that is OK. We are all learning. Sometimes we push them or ourselves too hard to be the “perfect” parent or the “perfect” child. There is no need to do that. Every child is different and unique. Every child has distinct skills and various interests. Some prefer creative activities over playing sports. Others love sports but are not so keen on reading or math. It is important to allow our children to try different sports, instruments and creative activities so they can decide what to do. Positive reinforcement and praising the children’s unique skills can cause miracles and boost their self-confidence. It is also crucial to allow our children to make “mistakes.” Finally, children need lots of free time to play and relax. Every child is equally valuable. We can build a harmonious relationship by hugging, kissing, nurturing and comforting them. Additionally, we can create strong bonds by paying attention to them. Children are excellent teachers if we are ready to listen to them. I regularly and openly communicate with my children, and this builds a deep connection between us. When children feel loved, safe, nurtured and understood, the relationship with their parents becomes harmonious, joyful and pleasant.

About the Author: Laura Throne lived in four different countries between 2005 and 2020, and now resides in Canada with her two children. Forgiveness is her first book. By writing her memoir she hopes to inspire people to connect to their heart and soul. She hopes that her personal story will help you to remember that you are loved and worthy. In the same way, you are powerful and significant in this world. Practicing forgiveness liberates your soul and sets you free, and kindness fills your heart with joy.


Buy the book at Amazon, Amazon CA, Bookshop, Indigo Chapters, Barnes and Noble, or Book Depository.

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Favorite Vacation Destinations by Mike Tranter PhD – Guest Blog and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Michael Tranter PhD will be awarding a $20 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

See our five star review here.

Favorite Vacation Destination

1. Florence, Italy. I love visiting Italy in general but Florence is something really special. I enjoy Renaissance art and this is the place to be for that. Paintings, sculptures, and buildings from that era are at every turn. I remember walking around the streets and church where Beatrice, the lover of Dante, was buried, and thinking that so many people throughout history would have walked those same cobbled streets.

2. Tokyo, Japan. I was lucky to visit Japan through a scientific conference, and I stayed a little while after it, so I could be a tourist. It really didn’t disappoint. There was so much energy and buzz about it, that I found myself just constantly staring at all the buildings (new and old) and the aesthetic of it all. I am used to a big bustling city, from living in London for so long, but Tokyo, and all of Japan was amazing. I was lucky to get the chance to visit.

3. Himalayan Mountain Range. I have climbed mountains in the Himalayas, and some other places over the world. I love being outdoors and active, trekking and mountaineering amongst the tallest mountain region in the world was immense. On the summit day, we woke up early for the climb, which meant I got to see the sunrise over the mountains, which was breathtaking.

4. Buenos Aires, Argentina. A fun fact that not many people know, is that I used to dance the Argentine Tango (admittedly, not very well, but I enjoyed it). The city, the people, the culture, the vibrancy of it all, it was one of my favourite places. I went to a show and saw professionals dance the Tango, which was an amazing experience. Also, they enjoy meat and red wine. So, for me that was an absolute bonus.

5. Scotland, UK. I love Scottish history and visiting the country was great, it was really beautiful. The people were also very friendly and I just have an amazing time whenever I visit. I am yet to venture into the highlands though, which is something I want to do. Although Scotland is notorious for the amount of rain it gets, so…..maybe I’m not in too much of a hurry!

A Million Things To Ask A Neuroscientist answers some of the most asked questions about the brain, making the science fun and accessible to everyone. Inside, you will journey through some of the most interesting and strange things that our brain does every single day.

Have you always wanted to know just what a memory actually is, or why we dream? What is our consciousness? Why do some people seem to ‘click’ with others? And can our brain really multi-task?

Enjoy an Excerpt

The clearest idea about why we dream is that the brain needs time to process the memories and emotions that we experienced during the day and convert them into long-term storage. This makes a lot more sense when we look at the brains of people who are sleeping and see that the hippocampus, the part for memories, and the anterior cingulate cortex, which is involved in assigning emotional context, are particularly active. In fact, on days where we have lots of new experiences, the brain can still be processing this information up to seven nights later. This also partly explains why stressful and emotional events in our lives can significantly affect the quality of our sleep.

One team of scientists demonstrated this by having people play video games for several hours before sleeping. Over 60% of people reported having dreams about the game, suggesting that our short-term memory is particularly active during our dreams.

Furthermore, the actual events of the dream are believed to be the combination of the short-term memories we recently experienced, and the long-term memories that our brain thinks are relevant and need to be connected with each other. This supports the view that sleeping and dreaming help to cement our memories from short-term storage in the hippocampus to long-term storage all over the brain. This process happens mostly in NREM sleep and the application of emotional context – how we feel about them, occurs in REM sleep, our deep sleep.

About the Author: Dr Mike Tranter is from the North of England and studied how drugs work in our body, but it wasn’t long before he found his true calling as a neuroscientist. After a PhD in neuroscience, he spent years in research labs all over the world, studying how the brain works. Although, it is his prominent rise as a science communicator, opening up the world of neuroscience to everybody, that he enjoys the most.

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Resilience: Stories and Lessons From An Ardent Photographer by Ron B. Wilson – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Ron B. Wilson will be awarding a $25 Amazon or Barnes and Noble GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

Ron B. Wilson’s impressive 30-year career as a professional traveling photographer has taken him all across the United States and the world, from Cuba and India to South Africa and Morocco. Always with his camera in hand, Ron has captured moments of unforgettable history, including the tragedy of 9/11 and the fallout of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The common theme that binds all these stories together has been undefeatable resilience. Ron’s journey will inspire readers to live, learn and better understand the everyday struggles of communities across our vast planet.

Photographers eager to learn more about their craft will find practical lessons accompanying every story, and non-photographers can appreciate the life lessons that come from the art of capturing the human condition. For lovers of travel, photography, art or humanitarianism, this book is a must-read.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Just before 9 a.m. on September 11, 2001, I got a phone call from my friend Lilly, a photojournalist working for the Miami Herald. She told me there was a small plane crash at the World Trade Center, near my place, and wondered if I could go downtown to shoot some photos. We both interned for the Herald years ago, and if nothing else, she figured, I could get published in the paper.

I quickly got up, grabbed my gear, film and batteries, and ran out the door.

I lived on 23rd Street in New York City, near a subway stop. Leaving my apartment, I walked into a splendid September day: low humidity, abundant sunshine. It was a Tuesday, primary day for the upcoming municipal elections, which would decide the successor of Rudy Giuliani. Later that day, the polls would close early and end up being postponed for two weeks.

I jumped on the downtown 6 Train, anxiously wondering what was happening. All the other riders were already talking about “the accident” in ominous voices and hushed tones, an air of mystery wafting throughout the crammed train.

I made it to Canal Street before the entire train line stopped. The conductor’s voice crackled over the intercom, informing us that trains were no longer traveling southbound. Our journey was over. We needed to get off.

By the time I peeked above ground, having climbed what seemed like endless stairs ascending into the streets of lower Manhattan, I already knew this was no accident.

About the Author:Ron B. Wilson’s impressive 30-year career as a professional traveling photographer has taken him all across the United States and the world, from Cuba and India to South Africa and Morocco. Always with his camera in hand, Ron has captured moments of unforgettable history, including the tragedy of 9/11 and the fallout of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster. The common theme that binds all these stories together has been undefeated resilience. Ron’s journey will inspire readers to live, learn and better understand the everyday struggles of communities across our vast planet. Photographers eager to learn more about their craft will find practical lessons accompanying every story, and non-photographers can appreciate the life lessons that come from the art of capturing the human condition. For lovers of travel, photography, art or humanitarianism, this book is a must-read.

Website | Instagram | Twitter | Portrait Website | Facebook | Recent Speech | LinkedIn
Buy the book at Amazon.

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My Rite of Passage During the Summer of ’76 by H. Downing Lane – Exclusive Excerpt and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. H. Downing Lane will be awarding a $20 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

MY RITE OF PASSAGE DURING THE SUMMER OF ’76 is a riveting coming-of-age memoir about adventure on the high seas with philosophical musings that add a resonant layer of depth.

In this memoir, H. Downing Lane recalls the 25-day transatlantic sailing trip he took in 1976 as a young man, the details of the journey around Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and other locales, and reflects on its significance as a coming-of-age learning experience.

H. Downing Lane was 26 years old in 1976 when he decided to sign up for a transatlantic sailing trip into the Arctic with an accomplished captain named E. Newbold Smith. In this vivid, often exhilarating memoir, Lane draws from journal entries written during his time at sea to share an account of the remarkable voyage.

The Atlantic crossing was a 25-day affair, from Chesapeake Bay, around Iceland, the Faroe Islands, and the coast of Norway. It was undertaken at a point in Lane’s life when he was feeling particularly vulnerable, as he was recovering from an accident in which he had lost an eye. He wished to “prove [his] mettle,” not to the other men aboard the boat, but to himself. As it turned out, Captain Smith was something of a kindred spirit, as he too had survived a devastating accident many years earlier. Lane provides the reader with a realistic vision of what life aboard a sailing vessel is like, from the often freezing temperatures above and below deck, to the many challenges presented by simple bodily necessities. He describes various technical aspects of working on the boat, but his language never devolves into jargon; his account is always perfectly clear and accessible.

Lane seasons the text with literary and philosophical quotes that frequently allow him to consider the greater meaning of his experience, and even of life itself. There are also numerous stunning photographs included of the boat and the various stops along the way.

Enjoy an Exclusive Excerpt

Even in the more fantastical 1939 tale of The Wizard of Oz when the Wicked Witch of the West orders her minions of flying monkeys to attack Oz, viewers are fascinated with these flying creatures for almost the same reasons. However, in a Biblical tale when the dove returns to the ark with an olive branch, Noah realizes that land is now nearby. Here the bird is portrayed as mankind’s messenger, guide and ally. Whether symbolic or real, whether friend or foe, birds definitely have captured and intrigued man’s imagination. Would life be wonderful, feel wondrous if freedom and floating were our way of life. They float our thoughts and tickle and tantalize our dreams.

It is common knowledge that sailors always look for indicators that terra firma isn’t too far away. “Land Ho!” is music to any salt who has been at sea for any extended length of time. Whether positioned high above in a masthead crows nest or closer to sea level on the bow pulpit, crew members assigned as lookouts listen for the sounds of shoals or reefs and pay particular attention to distant, dark ominous clouds, floating branches, seaweed, shallow water, whitewater as well as the increased presence of birds. No whistling is allowed on a sailing vessel for that reason.

Granted Reindeer hadn’t been at sea for forty days and nights (even though it felt like it). Granted we didn’t have any land birds on board our ark (unless you count some crew members attempts at humor). Granted we had not shot any birds for our unfavorable conditions either. And, of course, Reindeer wasn’t ever mistaken for a fairy tale, myth or metaphor…a little out of place, unfamiliar and odd, maybe, but not something from a poet’s, director’s or devout Christian’s imagination. While Reindeer was real, it is sometimes humans’ limited perspective coupled with superstition, fantasy or imagination that creates their “reality.”

About the Author:H. Downing Lane is a retired educator, tutoring business owner, English teacher, coach and administrator who sails in his spare time. Presently he is writing a series of books that chronicle his sailing adventures.

Born and raised on the eastern shore of Maryland, he has returned home after 40 years to write. Henry taught sailing for eight years on Long Island Sound and sailed competitively on the Chesapeake Bay, crewed transatlantic to Iceland and Norway, been a crew member of a number of Annapolis – Newport and Newport – Bermuda races and sailed much of the Caribbean and Bahamas.

In 1978, he sailed the SORC around Florida. In 2008, he purchased Mystique, a 40′ leopard catamaran, and in 2013, he sailed it to Santo Domingo, the Turks and Cacaos and eventually to Florida.

In 2016, he sailed solo for 51 days through the Exumas. On another adventure he and Lainie Wrightson had a calamitous time together – losing both rudders – the basis of his second book, Bluewater Mystique.

He has chartered boats to sail the Dalmatian Coast, Belize, Abacos, Eleuthera and the Maine coast. While maintaining his blog www.bluewatermystique.com, he has written numerous blogs about life and sailing.

He is a dedicated learner and loves sharing his experiences and stories.

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Buy the book at Amazon, Indigo, Barnes and Noble, Kobo, or Smashwords.

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Love Has No Limits by Armine Papouchian – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Armine Papouchian will be awarding a $20 Amazon/BN GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

At sixteen, Armine fell in love for the first time and lost that love for the first time. She was the youngest daughter of three in Armenia and the only one underage when her parents decided to immigrate to the United States. She had to go with and leave her beloved Alex behind. Her parents saw a land of opportunity while Armine saw heartbreak. It wasn’t the end of her story with Alex and certainly not the end of her life,as it had felt at the time, but there was more pain to follow. Sixteen-year-olds are resilient, but even when losses and hurt came calling repeatedly throughout Armine’s life, she had the strength to love and to rise again and again. Even as life moves on for Armine and Alex, their lives intersect again and again over the course of thirty years. Through deaths and divorces, their lives never quite line up from their opposite sides of the globe. Love Has No Limits is Armine’s story of keeping faith in oneself and in love despite heartbreak, betrayal, and loss. It reveals the joy available to those who rise and rise again.

Enjoy an Excerpt

While drinking a glass of red wine, I watched the blazing fire roll down the hill. I got the second emergency alert call to evacuate immediately. I couldn’t believe this was happening again. Last time this happened my son still lived at home, my parents lived with us, and Peaches, our sweet dog was still alive. Back then, I had to get everyone organized, packed, and ready to evacuate. Back then, I’d been more nervous, concerned about my aging parents, my teenage son and our dog, who could sense the tension and had anxiously paced back and forth with her tongue hanging out. This time, it was just me. I thought about what I should take with me. After all, I had already lost so much in life, yet at the same time, I felt I was blessed with all that I still had. After all, my parents had moved me halfway around the world when I was a teenager, leaving my love behind. I had grieved losing two husbands by the time I was 50, another husband in between who betrayed me at my most vulnerable moment, and I’d struggled with my father’s cancer, which ended in suicide. Just as I was catching my breath, I had to put my dog to sleep followed by my mother’s long-term illness and her painful death. At the same time, I was so grateful for all I had. I was so happy that I was not angry and resentful. I was not bitter; I was content. I had love again, and I was stronger than ever before. I was still standing. As I packed a change of clothes, my laptop, few photo albums that my son requested and my small metal safe deposit box with important documents, I reflected on how little all our possessions really matter to us. As I was packing the albums, the memories started to come back, old wounds flared up and I started to feel the pain and the deep sadness. I ached for my son who had lost his father at age ten. I felt lonely; I missed the people I had in my life that I’d loved and lost. I missed all they brought to my life. At times, I could not believe I had survived all that had happened in my life in such a short time. Tears rolled down my cheeks. I realized the effects those pictures had on me and why I did not even want to take those albums with me. I had the memories in my heart and that’s all I could ever have, the rest of my life. I realized that’s why I no longer made photo albums. I realized how simplistic life had become for me. I did not need much. I cherished the moments I was with the people I loved and that is all I ever needed.

About the Author:

Arminé was born in Soviet Armenia and immigrated to United States with her parents when she was 17. She worked in the health care industry for 33 years and held key leadership roles in various health plans. Most recently, she retired from a senior executive position to pursue service and paying forward.

She is currently involved in various volunteer roles. In her free time, she enjoys reading, hiking, gardening, art museums, concerts, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.

Love Has No Limits is her first book.


Buy the book at Amazon.

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Courageous Birth by Dr. Laura Sims – Spotlight and Giveaway

This post is part of a virtual book tour organized by Goddess Fish Promotions. Dr. Laura Sims will be awarding a $10 Amazon or B/N GC to a randomly drawn winner via rafflecopter during the tour. Click on the tour banner to see the other stops on the tour.

In building her family, Dr. Laura Sims has experienced joy and loss. This is a mother who has been through the worst and best of pregnancy, birth and family life and she won’t shy away from telling the truth of it.

Dr. Sims shows that, as the mother, you have the first say in how your pregnancy and the birth goes. You get to decide how you want to bring your baby into the world. Home births are rising and there is more and more understanding of how putting the mother’s comfort first results in better birthing experiences. Within days of knowing she was pregnant for the first time, Dr. Sims knew she wanted a home water birth. She took the reins right from the start, but was disappointed in the lack of literature available to her about the kind of pregnancy and birth she wanted. Courageous Birth is her offering to women like her, women who want to know the truth of the experience and who want someone to show them what is possible for them in pregnancy, birth, and post-natal life. Dr. Laura Sims opens up her family’s joys, losses and hopes for mothers looking to understand. With an intimate and honest window into her life, Dr. Sims empowers expecting mothers and post-birth mothers to find what’s best for them and their babies.

Enjoy an Excerpt

Motherhood. Talk about a 24/7 job, the most rewarding and challenging job of my life.

The newborn stage is incredibly sweet. There was a lot of sleeping. If I were giving myself advice as a new mom, it would be to rest. I know, there’s things to do and meals to make and clean up, etc. The cleaning can wait. The food will be provided. Have simple things as far as food is concerned. There’s no need to cook anything! Paper plates and plastic utensils for a week, or longer, is not going to hurt anything. I would tell myself that resting and allowing others to support you is priority #1! I say this now because I didn’t take adequate time to rest and rejuvenate. Partially due to the fact that I felt so awesome post-birth. Still, allowing my mind and body the time to integrate everything that had just occurred is something I would have liked to give myself more time for.

Immediately following the birth, Annie and Jacob cleaned it all up. I felt weightless and overjoyed, full of energy and empowered beyond belief! I felt like I could do anything! I was invincible! I can remember being with new baby and Madeline, my 7-year-old Lab. Her head was as big as new baby’s entire body. I took a picture. I spent a long time staring at this beautiful child that had been in my belly the past 9+ months. It didn’t feel real. Eventually, I finally fell asleep that night.

About the Author:
Dr. Laura Sims has been helping people reach optimal health since 2006. Along with her husband, they founded 2 of the largest chiropractic practices on the western slope of Colorado.

She believes the body is capable of healing itself when free from nerve interference. In 2019, she completed a 2-year Master’s class in Soul-Centered Living from the University of Santa Monica.

It is her heartfelt mission for everyone to step more fully into their courageousness and trust their inner knowing!

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Buy the book at Amazon.

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Interview: Reagan J. Pasternak

Long and Short Reviews welcomes Reagan J. Pasternak author of the upcoming book, Griffin’s Heart.

Reagan currently lives in Los Angeles, but she’s originally from Toronto, Canada. She told me that only thing she doesn’t miss about Canada, though, is the cold…she definitely prefers warm weather.

“The longer I live here in the US the more I identify as being a true Canadian through and through,” she said.

Reagan has always been a reader, but she started writing only because she had an idea come to her and wouldn’t leave her alone. After she lost a beloved pet, she felt completely broken and alone, and she couldn’t find a resource to help guide her through this specific kind of grief. Over the years she would write bits and pieces about what it meant to mourn an animal. Eventually it because a book.

She choose print only for Griffin’s Heart , Mourning Your Pet With No Apologies because not only is it a memoir, it’s also an interactive guide where you can journal your own animal stories. Ultimately, it will end up being a keepsake, beacause there are places for photos and memories throughout the pages.

“We spared to no expense using the most beautiful paper and it’s hardcover with an embossed slip case… and lots of other little extras. So… definitely print for this one!,” she assured me.

“How did you come up with the title?” I asked.

“The title of this book came to me so easily. It was titled Griffin’s Heart after my sweet Griffin’s, you guessed it, heart — because it was both pure love and also riddled with the disease that ended up taking his life. He was a complicated little being from the start.”

During the time she was writing the book, she liked to light a candle and kept a photo of him next to her laptop as sort of a little tribute.

“It kept me focused on why I was really writing the book,” she explained.

I wondered, “What is the most surprising thing you discovered while writing your book?”
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“That when you get into the ‘writing zone’ where everything just flows, it’s one of the best feelings in the world.”

Finally, I asked, “What advice would you give a new writer just starting out?”

“I would say come up with a doable schedule. For me, I committed to writing a minimum of two hours a day — whether I felt like it or not. If I got stuck on a specific idea I would bookmark it and come back to it later. I had a bunch of negative self-talk that I had to defeat. I would be convinced the book was terrible and want to quit over and over. So if that ever happens to a new writer, just remember you’re not alone!”

For 85 million households across the US, pets provide joy, companionship, and uncompromising love. When a pet dies it can be devastating and isolating, especially during a pandemic. Griffin’s Heart seeks to become the comprehensive resource for pet owners in grief. The book approaches the idea of grief from many angles, leveraging therapeutic ideas from psychology, philosophy, art, and religion. Throughout the book the reader is engaged to participate by examining their emotions, journaling out their thoughts, documenting memories, placing photos, and more. By the end of the book, the reader will have created a personalized keepsake to commemorate their beloved animal.

About the Author: Reagan J. Pasternak is a Canadian-born actress, singer, and writer. She currently lives in Los Angeles with her husband, son, and five rescue animals.

Website | Griffins Heart Website | Facebook | Instagram | Instagram | Twitter

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